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A time-domain technique for estimating wave-induced ship hull bending moment from ship motion measurements is presented. This technique is developed to improve hull response monitoring systems. Artificial neural networks are used to model the time-domain relationship between the wave-induced vertical bending moment and the coupled heave and pitch motions. The application of the proposed technique is validated using experimental data.  相似文献   

  目的  旨在探索纯弯载荷下箱型梁的非线性相似准则,提高模型对原型结构响应的预报精度,进而为建立实船结构的缩比模型设计方法提供理论依据。  方法  首先,采用理论分析方法,基于轴向受压加筋板的稳定性和非线性准则建立纯弯载荷下箱型梁的非线性相似准则;其次,采用数值计算方法通过分析箱型梁原型与缩比模型的极限承载能力和屈曲响应来验证该相似准则的有效性。  结果  数值计算结果表明,基于此方法设计的不同比例模型的屈曲失效模式具有较高的相似性,采用缩比模型能准确预报原型的极限强度。在特定的屈曲模态下,初始变形的增大会降低箱型梁的极限承载能力,初始变形因子对缩比模型的预报精度影响较小。  结论  所用方法为纯弯载荷下船体梁极限强度试验提供了一种有效的非线性相似模型设计思路,对船体结构安全性的研究具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

On Impact mechanics in ship collisions   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The purpose of this paper is to present analytical, closed-form expressions for the energy released for crushing and the impact impulse during ship collisions. Ship–ship collisions, ship collisions with rigid walls and ship collisions with flexible offshore structures are considered. The derived mathematical models include friction at the contact point so that situation where the collision results in a sliding motion is included. Results obtained by application of the present procedure are compared with results obtained by time simulations and good agreement has been achieved. In addition, a number of illustrative examples are presented. The procedure presented in the paper is well suited for inclusion in a probabilistic calculation model for damage of ship structures due to collisions.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel analytical method to predict the buckling collapse behaviour of a ship hull girder subjected to several cycles of extreme load. This follows the general principles of the established simplified progressive collapse method with an extended capability to re-formulate the load-shortening curve of structural components to account for cyclic degradation. The method provides a framework for assessing residual hull girder strength following a complex series of unusually extreme load events where the wave induced bending moment rises close to, or even surpasses, the monotonic ultimate strength. These load events may be sequential, such as might be caused by a series of storm waves, or they may occur as a collection of discrete events occurring over a longer period. The extreme cyclic bending amplifies the distortion and residual stress initially induced by fabrication in the flanges of the girder, which results in a deterioration of the residual ultimate strength. Validation is firstly completed through a comparison with previously published experimental work and secondly via comparison with numerical simulation on four ship-type box girders using the nonlinear finite element method.  相似文献   

高频感应加热曲面成形控制系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高频感应加热曲面成形是船体建造中一项经验性很强的外板成形工艺,实船板加工的工艺流程和控制系统是高频感应加热曲面成形设备研究和开发的重要环节。介绍了高频感应加热曲面成形的国内外现状,分析了层次化、模块化软件系统的策略。  相似文献   

  目的  上层建筑会参与船体总纵弯曲,从而导致特殊部位的结构产生应力集中现象,对舰船结构安全造成威胁,而大尺度钢模试验则能较为真实地反映上层建筑的结构响应特征。  方法  为此,以某舰艏楼上层建筑为研究对象,通过对主船体进行结构等效简化,设计包含整个上层建筑和主船体在内的大尺度舱段缩比钢质模型,并开展中拱弯曲下的结构强度模型试验。  结果  试验结果和有限元计算结果的对比分析表明,在目标舰上层建筑舷侧开口群角隅,以及上层建筑侧壁与主船体连接的圆弧过渡段上,均存在明显的应力集中现象,上层建筑参与总纵弯曲的有效度为0.315。  结论  研究成果可为目标舰上层建筑局部结构加强或优化设计方案的制定提供参考,所建立的船体模型简化设计方法也可为舰船大尺度钢模试验模型的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

水下爆炸作用下舰船结构的总强度分析一直是业内水面舰船强度研究的重点内容之一。本文选取典型水下爆炸工况,借助数值仿真的手段,采用通用有限元程序Abaqus中的声固耦合法,在计及水下爆炸冲击动弯矩的条件下模拟水下非接触爆炸作用下舰船的动响应。结合各主要舰船强度规范对某水面舰船的典型剖面的水下爆炸冲击动弯矩进行初步分析,给出了各爆炸工况下不同剖面的动弯矩时历曲线,并以动弯矩所占百分比的形式展现了冲击动弯矩对舰船总强度校核的重要性。为舰船的总体结构设计提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper provides an in-depth study of residual stress distributions found in stiffened steel plate structures, such as those typically used in ship hulls. The effect of stiffener spacing on the distribution of residual stress components was studied. The welding heat input was also varied between high and moderate to study the effect of heat input level on residual stress distributions. Four specimens, resembling typical stiffened steel plate structures used in ship hulls were built and tested. Steel plates of 9.5 mm thickness were stiffened by welding L127 × 76 × 9.5 steel angles. The test was completed using the neutron diffraction method. The three normal components of residual stress were obtained in this study. It was found that a lower heat input results in higher tensile residual stress and that there exists a critical stiffener spacing somewhere beyond 250 mm that creates a maximum tensile residual stress value near the welded connection.  相似文献   

