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Port devolution and port governance are focal issues in port studies. This paper argues that the previous typology of port devolution and port governance, including port function matrix models, might have to be modified, in particular for Asian port cases, because they have not considered socio, economic, and political systems and historical aspects behind the port devolution continuum. This paper uses the “compound eyes” approach comprising of many similar, closely-packed facets called ommatidia, with a multiple angle view, to revisit and review previous port devolution and governance models. The paper aims to identify the limitations and rectify fallacies in previous port studies by conducting a critical review and taking a couple of Asian container port cases as examples. This paper contributes to the literature of port devolution and governance, illuminating crucial gaps that the previous studies have not addressed.  相似文献   

This paper examines post-deregulation strategies of less-than-truckload general freight carriers. Data on 38 strategic variables were gathered from annual reports filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission. Cluster analysis was used to categorize the one-hundred and forty firms into four strategic groups identified as follows: (1) differentiation approach coupled with a risky financial strategy; (2) a well-defined focus strategy concentrating on select types of traffic among select shipper groups; (3) a particularly sedentary strategy showing little activity across dimensions; and (4) an aggressive expansion strategy characterized by high growth rates. Major findings are: (1) a well-formulated and clearly defined strategy is an important determinant of financial performance and (2) despite the intense competition brought about by deregulation, an appropriate choice of strategy can provide financial performance comparable to “average” firms in the regulated environment.  相似文献   


The ongoing process of port reform has led to an increasing number of publicly owned but corporatised port authorities (PAs). The performance effects of corporatisation have been analysed, for example, for the airports industry, often showing positive effects. This paper reviews the literature on port reform and the relationship between port governance structures and performance. It also presents a first case study on the effects of corporatisation of PAs, namely for the Port of Rotterdam Authority, a publicly owned but corporatised port development company. In 2004, this organisation was transformed from a municipal department to an independently operating company. The performance indicators to evaluate the effect of this corporatisation include market share, turnover, operating costs, profits, and investments. These indicators are evaluated for two periods, one prior to the corporatisation (1997–2003) and the other afterwards (2005–11). The comparison of these two periods shows that corporatisation has led to significant improvements of all performance indicators. The findings derived from this case study are relevant for the ongoing discussion on port governance models.  相似文献   


A number of studies have been carried out on the factors determining port choice, derived from the perspectives of shippers, carriers or both. Recently, some studies using multi-criteria analysis, more specifically Saaty's analytical hierarchy process (AHP), have been undertaken to address port competitiveness and port selection by shipping lines. Based on a review of the literature on port selection, this article proposes a decision support system (DSS) for port selection using AHP methodology. The proposed DSS is web-based and thus it can be accessed by more decision makers and data collection can be carried out faster. Moreover, AHP addresses the issue of how to structure a complex decision problem, identify its criteria, measure the interaction among them and finally synthesise all the information to arrive at priorities, which depict preferences. AHP is able to assist port managers in obtaining a detailed understanding of the criteria and address the port selection problem utilising multi-criteria analysis. This article presents the architecture and the port selection procedure of the web-based DSS, and then illustrates three different cases. It shows how technology advancement can bring positive effects of strategic planning to shipping firms.  相似文献   


The understanding of the competitiveness of different ports under the background of China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) is critical for drafting appropriate plans and taking suitable actions to select the best port in the logistics supply chains. A novel Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis (MADA) was proposed for the evaluation of port competitiveness. In the developed MADA method, the interval Analytic Hierarchy Process and the projection method was combined for the evaluation of port competitiveness. Three container ports in Asia including Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore were studied under the background of China’s BRI. The results demonstrate that the port of Singapore is the most competitive at the initial stage of China’s BRI, followed by Hong Kong and Shanghai in the descending order. The results were validated by sum weighted method and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution method, and sensitivity analysis was also carried out. The competitiveness of the three ports in the next ten years were also studied with the consideration of the influences of China’s BRI, and the results reveal that Shanghai port can even exceed Hong Kong port and Singapore port if it can effectively take the advantage s of China’s BRI.  相似文献   


This paper aims to review the evolution of the port authority’s role and recent changes in port administrative structure worldwide, and to discuss its implication for restructuring Taiwanese port authorities. It is found that the port authority is expected to play a proactive role in strategically managing overall port operations, and aggressively market its ports to port customers with a view to increasing cargo throughput and economic growth in its region. The change in the port authority’s role has driven a change in port administrative management structure worldwide. The proposed restructuring of port authorities in Taiwan is accompanied by some potential pitfalls. These include that the legislative framework of the programme is driven by political rather than professional concerns, and the port authority’s dual role as a regulator and as an operator at ports is against the principles of ‘separation of port administration (regulatory functions) and business management’ recently adopted worldwide. These pitfalls can impede the achievement of the objectives, including directing port authorities towards becoming independent commercially oriented entities. Therefore, this paper recommends that port corporatization approach will be a good alternative for restructuring Taiwanese port authorities.  相似文献   


