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Discrete choice modeling is experiencing a reemergence of research interest in the inclusion of latent variables as explanatory variables of consumer behavior. There are several reasons that motivate the integration of latent attributes, including better-informed modeling of random consumer heterogeneity and treatment of endogeneity. However, current work still is at an early stage and multiple simplifying assumptions are usually imposed. For instance, most previous applications assume all of the following: independence of taste shocks and of latent attributes, exclusion restrictions, linearity of the effect of the latent attributes on the utility function, continuous manifest variables, and an a priori bound for the number of latent constructs. We derive and apply a structural choice model with a multinomial probit kernel and discrete effect indicators to analyze continuous latent segments of travel behavior, including inference on the energy paradox. Our estimator allows for interaction and simultaneity among the latent attributes, residual correlation, nonlinear effects on the utility function, flexible substitution patterns, and temporal correlation within responses of the same individual. Statistical properties of the Bayes estimator that we propose are exact and are not affected by the number of latent attributes.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in traveller behaviour research to explore alternative information processing strategies (often referred to as heuristics or rules) adopted by individuals when assessing packages of attributes describing alternatives in a choice set, and making a choice. One popular attribute processing rule relates to attributes not being considered (i.e., being ignored), for all manner of reasons, referred to in the small but growing literature as attribute non-attendance or non-preservation. Researchers have used a mixture of methods to study the role of attribute non-attendance, including supplementary questions on whether each attribute is ignored or not, and methods in which the functional form of the utility expressions defining an alternative can recognise the possibility, up to a probability, of an attribute being ignored. Although supplementary questions are worthy of further consideration, despite the controversy as to the reliability of the response, recent interest has focused on ways to establish the incidence of attribute non-attendance without recourse to such evidence. In this paper we use an existing data set of choice amongst four attributes describing alternative car non-commuting trips, to illustrate the proposed method, and to compare values of travel time savings under each possible combination of non-attendance attributes relative to a model in which all attributes are assumed to be fully attended to. The paper reveals a major concern with the way that attribute levels and ranges are selected in the design of choice experiments, which can induce non-attendance situations where willingness to pay estimates cannot be obtained.  相似文献   

There is a growing literature that promotes the presence of a mix of compensatory and semi-compensatory processing strategies in the way that individuals evaluate packages of attributes in real or hypothetical markets, and make choices. This paper proposes a specification for the utility form in a choice model to test if, given a pair of attributes with a common-metric (e.g., components of travel time or cost), the attribute with the dominating level defines the marginal (dis)utility that is assigned to both attributes. We refer to this processing strategy as a parameter transfer rule. We use a stated choice data set, in the context of car driving individuals choosing between tolled and non-tolled routes, to estimate a mixed logit model which incorporates the presence of the parameter transfer rule and the conventional fully compensatory rule, both existing up to a probability. We find that if this parameter transfer heuristic is part of the mix, the WTP is more than 30% higher, on average, than when only a fully compensatory rule is imposed. We also contrast the parameter transfer rule with other semi-compensatory heuristics which have been investigated in other papers, and show that the finding adds further support to the accumulating evidence that a semi-compensatory attribute processing rules tend to result in higher mean WTP estimates compared to the fully compensatory attribute processing rule.  相似文献   


Previous choice studies have proposed a way to condition the utility of each alternative in a choice set on experience with the alternatives accumulated over previous periods, defined either as a mode used or not in a most recent trip, or the mode chosen in their most recent trip and the number of similar one-way trips made during the last week. The paper found that the overall statistical performance of the mixed logit model improved significantly, suggesting that this conditioning idea has merit. Experience was treated as an exogenous influence linked to the scale of the random component, and to that extent it captures some amount of the heterogeneity in unobserved effects, purging them of potential endogeneity. The current paper continues to investigate the matter of endogeneity versus exogeneity. The proposed approach implements the control function method through the experience conditioning feature in a choice model. We develop two choice models, both using stated preference data. The paper extends the received contribution in that we allow for the endogenous variable to have an impact on the attributes through a two stage method, called the Multiple Indicator Solution, originally implemented in a different context and for a single (quality) attribute, in which stage two is the popular control function method. In the first stage, the entire utility expression associated with all observed attributes is conditioned on the prior experience with an alternative. Hence, we are capturing possible correlates associated with each and every attribute and not just one selected attribute. We find evidence of potential endogeneity. The purging exercise however, results in both statistical similarities and differences in time and cost choice elasticities and mean estimates of the value of travel time savings. We are able to identify a very practical method to correct for possible endogeneity under experience conditioning that will encourage researchers and practitioners to use such an approach in more advanced non-linear discrete choice models as a matter of routine.


