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Establishment of industry facilities often induces heavy vehicle traffic that exacerbates congestion and pavement deterioration in the neighboring highway network. While planning facility locations and land use developments, it is important to take into account the routing of freight vehicles, the impact on public traffic, as well as the planning of pavement rehabilitation. This paper presents an integrated facility location model that simultaneously considers traffic routing under congestion and pavement rehabilitation under deterioration. The objective is to minimize the total cost due to facility investment, transportation cost including traffic delay, and pavement life-cycle costs. Building upon analytical results on optimal pavement rehabilitation, the problem is formulated into a bi-level mixed-integer non-linear program (MINLP), with facility location, freight shipment routing and pavement rehabilitation decisions in the upper level and traffic equilibrium in the lower level. This problem is then reformulated into an equivalent single-level MINLP based on Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions and approximation by piece-wise linear functions. Numerical experiments on hypothetical and empirical network examples are conducted to show performance of the proposed algorithm and to draw managerial insights.  相似文献   


Many people use public transportation systems to reach their destination, while others use personal vehicles. Poor transportation systems do not attract ridership. Therefore, the usage of passenger cars increases, and traffic and environmental conditions deteriorate. Efficient public transportation has been recognized as one of the potential ways of mitigating air pollution, reducing energy consumption, improving mobility and alleviating traffic congestion. The objective of this study is to optimize a bus feeder service that provides the shuttle service between a recreation center (e.g. Sandy Hook, NJ) and a major public transportation facility, subject to site-specific constraints such as vehicle schedules, bus availability, service capacity and budget. The decision variables include bus headway, vehicle size and route choice. The solution methodology integrating both analytical and numerical techniques is developed, which optimizes the decision variables. Finally, the proposed solution methodology is applied to a case study. Numerical results, including optimal solutions and sensitivity analyses, are presented while the level of coordination between the feeder service and a major transportation service is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents game-theoretical models based on a continuous approximation (CA) scheme to optimize service facility location design under spatial competition and facility disruption risks. The share of customer demand in a market depends on the functionality of service facilities and the presence of nearby competitors, as customers normally seek the nearest functioning facility for service. Our game-theoretical models incorporate these complicating factors into an integrated framework, and use continuous and differentiable density functions to represent discrete location decisions. We first analyze the existence of Nash equilibria in a symmetric two-company competition case. Then we build a leader–follower Stackelberg competition model to derive the optimal facility location design when one of the companies has the first mover advantage over its competitor. Both models are solved effectively, and closed-form analytical solutions can be obtained for special cases. Numerical experiments (with hypothetical and empirical data) are conducted to show the impacts of competition, facility disruption risks and transportation cost metrics on the optimal design. Properties of the models are analyzed to cast interesting managerial insights.  相似文献   

Technological paradigm shifts often come with a newly emerging industry that seeks a viable infrastructure deployment plan to compete against established competitors. Such phenomenon has been repeatedly seen in the field of transportation systems, such as those related to the booming bioenergy production, among others. We develop a game-theoretic modeling framework using a continuum approximation scheme to address the impacts of competition on the optimal infrastructure deployment. Furthermore, we extend the model to incorporate uncertainties in supply/demand and the risk of facility disruptions. Analytical properties of the optimal infrastructure system are obtained, based on which fast numerical solution algorithms are developed. Several hypothetical problem instances are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms and to quantify the impacts of various system parameters. A large-scale biofuel industry case study for the U.S. Midwest is conducted to obtain additional managerial insights.  相似文献   

Freight networks are a case of systems that multiple participants are composing interrelations along the complete supply chain. Their interrelations correspond to alternative behavior, namely, cooperation, non-cooperation and competition, while they are large-scale spatially distributed systems combining multiple means of transportation and the infrastructure and equipment typically utilized for servicing demand, results to a complex system integration. In this paper, the case of the optimal design of freight networks is investigated, aiming to highlight the particularities emerging in this case of transportation facilities strategic and/or operational planning and the multiple game-theoretic and equilibrium problems that are structured in cascade and in hierarchies. The application that is investigated here focuses in the design of a significant ‘player’ of the freight supply chain, namely container terminals, while the proposed framework will aim on analyzing investment strategies built on integrated demand–supply models and the optimal network design format. The approach will build on the multilevel Mathematical Programming with Equilibrium Constraints (MPECs) formulation, but is further extended to cope with the properties introduced by the ‘designers’ (infrastructure authorities), shippers and carriers competition in all levels of MPECs. Since container terminals are typically competing each other, the nomenclature used here for formulating appropriate MPECs problems are based on hierarchies of Variational Inequalities (VI) problems, able to capture the alternative relationships emerging in realistic freight supply chains. The proposed formulations of the competitive network design case is addressed by a novel approach of co-evolutionary agents, which can be regarded as new in equilibrium estimation. Finally, the results are compared with alternative network design cases, namely the centralized cooperative and exchanging design. Under this analysis it is able to highlight the differences among alternative design cases, but moreover an estimation of the ‘price of anarchy’ in transportation systems design is offered, an element of both theoretical as well as practical relevance.  相似文献   

