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Telecommuting and travel: state of the practice,state of the art   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides an overview of the status of telecommuting in the United States, especially as it relates to changes in travel behavior. Regarding the state of the practice, the paper discusses some refinements to the definition of telecommuting that have developed through increased operational experience. It reports several policy statements involving telecommuting, and explores the appeal of telecommuting as a public policy instrument. It highlights some trends in the implementation of home-based and work center-based telecommuting, and suggests that visible public-sector involvement has been crucial to the increased activity in this area.In sketching the state of the art, the paper outlines some frequently-stated hypotheses on telecommuting and travel behavior, and summarizes current empirical findings relating to those hypotheses. Finally, it suggests a variety of topics suitable for further research. These include studying factors influencing the ultimate adoption levels of telecommuting; impacts on energy/air quality, mode choice, and location/urban form; interactions with other transportation demand management strategies; relationships to the traditional urban travel demand forecasting process; cost/benefit tradeoffs; and telecommuting centers.  相似文献   

The recent volatility in gasoline prices and the economic downturn have made the management of public transportation systems particularly challenging. Accurate forecasts of ridership are necessary for the planning and operation of transit services. In this paper, monthly ridership of the Metropolitan Tulsa Transit Authority is analyzed to identify the relevant factors that influence transit use. Alternative forecasting models are also developed and evaluated based on these factors—using regression analysis (with autoregressive error correction), neural networks, and ARIMA models—to predict transit ridership. It is found that a simple combination of these forecasting methodologies yields greater forecast accuracy than the individual models separately. Finally, a scenario analysis is conducted to assess the impact of transit policies on long-term ridership.  相似文献   

Telecommuting is defined as a subset of teleworking. Two main forms of telecommuting (home and regional center) are described. The means by which these forms of telecommuting may alter urban transportation patterns are outlined, followed by a review of the empirical evidence to date on the impacts and usefulness of telecommuting. Factors affecting the diffusion rate of telecommuting are discussed, including the commuting environment, technological sufficiency, technological familiarity, the social aspects of work, other telecommuter motivations, management issues, legal and regulatory barriers and incentives, and labor entitlement issues. A brief reference to other work in progress is followed by a set of forecasts of possible telecommuting futures.  相似文献   

Disaggregate studies of the impacts of telecommunications applications (e.g. telecommuting) on travel have generally found a net substitution effect. However, such studies have all been short-term and small-scale, and there is reason to believe that when more indirect and longer-term effects are accounted for, complementarity is the likely outcome. At least two aggregate studies have focused on the relationships between telecommunications and travel from economic perspectives (consumer and industry). However, both use the monetary value of consumption or transactions rather than actual activity measures (e.g. miles, number of calls), and neither fully explains the direct and indirect causal relationships between the two. The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual model in a comprehensive framework, considering causal relationships among travel, telecommunications, land use, economic activity, and socio-demographics, and to explore the aggregate relationships between telecommunications and travel, using structural equation modeling of national time series data spanning 1950–2000 in the US. In this paper we focus on number of telephone calls as the measure of telecommunications, and passenger vehicle–miles traveled as the measure of transportation. Future research will investigate additional measures of these two constructs. Our empirical results strongly support the hypothesis that telecommunications and travel are complementary. That is, as telecommunications demand increases, travel demand increases, and vice versa. These results offer a more realistic picture to policy makers and transportation planners than has been available till now, and suggest useful directions for them to develop transportation or telecommunications strategies designed to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution, and energy consumption.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies have found widespread inaccuracies in traffic forecasts despite the fact that travel demand forecasting models have been significantly improved over the past few decades. We suspect that an intrinsic selection bias may exist in the competitive project appraisal process, in addition to the many other factors that contribute to inaccurate traffic forecasts. In this paper, we examine the potential for selection bias in the governmental process of Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) transportation project appraisals. Although the simultaneous consideration of multiple criteria is typically used in practice, traffic flow estimate is usually a key criterion in these appraisals. For the purposes of this paper, we focus on the selection bias associated with the highest flow estimate criterion. We develop two approaches to quantify the level and chance of inaccuracy caused by selection bias: the expected value approach and the probability approach. The expected value approach addresses the question “to what extent is inaccuracy caused by selection bias?”. The probability approach addresses the question “what is the chance of inaccuracy due to selection bias?”. The results of this analysis confirm the existence of selection bias when a government uses the highest traffic forecast estimate as the priority criterion for BOT project selection. In addition, we offer some insights into the relationship between the extent/chance of inaccuracy and other related factors. We do not argue that selection bias is the only reason for inaccurate traffic forecasts in BOT projects; however, it does appear that it could be an intrinsic factor worthy of further attention and investigation.  相似文献   

