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为明确城市干路交叉口汽车右转的轨迹特性和轨迹曲率模式,使用无人机在重庆市4个城市道路交叉口上方进行高空拍摄。利用图像分析方法采集了右转车辆的轨迹数据,包括时间、行驶速度和轨迹坐标等,通过对相邻轨迹点外接圆半径的计算得到轨迹曲率。运用轨迹线-车道边缘线的间距值分析了右转车辆轨迹通过位置分布与交叉口几何布局之间的关系,明确了交叉口右转车辆轨迹的曲率特性。运用聚类方法识别了右转车辆的6种轨迹曲率形态,确定了不同轨迹曲率形态下的常见驾驶行为,并研究了车辆行驶速度与轨迹曲率的相关关系。研究结果表明:①交叉口几何布局(包括路缘半径、车道宽度和出口车道数)对右转轨迹通过位置分布存在影响;②带渠化设计的右转专用道可以限制轨迹分布范围,减少右转交通的冲突和延误;③在右转过程中公交车辆较小型汽车所需侧向空间更大,轨迹分布的离散程度更低;④轨迹曲率的关键点与圆曲线设计中的主要点变化趋势不一致;⑤车辆加速度与轨迹曲率变化率呈负相关关系,相关系数为-0.843 5;⑥行驶速度与等效半径存在正相关关系,车辆行驶速度越快,圆曲线内轨迹的等效半径越大。   相似文献   

分析了十字形和T形无信号交叉口右转车辆对后续直行车辆的影响过程,分别建立了2种类型交叉口右转车后直行车延误模型,定量分析了运行速度,右转车比例,单车道流率,转弯速度与延误之间关系,通过实测交叉口数据对模型进行了验证,试验结果与计算结果十分吻合.分析表明该延误模型具有一定的实用性,为无信号交叉口的几何改进,减少主路直行车延误提供了依据.   相似文献   

减少事故发生、合理的渐变段长度及线型设计,能改善交叉口的通行环境、保障车辆安全行驶、提高路口整体的通行能力.在参考美国关于城市道路交叉口设计相关资料的基础上,对比我国现有城市道路交叉口设计相关技术规范的欠缺之处,结合我国交通参与者实际行车习惯,提出一种符合我国驾驶员驾驶习惯的渐变段线型及其函数模型.通过对现场交叉口车辆进行航拍得到车辆运行轨迹,再将轨迹坐标化,带入Matlab和Spss进行数据拟合,得到交叉口渐变段线型,最终对渐变段线型函数构建,并对模型进行参数标定与简化,使其有利于工程实际计算,为我国城市交叉口渐变段设计提供较为合理的参考.  相似文献   

在一些信号交叉口,右转机动车的转弯行为不受信号控制,容易与过街行人发生冲突。现有冲突研究的内容多为冲突判别和冲突分级研究,对人车冲突运动过程研究相对较少。为减少交通冲突,提高行人过街安全性,提出一种新的右转机动车与行人冲突运动过程的仿真模型。研究右转车辆的决策过程,分析人车冲突机理。建立人车冲突模型,依据实际调查所获得的车辆速度和可接受间隙数据,对模型参数进行标定。对模型进行仿真分析,通过比较冲突时间、后侵占时间、安全减速度、间距时间4个冲突严重性指标,选择后侵占时间(PET)这一评价指标进行安全评价。仿真得到的车辆速度和 PET 数据与调查得到数据相比误差不超过5%,验证了模型的有效性。通过灵敏度分析,小交叉口 PET 提高了10%,说明小交叉口有助于降低冲突的严重性。   相似文献   

