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汽车在行驶中,滑动齿轮自动脱离啮合位置,使变速杆自行回到空档位置,即为跳档。跳档的原因是:  相似文献   

国义 《汽车运用》2013,(7):40-40
传动轴中间支承轴承使用较短的时间后,就出现麻点、剥落,甚至散架等早期损坏现象,从而引起传动轴发响抖动等故障,其主要原因是中间支承轴承安装位置不正确,偏离原设计要求.在转动、传力时,除承受所传递的转矩外还须承受由于安装位置不当而引发的额外载荷,使轴承出现早期损坏。传动轴中间支承轴承经常损坏的原因有:中间支撑吊架螺栓孔与螺栓配合间隙过大:车架变形;传动轴不平衡量过大:中间支撑吊架橡胶垫老化或质量太差.  相似文献   

故障原因:①传感器部分:空气流量传感器、节气门位置传感器、冷却液温度传感器、转速或曲轴位置传感器等有故障。②执行器部分:点火控制器电动汽油泵或冷启动喷油器等不工作,喷油器严重漏油。③其他部分:油箱中无油,油路压力过低,电源或点火系统有故障。空气滤清器堵塞或进气管漏气严重,发动机汽缸压力过低或防盗系统锁死,  相似文献   

故障现象奥迪轿车电动可调座椅不能精确地移到由按钮储存和选择的位置。检测排除遇到上述故障时,可针对不同原因,按下列方法进行检修:  相似文献   

故障:油漆雾化颗粒大小不均匀,如图7所示。 原因: 1.枪针及喷嘴的位置不正确; 2扳机初段出现空气湍流; 3.空气阀门密封件堵塞或损坏。  相似文献   

车衣的功能很明显,当轿车停放在室外(当然室内也可以)时,它可以保护轿车车体和车漆免受沙尘、酸雨、冰雪、露霜、暴晒、鸟粪等自然因素或人为及小动物原因造成的损害。车衣的使用方法非常简单:把车衣展开,按前后位置套装在车体上,然后用挂钩钩住底盘相应的位置就可以了。  相似文献   

一辆1.5L南京菲亚特派力奥(PALIO)两厢轿车,发生了交通事故,但发动机没有受到损伤,只是外观件损坏比较严重。事故修竣后起动发动机试车,发动机却无法起动着机,原因是没有高压火,通过进一步检测发现是曲轴位置传感器损坏。于是就更换了曲轴位置传感器,而后试车,发动机很容易起动着机,但此后却又出现以下故障现象:一旦冷却风扇进入高速运转阶段,发动机就自动熄火。  相似文献   

陈勇  于立丰 《汽车运用》2004,(12):38-38
随着电子技术在汽车上的广泛应用,以及人们对车辆特性不断深入地了解,在车辆维修中对波形的利用越来越多,使维修变得越来越方便、直观。通过对波形特性的分析,即可清楚地知道故障的位置和原因。在车辆检测维修中,波形分析的应用主要集中在3个方面:  相似文献   

请问摩托车变速箱自动跳回空挡是为什么?(普陀虎牙)我们通常把摩托车行驶中变速箱自动跳回空挡的现象叫做跳挡或自动脱挡。发生跳挡现象的原因有很多,主要有以下几点。配合齿轮或构件之间发生磨损:变速箱装配不正确:在长期使用后,齿轮或滑动齿轮的轮齿啮入端严重磨损成锥形,使配合间隙增大,位置难以固定;  相似文献   

故障现象:同行接一辆2006款丰田陆地巡洋舰4700,车主反映,底盘升降不能正常工作。试车,前轮无反应,后轮不能从N位置升到H位置,但能从N位置降到L位置。  相似文献   

"其实勇强公司是很小的,但我们很幸运,结识了玉柴、江淮这样的合作伙伴,学习了它们这样大企业的一些企业文化和经营理念,才使我们勇强公司得到了快速发展."长沙勇强华骏汽车贸易有限公司董事长肖时勇在接受记者采访时深有感触地表示.  相似文献   

2011年5月13日,陕汽在北京长城隆重举行陕汽重卡"挑战极限之旅"启动仪式,陕汽重卡将于5-12月,分别在西藏珠峰、新疆吐鲁番及黑龙江漠河地区开展挑战最高、最热、最冷的"挑战极限之旅"活动.  相似文献   