Accurate and timely traffic forecasting is crucial to effective management of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). To predict travel time index (TTI) data, we select six baseline individual predictors as basic combination components. Applying the one‐step‐ahead out‐of‐sample forecasts, the paper proposes several linear combined forecasting techniques. States of traffic situations are classified into peak and non‐peak periods. Based on detailed data analyses, some practical guidance and comments are given in what situation a combined model is better than an individual model or other types of combined models. Indicating which model is more appropriate in each state, persuasive comparisons demonstrate that the combined procedures can significantly reduce forecast error rates. It reveals that the approaches are practically promising in the field. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time to systematically investigate these approaches in peak and non‐peak traffic forecasts. The studies can provide a reference for optimal forecasting model selection in each period. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Based on a review of available data from a database on large‐scale transport infrastructure projects, this paper investigates the hypothesis that traffic forecasts for road links in Europe are geographically biased with underestimated traffic volumes in metropolitan areas and overestimated traffic volumes in remote regions. The present data do not support this hypothesis. Since previous studies have shown a strong tendency to overestimated forecasts of the number of passengers on new rail projects, it could be speculated that road planners are more skilful and/or honest than rail planners. However, during the period when the investigated projects were planned (up to the late 1980s), there were hardly any strong incentives for road planners to make biased forecasts in order to place their projects in a more flattering light. Future research might uncover whether the change from the ‘predict and provide’ paradigm to ‘predict and prevent’ occurring in some European countries in the 1990s has influenced the accuracy of road traffic forecasts in metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results, to date, of an effort to integrate a land use model with a transportation network model for the purpose of analyzing the interrelationships of transportation facility development and land development. In the system which has been developed each model provides input to, and receives feedbacks from, each other model. To the author's knowledge, the effort described here represents the first successful attempt to develop and test an integrated model package involving these reciprocal relationships. The results obtained from preliminary runs of this package should be of considerable interest to both transportation planners and land use planners. With this integrated system it has been possible to observe the interrelationships, and in particular the feedbacks, between land use and levels of traffic on the networks. Preliminary results indicate that congested networks produce tendencies toward metropolitan centralization. Attempts to relieve congestion seem to produce metropolitan decentralization and increased travel which lead, in turn, to metropolitan sprawl and increased spread of congestion.  相似文献   

On modeling telecommuting behavior: option, choice, and frequency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current study contributes to the already substantial scholarly literature on telecommuting by estimating a joint model of three dimensions—option, choice and frequency of telecommuting. In doing so, we focus on workers who are not self-employed workers and who have a primary work place that is outside their homes. The unique methodological features of this study include the use of a general and flexible generalized hurdle count model to analyze the precise count of telecommuting days per month, and the formulation and estimation of a model system that embeds the count model within a larger multivariate choice framework. The unique substantive aspects of this study include the consideration of the “option to telecommute” dimension and the consideration of a host of residential neighborhood built environment variables. The 2009 NHTS data is used for the analysis, and allows us to develop a current perspective of the process driving telecommuting decisions. This data set is supplemented with a built environment data base to capture the effects of demographic, work-related, and built environment measures on the telecommuting-related dimensions. In addition to providing important insights for policy analysis, the results in this paper indicate that ignoring the “option” dimension of telecommuting can, and generally will, lead to incorrect conclusions regarding the behavioral processes governing telecommuting decisions. The empirical results have implications for transportation planning analysis as well as for the worker recruitment/retention and productivity literature.  相似文献   

The sharing of forecasts is vital to supply chain collaborative transportation management (CTM). Shipment forecasting is fundamental to CTM, and is essential to carrier tactical and operational planning processes such as network planning, routing, scheduling, and fleet planning and assignment. By applying and extending grey forecasting theory, this paper develops a series of shipment forecasting models for supply chain CTM. Grey time-series forecasting and grey systematic forecasting models are developed for shipment forecasting under different collaborative frameworks. This paper also integrates grey numbers with grey models for analyzing shipment forecasting under partial information sharing in CTM frameworks. An example of an integrated circuit (IC) supply chain and relevant data are provided. The proposed models yield more accurate prediction results than regression, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), and neural network models. Finally, numerical results indicate that as the degree of information sharing increases under CTM, carrier prediction accuracy increases. This paper demonstrates how the proposed forecasting models can be applied to the CTM system and provides the theoretical basis for the forecasting module developed for supply chain CTM.  相似文献   


The impacts of telecommuting and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) on urban development patterns were investigated in terms of households' residential location choice decisions. A discrete choice modelling approach framework was used. A stated preference (SP) logit analysis was carried out to estimate the parameters of the utility function. An attitude survey of employees of selected public and private sector organizations in the Ottawa-Carleton Region (Canada) yielded the required data for model estimation. In addition to obtaining background information, the survey elicited SP responses by presenting a number of hypothetical residential choice scenarios defined according to the principles of SP experimental design. Results show that telecommuting and ITS measures are highly significant factors in the residential choice model. This leads to the conclusion that these reinforce dispersed residential patterns and encourage moves towards outlying sites. Implications of this conclusion for urban land development planning are noted.  相似文献   