为了研究如何结合移动检测数据来确定交叉口排队长度,并以此来衡量交通拥堵程度的问题,利用车辆行驶轨迹,分析了通过交叉口车辆的排队特点。根据车辆在队列中的不同排队位置,分车辆通过交叉口时所存在的A,B,C这3种位置,建立了面向延误最小的排队长度估计模型。其中,通过虚拟线圈检测器后开始减速停止在停车线前的A位置车辆排队估计模型基于基本延误模型;减速进入虚拟线圈检测区域停车的B位置车辆排队估计模型基于简化车辆跟驰模型,对可获得车辆行驶轨迹的网联车减速过程进行了重建;减速停止在虚拟线圈检测器前的C位置车辆排队估计模型基于LWR消散模型以及交通流理论算法,并利用网联车车辆行驶轨迹数据进行了加速过程的重建。在此基础上,根据不同位置车辆与队尾网联车的距离不同,对其到达率赋予不同的权重,计算总的排队长度。最后,通过图新地球地图软件投影并筛选车辆在案例交叉口的车辆行驶轨迹,利用微观交通仿真软件VISSIM对本研究的模型进行仿真验证。结果表明,排队长度估计模型与真值的最大误差为12.4%,最小为2.2%,平均误差为8.75%,方差为12.595%~2,绝对与相对误差均保持在可接受范围以内,说明基于车辆行驶轨迹的信号交叉口排队长度估计模型能够较为有效地估计城市道路交叉口的排队长度。  相似文献   

为了弥补交叉口空间布局中对借道右转车道研究的不足,分析了借道右转车辆在两相邻交叉口间的运行过程,将两交叉口间距分为四部分。采用波动理论、考虑驾驶员的操作顺适性以及采用概率论方法,建立了借道右转的右转车道适宜开口位置模型、借道右转的绿化带开口长度模型和路段右转车辆的合流段长度模型,在此基础上得到了实施借道右转的两交叉口最小间距模型。实例分析表明,所得模型符合两相邻交叉口间的交通流运行实际,对于判断两相邻交叉口是否适合于设置借道右转,以及设置借道右转时如何对各构成部分进行分析具有指导意义。  相似文献   

城市信号交叉口通过设置绿闪信号,在机动车获得通行权之前清空人行横道上的过街行人.为研究行人在此信号期间的过街行为,提出一种绿闪信号时行人过街运动模型.综合分析绿闪信号、周围过街行人、人行横道边界以及右转冲突车辆对行人过街的影响机理,基于社会力模型,建立绿闪后人行横道上行人过街行为模型,并根据实际调查所获得的人行横道尺寸、行人与车辆速度等数据,标定模型参数.基于模型仿真行人运动行为,产生行人分层现象以及与周围行人、冲突车辆避碰等行为,验证模型在宏观层面的有效性;对不同断面的仿真行人与实际过街行人的过街速率变化曲线进行拟合,拟合优度指标显示模型对人行横道前/后半段过街行人模拟精度分别为83% 和95%,验证了模型在微观层面的有效性.   相似文献   

交叉口通行能力往往是城市路网承载能力的瓶颈。在考虑信号控制交叉口车流冲突的基础上,研究了信号控制交叉口的车辆优先权规则和信号周期内不同时刻的车辆更新规则,构建了一个平面十字信号控制交叉口元胞自动机模型,用于交叉口通行能力的模拟与分析,并以武汉市某交叉口为例,将模型仿真结果与停止线法计算结果进行了对比,验证了模型的有效性,利用该模型研究了交叉口转向比例对交叉口通行能力的影响。研究结果表明,交叉口流量随着车辆到达率的增加而增加,仿真结果与停止线法计算结果基本吻合,所建立的模型能够有效地模拟交叉口交通流运行,再现交通流的动态演化过程,当交叉口车道数和车道功能等道路条件确定时,转向比例和信号配时等交通条件对交叉口通行能力具有较大影响。当右转车转向比例不变时,交叉口通行能力随着左转车比例的增加先上升后下降,存在一个最佳的转向比例,使得交叉口通行能力达到最大。当右转车受信号控制时,交叉口通行能力随着右转车比例的增加先上升后下降,同样存在一个最佳的转向比例。当右转车不受信号控制时,交叉口通行能力随着右转车比例的增加而上升。当右转车比例高于某一固定值时,右转车不受信号控制能够显著提高交叉口通行能力,最高可达100%。  相似文献   

