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The increase of public attention, scientific research and political interest in environmental problems associated with transportation has provided the motivation for re-invention of electric vehicles. However the usage of grid-dependent EVs with a high-carbon electricity grid might produce more damage to the environment. This study aims to provide an environmental impact comparison of ICEVs, HEVs and EVs during their usage cycle, by modeling their energy consumption (electricity or fuel) and the supply chains of the supplied energy, (well-to-wheel) based on a life cycle assessment. The results show that running EVs with the existing mixed sources of electrical energy produce larger impacts on the environment 60% of the time; when compared to HEVs. When compared to ICEVs, EVs produce a larger environmental impact on 7 out of 15 environmental impact categories. Overall the environmental impacts of EVs are substantial based on the well-to-wheel analysis. It will continue to be so if no change is made to the methods of electricity generation in the near future. Given that the environmental profile of EVs is linked with the existing national electricity generation mix, the national electricity supply must be made cleaner before the electrification of the urban transport system.  相似文献   

In Germany, market penetration by alternative powertrains has been generally processing at a slow pace. Therefore, reaching the 2020 target of one million registered electric vehicles (EVs) is a major challenge. We analyze the German market by advancing and refining existing consumer-oriented total cost of ownership (TCOC) models and demonstrate the validity of our model by comparing the cost-efficiency of EVs and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) including the battery resale value for second use and second life. The TCOC model was calculated for the ten most frequently registered battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and compared with ICEVs in the same vehicle segments. The results are further validated through applying three typical annual mileage driver profiles and by Monte Carlo simulations under various scenarios. Results reveal that only a few BEVs and HEVs are economical without subsidies when compared with ICEVs in all considered scenarios. The subsidies only barely change the results. The mini and the medium vehicle segment remain uneconomical in all tested scenarios. Overall, we conclude that subsidies support the competitiveness of BEVs, but fail to lead to favorable TCOC within several vehicle segments and several tested annual mileages.  相似文献   

In this study, the use of energy carriers based on renewable energy sources in battery-powered electric vehicles (BPEVs), fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) is compared regarding energy efficiency, emission and cost. There is the potential to double the primary energy compared with the current level by utilising vehicles with electric drivetrains. There is also major potential to increase the efficiency of conventional ICEVs. The energy and environmental cost of using a passenger car can be reduced by 50% solely by using improved ICEVs instead of ICEVs with current technical standard. All the studied vehicles with alternative powertrains (HEVs, FCEVs, and BPEVs) would have lower energy and environmental costs than the ICEV. The HEVs, FCEVs and BPEVs have, however, higher costs than the future methanol-fuelled ICEV, if the vehicle cost is added to the energy and environmental costs, even if significant cost reductions for key technologies such as fuel cells, batteries and fuel storages are assumed. The high-energy efficiency and low emissions of these vehicles cannot compensate for the high vehicle cost. The study indicates, however, that energy-efficiency improvements, combined with the use of renewable energy, would reduce the cost of CO2 reduction by 40% compared with a strategy based on fuel substitution only.  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive comparison of well-to-wheel (WTW) energy demand, WTW GHG emissions, and costs for conventional ICE and alternative passenger car powertrains, including full electric, hybrid, and fuel cell powertrains. Vehicle production, operation, maintenance, and disposal are considered, along with a range of hydrogen production processes, electricity mixes, ICE fuels, and battery types. Results are determined based on a reference vehicle, powertrain efficiencies, life cycle inventory data, and cost estimations. Powertrain performance is measured against a gasoline ICE vehicle. Energy carrier and battery production are found to be the largest contributors to WTW energy demand, GHG emissions, and costs; however, electric powertrain performance is highly sensitive to battery specific energy. ICE and full hybrid vehicles using alternative fuels to gasoline, and fuel cell vehicles using natural gas hydrogen production pathways, are the only powertrains which demonstrate reductions in all three evaluation categories simultaneously (i.e., WTW energy demand, emissions, and costs). Overall, however, WTW emission reductions depend more on the energy carrier production pathway than on the powertrain; hence, alternative energy carriers to gasoline for an ICE-based fleet (including hybrids) should be emphasized from a policy perspective in the short-term. This will ease the transition towards a low-emission fleet in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Municipal fleet vehicle purchase decisions provide a direct opportunity for cities to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and air pollutants. However, cities typically lack comprehensive data on total life cycle impacts of various conventional and alternative fueled vehicles (AFV) considered for fleet purchase. The City of Houston, Texas, has been a leader in incorporating hybrid electric (HEV), plug-in hybrid electric (PHEV), and battery electric (BEV) vehicles into its fleet, but has yet to adopt any natural gas-powered light-duty vehicles. The City is considering additional AFV purchases but lacks systematic analysis of emissions and costs. Using City of Houston data, we calculate total fuel cycle GHG and air pollutant emissions of additional conventional gasoline vehicles, HEVs, PHEVs, BEVs, and compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles to the City's fleet. Analyses are conducted with the Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) model. Levelized cost per kilometer is calculated for each vehicle option, incorporating initial purchase price minus residual value, plus fuel and maintenance costs. Results show that HEVs can achieve 36% lower GHG emissions with a levelized cost nearly equal to a conventional sedan. BEVs and PHEVs provide further emissions reductions, but at levelized costs 32% and 50% higher than HEVs, respectively. CNG sedans and trucks provide 11% emissions reductions, but at 25% and 63% higher levelized costs, respectively. While the results presented here are specific to conditions and vehicle options currently faced by one city, the methods deployed here are broadly applicable to informing fleet purchase decisions.  相似文献   