We consider a city region with several facilities that are competing for customers of different classes. Within the city region, the road network is dense, and can be represented as a continuum. Customers are continuously distributed over space, and they choose a facility by considering both the transportation cost and market externalities. More importantly, the model takes into account the different transportation cost functions and market externalities to which different customer classes are subjected. A logit‐type distribution of demand is specified to model the decision‐making process of users' facility choice. We develop a sequential optimization approach to decompose the complex multi‐class and multi‐facility problem into a series of smaller single‐class and single‐facility sub‐problems. An efficient solution algorithm is then proposed to solve the resultant problem. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential applicability of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The concept of rescheduling is essential to activity-based modeling in order to calculate effects of both unexpected incidents and adaptation of individuals to traffic demand management measures. When collaboration between individuals is involved or timetable based public transportation modes are chosen, rescheduling becomes complex. This paper describes a new framework to investigate algorithms for rescheduling at a large scale. The framework allows to explicitly model the information flow between traffic information services and travelers. It combines macroscopic traffic assignment with microscopic simulation of agents adapting their schedules. Perception filtering is introduced to allow for traveler specific interpretation of perceived macroscopic data and for information going unnoticed; perception filters feed person specific short term predictions about the environment required for schedule adaptation. Individuals are assumed to maximize schedule utility. Initial agendas are created by the FEATHERS activity-based schedule generator for mutually independent individuals using an undisturbed loaded transportation network. The new framework allows both actor behavior and external phenomena to influence the transportation network state; individuals interpret the state changes via perception filtering and start adapting their schedules, again affecting the network via updated traffic demand. The first rescheduling mechanism that has been investigated uses marginal utility that monotonically decreases with activity duration and a monotonically converging relaxation algorithm to efficiently determine the new activity timing. The current framework implementation is aimed to support re-timing, re-location and activity re-sequencing; re-routing at the level of the individual however, requires microscopic travel simulation.  相似文献   

This paper studies a reliable joint inventory-location problem that optimizes facility locations, customer allocations, and inventory management decisions when facilities are subject to disruption risks (e.g., due to natural or man-made hazards). When a facility fails, its customers may be reassigned to other operational facilities in order to avoid the high penalty costs associated with losing service. We propose an integer programming model that minimizes the sum of facility construction costs, expected inventory holding costs and expected customer costs under normal and failure scenarios. We develop a Lagrangian relaxation solution framework for this problem, including a polynomial-time exact algorithm for the relaxed nonlinear subproblems. Numerical experiment results show that this proposed model is capable of providing a near-optimum solution within a short computation time. Managerial insights on the optimal facility deployment, inventory control strategies, and the corresponding cost constitutions are drawn.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of transit-based emergency evacuation highly depends on the location of pick-up facilities, resource allocation, and management. These facilities themselves are often subject to service disruptions during or after the emergency. This paper proposes a reliable emergency facility location model that determines both pre-emergency facility location planning and the evacuation operations afterwards, while facilities are subject to the risk of disruptions. We analyze how evacuation resource availability leverages individual evacuees’ response to service disruptions, and show how equilibrium of the evacuee arrival process could be reached at a functioning pick-up facility. Based on this equilibrium, an optimal resource allocation strategy is found to balance the tradeoff between the evacuees’ risks and the evacuation agency’s operation costs. This leads to the development of a compact polynomial-size linear integer programming formulation that minimizes the total expected system cost from both pre-emergency planning (e.g., facility set-up) and the evacuation operations (e.g., fleet management, transportation, and exposure to hazardous surroundings) across an exponential number of possible disruption scenarios. We also show how the model can be flexibly used to plan not only pre-disaster evacuation but also post-disaster rescue actions. Numerical experiments and an empirical case study for three coastal cities in the State of Mississippi (Biloxi, Gulfport, and D’lberville) are conducted to study the performance of the proposed models and to draw managerial insights.  相似文献   