Port efficiency and port clustering are two aspects that have received different degrees of attention in the existing literature. While the actual estimation of port efficiency has been extensively studied, the existing literature has paid little attention to developing robust methodologies for port classification. In this paper, we review the literature on classification methods for port efficiency, and present an approach that combines stochastic frontier analysis, clustering and self-organized maps (SOM). Cluster methodologies that build on the estimated cost function parameters could group ports into performance metrics’ categories. This helps when setting improvement targets for ports as a function of their specific cluster. The methodology is applied to a database of Spanish port authorities. The dendrogram features three clusters and five outlier Spanish Port Authorities. SOM are employed to track the temporal evolution of Spanish Port Authorities that are of special interest for some reasons (i.e. outliers). Results show that use of a combination of cost frontier and cluster methods to define robust port typology and SOMs, jointly or in isolation, offers useful information to the decision-makers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the feasibility of and develops an economic valuation model for strategic options in Comprehensive Development Agreements (CDAs). A CDA is a form of public–private partnership whereby the right to price and collect revenues from toll roads is leased to a private entity for a long but finite period of time. In exchange, this provides local and state governments with a quick influx of cash and/or additional infrastructure. Uncertainty associated with such long-term leases is of substantial public concern. This paper examines five different strategic options, namely a buyout option, a conditional buyout option, a revenue-sharing option, and two types of minimum revenue guarantee options. The buyout option in particular could give the public sector additional control over the future use of leased facilities and address potential concerns regarding long-run uncertainty and possible unforeseen windfalls for the private sector. The paper’s contributions include the analysis, feasibility assessment and valuation of several strategic options, sensitivity analysis of the solutions, an economic consumer demand-based revenue model for purposes of cash flow simulation, and analysis of option price sensitivity to “moneyness”. The main conclusion is that strategic options can provide useful risk reduction, but generally have significant value relative to the lease itself. By scaling down payoffs, options could be realistically included in CDAs and other PPPs. For some parameter values, option values to the developer and public authority are offsetting, allowing for costless risk reduction.  相似文献   

This article investigates strategic responses of inland ports to institutional forces pressuring their adoption of sustainability practices. We postulate that even though inland port operators strive for economic viability, there are growing pressures from various stakeholders for continuous enhancement of their environmental and social sustainability practices. We apply institutional theory to classify the effects of these forces based on five institutional antecedents – cause, constituents, content, control, and context – and further expand our theoretical framework with resource dependence tenets to discuss the spectrum of strategic responses available to inland ports to deal with institutional forces. We examine our theoretical arguments with empirical evidence collected from four inland ports using a case study-based approach. We conclude that while inland ports have a strong disposition towards social sustainability, economic considerations are still most emphasized, and environmental issues are mostly regarded in compliance with the legally mandated minimum. The most important sources of institutional pressure are identified as cause, constituents, and control. In a further step, we present evidence of the inland ports’ potential strategic responses. The study also provides insights for managers and policy makers on strategic options as appropriate organizational responses to proliferating institutional pressures for sustainability practices adoption.  相似文献   

Located along shorelines, seaports are highly vulnerable to coastal and marine natural disasters largely due to climate change. Damage caused by disasters can be prevented or alleviated if sufficient investments are made in a timely manner. However, despite a wide range of investment options and well-developed engineering expertise, port investment on disaster prevention remains a challenging task involving great complexities. This paper develops an integrated economic model for the analysis of disaster-prevention investments at a “landlord” port. It simultaneously considers the uncertainty of disaster occurrence and associated return of prevention investments, the information accumulation and related investment timing, and the benefit spillovers of investment among stakeholders. Our analysis shows that the timing of port investments depends on the probability of disasters. Immediate investment is optimal for disasters with very high probability, while investment should be postponed if such a probability is very low. Optimal timing for cases of intermediate probability cannot be determined analytically, as it is influenced by other factors such as discount rate, information accumulation and efficiency of investments. Positive spillovers between a port and its tenants lead to under-investment, which can be corrected by coordination between stakeholders. However, since there are risks of “overinvestment” (the marginal benefits of investments are zero ex post if there is no disaster), regulatory intervention is not always optimal when the regulator does not have a good understanding of disaster probability distribution. Therefore, scientific research would bring significant economic and strategic value to policy, planning and investment decisions.  相似文献   