Electrification of the transport sector is considered as a solution to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions and achieve sustainable mobility. Specifically in the case of electrification of passenger vehicles, various industrial and policy initiatives have been introduced. In this article, we present and assess three approaches – pro-technology, pro-simplicity and mix (of the aforementioned approaches) – to achieve target emission reductions in the Norwegian road transport sector. We also assess the influence of including ‘Guarantee of Origin’ certification for the electricity production in accounting for typical consumption electricity mix in Norway.Results show that for the same reductions in tail-pipe GHG emissions, pro-technology, pro-simplicity, and the mix scenario offer 22%, 29% and 28% reduction in the life cycle GHG emissions respectively, compared to the reference scenario in year 2020. However, the pro-simplicity scenario requires 25% reduction in vehicle-km driven compared to the pro-technology scenario, which provides the same passenger car mobility as in the reference case. When the GHG intensity of the electricity mix used to power EVs is corrected to account for actual consumption mix in Norway, a 13% reduction in the net GHG benefit of pro-technology scenario is observed.  相似文献   

Recently, the use of more sustainable forms of transportation such as electric vehicles (EVs) for delivering goods and parcels to customers in urban areas has received more attention from urban planners and private stakeholders. To provide some insights toward the use of EVs, this work develops an optimization framework using portfolio theory, which takes into account the cost and the risks associated with some input parameter uncertainties, for determining an optimal combination of EVs with internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) in urban freight transportation (UFT) over some planning time period. This model can assist an urban freight operator to choose the best investment strategy for introducing new vehicles into its fleet while gaining economic benefits and having positive impacts on the urban environment. When taking into account the risks that are involved, the numerical results show that EVs have the potential to compete with ICEVs in UFT.  相似文献   

In this paper, potential natural gas and renewable natural gas supply pathways and natural gas vehicles (NGVs) have been selected and evaluated with regards to well-to-wheel energy expended, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and regulated (air pollutant) emissions. The vehicles included in the evaluation are passenger cars, light-duty vehicles (LDVs), and heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) for road-transport applications, and a short-range passenger vessel for maritime transport applications. The results show that, compared to conventional fuels, in both transport applications and for all vehicle classes, the use of compressed and liquefied natural gas has a 15–27% GHG emissions reduction effect per km travel. The effect becomes large, 81–211%, when compressed and liquefied renewable natural gas are used instead. The results are sensitive to the type and source of feedstock used, the type of vehicle engine, assumed methane leakage and methane slip, and the allocated energy and environmental digestate credits, in each pathway. In maritime applications, the use of liquefied natural gas and renewable natural gas instead of low sulfur marine fuels results in a 60–100% SOx and 90–96% PM emissions reduction. A 1% methane slip from a dedicated LNG passenger vessel results, on average, in 8.5% increase in net GHG emissions.  相似文献   

