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文章针对漓江旅游客船易受雷雨大风袭击的事故特点,分析了雷雨大风的形成原因,探讨了航向、风向、流向对航行安全的影响,建立了漓江旅游客船防抗雷雨大风的稳性衡准式,并提出了客船防抗雷雨大风的注意事项。 相似文献
为了解决目前广西旅游客船的大规模人群疏散问题,文章基于人类行为心理学特点建立了危急情况下人群的运动模型,分析了广西旅游客船大规模人群疏散方案的可行性,并采用智能算法进行乘客逃生的模拟仿真实验,验证了智能算法能够很好地解决广西旅游客船大规模人群疏散问题。 相似文献
旅游交通发展的目标研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
一、旅游及旅游交通1、旅游的涵义旅游从本质上说包括旅行和游览两方面的内容。一般而言,旅行仅仅是手段,游览才是旅游者的真正目的,从该意义上讲,旅行对于旅游者而言并非是必要的。另一方面,旅行是依靠旅游交通实现的,因此可以说旅游交通对旅游者而言也并非是必要的。但是如果没有旅游交通,就没有旅行,旅游者也就不能到达旅游目的地进行游览。所以说旅行是必须的,旅游交通也是必须的。这对旅游者而言,就意味着旅游交通在一定程度上存在着主观上的不必要和客观上的必须之间的矛盾。因此,为了增加旅游者对旅游交通的认同程度和满意度,促进旅… 相似文献
考虑到企业长期发展的需要,是打算在客运业务范围之内添加旅游元素,还是要直接介入一个新的产业领域?说白了就是你究竟是要跑客运,还是做旅游,或二者兼顾? 相似文献
为优化基于旅游资源节点的旅游公路网布局,文章从旅游资源价值的角度出发,以桂林市为实例,综合运用“基于交通通达功能”和“基于旅游资源评价”两种布局方式,构建基于旅游资源节点的路网,通过辐射范围测算及综合效果评估对桂林旅游公路网布局方案进行评价,以期促进桂林旅游公路规范化发展,构建交旅融合的旅游公路体系。 相似文献
文章以南宁市银灯立交工程桩基施工为例,通过分析全套管全回转钻机施工关键技术在涉铁桩基施工中的应用效果,表明了全套管全回转钻机在涉铁桩基施工中具有很强的实用性,为项目建设如期完成提供了有力保障,可为城市桥梁涉及地铁轨道的桩基施工提供工程借鉴. 相似文献
One of the main causes of mortality worldwide is air pollution. To tackle this problem, local, regional and national governments have implemented policies to reduce emissions from industrial and on-road sources. However, when these policies are being designed, shipping emissions are often overlooked. There has been a drastic increase in the demand for cruises and its economic relevance is also growing in port-cities. Barcelona is Europe’s leading cruise port, and it is located near the centre of the city. In this context, this paper analyses the impact of cruise ships in the air quality of the entire city of Barcelona using a dataset with information about pollutants and the number of cruises arriving to the port. We show that there is a direct impact between cruises staying at the port and city pollution. Additionally, the size and age of the cruise also affect air quality. The larger (or newer) the cruise is, the higher the emission generated. Moreover, our simulations show that the whole city is affected by these emissions. 相似文献
重庆地处长江上游经济带核心地区,水运发达,随着客货运量逐年增加,通行的内河船舶尾气排放严重影响港口及航道附近大气环境,已成为重庆大气污染的主要来源之一,颗粒物、NO_x的排放分别占重庆市总排放的4.3%、21.9%,SO_2占年排放的7.4%(14.8%。在大气环境问题日益严峻的情况下,LNG动力船舶因其可明显降低排气污染物,越发受到社会关注,对重庆市单LNG动力示范船舶尾气排放进行实测,对比柴油动力船舶,颗粒物、NO_x、SO_2减排显著,减排率分别达99.94%、72.69%、100%。因此,LNG动力船舶的推广表现出明显的环境效益,同时,综合分析了当前LNG动力船舶推广存在问题及困难。 相似文献
Fully automated vehicles could have a significant share of the road network traffic in the near future. Several commercial vehicles with full-range Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems or semi-autonomous functionalities are already available on the market. Many research studies aim at leveraging the potential of automated driving in order to improve the fuel efficiency of vehicles. However, in the vast majority of those, fuel efficiency is isolated to the driving dynamics between a single follower-leader pair, hence overlooking the complex nature of traffic. Consequently fuel efficiency and the efficient use of the roadway capacity are framed as conflicting objectives, leading to fuel-economy control models that adopt highly conservative driving styles.This formulation of the problem could be seen as a user-optimal approach, where in spite of delivering savings for individual vehicles, there is the side-effect of the deterioration of traffic flow. An important point that is overlooked is that the inefficient use of roadway capacity gives rise to congested traffic and traffic breakdowns, which in return increases energy costs within the system. The optimisation methods used in these studies entail high computational costs and, therefore, impose a strict constraint on the scope of problem.In this study, the use of car-following models and the limitation of the search space of optimal strategies to the parameter space of these is proposed. The proposed framework enables performing much more comprehensive optimisations and conducting more extensive tests on the collective impacts of fuel-economy driving strategies. The results show that, as conjectured, a “short-sighted” user-optimal approach is unable to deliver overall fuel efficiency. Conversely, a system-optimal formulation for fuel efficient driving is presented, and it is shown that the objectives of fuel efficiency and traffic flow are in fact not only non-conflicting, but also that they could be viewed as one when the global benefits to the network are considered. 相似文献
文章结合广西民营造船产业的现状,分析了民营船厂现阶段存在的主要问题,阐述了广西船检机构的技术优势,并在此基础上提出了船检机构服务民营船舶业、推动民营造船业健康发展的三方面对策。 相似文献
文章针对广西内河扁平链斗式捞砂船结构的特点,通过对实船进行检查与调研,结合现行国家相关规范的要求及扁平链斗式捞砂船船体强度实际问题,探讨了整改措施和一些基本的技术要求。 相似文献
2019年2月18日中共中央、国务院印发了《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》,其中航运清洁发展是重要的内容之一。面对粤港澳大湾区水路运输高速发展的态势,尤其是石油及其制品的运量快速增长,船舶及其有关作业活动对水域环境造成的污染风险越来越大,大湾区内各市均不同程度面临着严峻的船舶污染防治形势。为保障国家、行业以及《规划纲要》关于船舶污染防治措施和要求的落实,本研究对大湾区船舶污染风险进行了分析,梳理了大湾区船舶污染防治现状,并提出了相应的污染防治对策。 相似文献