As a result of the intense changes occurring in port environment over the last decades, new models of competitiveness have been developed, where port authorities try to increase their attractiveness. In this context, one of the most debated issues in this area of research is still the role played by port authorities in defining port competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of port choice literature enabling to identify the main port choice’s criteria in order to define the role played by Port Authorities and to point out future lines of research that should be undertaken to fully incorporate current ports’ environment and performance. The results show that although some studies point out the importance of geographical factors in port choice, a larger number of studies defend the increasing role played by port authorities in determining the competitiveness through investing in port infrastructure, improving port efficiency or hinterland accessibility. Despite the existing models contributing on this topic, there are still some gaps in terms of measuring the port performance, including port strategies and studying the port choice for specific industries.  相似文献   

In designing travel behavior surveys, the problem is to define “work,” “home,” and similar words that are commonly used in our language but which have acquired a plethora of associated meanings. The difficulty has not been resolved by the many new terms coined to describe non-traditional ways to work. Such words as “telecommuting,” “teleworking,” “at-home work,” “hoteling,” “homebased business,” “road warriors” and “mobile workers,” lack any agreed-upon definitions yet they are used in common parlance as if they did. These new workstyles are of interest to travel planners because they may involve trip reduction. To forecast just how much trip reduction will occur, behavior needs to be measured by objective criteria. To avoid definitional traps, we recommend phrasing questions in terms of measurable variables such as the place of work and the time in days and hours spent at each location. That approach leaves researchers the option of applying their own definitions that fit the context of their analyses. Thus, rather than ask “How many days a week do you telecommute?” the more precise question can be asked: “How many days last week did you work at home instead of going to your usual work location?” This approach has the advantage that information gathered over years can be used unambiguously in various contexts. Definitions can be applied at the point of analysis. This paper illustrates errors and confusion that can arise from casually worded surveys using examples from private and public surveys. The author proposes a set of core questions with four levels of priority for consideration in designing future surveys of travel behavior.  相似文献   

Cargo handling in ports is a multioutput activity, as freight can arrive in many forms such as containers, bulk, rolling stock, or non-containerised general cargo. In this paper, the operation of cargo handling firms in a Spanish port is analysed through the estimation of a multioutput cost model that uses monthly data on three representative firms located at the Las Palmas port. This permits the calculation of product specific marginal costs, economies of scale (general and by firm) and economies of scope, which help identifying optimal pricing policies and the potential cost advantages of increasing production.  相似文献   


From the policy and management perspective, this study aims to investigate the port management tools that port/public authorities have at their disposal and then to analyse to what extent the tools are used to enforce or encourage green port development at functional activities of port operations and development. We conduct an exploratory and comparative review based on two axes: on the one hand, the range of tools available to port authorities (pricing, monitoring and measuring, market access control and environmental standard regulation) and on the other hand, the functional activities in ports (shipping traffic, cargo handling and storage operations, intermodal connection, industrial activities, and port expansion). The situations in the leading ports in Asia and Europe, namely Singapore, Shanghai, Antwerp and Rotterdam are studied and compared, whereby the policies' effectiveness is discussed accordingly. Findings show that the ports are particularly mature in exercising environmental standard regulations which reveals that the enforcement approach is more prevalent. The most focused functional activity is shipping traffic which reflects that the ports are driven by the International Maritime Organisation. The respective port authorities in Antwerp and Rotterdam have a higher level of influence on devising green port policy in comparison to the two Asian ports.  相似文献   

This paper is employing the well-known methodology of impact pathway approach to assess the external costs in human health from ship air pollution at port areas. The passenger port of Piraeus, Greece is the scenery of the study. Piraeus port is in the vicinity of the greater Athens metropolitan area where almost half of the country’s population lives. Hence, this port is the central hub of the Greek coastal passenger ship system which connects the islands of the Aegean Sea with land and is characterized by heavy ship traffic. The case study presented in this paper assesses the annual external cost in human health from air emissions produced by all passenger ships and cruise ships calling the port of Piraeus. Health cost from ships at port has been estimated at both local (Athens metropolitan area) and regional level (entire territory of Greece). Results show that higher costs occur at the local level. The dominant pollutants creating this cost are particulate matter (PM2.5, and PM10). Overall, the results indicate that the health impact of Piraeus’s passenger port emissions is not negligible; however the cost of PM10 is considerably lower than the corresponded cost deriving from the land based industries of the Athens regional area for which comparison has been available.  相似文献   

