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The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 heightened awareness about the vulnerability of all modes of transportation to terrorist attack. The issue of maritime security has therefore become a major concern in the international maritime sector over the past several years. Globalization has led to a strong growth in seaborne trade; however, it simultaneously increases vulnerability to not only terrorism but also international criminal activities that threaten the world's supply chain. For example, in 2008, the rise in piracy activities in the Gulf of Aden brought the issue of maritime security to the forefront of international debate. In addition to the direct impact on ships, crews and cargoes, and on the maritime industry and governments, piracy also threatens global seaborne trade, and has an impact on energy security and the environment [UNCTAD, 2009, Review of Maritime Transport 2009 (New York: United Nations)]. Maritime piracy can pose substantial risks to seaborne trades, with considerable commodities, ranging between raw materials and energy to high-value manufactured products, being shipped between global economic powerhouses [FU, X. W., NG, A. K. Y., LAU, Y. Y., forthcoming, The impacts of maritime piracy on global economic development: The case of Somalia. Maritime Policy and Management]. Maritime security management, including the definition of security, maritime risk assessment, security measures, the regulation and policy of maritime security in shipping and port-related business operations has been receiving growing attention, both in practice and research.  相似文献   

This paper studies the contributing factors of maritime piracy by analyzing previous incidents that have been reported to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Part of the analysis is to filter those ship types that are particularly vulnerable to piracy attacks. The paper also introduces the guidelines developed by the IMO and the industry envisaging to minimize the risk to ships that are exposed to attacks from pirates. It further describes the initiatives taken to develop a sustainable mechanism in the high-risk area (HRA)1 to suppress piracy and other maritime crimes. This study reflects the fact that maritime security and piracy issues’ importance has been increasingly recognized in the 40 year history of Maritime Policy & Management.  相似文献   

目前海上的海盗活动日益猖獗,严重影响海上贸易运输的安全和全球的经济发展及社会稳定。文中针对目前国际社会难以解决这些问题的状况,通过对全球海盗的根源、危害等现状分析,提出一些有效遏制和改善的方式。  相似文献   

许俊强 《世界海运》2005,28(4):37-39
《海事诉讼特别程序法》规定了海事担保的方式,但法律对以其他方式设定海事担保并无禁止性规定,以限制所有人处分船舶的方式设定海事担保充分、可靠、便捷,在审判实践中具有很强的实用性,应作为一种法定的担保方式加以规范。  相似文献   

陈海泉  朱永仁 《中国水运》2004,2(4):145-146
日本海上保安大学和海上保安学校是培养海上保安厅干部和员工的院校,其学制、专业设置、毕业后获得的资格和待遇与我相关院校有所不同.  相似文献   

海上信息技术已得到飞速发展,但各种目的的网络攻击也在不断出现,保证信息网络安全已经成为迫切的需要。本文从海上网络安全态势感知出发,阐述Markov理论并设计Markov博弈模型,在模型中通过安全加固和风险修复来提高系统的安全,实验验证本文算法在风险控制方面要优越于传播的风险评估模型。  相似文献   

本文通过研究海上物联网的通信方式,得出利用单边带进行船舶和陆地之间的信息有效传递可以提高传输速率和增强抗干扰的能力。其次,分析了基于云计算的海上物联网体系中的数据安全威胁,最后根据全同态的加密算法保证云平台数据的隐私性和完整性,并且通过安全性分析可知在保证明文对云服务器端攻击无效以及用户信息真实的情况下,此算法计算复杂度低且行之有效。  相似文献   

<正>1.海盗的历史成形期。最早的海盗记录出现在公元前1350年。在这期间,腓尼基人和其后的迦太基人都是优秀的航海家,他们当中的一些人成了地中海海盗的鼻祖。罗马人征服迦太基和埃及之后,帝国境内海盗仍很活跃,这在  相似文献   

本刊采用访谈的形式,专访各个层面的专家,畅谈海事"十一五"期间在各个方面取得的辉煌成就和成功经验。  相似文献   

张承保 《江苏船舶》2005,22(3):43-44
分析了“安全管理规则”的实施现状,对实施过程出现的问题进行了分析并提出了建议,使审核工作朝着更加规范、更加完善的方向发展。  相似文献   