葛菲  戴仰山 《船舶力学》2005,9(1):71-78
在时域内计算计及非线性时的船体总纵弯曲应力,与船体局部弯曲应力迭加后,可得纵向构件中合成应力的时历.对该应力时历进行雨流计数,经统计分析获得应力范围的长期分布,进而算出船体总纵弯曲时纵向构件在多种应力成份组合下的疲劳损伤.为方便此时的计算,本文提出了基于等效规则波概念的简化方法.数例表明按严格方法与按简化方法所得的结果比较接近.  相似文献   

船体梁的极限强度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沿用Cadewell直接计算极限强度的方法,基于有限元的计算思想,将结构离散化为由横向构件和垂向构件所组成的结构,然后利用船体梁在破损时的应力分布,精确计算了船体梁的极限强度,并对加筋板受压时可能出现的5种屈曲形式作了分析,给出了考虑这5种屈曲模式的加筋板极限屈曲强度的公式;以某大型散货船为例,对船体的极限强度进行了评估,结果表明该方法是简便、可靠、实用可行的。  相似文献   

文章介绍了某轮改装、船体接长工艺技术的研究过程.它解决了"放水移位法"中多项定位技术难题,同时提高了生产效率,降低了生产成本,是今后同类接长船改装的首选工艺.  相似文献   

王宁  鲍君忠 《世界海运》2008,31(3):15-16
船舶搁浅是海上应急处置中相对常见的险情之一。船舶搁浅后船员需要根据当时的情况采取适当的船体固定方法以便船舶能够顺利脱浅。为此笔者介绍常见的船舶搁浅方式、常用的固定船体的方法,重点介绍固定船体的时间、方式等。  相似文献   

对船舶碰撞问题研究中几个主要问题的研究现状作了介绍和综述.从船舶碰撞机理、材料的临界断裂应变准则和应变率效应、船舶的耐撞性结构、“软首”结构以及船舶碰撞的主动防护与被动防护等5个方面进行了探讨和分析,并对内河船舶耐撞性研究提出了一些观点及建议.  相似文献   

根据目前我国各船厂和船舶设计研究所应用计算机辅助船体放样的现状,就MASTERSHIP软件在船体放样中的应用情况作了介绍,并以11万DWT油船船体放样为应用实例,阐述了MASTERSHIP软件进行船体放样的过程。利用该软件可以很好的胜任大型船舶的船体生产设计任务。  相似文献   

A hybrid ship hull model made with a steel truss and composite sandwich panels was tested and analyzed with the goal of gaining insight into how well this structural concept holds up after major damage. One of the ideas of the concept was to mount the sandwich panels to the steel truss such that they can be blown out in a controlled fashion to ventilate a large internal blast. The hull should be designed to have sufficient strength for the ship to reach a port safely even after such extensive damage. A 6-m model of such a hybrid ship hull, consisting of a stainless steel truss and 60 composite sandwich panels, was manufactured and mechanically tested. A number of panels were then removed one by one and the hull was retested to the design load after each panel had been removed. The removed panels simulated major damage. After nine panels had been removed, from all the different areas of the hull, it could still carry the design load, although with considerable nonreversible deformations of the hull girder. The hull was eventually loaded to final failure, which occurred at 25% above the design load.  相似文献   

基于营运船的船体腐蚀状况,运用船体剖面模数概念,分析了船体腐蚀对船舶强度的影响,提出了一些保证船舶强度的措施,为船舶的保养工作提供参考,以减少船舶安全事故的发生.  相似文献   

船舶航行过程中受到海浪、船舶动力系统等各种激励作用,会产生多种类型的振动响应,导致船体的整体振动。船舶的振动不仅会影响船员的身心健康,还会对船载设备造成结构破坏。因此,研究船舶非线性振动特性,设计相应的减震装置具有重要的意义。本文首先分析了振动响应的基本原理,建立了船舶的振动模型,在此基础上,结合有限元分析软件Ansys,对船体的大幅度非线性振动响应进行了仿真研究。  相似文献   

A computational method for improving hull form in shallow water with respect to wave resistance is presented. The method involves coupling ideas from two distinct research fields: numerical ship hydrodynamics and nonlinear programming techniques. The wave resistance is estimated by means of Morinos panel method, which is extended to free surface flow and considers the influence of finite depth on the wave resistance of ships. This is linked to the optimization procedure of the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) technique, and an optimum hull form can be obtained through a series of iterations giving some design constraints. Sinkage is an important factor in shallow water, and this method considers sinkage as a hydrodynamic design constraint. The optimization procedure developed is demonstrated by selecting a Wigley (C B = 0.444) hull and the Series 60 (C B = 0.60) hull, and new hull forms are obtained at Froude number 0.316. The Froude number specified corresponds to a lower than critical speed since most of the ships operating in shallow water move below their critical speed. The numerical results of the optimization procedure indicate that the optimized hull forms yields a reduction in wave resistance.  相似文献   

舰船在海浪中发生的弹性变形会对安装在其上的惯导系统对准精度产生影响,因此需要计算舰船的弹性变形,以补偿局部姿态误差。本方法基于梁理论,采用三维水弹性方法计算舰船在随机海浪中任意战位点处的相对三维角变形,并对船体的变形规律进行分析,供设计者参考使用。  相似文献   

Global strength is a significant item for floatingproduction storage and offloading (FPSO) design, and steel weightplays an important role in the building costs of FPSO. It is the maintask to consider and combine these two aspects by optimizing hulldimensions. There are many optional methods for the globalstrength analysis. A common method is to use the ABS FPSOEagle software to analyze the global strength including the rulecheck and direct strength analysis. And the same method can beadopted for the FPSO hull optimization by changing the depth.After calculation and optimization, the results are compared andanalyzed. The results can be used as a reference for the futuredesign or quotation purpose.  相似文献   

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