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This paper illustrates how recent developments in the econometrics of panel data analysis can be implemented in the study of the dynamics of continuous choice. Adopting the household's annual use of automobiles as the empirical setting with the data defined as a four-wave panel, we outline alternative assumptions for representing the role of unobserved heterogeneity, in particular the initial conditions, and the correlational structure between the observed and unobserved influences on choice. We show the importance of treating the initial conditions as endogenous. With the growing interest in integrating discrete and continuous choice models, typically through the application of the idea of selectivity, more thought has to be given to the error structure of the continuous choice module when the panel is short, as is so often the empirical reality. The simple application of econometric methods developed for long time series can be quite misleading.  相似文献   

A number of problems studied in the transportation literature, such as automobile choice, motorist route choice, and transportation mode choice, involve an agent who makes a series of discrete choices over time. This paper presents statistical models and estimation methods for such discrete choice processes, and illustrates potential applications of these methods to the transportation literature.  相似文献   

The Mixed Logit model: The state of practice   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The mixed logit model is considered to be the most promising state of the art discrete choice model currently available. Increasingly researchers and practitioners are estimating mixed logit models of various degrees of sophistication with mixtures of revealed preference and stated choice data. It is timely to review progress in model estimation since the learning curve is steep and the unwary are likely to fall into a chasm if not careful. These chasms are very deep indeed given the complexity of the mixed logit model. Although the theory is relatively clear, estimation and data issues are far from clear. Indeed there is a great deal of potential mis-inference consequent on trying to extract increased behavioural realism from data that are often not able to comply with the demands of mixed logit models. Possibly for the first time we now have an estimation method that requires extremely high quality data if the analyst wishes to take advantage of the extended behavioural capabilities of such models. This paper focuses on the new opportunities offered by mixed logit models and some issues to be aware of to avoid misuse of such advanced discrete choice methods by the practitioner.  相似文献   

Discrete choice models are increasingly implemented using geographical data. When this is the case, it may not be sufficient to project market shares accurately, but also to correctly replicate the spatial pattern of choices. Analysts might then be interested in assessing the results of a model’s fit relative to the spatial distribution of the observed responses. While canonical approaches exist for the exploratory spatial analysis of continuous variables, similar tools have not been widely implemented for discrete choice models, where the variable of interest is categorical. For this reason, despite recent progress with spatial models for discrete outcomes, there is still not a simple and intuitive tool to assess the quality of the spatial fit of a discrete choice model. The objective of this paper is to introduce a new indicator of spatial fit that can be applied to the results of discrete choice models. Utility of the indicator is explored by means of numerical experiments and then demonstrated by means of a case study of vehicle ownership in Montreal, Canada.  相似文献   

Current car technologies will not solve upcoming challenges of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in road transport. Projections of the market penetration by alternative drive train technologies are controversial regarding both forecast market shares and applied scientific methods. Accepting this latter challenge, we provide a (so far missing) overview of methods applied in this field and give some recommendations for further work. Our focus is to classify the applied methods into a convenient pattern and to analyse models from the recent scientific literature which consider the electrification of light-duty vehicles. We differentiate the following bottom-up approaches: Econometric models with disaggregated data (such as discrete choice), and agent-based simulation models. The group of top-down models are subdivided into econometric models with aggregated data (e.g. vehicle stock data), system dynamics, as well as integrated assessment models with general equilibrium models. It becomes obvious that some methods have a stronger methodological background whereas others require comprehensive data sets or can be combined more flexibly with other methods. Even though there is no dominant method, we can identify a trend in the literature towards data-driven hybrid approaches, which considers micro and macro aspects influencing the market penetration of electric vehicles.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that individual decision-making is subject to the evaluation of gains and losses around a reference point. The estimation of discrete choice models increasingly use data from stated choice experiments which are pivoted around a reference alternative. However, to date, the specification of a reference alternative in transport studies has been fixed, whereas it is common to observe individuals adjusting their preferences according to a change in their reference point. This paper focuses on individual reactions, in a freight choice context, to a negative change in the reference alternative values, identifying the behavioural implications in terms of loss aversion and diminishing sensitivity. The results show a significant adjustment in the valuation of gains and losses around a shifted reference alternative. In particular, we find an average increase in loss aversion for cost and time attributes, and a substantial decrease for punctuality. These findings are translated to significant differences in the willingness to pay and willingness to accept measures, providing supporting evidence of respondents’ behavioural reaction.  相似文献   


The growing availability of geotagged big data has stimulated substantial discussion regarding their usability in detailed travel behaviour analysis. Whilst providing a large amount of spatio-temporal information about travel behaviour, these data typically lack semantic content characterising travellers and choice alternatives. The inverse discrete choice modelling (IDCM) approach presented in this paper proposes that discrete choice models (DCMs) can be statistically inverted and used to attach additional variables from observations of travel choices. Suitability of the approach for inferring socioeconomic attributes of travellers is explored using mode choice decisions observed in London Travel Demand Survey. Performance of the IDCM is investigated with respect to the type of variable, the explanatory power of the imputed variable, and the type of estimator used. This method is a significant contribution towards establishing the extent to which DCMs can be credibly applied for semantic enrichment of passively collected big data sets while preserving privacy.  相似文献   


