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文章以越南球也至宁平高速公路工程为研究对象,分析了项目引入电力监控系统的必要性,介绍了项目电力监控系统的设计要求、整体结构、主要功能,并根据实际需求,提出了球也至宁平高速公路电力监控系统的具体设计方案,阐述了设计方案的软件要求。  相似文献   

阐述平西高速公路机电工程三大系统(收费系统、通信系统、监控系统)建设及对今后高速公路机电工程建设如何发展的探索.  相似文献   

为缓解交通拥堵的情况,使群众出行更加便利,以取消省界站施工项目为例,针对高速公路机电工程的重要性及当前的施工现状,就公路ETC收费车道机电改造施工控制措施进行详细分析,着重从施工准备、镀锌钢管敷设、机电设备安装、系统调试等几个方面进行探讨,提出施工过程中的注意事项,为类似的项目施工提供参考。  相似文献   

为了保障高速公路的通信安全,我国建立了高速公路信息通信系统,以便人们在使用公路的过程中进行收费与监控工作.本文以高速公路通信系统的建立为研究对象,着力于收费与监控两项内容,对这一系统如何应用于实践中进行分析与探讨.  相似文献   

由于机电系统的特殊性,在使用过程中容易受自身和外界的影响产生故障,进一步影响到所涉及分系统的正常运行,这会对高速公路的运营质量和运营效率造成不良影响。通过对云南省鸡石、通建高速公路机电系统多年维修维护数据的研究,本文总结出机电系统在使用过程中易出现故障的设备,同时对导致故障出现的原因进行分析,以便采取一定的措施来预防和降低机电系统故障。  相似文献   

为了促进高速公路行业快速发展,首先,对机电通信系统搭建要点进行分析;其次,总结新技术应用规范;再次,研究高速公路机电通信系统新技术应用策略;最后,对未来高速公路机电通信系统发展趋势进行展望。旨在提升高速公路机电通信系统稳定性。  相似文献   

据越南《投资报》1月22日报道,近日越南总理阮晋勇批准越南沿海南北公路规划。北部起点为广宁省芒街县平玉社红山港(Cang NUiD0),南至河仙口岸,全长3041km。从现在到2020年将新修、升级和改造892km,约需投资16万亿越盾(约合8.69亿美元)。2020年后再升级改造1058km,约投资12万亿越盾(约合6.52亿美元)。资金来自中央和地方政府预算及其他款项。  相似文献   

根据远程网络监控系统的基本技术特性、功能和作用,针对高速公路辖区内各级管理处、收费站、站点分散、带状复杂的地理环境,分析了智能化信息网络远程监控系统的建设、开通、应用对高速公路运营智能化管理工作所起重要的作用.  相似文献   

取消省界收费站以来,广西高速公路ETC用户大幅度提升,但仍有不少车辆依然未安装ETC。此外,装有ETC的车辆通行ETC车道遇到特情,人工干预的过程易引起拥堵,给公众出行及收费运营带来极大不便,并且需要投入大量的人力,从而增加运营成本。为此,文章结合广西高速公路收费系统的实际情况,探讨基于物联网的自助缴费系统设计与应用,对提升收费服务智能化水平,降低运营人力成本消耗,进而提高运营效益有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

西部地区公路地质灾害监测预报技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“西部地区公路地质灾害监测预报技术研究”项目针对西部地区公路地质灾害危险性区划、滑坡、崩塌与泥石流监测预报及地质灾害安全管理等关键技术问题进行深入系统研究,形成了公路滑坡、崩塌与泥石流监测预报成套技术,建立了公路地质灾害数据标准,构建了“基于GIS的公路地质灾害监测预报信息系统”平台,实现了公路地质灾害监测实时分析处理和动态预报,为地质灾害综合管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

文章结合岑溪-兴业高速公路设计实践,系统介绍跨越成品油管道桥涵的设计流程及设计方法,为类似桥涵工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

文章以广西六寨-河池高速公路路堑边坡为研究对象,将其沿线岩土划分为完整坚硬岩、易碎硬质岩、软弱泥质岩、第四系松散结构岩土等四个工程地质岩组,总结出不同岩组组合条件下的典型堑坡地质类型,分析了各类边坡的地质特征,并就各类边坡的变形特点及防护设计进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文章阐述了高速公路机电设备故障的产生原因,并从设备选购、使用环境、设备更新改造、人员管理培训、维护体系、维修记录工作入手探讨了高速公路机电设备故障的预防控制措施,以保障高速公路机电设备的正常运转。  相似文献   

文章结合柳州高速公路运营有限公司收费管理实际,阐述了高速公路车辆偷逃通行费的基本情况,并多角度分析了车辆偷逃通行费的原因,提出了完善管理、强化堵漏、技术革新、法律支持的打击高速公路车辆偷逃通行费行为的措施与办法。  相似文献   

高速公路收费站无人值守发卡系统采用无人值守发卡机发卡代替传统人工发卡,具有节约入口排队等候时间、节约建设及运营成本、性能稳定和可靠性高等特点。文章介绍了高速公路收费站无人值守发卡运营管理模式及工作流程,分析了采用无人值守发卡机的应用价值,指出其具有广阔的应用领域和市场前景。  相似文献   

文章介绍了Excel测量程序编程结构和使用功能,并通过与普通测量计算程序的对比,分析了Excel测量程序在使用便捷性与工作效率方面的优势,为该程序的推广应用提供依据。  相似文献   

In the US, there is a long tradition of toll roads, beginning with the Lancaster Turnpike that was built at the end of the 18th century connecting Philadelphia and Lancaster. There are currently more than 300 toll facilities in the US, which is probably the largest number of toll facilities in the world. These facilities represent a wide range of conditions, from hypercongested facilities in large metropolitan areas such as New York City to toll highways in rural areas. The toll structures are equally diverse, ranging from multi-tier price structures with frequent user, carpool, and time of day discounts; to simpler structures in which the only differentiation is made on the basis of the number of axles per vehicle. The toll rates are typically set by the agencies that operate or own the toll facilities. The rules or formulas by which these tolls are determined are not generally available to the public, though it is safe to say that toll decisions are made taking into account technical considerations, as well as the all important criterion of political acceptability. However, data on toll rates and how they change by vehicle types and by some other attributes are readily available.The overall objective of this paper is to analyze the toll data from various facilities across the US to gain insight into the overall factors affecting the tolls. A more specific objective is to assess—though in a rather approximate fashion—if the tolls by vehicle type, relative to each other, are appropriate and consistent with economic theory. This is achieved by comparing tolls to approximate indicators of road space consumption and pavement deterioration. The literature review confirmed that this is the first time such research has been conducted which is an important first step toward an analysis of the efficiency of current toll policies.The analyses in this paper are based on a random sample of all toll facilities across the US. The toll dataset, which include toll rates for passenger cars, busses, and three different truck types, is assembled mainly from the available information on the web sites of various toll agencies. After cleaning the data, the authors used econometric modeling to estimate a set of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models that express tolls as functions of independent variables. Three families of models were estimated: linear models, models based on expansions of Taylor series, and models based on piece-wise linear approximations to non-linear effects. The resulting models were analyzed to identify the salient features of current toll policies towards different vehicle types.  相似文献   

南友公路路基开裂成因分析及处治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对南宁-友谊关公路K58+300~K69+400路段路堤发生纵向开裂的问题进行了机理分析,并根据分析结果提出了针对性的处治方案。经实践检验,该方案切实可行,达到了预期的处治效果,可为今后类似问题的解决提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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