Persistent lack of non-motorized traffic counts can affect the evidence-based decisions of transportation planning and safety-concerned agencies in making reliable investments in bikeway and other non-motorized facilities. Researchers have used various approaches to estimate bicycles counts, such as scaling, direct-demand modeling, time series, and others. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have tried to use crowdsourced data for estimating the bicycle counts. Crowdsourced data only represents a small percentage of cyclists. This percentage, on the other hand, can change based on the location, facility type, meteorological, and other factors. Moreover, the autocorrelation observed in bicycle counts may be different from the autocorrelation structure observed among crowdsourced platform users, such as Strava. Strava users are more consistent; hence, the time series count data may be stationary, while bicycle demand may vary based on seasonal factors. In addition to seasonal variation, several time-invariant contributing factors (e.g., facility type, roadway characteristics, household income) affect bicycle demand, which needs to be accounted for when developing direct demand models. In this paper, we use a mixed-effects model with autocorrelated errors to predict daily bicycle counts from crowdsourced data across the state of Texas. Additionally, we supplement crowdsourced data with other spatial and temporal factors such as roadway facility, household income, population demographics, population density and weather conditions to predict bicycle counts. The results show that using a robust methodology, we can predict bicycle demand with a 29% margin of error, which is significantly lower than merely scaling the crowdsourced data (41%).  相似文献   

Dynamic origin-destination (OD) demand is central to transportation system modeling and analysis. The dynamic OD demand estimation problem (DODE) has been studied for decades, most of which solve the DODE problem on a typical day or several typical hours. There is a lack of methods that estimate high-resolution dynamic OD demand for a sequence of many consecutive days over several years (referred to as 24/7 OD in this research). Having multi-year 24/7 OD demand would allow a better understanding of characteristics of dynamic OD demands and their evolution/trends over the past few years, a critical input for modeling transportation system evolution and reliability. This paper presents a data-driven framework that estimates day-to-day dynamic OD using high-granular traffic counts and speed data collected over many years. The proposed framework statistically clusters daily traffic data into typical traffic patterns using t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) and k-means methods. A GPU-based stochastic projected gradient descent method is proposed to efficiently solve the multi-year 24/7 DODE problem. It is demonstrated that the new method efficiently estimates the 5-min dynamic OD demand for every single day from 2014 to 2016 on I-5 and SR-99 in the Sacramento region. The resultant multi-year 24/7 dynamic OD demand reveals the daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal and yearly change in travel demand in a region, implying intriguing demand characteristics over the years.  相似文献   

A new traffic sensor location problem is developed and solved by strategically placing both passive and active sensors in a transportation network for path reconstruction. Passive sensors simply count vehicles, while active sensors can recognize vehicle plates but are more expensive. We developed a two-stage heterogeneous sensor location model to determine the most cost-effective strategies for sensor deployment. The first stage of the model adopts the path reconstruction model defined by Castillo et al. (2008b) to determine the optimal locations of active sensors in the network. In the second stage, an algebraic framework is developed to strategically replace active sensors so that the total installation cost can be reduced while maintaining path flow observation quality. Within the algebraic framework, a scalar product operator is introduced to calculate path flows. An extension matrix is generated and used to determine if a replacement scheme is able to reconstruct all path flows. A graph model is then constructed to determine feasible replacement schemes. The problem of finding the optimal replacement scheme is addressed by utilizing the theory of maximum clique to obtain the upper bound of the number of replaced sensors and then revising this upper bound to generate the optimal replacement scheme. A polynomial-time algorithm is proposed to solve the maximum clique problem, and the optimal replacement scheme can be obtained accordingly. Three numerical experiments show that our proposed two-stage method can reduce the total costs of transportation surveillance systems without affecting the system monitor quality. The locations of the active sensors play a more critical role than the locations of the passive sensors in the number of reconstructed paths.  相似文献   

