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Recent developments of information and communication technologies (ICT) have enabled vehicles to timely communicate with each other through wireless technologies, which will form future (intelligent) traffic systems (ITS) consisting of so-called connected vehicles. Cooperative driving with the connected vehicles is regarded as a promising driving pattern to significantly improve transportation efficiency and traffic safety. Nevertheless, unreliable vehicular communications also introduce packet loss and transmission delay when vehicular kinetic information or control commands are disseminated among vehicles, which brings more challenges in the system modeling and optimization. Currently, no data has been yet available for the calibration and validation of a model for ITS, and most research has been only conducted for a theoretical point of view. Along this line, this paper focuses on the (theoretical) development of a more general (microscopic) traffic model which enables the cooperative driving behavior via a so-called inter-vehicle communication (IVC). To this end, we design a consensus-based controller for the cooperative driving system (CDS) considering (intelligent) traffic flow that consists of many platoons moving together. More specifically, the IEEE 802.11p, the de facto vehicular networking standard required to support ITS applications, is selected as the IVC protocols of the CDS, in order to investigate how the vehicular communications affect the features of intelligent traffic flow. This study essentially explores the relationship between IVC and cooperative driving, which can be exploited as the reference for the CDS optimization and design.  相似文献   

Various green driving strategies have been proposed to smooth traffic flow and lower pollutant emissions and fuel consumption in stop-and-go traffic. In this paper, we present a control theoretic formulation of distributed, cooperative green driving strategies based on inter-vehicle communications (IVCs). The control variable is the advisory speed limit, which is designed to smooth a following vehicle’s speed profile without changing its average speed. We theoretically analyze the performance of a constant independent and three simple cooperative green driving strategies and present three rules for effective and robust strategies. We then develop a distributed cooperative green driving strategy, in which the advisory speed limit is first independently calculated by each individual vehicle and then averaged among green driving vehicles through IVC. By simulations with Newell’s car-following model and the Comprehensive Modal Emissions Model (CMEM), we demonstrate that such a strategy is effective and robust independently as well as cooperatively for different market penetration rates of IVC-equipped vehicles and communication delays. In particular, even when 5% of the vehicles implement the green driving strategy and the IVC communication delay is 60 s, the fuel consumption can be reduced by up to 15%. Finally we discuss some future extensions.  相似文献   

Automated driving is gaining increasing amounts of attention from both industry and academic communities because it is regarded as the most promising technology for improving road safety in the future. The ability to make an automated lane change is one of the most important parts of automated driving. However, there has been little research into automated lane change maneuvers, and current research has not identified a way to avoid potential collisions during lane changes, which result from the state variations of the other vehicles. One important reason is that the lane change vehicle cannot acquire accurate information regarding the other vehicles, especially the vehicles in the adjacent lane. However, vehicle-to-vehicle communication has the advantage of providing more information, and this information is more accurate than that obtained from other sensors, such as radars and lasers. Therefore, we propose a dynamic automated lane change maneuver based on vehicle-to-vehicle communication to accomplish an automated lane change and eliminate potential collisions during the lane change process. The key technologies for this maneuver are trajectory planning and trajectory tracking. Trajectory planning calculates a reference trajectory satisfying the demands of safety, comfort and traffic efficiency and updates it to avoid potential collisions until the lane change is complete. The trajectory planning method converts the planning problem into a constrained optimization problem using the lane change time and distance. This method is capable of planning a reference trajectory for a normal lane change, an emergency lane change and a change back to the original lane. A trajectory-tracking controller based on sliding mode control calculates the control inputs to make the host vehicle travel along the reference trajectory. Finally, simulations and experiments using a driving simulator are conducted. They demonstrate that the proposed dynamic automated lane change maneuver can avoid potential collisions during the lane change process effectively.  相似文献   