This paper presents state-of-the art within advanced vehicle dynamics of heavy trucks with the perspective of road safety. The most common accidents with heavy trucks involved are truck against passenger cars. Safety critical situations are for example loss of control (such as rollover and lateral stability) and a majority of these occur during speed when cornering. Other critical situations are avoidance manoeuvre and road edge recovery. The dynamic behaviour of heavy trucks have significant differences compared to passenger cars and as a consequence, successful application of vehicle dynamic functions for enhanced safety of trucks might differ from the functions in passenger cars. Here, the differences between vehicle dynamics of heavy trucks and passenger cars are clarified. Advanced vehicle dynamics solutions with the perspective of road safety of trucks are presented, beginning with the topic vehicle stability, followed by the steering system, the braking system and driver assistance systems that differ in some way from that of passenger cars as well.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study is to provide a qualitative analysis of the dynamics of the self-steering trucks that are commonly used for freight locomotives – namely, EMD's Radial Truck and GE's Steerable Truck – on improving curving performance and increasing adhesion in curves. Although there exists a number of anecdotal statements on the ability of steerable trucks to reduce curving forces and increase adhesion in curves, to the best of our knowledge, there exists no study that provides a qualitative or quantitative analysis of these features of steerable trucks. Two aspects of locomotive trucks are essential for their ability to deliver small curving forces and high adhesion in curves. First, the ability to allow the axles to yaw sufficiently relative to the truck frames, such that they can hold a small angle of attack with the rail. Second, providing sufficiently large longitudinal stiffness between the end axles and the axles and truck frame, to accommodate high adhesions. An equivalent stiffness analysis is used to show that the two steerable trucks that are considered for this study are far superior to conventional, three-axle, straight trucks in providing both a smaller angle of attack and a higher longitudinal stiffness for better curving and adhesion characteristics. The qualitative analysis of this study agrees with the experience the railroads have had with their self-steering trucks. The findings of this study indicate that self-steering trucks can result in lower lateral forces, accommodate tighter curves, and deliver higher adhesion in curves; without lowering the critical hunting speed of the locomotive. The results further show that the steering mechanism stiffness can have a large effect on the lateral, longitudinal, and yaw stiffness between the end axles; therefore, significantly lowering curving forces, and increasing adhesion and critical hunting speed of the truck.  相似文献   

A Qualitative Analysis of the Dynamics of Self-Steering Locomotive Trucks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary purpose of this study is to provide a qualitative analysis of the dynamics of the self-steering trucks that are commonly used for freight locomotives - namely, EMD's Radial Truck and GE's Steerable Truck - on improving curving performance and increasing adhesion in curves. Although there exists a number of anecdotal statements on the ability of steerable trucks to reduce curving forces and increase adhesion in curves, to the best of our knowledge, there exists no study that provides a qualitative or quantitative analysis of these features of steerable trucks. Two aspects of locomotive trucks are essential for their ability to deliver small curving forces and high adhesion in curves. First, the ability to allow the axles to yaw sufficiently relative to the truck frames, such that they can hold a small angle of attack with the rail. Second, providing sufficiently large longitudinal stiffness between the end axles and the axles and truck frame, to accommodate high adhesions. An equivalent stiffness analysis is used to show that the two steerable trucks that are considered for this study are far superior to conventional, three-axle, straight trucks in providing both a smaller angle of attack and a higher longitudinal stiffness for better curving and adhesion characteristics. The qualitative analysis of this study agrees with the experience the railroads have had with their self-steering trucks. The findings of this study indicate that self-steering trucks can result in lower lateral forces, accommodate tighter curves, and deliver higher adhesion in curves; without lowering the critical hunting speed of the locomotive. The results further show that the steering mechanism stiffness can have a large effect on the lateral, longitudinal, and yaw stiffness between the end axles; therefore, significantly lowering curving forces, and increasing adhesion and critical hunting speed of the truck.  相似文献   

Heavy trucks are known to have ride problems and are difficult to isolate from roadway unevenness. Heavy trucks are rich in modal density and are stiffly sprung, a combination that makes isolation difficult. Due to their inherent mass, trucks create roadway unevenness as they move along a roadway. Each following truck is excited by the unevenness created by the preceding one, and the road condition worsens over time. It is shown that trucks create roadway profiles from which perfect isolation is possible by having the proper parameter distribution in the suspension units. One distribution is best for rigid body isolation and one is best for 'beaming' isolation.  相似文献   

EQ2110G汽车新疆塔里木沙漠地区的通过性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李幼德  王志浩 《汽车工程》1994,16(2):74-79,67
本文根据新疆塔克拉玛甘沙漠地区的特点,分析研究了沙漠地区汽车行驶的特殊要求及结构特性。根据沙漠地区汽车通过性理论研究了EQ210G的沙漠地区牵引通过性,并与BENZ1700汽车作了对比试验。给出了两种类型汽车在塔克拉玛甘沙漠地区的试验结果。  相似文献   

对当前主流道路综合养护车的优缺点及使用状况进行了全面的剖析,提出了开发道路综合养护车系统产品的新思路,并对道路综合养护车开发过程中常见问题进行了分析.  相似文献   

为了有效降低高速公路货车不规范过秤造成的巨大经济损失,分析了货车不规范过秤的方式,并对货车不规范过秤行为进行力学计算分析,在此基础上开展了货车大量实地模拟试验,提出了质量恢复方法和数学模型,研发出了一套质量恢复应用程序,并在高速公路收费站进行了实际应用验证。结果表明:该数学计算模型质量恢复效果显著,质量恢复方法可行,平均每辆货车恢复质量为1 283 kg,明显提高了高速公路动态称重设备防止跳秤和冲秤的能力。  相似文献   

韩超 《商用汽车》2014,(11):82-82
随着商用车排放标准不断升级,具有成本、环保优势的天然气卡车近年来受到了用户和企业的关注,但受限于续驶里程较短、加气站分布不够广泛和均匀,目前天然气卡车大范围推广还存在较大难度。此时,柴油-天然气双燃料卡车应运而生。  相似文献   

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