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球鼻艏减阻的机理至今尚未完全清晰,开展基于圆球型球鼻艏构型对兴波阻力影响机理的研究,对揭示球鼻艏的减阻机理,充分发挥球鼻艏对水面舰船的消波减阻效果具有基础性的重要意义。针对DTMB 5415船型,利用CFD计算软件STAR-CCM,分析前伸出球鼻艏主要构型参数对兴波阻力的影响及其机制。设置几组前伸出球鼻艏,其主要构型参数的前伸量与半径各异,结合采用已知试验数据和CFD计算数据分析阻力的变化规律,以及球鼻艏减阻的机理。结果表明,在特定的傅汝德数条件下,球鼻艏纵向位置和半径对兴波阻力的影响较为显著。 相似文献
抗振板壳结构的仿生拓扑优化设计方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以抗振结构设计为目标,将仿生设计技术应用于板壳结构加强部件的分布设计中,提出了一种简单高效的结构拓扑优化设计方法,以处理具有复杂边界条件的抗振板壳结构的拓扑优化设计.将结构加强部件分布的形成看成和植物根系的成长过程一样,加强部件从给定的"种子"出发,根据一定的成长规则生长、分歧或退化,在体积增量的控制下,形成最优的分布形态.设计结果可作为进一步详细设计的近似优化模型.对一些典型的抗振板壳结构进行了设计,结果表明所提出的方法克服了现有的结构拓扑优化技术的一些局限性,可简单有效地处理复杂结构的设计问题. 相似文献
Ice bending is a major failure mechanism of level ice when ships and marine structures interact with level ice. This paper aims to investigate the ice bending and ice load when level ice collides on ships and marine structures using numerical simulation method, and compare the numerical results with field test. The fracture of ice is simulated with extended finite element method (XFEM), and cohesive zone concept is used to describe the crack propagation. In order to consider the characteristics of S2 columnar ice, a transversely isotropic elastic material model is used for the ice bulk elements, and a transversely isotropic Tsai-Wu failure criterion is adopted to predict the initiation of cracks. A well-controlled field test of a landing craft bow colliding with level ice in Baltic Sea is simulated to verify the numerical scheme. The ice plate's continuous deformation, crack initiation and crack propagation at different impact velocities and angles are simulated and the results are discussed. In the simulation, the bending crack emerges at the midline of the top surface of ice plate, then propagates towards free boundary, and finally a circumferential crack forms. It is found that with the impact velocity increases, the bending load increases and the fracture size (perpendicular distance from the crack to the contact edge) decreases. And as the angle between the landing craft bow and vertical direction increases, the bending load and the fracture size decrease. The simulated results corresponds well with the field test. The competition between the circumferential crack and radial crack is also found in the simulation and will be discussed in this paper. The results show that this method well simulates the bending of level ice and predict the ice load, and provides a good approach for investigating the mechanism of different forms of level ice fracture. 相似文献
基于参数化设计的浮冰区船舶冰阻力研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于Voronoi图采用参数化设计工具对不规则几何形状的浮冰开展参数化建模,参照真实冰区测量信息,利用遗传算法对浮冰尺度概率分布开展了优化研究。考虑不同浮冰尺度范围,采用有限元方法对船舶在浮冰区航行的冰阻力进行了数值计算。研究发现:大尺度浮冰相对于小尺度浮冰而言,破碎更为剧烈;优化浮冰尺度概率分布的冰阻力峰值总体而言大于优化前,平均值则较小;数值计算结果在较大浮冰尺度范围内与经验值较为吻合,浮冰阻力平均值随浮冰平均尺度增大呈负指数幂函数减小趋势。文中提供了一种对浮冰尺度概率分布进行校正和优化的方法,对船舶在浮冰区的阻力预报具有一定参考价值。 相似文献
《Marine Structures》2002,15(1):35-56
The axiomatic design approach proposed by N.P. Suh consists of the Independence Axiom and the Information Axiom. The Independence Axiom assists a designer in generating good design alternatives by considering the relationships between the functions and the physical product using a hierarchical mapping procedure. The Information Axiom, which is related to the probability of achieving the given functional requirements, can be used as a criterion for the selection of the best solution among the proposed alternatives in the conceptual or preliminary design stage.In the early stages of marine design, especially ship design, there exists a lot of uncertainty because of the size and complexity of a marine vehicle. This uncertainty often leads to a probabilistic approach rather than a deterministic approach. Ship designs are often routine, requiring small modifications of an existing, successful design. The availability of axiomatic design in this marine design field has been investigated through four examples: a conceptual thruster design, a foil-strut optimization problem, a main engine selection problem, and a barge design problem. By these examples, the possibility of the application of Design Axioms in marine design has been illustrated. 相似文献