For the UK to meet their national target of net zero emissions as part of the central Paris Agreement target, further emphasis needs to be placed on decarbonizing public transport and moving away from personal transport (conventionally fuelled vehicles (CFVs) and electric vehicles (EVs)). Electric buses (EBs) and hydrogen buses (HBs) have the potential to fulfil requirements if powered from low carbon renewable energy sources.A comparison of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced from conventionally fuelled buses (CFB), EBs and HBs between 2017 and 2050 under four National Grid electricity scenarios was conducted. In addition, emissions per person at different vehicle capacity levels (100%, 75%, 50% and 25%) were projected for CFBs, HBs, EBs and personal transport assuming a maximum of 80 passengers per bus and four per personal vehicle.Results indicated that CFVs produced 30 gCO2 km−1 per person compared to 16.3 gCO2 km−1 per person by CFBs by 2050. At 100% capacity, under the two-degree scenario, CFB emissions were 36 times higher than EBs, 9 times higher than HBs and 12 times higher than EVs in 2050. Cumulative emissions under all electricity scenarios remained lower for EBs and HBs.Policy makers need to focus on encouraging a modal shift from personal transport towards sustainable public transport, primarily EBs as the lowest level emitting vehicle type. Simple electrification of personal vehicles will not meet the required targets. Simultaneously, CFBs need to be replaced with EBs and HBs if the UK is going to meet emission targets.  相似文献   

A potential solution to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transport sector is to use alternatively fueled vehicles (AFV). Heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) emit a large share of GHG emissions in the transport sector and are therefore the subject of growing attention from global regulators. Fuel cell and green hydrogen technologies are a promising option to decarbonize HDVs, as their fast refueling and long vehicle ranges are consistent with current logistic operational requirements. Moreover, the application of green hydrogen in transport could enable more effective integration of renewable energies (RE) across different energy sectors. This paper explores the interplay between HDV Hydrogen Refueling Stations (HRS) that produce hydrogen locally and the power system by combining an infrastructure location planning model and an electricity system optimization model that takes grid expansion options into account. Two scenarios – one sizing refueling stations to support the power system and one sizing them independently of it – are assessed regarding their impacts on the total annual electricity system costs, regional RE integration and the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH). The impacts are calculated based on locational marginal pricing for 2050. Depending on the integration scenario, we find average LCOH of between 4.83 euro/kg and 5.36 euro/kg, for which nodal electricity prices are the main determining factor as well as a strong difference in LCOH between north and south Germany. Adding HDV-HRS incurs power transmission expansion as well as higher power supply costs as the total power demand increases. From a system perspective, investing in HDV-HRS in symbiosis with the power system rather than independently promises cost savings of around seven billion euros per annum. We therefore conclude that the co-optimization of multiple energy sectors is important for investment planning and has the potential to exploit synergies.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine what characterizes second-best road prices targeting external costs from driving electric (EV) and conventional (ICEV) vehicles when there are distortionary labor taxes and binding government budget constraints. Further, we examine how this second-best pricing fits with government set goals of reducing CO2 emissions. The paper further develops an analytical framework for assessing first- and second-best road prices on vehicle kilometers, extending it to include EVs and externalities that vary geographically and by time of day. We find that optimal road prices largely vary with external cost, but are also significantly affected by the interactions with the rest of the fiscal system. Not surprisingly, the highest road prices should be for ICEVs in large cities during peak hours due to high external costs. More surprisingly, we find that the road price for ICEVs in rural areas should be lower than that for EVs due to large fiscal interaction effects. These road prices give large welfare gains, but they lead to no reduction in carbon emissions when applying the currently recommended social cost of carbon.  相似文献   