We propose a novel real-time network-wide traffic signal control scheme which is (1) applicable under modern data technologies, (2) flexible in response to variations of traffic flows due to its non-cyclic feature, (3) operable on a network-wide and real-time basis, and (4) capable of considering expected route flows in the form of long-term green time ratios for intersection movement. The proposed system has a two-level hierarchical architecture: (1) strategy level and (2) control level. Considering the optimal states for a long-term period found in the strategy level, the optimal signal timings for a short-term period are calculated in the control level which consists of two steps: (1) queue weight update and (2) signal optimization. Based on the ratio of the cumulative green time to the desired green time is the first step to update the queue weights, which are then used in the optimization to find signal timings for minimum total delay. A parametric queue weight function is developed, discussed and evaluated. Two numerical experiments were given. The first demonstrated that the proposed system performs effectively, and the second shows its capability in a real-world network.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, transport companies have tried to reduce fuel consumption using efficient driving programs. In them, motorists have to apply different specific techniques while driving. Thus, to succeed in this learning process there are two key elements: the knowledge of efficient driving techniques and the drivers’ motivation. The latter is a human factor which companies usually bring about by using reward systems. In this case, having a fair evaluation mechanism is the keystone to determine goal fulfilment. This paper presents a complete methodology to evaluate driving efficiency of drivers in professional fleets. The evaluation methodology is based on a continuous process which determines the maturity of the motorist in different aspects, such as the efficiency during the start of the vehicle movement, during motion or in stop events. In addition, the evaluation methodology includes an early-classification method to establish the initial efficiency level of the individual drivers which permits an adaptation of the learning process from the beginning. A dashboard has also been developed to support the evaluation methodology. 880 professional drivers have been evaluated with this methodology. Results show that the evaluation methodology identifies drivers’ weaknesses, to be improved in successive iterations of the learning process.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on Network Traffic Control based on aggregate traffic flow variables, aiming at signal settings which are consistent with within-day traffic flow dynamics. The proposed optimisation strategy is based on two successive steps: the first step refers to each single junction optimisation (green timings), the second to network coordination (offsets). Both of the optimisation problems are solved through meta-heuristic algorithms: the optimisation of green timings is carried out through a multi-criteria Genetic Algorithm whereas offset optimisation is achieved with the mono-criterion Hill Climbing algorithm. To guarantee proper queuing and spillback simulation, an advanced mesoscopic traffic flow model is embedded within the network optimisation method. The adopted mesoscopic traffic flow model also includes link horizontal queue modelling. The results attained through the proposed optimisation framework are compared with those obtained through benchmark tools.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of the concept of dynamic programming to the determination of road construction needs using accessibility criteria. An attempt is made to specify political and social goals such as quality of life and equal opportunity as parameters of road dimensioning. The objective of the method which is illustrated by a case study is to determine minimal total costs for various threshold values of conceivable accessibility standards.  相似文献   


To reduce the traffic accident death rate effectively and alleviate the traffic congestion phenomenon, this study proposes a new type of car-following model under the influence of drivers’ time-varying delay response time. Based on Lyapunov function theory, this paper reduces the traffic accident rate problem to the stability issues of the new model. By constructing suitable Lyapunov functions and using the linear matrix inequality method, the stability problem of the new car-following model is studied. The model, under the action of the controller, can effectively restrain traffic congestion. Using the traffic accident rate model proposed by Solomon, compared with the car-following model without the controller, the model under the controller shows a stronger convergence. This also means that the traffic congestion phenomenon has been effectively suppressed while greatly reducing the mortality rate of traffic accidents.  相似文献   

In driving simulation, a scenario includes definitions of the road environment, the traffic situation, simulated vehicles’ interactions with the participant’s vehicle and measurements that need to be collected. The scenarios need to be designed in such a way that the research questions to be studied can be answered, which commonly imply exposing the participant for a couple of predefined specific situations that has to be both realistic and repeatable. This article presents an integrated algorithm based on Dynamic Actor Preparation and Automated Action Planning to control autonomous simulated vehicles in the simulation in order to generate predefined situations. This algorithm is thus able to plan driving actions for autonomous vehicles based on specific tasks with relevant contextual information as well as handling longitudinal transportation of simulated vehicles based on the contextual information in an automated manner. The conducted experiment shows that the algorithm is able to guarantee repeatability under autonomous traffic flow. The presented algorithm can benefit not only the driving simulation community, but also relevant areas, such as autonomous vehicle and in-vehicle device design by providing them with an algorithm for target pursue and driving task accomplishment, which can be used to design a human-vehicle cooperation system in the coming era of autonomous driving.  相似文献   