By estimating multinomial choice models, this paper examines the relationship between travel mode choice and attributes of the local physical environment such as topography, sidewalk availability, residential density, and the presence of walking and cycling paths. Data for student and staff commuters to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill are used to illustrate the relationship between mode choice and the objectively measured environmental attributes, while accounting for typical modal characteristics such as travel time, access time, and out-of-pocket cost. Results suggest that jointly the four attributes of the local physical environment make significant marginal contributions to explaining travel mode choice. In particular, the estimates reveal that local topography and sidewalk availability are significantly associated with the attractiveness of non-motorized modes. Point elasticities are provided and recommendations given regarding the importance of incorporating non-motorized modes into local transportation planning and in the study of how the built environment influences travel behavior.  相似文献   

The estimation of discrete choice models requires measuring the attributes describing the alternatives within each individual’s choice set. Even though some attributes are intrinsically stochastic (e.g. travel times) or are subject to non-negligible measurement errors (e.g. waiting times), they are usually assumed fixed and deterministic. Indeed, even an accurate measurement can be biased as it might differ from the original (experienced) value perceived by the individual.Experimental evidence suggests that discrepancies between the values measured by the modeller and experienced by the individuals can lead to incorrect parameter estimates. On the other hand, there is an important trade-off between data quality and collection costs. This paper explores the inclusion of stochastic variables in discrete choice models through an econometric analysis that allows identifying the most suitable specifications. Various model specifications were experimentally tested using synthetic data; comparisons included tests for unbiased parameter estimation and computation of marginal rates of substitution. Model specifications were also tested using a real case databank featuring two travel time measurements, associated with different levels of accuracy.Results show that in most cases an error components model can effectively deal with stochastic variables. A random coefficients model can only effectively deal with stochastic variables when their randomness is directly proportional to the value of the attribute. Another interesting result is the presence of confounding effects that are very difficult, if not impossible, to isolate when more flexible models are used to capture stochastic variations. Due the presence of confounding effects when estimating flexible models, the estimated parameters should be carefully analysed to avoid misinterpretations. Also, as in previous misspecification tests reported in the literature, the Multinomial Logit model proves to be quite robust for estimating marginal rates of substitution, especially when models are estimated with large samples.  相似文献   

The growing interest in promoting non-motorised active transport has led to an increase in the number of studies to identify the key variables associated with bicycle use, and especially those related to the bicycle mode choice problem. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the modelling literature on the choice of the bicycle for utilitarian purposes, and summarises and assesses the evolution of the explanatory variables and methodologies used. We review both the evolution of the incorporation of latent variables in bicycle mode choice models and the critical role they play. The chronological evolution of the studies is divided into three stages —initial, intermediate and late — according to the different ways of introducing attitudinal or perceptual indicators and latent variables into the models. Our review shows that the incorporation of latent variables in bicycle choice models has increased in the last decade, with a progressive use of more sophisticated methodologies until the arrival of complex models that explicitly and properly deal with psychological latent variables. In fact, with the use of hybrid choice models, latent variables have nowadays become the core of bicycle mode choice models. Based on our review, a set of questions is proposed as a uniform measurement scale to identify attitudes towards bicycling. Recommendations for future research are also presented.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop a methodological framework for the incorporation of social interaction effects into choice models. The developed method provides insights for modeling the effect of social interaction on the formation of psychological factors (latent variables) and on the decision-making process. The assumption is based on the fact that the way the decision maker anticipates and processes the information regarding the behavior and the choices exhibited in her/his social environment, affects her/his attitudes and perceptions, which in turn affect her/his choices. The proposed method integrates choice models with decision makers’ psychological factors and latent social interaction. The model structure is simultaneously estimated providing an improvement over sequential methods as it provides consistent and efficient estimates of the parameters. The methodology is tested within the context of a household aiming to identify the social interaction effects between teenagers and their parents regarding walking-loving behavior and then the effect of this on mode to school choice behavior. The sample consists of 9,714 participants aged from 12 to 18 years old, representing 21 % of the adolescent population of Cyprus. The findings from the case study indicate that if the teenagers anticipate that their parents are walking lovers, then this increases the probability of teenagers to be walking-lovers too and in turn to choose walking to school. Generally, the findings from the application result in: (a) improvements in the explanatory power of choice models, (b) latent variables that are statistically significant, and (c) a real-world behavioral representation that includes the social interaction effect.  相似文献   