The well-to-wheel emissions associated with plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) depend on the source of electricity and the current non-vehicle demand on the grid, thus must be evaluated via an integrated systems approach. We present a network-based dispatch model for the California electricity grid consisting of interconnected sub-regions to evaluate the impact of growing PEV demand on the existing power grid infrastructure system and energy resources. This model, built on a linear optimization framework, simultaneously considers spatiality and temporal dynamics of energy demand and supply. It was successfully benchmarked against historical data, and used to determine the regional impacts of several PEV charging profiles on the current electricity network. Average electricity carbon intensities for PEV charging range from 244 to 391 gCO2e/kW h and marginal values range from 418 to 499 gCO2e/kW h.  相似文献   

The article evaluates the environmental benefits of electric vehicles using well-to-wheel analysis in the Czech Republic. The power consumption per kilometer is determined from the combined cycle of the New European Driving Cycle. Using information from the integrated registry of polluters and mandatory disclosures of the CEZ company the specific harmful emissions production per 1 kW h of electricity is determined. The combination of electricity consumed and the production of harmful emissions per 1 kW h of electricity determine the indirect harmful emissions of an electric vehicle per kilometer. Computer simulation of the indirect production of harmful emissions is performed on the Mitsubishi MiEV engine, typical for an electric vehicle.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles are often said to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. However, the results of current comparisons with conventional vehicles are not always in favor of electric vehicles. We outline that this is not only due to the different assumptions in the time of charging and the country-specific electricity generation mix, but also due to the applied assessment method. We, therefore, discuss four assessment methods (average annual electricity mix, average time-dependent electricity mix, marginal electricity mix, and balancing zero emissions) and analyze the corresponding CO2 emissions for Germany in 2030 using an optimizing energy system model (PERSEUS-NET-TS). Furthermore, we distinguish between an uncontrolled (i.e. direct) charging and an optimized controlled charging strategy. For Germany, the different assessment methods lead to substantial discrepancies in CO2 emissions for 2030 ranging from no emissions to about 0.55 kg/kWhel (110 g/km). These emissions partly exceed the emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles. Furthermore, depending on the underlying power plant portfolio and the controlling objective, controlled charging might help to reduce CO2 emissions and relieve the electricity grid. We therefore recommend to support controlled charging, to develop consistent methodologies to address key factors affecting CO2 emissions by electric vehicles, and to implement efficient policy instruments which guarantee emission free mobility with electric vehicles agreed upon by researchers and policy makers.  相似文献   

Car ownership in China is expected to grow dramatically in the coming decades. If growing personal vehicle demand is met with conventional cars, the increase in greenhouse gas emissions will be substantial. One way to mitigate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from passenger travel is to meet growing demand for cars with alternative vehicles such as hybrid- and battery-electric vehicles (HEVs and BEVs). Our study examines the cost-effectiveness of transitioning from conventional cars to HEVs and BEVs, by calculating their marginal abatement cost (MAC) of carbon in the long-run. We find that transitioning from conventional to hybrid and battery electric light-duty, four-wheel vehicles can achieve carbon emissions reductions at a negative cost (i.e. at a net benefit) in China. In 2030, the average MAC is estimated to be about −$140/ton CO2 for HEVs and −$515/ton CO2-saved for BEVs, varying by key parameters. The total mitigation potential of each vehicle technology is estimated to be 1.38 million tons for HEVs and 0.75 million tons for BEVs.  相似文献   

Fuelled by a rapidly rising human global population, an increasing demand for freedom to travel and the affordability made possible by modern manufacturing there has been an exponential rise in the number of automobiles – in the year 2013 there were in excess of a billion automobiles in use! Three factors that are of serious concern are the consequential energetic, environmental and economic impacts. One solution that is being seen by a number of national governments is the advent (or rather re-introduction) of electric vehicles (EVs). However, one of the key factors that will need to be explored will be the source of the required electricity for the EVs that will define the level of their sustainability.In this article an experimental evaluation of an electric vehicle has been undertaken. The Renault Zoe e-car has been used for this task with the ‘car chasing’ technique employed to measure the driving cycle. The speed and energy use were recorded for the vehicle that was driven along the principal arteries of the City of Edinburgh, Scotland. In a separate activity vehicle driving tests were also undertaken in one town in Slovenia (Celje). In both places urban and suburban routes were covered for different times of the day. Results are presented to quantify the energetic, environmental and economic performance indices for the driven vehicle. A discussion is also provided on the potential for reduction of carbon emissions from the transport sector by provision of environmentally-friendly means of generating electricity.  相似文献   