It is important and also challenging to plan airport facilities to meet future traffic needs in a rapidly changing environment, which is characterized by various uncertainties. One key issue in airport facility development is that facility performance functions (delay levels as functions of capacity utilization rates) are nonlinear, which complicates the solution method design. Potential demand fluctuations in a deregulated aviation market add another dimension to the decision making process. To solve this problem, a deterministic total cost minimization model is proposed and then extended into stochastic programs, by including uncertainties in traffic forecasts. After the exploration of properties of the delay cost function, an Outer-Approximation (OA) technique which is superior to the existing discrete approximation is designed. After model enhancements, an efficient solution framework based on the OA technique is used to solve the model to its global optimality by interactively generating upper and lower bounds to the objective. Computational tests demonstrate the validity of developed models and efficiency of proposed algorithms. The total cost is reduced by 18.8% with the stochastic program in the numerical example.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hybrid simulation-assignment modeling framework for studying crowd dynamics in large-scale pedestrian facilities. The proposed modeling framework judiciously manages the trade-off between ability to accurately capture congestion phenomena resulting from the pedestrians’ collective behavior and scalability to model large facilities. We present a novel modeling framework that integrates a dynamic simulation-assignment logic with a hybrid (two-layer or bi-resolution) representation of the facility. The top layer consists of a network representation of the facility, which enables modeling the pedestrians’ route planning decisions while performing their activities. The bottom layer consists of a high resolution Cellular Automata (CA) system for all open spaces, which enables modeling the pedestrians’ local maneuvers and movement decisions at a high level of detail. The model is applied to simulate the crowd dynamics in the ground floor of Al-Haram Al-Sharif Mosque in the City of Mecca, Saudi Arabia during the pilgrimage season. The analysis illustrates the model’s capability in accurately representing the observed congestion phenomena in the facility.  相似文献   

Dynamic transport planning refers to the analysis of the problem of choice of implementation date of the construction or improvement of transport facilities. This analysis may also include consideration of stage construction or progressive improvements in quality and/or capacity over time, beginning from some relatively low standard. A transport facility is defined as a vehicle (e.g., automobile, airplane) or a supporting facility (e.g., highway, port).There appears at present to be a serious lack of any truly comprehensive evaluation of the essentials of the problem of choice of implementation date. It is the intent of the ensuing presentation to help to rectify that situation by introducing new concepts which structure the timing problem. The concepts are based on a suggested classification of future traffic and definitions of independent and indivisible facilities. In addition, volume of traffic and benefits of a transport facility are recognized to be dependent on calendar time and the facility's age.Presently, no uniform theoretical framework exists for establishing the optimal time for constructing new facilities or improving existing ones. A framework based on the aforementioned concepts is introduced. It distinguishes between the phasing of projects through time in the absence of budget constraints and this phasing in the presence of such restrictions. The specific procedures suggested in this paper for the analysis of the problem of choice of implementation date apply to any individual transport facility and tend to unify the concepts involved in dynamic transport planning.The article concludes with a survey of current approaches to dynamic transport planning and discusses these in the light of the above framework.The study was supported by the Urban Mass Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation.  相似文献   

The urban parking and the urban traffic systems are essential components of the overall urban transportation structure. The short-term interactions between these two systems can be highly significant and influential to their individual performance. The urban parking system, for example, can affect the searching-for-parking traffic, influencing not only overall travel speeds in the network (traffic performance), but also total driven distance (environmental conditions). In turn, the traffic performance can also affect the time drivers spend searching for parking, and ultimately, parking usage. In this study, we propose a methodology to model macroscopically such interactions and evaluate their effects on urban congestion.The model is built on a matrix describing how, over time, vehicles in an urban area transition from one parking-related state to another. With this model it is possible to estimate, based on the traffic and parking demand as well as the parking supply, the amount of vehicles searching for parking, the amount of vehicles driving on the network but not searching for parking, and the amount of vehicles parked at any given time. More importantly, it is also possible to estimate the total (or average) time spent and distance driven within each of these states. Based on that, the model can be used to design and evaluate different parking policies, to improve (or optimize) the performance of both systems.A simple numerical example is provided to show possible applications of this type. Parking policies such as increasing parking supply or shortening the maximum parking duration allowed (i.e., time controls) are tested, and their effects on traffic are estimated. The preliminary results show that time control policies can alleviate the parking-caused traffic issues without the need for providing additional parking facilities. Results also show that parking policies that intend to reduce traffic delay may, at the same time, increase the driven distance and cause negative externalities. Hence, caution must be exercised and multiple traffic metrics should be evaluated before selecting these policies.Overall, this paper shows how the system dynamics of urban traffic, based on its parking-related-states, can be used to efficiently evaluate the urban traffic and parking systems macroscopically. The proposed model can be used to estimate both, how parking availability can affect traffic performance (e.g., average time searching for parking, number of cars searching for parking); and how different traffic conditions (e.g., travel speed, density in the system) can affect drivers ability to find parking. Moreover, the proposed model can be used to study multiple strategies or scenarios for traffic operations and control, transportation planning, land use planning, or parking management and operations.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a Multiobjective Hierarchical Model (MOHLM) for locating public facilities on a transportation network. The proposed model combines the multiobjective nature of the location-allocation problem with the hierarchical character of some public service systems, such as health care delivery. The model examines both maximum and total weighted travel time, facility utilization, and total travel time from the master facility to the attached subordinate facilities. An iterative goal programing algorithm is used to solve the problem. An example related to the location of health care facilities in a rural area of Greece is used to illustrate the application of the proposed model.  相似文献   