Individuals processing the information in a stated choice experiment are typically assumed to evaluate each and every attribute offered within and between alternatives, and to choose their most preferred alternative. However, it has always been thought that some attributes are ignored in this process for many reasons, including a coping strategy to handle ones perception of the complexity of the choice task. Nonetheless, analysts typically proceed to estimate discrete choice models as if all attributes have influenced the outcome to some degree. The cognitive processes used to evaluate trade-offs are complex with boundaries often placed on the task to assist the respondent. These boundaries can include prioritising attributes and ignoring specific attributes. In this paper we investigate the implications of bounding the information processing task by attribute elimination through ignoring one or more attributes. Using a sample of car commuters in Sydney we estimate mixed logit models that assume all attributes are candidate contributors, and models that assume certain attributes are ignored, the latter based on supplementary information provided by respondents. We compare the value of travel time savings under the alternative attribute processing regimes. Assuming that all attributes are not ignored and duly processed, leads to estimates of parameters which produce significantly different willingness to pay (WTP) to that obtained when the exclusion rule is invoked.  相似文献   

In the last decade, a broad array of disciplines has shown a general interest in enhancing discrete choice models by considering the incorporation of psychological factors affecting decision making. This paper provides insight into the comprehension of the determinants of route choice behavior by proposing and estimating a hybrid model that integrates latent variable and route choice models. Data contain information about latent variable indicators and chosen routes of travelers driving regularly from home to work in an urban network. Choice sets include alternative routes generated with a branch and bound algorithm. A hybrid model consists of measurement equations, which relate latent variables to measurement indicators and utilities to choice indicators, and structural equations, which link travelers’ observable characteristics to latent variables and explanatory variables to utilities. Estimation results illustrate that considering latent variables (i.e., memory, habit, familiarity, spatial ability, time saving skills) alongside traditional variables (e.g., travel time, distance, congestion level) enriches the comprehension of route choice behavior.  相似文献   

In recent years we have seen important extensions of logit models in behavioural research such as incorporation of preference and scale heterogeneity, attribute processing heuristics, and estimation of willingness to pay (WTP) in WTP space. With rare exception, however, a non-linear treatment of the parameter set to allow for behavioural reality, such as embedded risk attitude and perceptual conditioning of occurrence probabilities attached to specific attributes, is absent. This is especially relevant to the recent focus in travel behaviour research on identifying the willingness to pay for reduced travel time variability, which is the source of estimates of the value of trip reliability that has been shown to take on an increasingly important role in project appraisal. This paper incorporates, in a generalised non-linear (in parameters) logit model, alternative functional forms for perceptual conditioning (known as probability weighting) and risk attitude in the utility function to account for travel time variability, and then derives an empirical estimate of the willingness to pay for trip time variability-embedded travel time savings as an alternative to separate estimates of time savings and trip time reliability. We illustrate the richness of the approach using a stated choice data set for commuter choice between unlabelled attribute packages. Statistically significant risk attitude parameters and parameters underlying decision weights are estimated for multinomial logit and mixed multinomial logit models, along with values of expected travel time savings.  相似文献   

This paper aims at investigating the over-prediction of public transit ridership by traditional mode choice models estimated using revealed preference data. Five different types of models are estimated and analysed, namely a traditional Revealed Preference (RP) data-based mode choice model, a hybrid mode choice model with a latent variable, a Stated Preference (SP) data-based mode switching model, a joint RP/SP mode switching model, and a hybrid mode switching model with a latent variable. A comparison of the RP data-based mode choice model with the mode choice models including a latent variable showed that the inclusion of behavioural factors (especially habit formation) significantly improved the models. The SP data-based mode switching models elucidated the reasons why traditional models tend to over-predict transit ridership by revealing the role played by different transit level-of-service attributes and their relative importance to mode switching decisions. The results showed that traditional attributes (e.g. travel cost and time) are of lower importance to mode switching behaviour than behavioural factors (e.g. habit formation towards car driving) and other transit service design attributes (e.g. crowding level, number of transfers, and schedule delays). The findings of this study provide general guidelines for developing a variety of transit ridership forecasting models depending on the availability of data and the experience of the planner.  相似文献   

Integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) model incorporates latent factors into standard discrete choice model with aim to provide greater explanatory power. Using simulated datasets, this study makes a comparison among three estimation approaches corresponding to the sequential approach and two simultaneous approaches including the maximum simulated likelihood with GHK estimator and maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood (MACML) approach, to evaluate their abilities to recover the underlying parameters of multinomial probit-kernel ICLV model. The results show that both simultaneous approaches outperform the sequential approach in terms of estimates accuracy and efficiency irrespective of the sample sizes, and the MACML approach is the most preferable due to its best performance on recovering true values of parameters with relatively small standard errors, especially when the sample size is large enough.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the question of whether the capability of car drivers to estimate the cost of a new hypothetical, highly differentiated congestion charge influences their decision to change travel behaviour. The analysis makes use of an integrated choice and latent variable model (ICLV) which merges classic choice models with the structural equation approach (SEM) for latent variables. This hybrid model improves the explanatory power considerably compared with a conventional discrete choice model. The results suggest that charge complexity decreases the resistance in considering behavioural changes. Car drivers tend to avoid a travel option where the price is not known beforehand, a phenomenon known as ambiguity avoidance.  相似文献   

This study proposes a methodological framework to incorporate latent factors, including direct and indirect perceptions, as the explanatory variables in a discrete choice models using revealed preference and stated preference data sets. The methodology requires the estimation of a model system comprising of a discrete choice model and the structural and measurement equations of a latent variable model. The application involves the evaluation of responses to the new high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on the Sun Yat‐Sen Freeway in Taiwan. The results obtained from this study provide valuable insights into the planning and assessment of HOV lanes.  相似文献   

This paper compares dogit and logit specifications of market share models, taking into account the possibility that conclusions might depend on transformations of the explanatory variables of these models. Parameter estimates are obtained both for a time-series urban transit mode of payment model and for a cross-sectional intercity mode choice model. It is demonstrated, using current maximum likelihood techniques extended to take multiple-order autocorrelation of the residuals into account, that the dogit specification is at least equal to, and sometimes clearly superior to, the logit specification irrespective of transformations of explanatory variables.  相似文献   

In the current paper, we propose the use of a multivariate skew-normal (MSN) distribution function for the latent psychological constructs within the context of an integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) model system. The multivariate skew-normal (MSN) distribution that we use is tractable, parsimonious in parameters that regulate the distribution and its skewness, and includes the normal distribution as a special interior point case (this allows for testing with the traditional ICLV model). Our procedure to accommodate non-normality in the psychological constructs exploits the latent factor structure of the ICLV model, and is a flexible, yet very efficient approach (through dimension-reduction) to accommodate a multivariate non-normal structure across all indicator and outcome variables in a multivariate system through the specification of a much lower-dimensional multivariate skew-normal distribution for the structural errors. Taste variations (i.e., heterogeneity in sensitivity to response variables) can also be introduced efficiently and in a non-normal fashion through interactions of explanatory variables with the latent variables. The resulting model we develop is suitable for estimation using Bhat’s (2011) maximum approximate composite marginal likelihood (MACML) inference approach. The proposed model is applied to model bicyclists’ route choice behavior using a web-based survey of Texas bicyclists. The results reveal evidence for non-normality in the latent constructs. From a substantive point of view, the results suggest that the most unattractive features of a bicycle route are long travel times (for commuters), heavy motorized traffic volume, absence of a continuous bicycle facility, and high parking occupancy rates and long lengths of parking zones along the route.  相似文献   

Non‐quantifiable factors (e.g. perceived, attitudinal and preferential factors) have not been investigated fully in past transportation studies, which has raised questions on the predictive capabilities of the models. In this study, Structure Integration Models, with one of their sub‐models, Measurement Equation, are combined with latent variables, which are integrated with another sub‐model, Structural Equation. The estimated latent variables are used as explanatory variables in decision models. As a result, the explanatory and predictive capabilities of the models are enhanced. The models can then be used to describe the various behaviors of travelers of different types of transportation systems in a more accurate way. In this study, the Structure Integration Model was applied to study the impacts of real‐time traffic information on the route‐switching behavior of road users on the Sun Yat‐Sen expressway, Taiwan. At present, the real‐time traffic information provided on this expressway includes radio traffic reports and changeable message signs. The results of this study can facilitate the provision of traffic information on highways.  相似文献   

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