在未来自动驾驶环境下,自动驾驶车辆之间能相互配合、相互穿插地通过交叉口,而无需信号灯控制。因此,有必要研究新一代的能保障自动驾驶车辆安全高效通行的交叉口控制模型。已有控制模型可分为基于交叉口空间离散的控制模型和基于交叉口冲突点分析的控制模型,目前主要存在控制方式和模型非线性等方面的不足。建立了基于混合整数线性规划(MILP)的自动驾驶交叉口控制(Autonomous Intersection Control,AIC)模型,设计交叉口自由转向车道,允许交叉口所有进口道都能"左直右"通行,将交叉口空间离散为等距网格并建立网格坐标方程,考虑车辆在交叉口内部的行驶轨迹,建立车辆轨迹的上边界和下边界方程,确定行驶轨迹压过的交叉口网格,并建立网格被车辆路径占用的时间方程,使用同一网格同一时间只能被一台车辆占用的冲突点约束保障交叉口安全通行。模型以所有车辆通过交叉口的总延误最低为目标函数,通过将约束条件线性化处理,使用AMPL (A Mathematical Programming Language)并调用Gurobi数学规划优化器对模型进行求解。最后对模型效益进行了案例分析。结果表明:所提模型能有效处理自由转向车道的交通流到达模式,对比已有模型经常采用的先到先服务控制策略,该模型能整体优化车辆通行方案,降低车均延误50.51%,降低最大车辆延误29.12%,同时交叉口空间利用率提高了66.17%。  相似文献   

为了构建信号交叉口交通冲突模型,提取29个信号交叉口260 h的交通冲突数据,考虑交通冲突异质性,构建了随机参数(RP-PLN)交通冲突模型和随机效应(RE-PLN)交通冲突模型,采用贝叶斯方法和马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)仿真对模型参数后验分布进行估计,利用方差信息准则和残差标准化决定系数对2种模型的拟合优度进行了比较。研究结果表明:2种交通冲突模型都可以有效处理交通冲突异质性;RP-PLN交通冲突模型的拟合优度优于RE-PLN交通冲突模型;当其他变量保持不变时,直行交通量增加1%可使直右交通冲突增加0.54%;右转交通量增加1%可使直右交通冲突增加0.65%;右转大车比例增加1%,直右交通冲突增加1.06%;物理渠化岛和标线渠化岛的设置可以分别使直右交通冲突降低18.9%和17.3%;设置加速车道可使直右交通冲突降低22.9%;右转半径增加1%,直右交通冲突降低10.5%;安装右转让行标志可使直右交通冲突降低16.5%;设置右转专用相位可使直右交通冲突降低29.8%。  相似文献   

This paper presents a fatigue design method for plug and ring type gas welded joints, which incorporates welding residual stress effects. A non-linear finite element analysis (FEA) was first performed to simulate the gas welding process. The numerically predicted residual stresses of the gas welds were then compared to experimental results measured using a hole drilling method. In order to evaluate the fatigue strength of the plug and ring type gas welded joints, a stress amplitude (σ a ) R taling the welding residual stress of the gas weld into account was introduced and is based on a modified Goodman equation incorporating the effect of the residual stress. Using the stress amplitude (σ a ) R , the ΔP-N f relations obtained from fatigue tests for plug and ring type gas welded joints having various dimensions and shapes were systematically rearranged into (σ a ) R -N f relations. It was found that the proposed stress amplitude (σ a ) R could provide a systematic and reasonable fatigue design criterion for the plug and ring type gas welded joints.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to design a delay-dependent non-fragile H/L2L static output feedback (SOF) controller for active suspension with input time-delay. The control problem of quarter-car active suspension with actuator time-delay is formulated to a H/L2L control problem. By employing a delay-dependent Lyapunov function, new existence conditions of delay-dependent non-fragile SOF H controller and L2L controller are derived, respectively, in terms of the feasibility of bilinear matrix inequalities (BMIs). Then, a procedure based on linear matrix inequality optimisation and a hybrid algorithm of the particle swarm optimisation and differential evolution is used to solve an optimisation problem with BMI constraints. Design and simulation results of non-fragile H/L2L controller for active suspension show that the designed controller not only can achieve the optimal performance and stability of the closed-loop system in spite of the existence of the actuator time-delay, but also has significantly improved the non-fragility characteristics over controller perturbations.  相似文献   