The spread of electric vehicles (EVs) and their increasing demand for electricity has placed a greater burden on electricity generation and the power grid. In particular, the problem of whether to expand the electricity power stations and distribution facilities due to the construction of EV charging stations is emerging as an immediate issue. To effectively meet the demand for additional electricity while ensuring the stability of the power grid, there is a need to accurately predict the charging demands for EVs. Therefore, this study estimates the changes in electricity charging demand based on consumer preferences for EVs, charging time of day, and types of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) and elucidates the matters to be considered for constructing EV infrastructure. The results show that consumers mainly preferred charging during the evening. However, when we considered different types of EVSEs (public and private) in the analysis, people preferred to charge at public EVSEs during the day. During peak load time, people tended to prefer charging using fast public EVSEs, which shows that consumers considered the tradeoffs between the full charge time and the price for charging. Based on these findings, this study provides key political implications for policy makers to consider in taking preemptive measures to adjust the electricity supply infrastructure.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EVs) are promising alternative to conventional vehicles, due to their low fuel cost and low emissions. As a subset of EVs, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) backup batteries with combustion engines, and thus have a longer traveling range than battery electric vehicles (BEVs). However, the energy cost of a PHEV is higher than a BEV because the gasoline price is higher than the electricity price. Hence, choosing a route with more charging opportunities may result in less fuel cost than the shortest route. Different with the traditional shortest-path and shortest-time routing methods, we propose a new routing choice with the lowest fuel cost for PHEV drivers. Existing algorithms for gasoline vehicles cannot be applied because they never considered the regenerative braking which may result in negative energy consumption on some road segments. Existing algorithms for BEVs are not competent too because PHEVs have two power sources. Thus, even if along the same route, different options of power source will lead to different energy consumption. This paper proposes a cost-optimal algorithm (COA) to deal with the challenges. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using real-world maps and data. The results show that there is a trade-off between traveling cost and time consumed when driving PHEVs. It is also observed that the average detour rate caused by COA is less than 14%. Significantly, the algorithm averagely saves more than 48% energy cost compared to the shortest-time routing.  相似文献   

In view of global warming and climate change, a transition from combustion to electric vehicles (EVs) can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. However, high acquisition costs and short driving ranges are considered to be main factors which impede the diffusion of EVs. Since electricity needs to be produced from renewable energy sources for EVs to be a true green alternative, the environmental performance of EVs is also presumed to be an important factor. This paper investigates the role of environmental performance compared to price value and range confidence regarding consumer purchase intentions for EVs. To develop our hypothesis, we interview 40 end-user subjects about their beliefs toward EVs. Then, we perform 167 test drives with a plug-in battery EV and conduct a survey with the participants to test the hypothesis. Results of a structural equation modeling support the hypothesis that the environmental performance of EVs is a stronger predictor of attitude and thus purchase intention than price value and range confidence.  相似文献   

Vehicle lightweighting reduces fuel cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions but may increase vehicle cycle (production) GHG emissions because of the GHG intensity of lightweight material production. Life cycle GHG emissions are estimated and sensitivity and Monte Carlo analyses conducted to systematically examine the variables that affect the impact of lightweighting on life cycle GHG emissions. The study uses two real world gliders (vehicles without powertrain or battery) to provide a realistic basis for the analysis. The conventional and lightweight gliders are based on the Ford Fusion and Multi Material Lightweight Vehicle, respectively. These gliders were modelled with internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), and battery electric vehicle (BEV) powertrains. The probability that using the lightweight glider in place of the conventional (steel-intensive) glider reduces life cycle GHG emissions are: ICEV, 100%; HEV, 100%, and BEV, 74%.The extent to which life cycle GHG emissions are reduced depends on the powertrain, which affects fuel cycle GHG emissions. Lightweighting an ICEV results in greater base case GHG emissions mitigation (10 t CO2eq.) than lightweighting a more efficient HEV (6 t CO2eq.). BEV lightweighting can result in higher or lower GHG mitigation than gasoline vehicles, depending largely on the source of electricity.  相似文献   

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