Proper intersection sight distance can effectively lower the possibility of intersection accidents. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2011) provide a series of recommended dimensions of intersection sight triangles for uncontrolled and stop/yield‐controlled intersections. However, in reality, although the actual intersection design for unsignalized intersections satisfies the requirements of sight distance and clear sight triangle in American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' guideline, there are still a large number of crashes occurring at unsignalized intersections for drivers running stop/yield signs or failing to slow down. This paper presents a driving simulator study on pre‐crash at intersections under three intersection field of view (IFOV) conditions. The aim was to explore whether better IFOVs at unsignalized intersections improve their emergent collision avoidance performance under an assumption of valid intersection sight distance design. The experimental results show drivers' ability to identify potential hazards to be significantly affected by their IFOVs. As drivers' IFOV improved, drivers were more likely to choose braking actions to avoid collisions. Better IFOVs were also associated with significant increases in brake time to intersection and significant reductions in deceleration rate and crash rate, thus leading to a lower risk of traffic crash involvement. The results indicate that providing a better IFOV for drivers at intersections should be encouraged in practical applications in order to improve drivers' crash avoidance capabilities. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Short‐term traffic flow prediction is fundamental for the intelligent transportation system and is proved to be a challenge. This paper proposed a hybrid strategy that is general and can make use of a large number of underlying machine learning or time‐series prediction models to capture the complex patterns beneath the traffic flow. With the strategy, four different combinations were implemented. To consider the spatial features of traffic phenomenon, several different state vectors including different observations were built. The performance of the proposed strategy was investigated using the traffic flow measurements from the Traffic Operation and Safety Laboratory in Wisconsin, USA. The results show the overall performance of hybrid strategy is better than a single model. Also, incorporating observations from adjacent junctions can improve prediction accuracy. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Variable message signs (VMS) are used to provide dynamic information and one current application is to show different speed limits under different conditions. As speed is an important contributor to road accidents and also affects driver speed behavior, the present study focuses on how effective traffic advisory information is when helping drivers to divert from potentially dangerous conditions. Graphical representation of an Expressway section made it easy to isolate the effects of speed etc. by drivers with information provided through VMS under adverse fog conditions. Understanding and reacting to the VMS system by drivers is essential for its success. If drivers do not react by changing speed behavior then the VMS system will fail and further implementation may cease. In this paper an Analysis of Variance model, which is appropriate to the proposed experimental conditions, is used to study how subjects (drivers) will perceive provided information and also to find the effect of VMS on driver speed behavior on the simulated Expressway section.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop and explore an approach to estimate dynamic models of activity generation on one-day travel-diary data. Dynamic models predict multi-day activity patterns of individuals taking into account dynamic needs as well as day-varying preferences and time-budgets. We formulate an ordered-logit model of dynamic activity-agenda-formation decisions and show how one-day observation probabilities can be derived from the model as a function of the model’s parameters and, with that, how parameters can be estimated using standard loglikelihood estimation. A scale parameter cannot be identified because information on within-person variability is lacking in one-day data. An application of the method to data from a national travel survey illustrates the method. A test on simulated data indicates that, given a pre-set scale, the parameters can be identified and that estimates are robust for a source of heterogeneity not captured in the model. This result indicates that dynamic activity-based models of the kind considered here can be estimated from data that are less costly to collect and that support the large sample sizes typically required for travel-demand modeling. We conclude therefore that the proposed approach opens up a way to develop large-scale dynamic activity-based models of travel demand.  相似文献   

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