基于实船观测的北极东北航线窗口期海冰冰情研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着全球气候变暖,北极海冰覆盖范围的日趋减小使得北极航道的夏季通航性不断提高.与通过苏伊士运河的传统航线相比,北极东北航道可以节省欧洲和亚洲之间近三分之一的航行距离.然而,北极海冰不可避免地为北极航运带来极大的挑战.为此,在2018年夏季窗口期期间在中远"天佑号"东北航道航行过程中对航线冰情开展了走航观测.通过船载摄像机对航道中的海冰视频图像进行采集,并通过图像处理软件对海冰密集度进行提取.数据显示,窗口航道中海冰类型主要为低密集度的碎冰且部分碎冰内部夹杂着冰脊,其中平均密集度为17.8%,而最高值可达80%.此外,将视频数据与遥感数据进行对比分析,结果表明卫星遥感数据在低密集度(0-0.2)时存在一定的低估,而在较高密集度下则偏向高估. 相似文献
Chen Zhe He Yanping Gu Yingbin Su Biao Ren Yupei Liu Yadong 《Journal of Marine Science and Technology》2021,26(4):1170-1183
Journal of Marine Science and Technology - Finite Element Method (FEM) and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method are effective methods to study the interaction between marine structures and... 相似文献
Container shipping has been expanding dramatically during the last decade. Due to their special structural characteristics, such as the wide breadth and large hatch openings, horizontal bending and torsion play an important role to the fatigue safety of containerships. In this study the fatigue contributions from vertical bending, horizontal bending and torsion are investigated using full-scale measurements of strain records on two containerships. Further, these contributions are compared to results from direct calculations where a nonlinear 3D panel method is used to compute wave loads in time domain. It is concluded that both bending and torsion have significant impacts on the fatigue assessment of containerships. The stresses caused by these loads could be correctly computed by full-ship finite element analysis. However, this requires large computational effort, since for fatigue assessment purposes the FE analysis needs to be carried out for all encountered sea states and operational conditions with sufficient time steps for each condition. In this paper, a new procedure is proposed to run the structure finite element analysis under only one sea condition for only a few time steps. Then, these results are used to obtain a relationship between wave loads and structural stresses through a linear regression analysis. This relation can be further used to compute stresses for arbitrary sea states and operational conditions using the computed wave loads (bending and torsion moments) as input. Based on this proposed method for structure stress analysis, an efficient procedure is formulated and found to be in very good agreement with the full-ship finite element analysis. In addition it is several orders of magnitude more time efficient for fatigue assessment of containership structures. 相似文献
针对超深水钻井船总强度评估的等效设计波方法进行了探索研究。鉴于超深水新型钻井船的月池开口对船体强度具有重要影响,特别针对月池角隅位置探索了以应力为目标的设计波研究方法,针对目标单元进行屈服校核。通过比较分析基于传统主控载荷设计波和应力设计波的船体结构应力结果,探索应力设计波方法在超深水钻井船上的应用。结果表明,应力设计波法对关键位置的应力极值搜索更为全面,得到的结构关键位置的屈服应力总体上大于传统主控载荷设计波法,能够更全面地涵盖目标位置可能出现的最大应力。基于应力设计波法对具有特殊结构的新型钻井船总强度进行评估,可以弥补传统主控载荷设计波方法的不足,更好的保证船体结构安全。 相似文献
对三维造型技术、常用的三维造型软件以及如何选取软件进行了介绍,并对游艇外观的造型的基本要求进行介绍,Pro/E软件作为一个参数化设计软件,有它很多的特点,文中对这些特点进行了介绍,并讲述了如何把Pro/E三维建模应用到玻璃钢游艇造型设计中. 相似文献
浮力调整器是影响整个系统水下运动姿态的关键因素之一.其设计主要需要确定浮力调整器的自重、浮力调整前的排水量以及浮力调整后的排水量这3个重要参数.由于浮力舱不规则,导致其参数的计算难度和风险性较大,如何快速合理地确定这几个参数,是整个设计的关键.以三维Pro/E软件为平台,通过对浮力调整器整体的实体建模,虚拟装配,赋予实际的物理意义,并进行静力分析,确定关键技术,为设计提供精确的依据.有助于提高产品的可用性和可靠性,缩短了产品的开发周期,为新产品的研发和制造提供了新思路. 相似文献
本文采用基于设计波法的直接计算法对270 000m3的浮式液化天然气船FLNG进行整船结构强度评估.根据FLNG具体的结构形式和数值分析的最终目的将该装置的实际结构简化,选用适当类型的单元对该装置的结构进行离散而得到FLNG的整船有限元模型.基于三维势流理论并利用中国南海波浪散布图对FLNG进行水动力分析,得到了FLNG在典型装载工况下的波浪压力分布及设计波参数.通过把FLNG承受的波浪压力、惯性力、静水压力与重力等载荷分布到有限元模型上,得到FLNG在典型装载工况下全船的应力水平、应力分布和变形情况.该数值分析结果可在FLNG的初级设计阶段为船体结构强度分析提供有效分析依据,并为FLNG上部模块的设计开发提供船体变形参考. 相似文献