三 限于篇幅,笔者仅就航路开辟、船舶建造、导航手段、气象水文等四方面,作些线索提示。 航路(航线)开辟。航路或水道的记载首推《尚书》,其《禹贡》篇记载禹治水功劳的同时,也记载了不少水道,如:“岛夷皮服,夹右碣石入于河”;“浮于济、漯,达于河”;“浮于汶,达于济”;“浮于淮、泗,达于河”;“沿于江、海,达于淮、泗”等,后来司马迁将其整理写入《史记》。  相似文献   

Check lists represent a very important tool within the International Safety Management Code, aimed at the regular and thorough assessment of the safety on board ships along with the operation of their parent companies. There seems to be only a few academic articles studying the communicative and rhetorical aspects of these maritime forms explaining why they are written in the way they are, especially in the light of their users who constitute a specific discourse community. The structure of a sample of representative lists is presented, as these check lists do not differ from the forms used by other European shipping companies. After interviews with the seafarers (deck and engine officers) to whom the check lists were administered, the conclusion was reached that they prefer short and unambiguous forms. In addition, a correlation about the language competence of the crew members on board ship was found: the simpler the discourse of the check list, the lower the responsibility of the crew member on board. Further, investigation into these complex language patterns focuses on the practical benefits.  相似文献   

受金融危机影响,全国港口吞吐量增幅连续下滑,航运市场运价大幅下挫,船舶制造订单严重减少,水运施工企业困难开始显现.航运业、船舶修造业、港口生产等各方面都面临着严峻的形势和挑战.  相似文献   

王高耀 《中国海事》2010,(10):18-19
<正>9月16日,"2010年海峡两岸海上联合搜救演练"在台湾海峡厦金海域举行。此次演练是海峡两岸海上搜救力量在两岸"大三通"后,首次围绕台湾海峡海上运输和人命财产安全,共同策划、共同组织、共同参与、共同合作、共同完成的大规模海上联合搜救演练。两岸搜救机构从1995年开始交流接触到信任协作,个案的搜救协作时有出现。2008年10月,两岸首度在厦金海域联手举行海上搜救演习。2010年1月,两岸搜救专家和学者在厦门进行"海上搜救交流研讨会"。通过交流  相似文献   

翟久刚 《中国海事》2008,(12):34-37
科学发展观的根本方法是统筹兼顾。文中分析了非水网地区搜救工作的现状和特点,指出了非水网地区搜救工作与东部沿海以及黑龙江省、长江干线存在的差距和不足,从适应科学发展的角度,提出了加强和推动非水网地区搜救工作的总体思路和具体措施。  相似文献   

The present paper reports a case study examining a conceptual framework for assessing financial impact of occupational maritime ergonomics in a Swedish shipping company. Specifically, the aim was to study the availability and applicability of suggested determinants for operational performance, routines for estimating the effects of ergonomics and the customer’s (sea transport buyer’s) demands for ergonomics management on the case company. The results show that the determinants and subcategories for operational performance in terms of productivity, efficiency and quality are present and applicable, albeit not measured to any large extent. No routines or specific methods for measuring or estimating cost and effects of ergonomics investments, accidents and operational disturbances were found. Further, the results show that the sea transport buyers increasingly express interest for and place demands related to maritime ergonomics, for instance, through compliance of specific standards and guiding principles linked to maritime ergonomics. It is concluded that in order to support and enable managers’ ability to make well-informed decisions and prioritizations, between investments, ergonomic or other, increased knowledge is needed of the financial effects of ergonomics on company core value processes. There is also a need to develop and implement usable tools to simplify these measuring procedures.  相似文献   

随着我国计算机技术的不断发展,网络信息管理系统在社会各个领域中得到广泛应用,尤其在海上军事领域。高速发展的同时也不可避免的出现了许多信息安全隐患。要保证国家军事信息化状态和信息技术体系不受外来的威胁,就要更加注重信息管理系统的完整性、可用性、保密性与可控制性。本文对我国目前海上军事信息管理系统中存在的安全问题进行分析,并结合计算机网络中对安全模型建立的相关知识,以此来保证网络信息的安全。  相似文献   

文中分析了海峡两岸海事监管法律制度发生冲突的原因及其可能产生的问题,以区际法律冲突解决理论为指导,结合海峡两岸实际,提出参加共同的海事条约、制定全国统一海事监管法律、签署两岸专门协议等三种解决两岸海事监管法律冲突的途径。  相似文献   

薛宁地 《世界海运》2010,33(5):42-43
介绍无线电测向与定位技术的功能、相关设备和使用情况,阐述这项技术在保障海洋运输安全方面的重要作用。  相似文献   

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