Wheel–rail contact calculations are essential for simulating railway vehicle dynamic behavior. Currently, these simulations usually use the Hertz contact theory to calculate normal forces and Kalker's ‘FASTSIM’ program to evaluate tangential stresses. Since 1996, new methods called semi-Hertzian have appeared: 5 Kik, W. and Piotrowski, J. A fast approximate method to calculate normal load at contact between wheel and rail and creep forces during rolling. Paper presented at the 2nd Mini-conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems. July29–31, Budapest.  [Google Scholar] 7 Ayasse, J. B., Chollet, H. and Maupu, J. L. 2000. Paramètres caractéristiques du contact roue-rail. Rapport de Recherche INRETS n225, ISSN 0768–9756 (in French) [Google Scholar] (STRIPES). These methods attempt to estimate the non-elliptical contact patches with a discrete extension of the Hertz theory. As a continuation of 2 Ayasse, J. B and Chollet, H. 2005. Determination of the wheel–rail contact patch in semi-Hertzian conditions. Vehicle System Dynamics, 43(3) [Google Scholar], a validation of the STRIPES method for normal problem computing on three test cases is proposed in this article. The test cases do not fulfill the hypothesis required for the Hertz theory. Then, the Kalker's FASTSIM algorithm is adapted to STRIPES patch calculus to perform tangential forces computation. This adaptation is assessed using Kalker's CONTACT algorithm.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism of carbon oxidation is important for the successful modeling of diesel particulate filter regeneration. Characteristics of soot oxidation were investigated with carbon black (Printex-U). A flow reactor system that could simulate the condition of a diesel particulate filter and diesel exhaust gas was designed. Kinetic constants were derived and the reaction mechanisms were proposed using the experimental results and a simple reaction scheme, which approximated the overall oxidation process in TPO as well as CTO. From the experiments, the apparent activation energy for carbon oxidation with NO2-O2-H2O was determined to be 40±2 kJ/mol, with the first order of carbon in the range of 10∼90% oxidation and a temperature range of 250∼500°C. This value was exceedingly lower than the activation energy of NO2-O2 oxidation, which was 60±3 kJ/mol. When NO2 exists with O2 and H2O, the reaction rate increases in proportion to NO2. It increases nonlinearly with O2 or H2O concentration when the other two oxidants are fixed.  相似文献   

Reservation-based intersection control for autonomous vehicles has the potential to make greater use of intersection capacity. Indeed, previous studies on the first-come-first-served (FCFS) policy (which prioritizes vehicles by order of their reservation request) have shown improvements over optimized signals. However, in certain situations, such as asymmetric intersections, FCFS easily performs worse than signals. To address this issue, we propose two new reservation policies, WEIGHTED and PHASED. WEIGHTED weights vehicle delay by signal timings, and PHASED simulates a signal but allows red phase turning movements that will not cause a collision. We test these policies on a city network and an arterial bottleneck intersection subnetwork and show that PHASED performs better than WEIGHTED in some scenarios, and vice versa. Furthermore, we show that using a combination of PHASED and WEIGHTED can perform better than using either one alone for the entire network. Results show that these policies provide effective and easily implemented alternatives to FCFS for reservations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel controller, the fractional order PDμ controller, is designed to improve the performance of the driver-vehicle system. First, fractional calculus and fractional order PIλDμ controller are introduced. A control algorithm for vehicle directional control using the fractional order PDμ controller is then presented. Based on preview-follower theory, the on-line tuning method of the fractional order PDμ controller is designed. By comparing simulated and experimental results, the validity and robustness of the proposed fractional order PDμ controller in the closed loop system are verified. Finally, comprehensive evaluations are performed between the systems with the fractional order PDμ controller and with an integer PD controller. The results demonstrate that the use of the fractional order controller leads to an improvement of the performance of the driver-vehicle system.  相似文献   

Finding the K-shortest paths in timetable-based public transportation systems is an important problem in practice. It has three typical variants: the K-earliest arrival problem (K-EAP), the K-shortest travel time problem (K-STTP), and the K-minimum number of transfers problem (K-MNTP). In this article we show that these problems can be solved efficiently by first modeling the timetable information with the time-expanded approach, then applying the Martins and Santos (MS) algorithm. Then we model the timetable information with the time-dependent approach and propose a modified version of the MS algorithm for solving the K-EAP. Experimental results on real-world data show that for K smaller than 100, which is enough for most applications, the execution times of the MS algorithm for the problems in the time-expanded model are less than 100 ms on a server with a 1.86-GHz central processing unit (CPU) and 4 GB of memory. For solving the K-EAP the modified MS algorithm in the time-dependent model is even more efficient (about three times faster for K ≤ 100) than the original algorithm in the time-expanded model. Our results imply the great potential of the MS algorithms in practical transportation service systems.  相似文献   

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