A framework for assessing the usage and level-of-service of rail access facilities is presented. It consists of two parts. A dynamic demand estimator allows to obtain time-dependent pedestrian origin–destination demand within walking facilities. Using that demand, a traffic assignment model describes the propagation of pedestrians through the station, providing an estimate of prevalent traffic conditions in terms of flow, walking times, speed and density. The corresponding level-of-service of the facilities can be directly obtained. The framework is discussed at the example of Lausanne railway station. For this train station, a rich set of data sources including travel surveys, pedestrian counts and trajectories has been collected in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Railways. Results show a good performance of the framework. To underline its practical applicability, a six-step planning guideline is presented that can be used to design and optimize rail access facilities for new or existing train stations. In the long term, the framework may also be used for crowd management, involving real-time monitoring and control of pedestrian flows.  相似文献   

Congestion pricing is one of the widely contemplated methods to manage traffic congestion. The purpose of congestion pricing is to manage traffic demand generation and supply allocation by charging fees (i.e., tolling) for the use of certain roads in order to distribute traffic demand more evenly over time and space. This study presents a framework for large-scale variable congestion pricing policy determination and evaluation. The proposed framework integrates departure time choice and route choice models within a regional dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) simulation environment. The framework addresses the impact of tolling on: (1) road traffic congestion (supply side), and (2) travelers’ choice dimensions including departure time and route choices (demand side). The framework is applied to a simulation-based case study of tolling a major freeway in Toronto while capturing the regional effects across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The models are developed and calibrated using regional household travel survey data that reflect the heterogeneity of travelers’ attributes. The DTA model is calibrated using actual traffic counts from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the City of Toronto. The case study examined two tolling scenarios: flat and variable tolling. The results indicate that: (1) more benefits are attained from variable pricing, that mirrors temporal congestion patterns, due to departure time rescheduling as opposed to predominantly re-routing only in the case of flat tolling, (2) widespread spatial and temporal re-distributions of traffic demand are observed across the regional network in response to tolling a significant, yet relatively short, expressway serving Downtown Toronto, and (3) flat tolling causes major and counterproductive rerouting patterns during peak hours, which was observed to block access to the tolled facility itself.  相似文献   

Multi-Airport Systems (MAS), or Metroplexes, serve air traffic demand in cities with two or more airports. Due to the spatial proximity and operational interdependency of the airports, Metroplex airspaces are characterized by high complexity, and current system structures fail to provide satisfactory utilization of the available airspace resources. In order to support system-level design and management towards increased operational efficiency in such systems, an accurate depiction of major demand patterns is a prerequisite. This paper proposes a framework for the robust identification of significant air traffic flow patterns in Metroplex systems, which is aligned with the dynamic route service policy for the effective management of Metroplex operations. We first characterize deterministic demand through a spatio-temporal clustering algorithm that takes into account changes in the traffic flows over the planning horizon. Then, in order to handle uncertainties in the demand, a Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) approach is proposed, which takes into account demand variations and prediction errors in a robust way to ensure the reliability of the demand identification. The DRO-based approach is applied on pre-tactical (i.e. one-day planning) as well as operational levels (i.e. 2-h rolling horizon). The framework is applied to Time Based Flow Management (TBFM) data from the New York Metroplex. The framework and results are validated by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).  相似文献   

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