Short-term passenger flow forecasting is a vital component of transportation systems. The forecasting results can be applied to support transportation system management such as operation planning, and station passenger crowd regulation planning. In this paper, a hybrid EMD-BPN forecasting approach which combines empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and back-propagation neural networks (BPN) is developed to predict the short-term passenger flow in metro systems. There are three stages in the EMD-BPN forecasting approach. The first stage (EMD Stage) decomposes the short-term passenger flow series data into a number of intrinsic mode function (IMF) components. The second stage (Component Identification Stage) identifies the meaningful IMFs as inputs for BPN. The third stage (BPN Stage) applies BPN to perform the passenger flow forecasting. The historical passenger flow data, the extracted EMD components and temporal factors (i.e., the day of the week, the time period of the day, and weekday or weekend) are taken as inputs in the third stage. The experimental results indicate that the proposed hybrid EMD-BPN approach performs well and stably in forecasting the short-term metro passenger flow.  相似文献   


Researchers have improved travel demand forecasting methods in recent decades but invested relatively little to understand their accuracy. A major barrier has been the lack of necessary data. We compiled the largest known database of traffic forecast accuracy, composed of forecast traffic, post-opening counts and project attributes for 1291 road projects in the United States and Europe. We compared measured versus forecast traffic and identified the factors associated with accuracy. We found measured traffic is on average 6% lower than forecast volumes, with a mean absolute deviation of 17% from the forecast. Higher volume roads, higher functional classes, shorter time spans, and the use of travel models all improved accuracy. Unemployment rates also affected accuracy—traffic would be 1% greater than forecast on average, rather than 6% lower, if we adjust for higher unemployment during the post-recession years (2008 to 2014). Forecast accuracy was not consistent over time: more recent forecasts were more accurate, and the mean deviation changed direction. Traffic on projects that opened from the 1980s through early 2000s was higher on average than forecast, while traffic on more recent projects was lower on average than forecast. This research provides insight into the degree of confidence that planners and policy makers can expect from traffic forecasts and suggests that we should view forecasts as a range of possible outcomes rather than a single expected outcome.


. This study examines the impact of telecommuting on passenger vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) through a multivariate time series analysis of aggregate nationwide data spanning 1966–1999 for all variables except telecommuting, and 1988–1998 for telecommuting. The analysis was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, VMT (1966–1999) was modeled as a function of conventional variables representing economic activity, transportation price, transportation supply and socio-demographics. In the second stage, the residuals of the first stage (1988–1998) were modeled as a function of the number of telecommuters. We also assessed the change in annual VMT per telecommuter as well as VMT per telecommuting occasion, for 1998. The models suggest that telecommuting reduces VMT, with 94% confidence. Together with independent external evidence, the results suggest a reduction in annual VMT on the order of 0.8% or less. Even with impacts that small, when informally compared to similar reductions in VMT due to public transit ridership, telecommuting appears to be far more cost-effective in terms of public sector expenditures.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to making long-term forecasts of overseas container traffic in the port of Montreal. The paper discusses, first, why performance models explaining traffic variations in ports when postulating a fixed hinterland may not be appropriate for the port of Montreal. Then, the forecasting approach itself is presented. Using 1981 as the base year, projections of container traffic through the port of Montreal until 1995 are developed by considering separately the traffic flows associated with the Canadian and the United States hinterlands. Our approach takes account of anticipated changes in Canadian and U.S. international trade volume, containerization rates and regional growth within Canada. It yields detailed forecasts of containerized traffic, by origin and destination, for 78 commodity groups, 7 world regions and 11 North American regions (i.e. the 10 Canadian provinces plus the United States). Two forecasting scenarios are considered and the aggregate results for 1995 are reported. Finally, a comparison of forecasts with recent data available for 1984 is made, suggesting that the internation trade projections used to generate our forecasts may be too conservative.  相似文献   

The persistence of environmental problems in urban areas and the prospect of increasing congestion have precipitated a variety of new policies in the USA, with concomitant analytical and modeling requirements for transportation planning. This paper introduces the Sequenced Activity-Mobility Simulator (SAMS), a dynamic and integrated microsimulation forecasting system for transportation, land use and air quality, designed to overcome the deficiencies of conventional four-step travel demand forecasting systems. The proposed SAMS framework represents a departure from many of the conventional paradigms in travel demand forecasting. In particular, it aims at replicating the adaptative dynamics underlying transportation phenomena; explicitly incorporates the time-of-day dimension; represents human behavior based on the satisficing, as opposed to optimizing, principle; and endogenously forecasts socio-demographic, land use, vehicle fleet mix, and other variables that have traditionally been projected externally to be input into the forecasting process.  相似文献   