Ports are under increasing pressures to increase sustainability and reduce the local and global emissions impacts associated with their operations. Due to limits on their jurisdictional authority, ports may design effective voluntary programs and appropriately motivate participation from global shipping companies that visit their ports. This paper investigates the success of the Vessel Speed Reduction Program at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and uses qualitative methods to analyze the factors that contributed to the success of the program at reducing local air quality pollutants. In particular, why did individual private firms participate in a non-required, voluntary effort? This research found that external pressures such as community concerns about emissions and regulatory threats are important to motivating voluntary behavior and may even be more important than financial incentives. Furthermore, simplicity of program design, clear goals and presence of a monitoring mechanism are important in influencing participation. These findings broaden our understanding of the business strategy behind slow steaming and its applicability as an operational practice as much work to date is focused on how fuel prices and financial incentives influence the choice for shipping companies to slow their speeds. While the VSR program led to significant emission reductions, an additional lesson for voluntary programs is the need for them to evolve and strive for continuous improvement.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the impact of using a new intelligent vehicle technology on the performance and total cost of a European port, in comparison with existing vehicle systems like trucks. Intelligent autonomous vehicles (IAVs) are a new type of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) with better maneuverability and a special ability to pick up/drop off containers by themselves. To identify the most economical fleet size for each type of vehicle to satisfy the port’s performance target, and also to compare their impact on the performance/cost of container terminals, we developed a discrete-event simulation model to simulate all port activities in micro-level (low-level) details. We also developed a cost model to investigate the present values of using two types of vehicle, given the identified fleet size. Results of using the different types of vehicles are then compared based on the given performance measures such as the quay crane net moves per hour and average total discharging/loading time at berth. Besides successfully identifying the optimal fleet size for each type of vehicle, simulation results reveal two findings: first, even when not utilising their ability to pick up/drop off containers, the IAVs still have similar efficacy to regular trucks thanks to their better maneuverability. Second, enabling IAVs’ ability to pick up/drop off containers significantly improves the port performance. Given the best configuration and fleet size as identified by the simulation, we use the developed cost model to estimate the total cost needed for each type of vehicle to meet the performance target. Finally, we study the performance of the case study port with advanced real-time vehicle dispatching/scheduling and container placement strategies. This study reveals that the case study port can greatly benefit from upgrading its current vehicle dispatching/scheduling strategy to a more advanced one.  相似文献   

Although China lags behind other liberalized aviation markets in low cost carrier (LCC) development, its largest LCC, Spring Airlines, has achieved rapid growth in traffic volume and revenue, as well as consistent profitability, since its inauguration in 2005. Our empirical study on the Chinese domestic market suggests that Spring adopts a “cream skimming” strategy to enter high-priced routes, allowing the carrier to achieve both a very high load factor and considerable profitability. Spring’s capacity and market share on individual routes are constrained to low levels, likely due to government regulation and/or a “puppy dog” strategy adopted by the carrier. As a result, Spring is able to achieve fast growth without triggering price wars. To incumbent full service carriers, high speed rail (HSR) services impose much more significant competitive pressure than low cost carriers. Similar to LCCs in developed markets, Spring prefers to serve markets with high traffic volumes out of its operational base in Shanghai. Overall, Spring’s entry decision is not significantly affected by competition, either from full service airlines or HSR services. Our investigation suggests that LCCs have potential to introduce more competition but are yet to be a “game changer” in China. Further deregulation of the domestic market is needed.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to reconstruct the organizational and ownership transformation involving Poland’s urban transport that companies passed through after 1990. Data collected from various sources (above all the Internet, including the Bulletins of Public Information) were used to establish the degree of advancement of the transformation processes. Despite the passage of nearly two decades since the new economic reforms were launched, the privatization processes involving enterprises of municipal origin are not well‐advanced. There is not a single private company among the organizers of urban transport. Instead, an absolute domination of budgetary‐sphere entities may be noted. Furthermore, there are seven transport municipal unions. Among the operators (carriers) public ownership remains dominant in the form of single‐person local authority companies, local government companies, municipal union ownerships, municipal companies as well as budgetary units. Privatization processes have encompassed fewer than 10% of all operators in the form of companies with foreign participation, workers’ companies and companies with Polish non‐public sector participation. Moreover, in 20 localities urban transport is supplied by multi‐trade municipal services enterprises (as of end‐2008). Thus, transformation processes, though started earlier than in the case of Poland’s State Road Transport coach companies, are much less advanced.  相似文献   

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