In this paper, a methodology for capturing the transit passenger’s point of view by using both rating and choice options is proposed. For this purpose, some discrete choice logit models are introduced; the models allow the probability of choice of some alternative transit services to be calculated, and the importance of each service aspect to be determined. The models are calibrated by using data collected by a survey in which a stated preferences experiment was proposed to a sample of passengers, and some judgements were expressed by them about their transit services, in terms of perceptions and expectations. The introduced methodology provides a relevant contribution from a practical viewpoint because it allows the identification of the most important aspects on overall service quality; it is useful to the transit operators for measuring service quality and for investing on the various service aspects in order to effectively improve transit services.  相似文献   

This paper studies changes in the relationship between household car ownership and income by household type. Ordered response probit models of car ownership are estimated for a sample of households repeatedly at six time points to track the evolution of income elasticities of car ownership over time. Elasticities of car ownership are found to change over time, questioning the existence of a unique equilibrium point between demand and supply that is implicitly assumed in traditional cross-sectional discrete choice car ownership models. Moreover, different household types and households that underwent household type transitions showed differing patterns of change in elasticities. Observed trends in car ownership and income clearly show behavioral asymmetry where the elasticity of procuring an additional car is greater than that of disposing a car. This too shows the inadequacy of traditional cross-sectional models of car ownership which tend to predict symmetry in behavior. The study suggests the importance of incorporating dynamic trends into the forecasting process, which can be accomplished through the use of longitudinal data.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread use of synthetic data in discrete choice analysis, little is known about how the methodology used to generate synthetic datasets influences the properties of parameter estimates and the validity of results based on these estimates. That is, there are two potential sources of biases when using synthetic discrete choice data: (1) bias due to the method used to generate the dataset; and, (2) bias due to parameter estimation. The primary objective of this study is to examine bias due to the underlying data generation method. This study compares three methods for generating synthetic datasets and uses design of experiments and analysis of variance methods to investigate the ability to recover estimates for “true” logsum parameters for nested logit models. The method that uses nested logit probabilities to generate the chosen alternative results in unbiased parameter estimates. The method that is based on Gumbel error component approximations reveals that while the error components themselves are unbiased, subtle empirical identification problems can arise when these error components are combined with synthetically generated utility functions. The method that is based on normal error component approximations reveals that all logsum coefficients are biased upwards; the bias dramatically increases for those nests that have a low choice frequency and is most pronounced for those nests with high correlations among alternatives. Based on the results of the analysis, several recommendations for the generation of synthetic datasets for discrete choice analyses are provided.  相似文献   

Multi-dimensional discrete choice problems are usually estimated by assuming a single-choice hierarchical order for the entire study population or for pre-defined segments representing the behavior of an “average” person and by indicating either limited differences or a variety in choices among the study population. This study develops an integral methodological framework, termed the flexible model structure (FMS), which enhances the application of the discrete choice model by developing an optimization algorithm that segment given data and searches for the best model structure for each segment simultaneously. The approach is demonstrated here through three models that conceptualize the multi-dimensional discrete choice problem. The first two are Nested Logit models with a two-choice dimension of destination and mode; they represent the estimation of a fixed-structure model using pre-segmented data as is mostly common in multi-dimensional discrete choice model implementation. The third model, the FMS, includes a fuzzy segmentation method with weighted variables, as well as a combination of more than one model structure estimated simultaneously. The FMS model significantly improves estimation results, using fewer variables than do segmented NL models, thus supporting the hypothesis that different model structures may best describe the behavior of different groups of people in multi-dimensional choice models. The implementation of FMS involves presenting the travel behavior of an individual as a mix of travel behaviors represented by a number of segments. The choice model for each segment comprises a combination of different choice model structures. The FMS model thus breaks the consensus that an individual belongs to only one segment and that a segment can take only one structure.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new procedure for the problem of multimodal urban corridor travel demand estimation by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Certain conceptual and operational features of the AHP are common to the discrete choice theory-based modeling approach. Whereas the computational and data requirements of standard discrete choice models are immense, the proposed AHP approach deals efficiently with multidimensionality, nested demand structure and discrete travel decision making behavior. The paper concludes by summarizing the AHP-aided, step-by-step procedure for metropolitan travel demand (modal split) estimation.  相似文献   