Short-term forecasting of high-speed rail (HSR) passenger flow provides daily ridership estimates that account for day-to-day demand variations in the near future (e.g., next week, next month). It is one of the most critical tasks in high-speed passenger rail planning, operational decision-making and dynamic operation adjustment. An accurate short-term HSR demand prediction provides a basis for effective rail revenue management. In this paper, a hybrid short-term demand forecasting approach is developed by combining the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and grey support vector machine (GSVM) models. There are three steps in this hybrid forecasting approach: (i) decompose short-term passenger flow data with noises into a number of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) and a trend term; (ii) predict each IMF using GSVM calibrated by the particle swarm optimization (PSO); (iii) reconstruct the refined IMF components to produce the final predicted daily HSR passenger flow, where the PSO is also applied to achieve the optimal refactoring combination. This innovative hybrid approach is demonstrated with three typical origin–destination pairs along the Wuhan-Guangzhou HSR in China. Mean absolute percentage errors of the EEMD-GSVM predictions using testing sets are 6.7%, 5.1% and 6.5%, respectively, which are much lower than those of two existing forecasting approaches (support vector machine and autoregressive integrated moving average). Application results indicate that the proposed hybrid forecasting approach performs well in terms of prediction accuracy and is especially suitable for short-term HSR passenger flow forecasting.  相似文献   

Shiftan  Yoram  Suhrbier  John 《Transportation》2002,29(2):145-168
This paper demonstrates, tests and shows the value of activity-based travel demand models and household sample enumeration forecasting techniques in evaluating the transportation and air quality impacts of travel demand management strategies. Using data from the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area, three transportation policies were evaluated both individually and in combination: transit improvements, pricing, and telecommunications. The activity-based models used in this testing represents a significant improvement to today's "four-step" sequential model systems by providing a deeper insight into the individual decision making process in response to transportation policies. A wider range of impacts is predicted, and indirect effects as well as synergistic effects of such policies are taken into consideration. These models are capable of providing the information needed to improve the linkage of transportation models with emissions and air quality analysis methodologies by improving the prediction of variables that are important to accurately estimating emissions and air quality impacts of transportation actions.  相似文献   

Whereas transportation planners commonly predict the negative impacts of mass transportation, there is increasing empirical evidence of the existence of positive mass effects, whereby increased use of a mode by the ‘mass’ will generally increase its attractiveness for future travellers. In this paper we consider the dynamic impact of such an effect on the problem of travel demand forecasting, with particular regards to social network effects. Our proposed modelling approach is inspired by literature from social physics, evolutionary game theory and marketing. For simplicity of exposition, our model is specified for a scenario in which (a) there is a binary choice between two mobility lifestyles, referred to as car-oriented and transit-oriented, and (b) there are two population groups, where one is the “leading” or “innovative” population group and the other the “following” or “imitating” population group. This latter distinction follows the rather well-known Bass model from the marketing literature (1969). We develop the transition probabilities and transition dynamics. We illustrate with a numerical case study that despite lower intrinsic utility for the transit lifestyle, significant changes towards this lifestyle can be achieved by considering congestion, service improvements and mass effects. We further illustrate that mass effects can be positive or negative. In all cases we explore the sensitivity of our conclusions to the assumed parameter values.  相似文献   

Beaton  Patrick  Chen  Cynthia  Meghdir  Hamo 《Transportation》1998,25(1):55-75
Stated Choice models expand the ability of transportation planners to forecast future trends. The Stated Choice approach can forecast demand for new services or policies. However, Stated Choice models are subject to a range of experimental error not found within Revealed Preference (RP) designs. Primary among the concerns facing researchers is the ability of respondents to understand and operate upon hypothetical choice scenarios in a manner that will reproduce choices made under actual situations. These concerns are specified in the magnitude of a scaling factor. Efforts to estimate the scaling factor has proceeded by linking real decisions taken from a revealed preference survey with comparable decisions made under hypothetical conditions. However, where the alternative is new, actual decision data is not available. This study examines the level of error incorporated in a study where no RP data is available. The test of predictive validity focuses on the switching behavior of commuters at a single employment site. The actual data used to test the forecast is limited to company wide or aggregate ridership levels on the public transit mode taken two years after estimation of the SC model. The Fowkes and Preston hypothesis is examined and shown to bound the future actual value between forecasts derived from probabilistic and deterministic methods. The results show that with the passage of time, the probabilistic method approaches the reported ridership levels within 15 percent error.  相似文献   

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