The modeling of travel decision making has been a popular topic in transportation planning. Previous studies focused on random-utility discrete choice models and machine learning methods. This paper proposes a new modeling approach that utilizes a mixed Bayesian network (BN) for travel decision inference. The authors use a predetermined BN structure and calculate priori and posterior probability distributions of the decision alternatives based on the observed explanatory variables. As a “utility-free” decision inference method, the BN model releases the linear structure in the utility function but assumes the traffic level of service variables follow multivariate Gaussian distribution conditional on the choice variable. A real-world case study is conducted by using the regional travel survey data for a two-dimensional decision modeling of both departure time choice and travel mode choice. The results indicate that a two-dimensional mixed BN provides better accuracy than decision tree models and nested logit models. In addition, one can derive continuous elasticity with respect to each continuous explanatory variable for sensitivity analysis. This new approach addresses a research gap in probabilistic travel decision making modeling as well as two-dimensional travel decision modeling.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the question of whether the capability of car drivers to estimate the cost of a new hypothetical, highly differentiated congestion charge influences their decision to change travel behaviour. The analysis makes use of an integrated choice and latent variable model (ICLV) which merges classic choice models with the structural equation approach (SEM) for latent variables. This hybrid model improves the explanatory power considerably compared with a conventional discrete choice model. The results suggest that charge complexity decreases the resistance in considering behavioural changes. Car drivers tend to avoid a travel option where the price is not known beforehand, a phenomenon known as ambiguity avoidance.  相似文献   

Stated choice experiments are designed optimally in a statistical sense but not necessarily in a behavioural choice making sense. Statistical designs, and consequently model estimation, assume that the set of alternatives offered in the experiment are processed by respondents with a specific processing strategy. Much has been studied about attribute processing using discrete choice methods in travel choice studies, but this paper focuses more broadly on processing of alternatives in the choice set offered in the experiment. This paper is motivated by the primary idea that the distribution of predicted choice probabilities associated with a set of alternatives defining a given choice set might provide strong evidence on the strategies that agents appear to use when choosing a preferred alternative. In an empirical setting of a choice set of size three, four model specifications are considered including a model for the selection of the best alternative in the full choice set and three variants of a best–worst regime. Using state choice data on road pricing reform, the empirical analysis examines which model specification delivers the most accurate prediction of the chosen alternative. The results suggest which alternatives really matter in choice making and hence the alternatives that might be included in a choice set for model specification.  相似文献   

Standard network data are generally used in estimation of mode choice models. These data are inaccurate in several ways, but the cost of correcting the inaccuracies is great. This paper analyzes the effects which correcting some of the inaccuracies in the standard network data has on the estimated parameters of mode choice models. Models are estimated on the standard network data and on data which have been adjusted so as to correct the problems in the standard network data. It is found that, for analysis of policies affecting transfer wait times or distances to bus stops, correction of the standard network data is advisable. For other policy analyses, however, it seems that the extra expense of correcting the standard data is unnecessary.  相似文献   

Most applications of discrete choice models in transportation now utilise a random coefficient specification, such as mixed logit, to represent taste heterogeneity. However, little is known about the ability of these models to capture the heterogeneity in finite samples (as opposed to asymptotically). Also, due to the computational intensity of the standard estimation procedures, several alternative, less demanding methods have been proposed, and yet the relative accuracy of these methods has not been investigated. This is especially true in the context of work looking at joint inter-respondent and intra-respondent variation. This paper presents an overview of the various different estimators, gives insights into some of the theoretical properties, and analyses their performance in a large scale study on simulated data. In particular, we specify 31 different forms of heterogeneity, with multiple versions of each dataset, and with results from over 16,000 mixed logit estimation runs. The findings suggest that variation in tastes over consumers is captured by all the methods, including the simpler versions, at least when sample size is sufficiently large. When tastes vary over choice situations for each consumer, as well as over consumers, the ability of the methods to capture and differentiate the two sources of heterogeneity becomes more tenuous. Only the most computationally intensive approach is able to capture adequately the two sources of variation, but at the cost of very high run times. Our results highlight the difficulty of retrieving taste heterogeneity with only cross-sectional data, providing further evidence of the benefits of repeated choice data. Our findings also suggest that the data requirements of random coefficients models may be more substantial than is commonly assumed, further reinforcing concerns about small sample issues.  相似文献   

Forecasts of travel demand are often based on data from the most recent time point, even when cross-sectional data is available from multiple time points. This is because forecasting models with similar contexts have higher transferability, and the context of the most recent time point is believed to be the most similar to the context of a future time point. In this paper, the author proposes a method for improving the forecasting performance of disaggregate travel demand models by utilising not only the most recent dataset but also an older dataset. The author assumes that the parameters are functions of time, which means that future parameter values can be forecast. These forecast parameters are then used for travel demand forecasting. This paper describes a case study of journeys to work mode choice analysis in Nagoya, Japan, using data collected in 1971, 1981, 1991, and 2001. Behaviours in 2001 are forecast using a model with only the most recent 1991 dataset and models that combine the 1971, 1981, and 1991 datasets. The models proposed by the author using data from three time points can provide better forecasts. This paper also discusses the functional forms for expressing parameter changes and questions the temporal transferability of not only alternative-specific constants but also level-of-service and socio-economic parameters.  相似文献   


The paper presents a critical review of the methodological approaches used in tour-based mode choice models within the activity-based modelling frameworks. Various components of the activity-based models, such as activity type choice, activity location choice, and activity duration have already matured significantly. However, the mode choice component is often simplified in many ways. Both trip-based and tour-based approaches are used in many cases. However, the tour-based approach is considered to be the most relevant to the activity-based modelling framework. This paper presents a synthesis of the strengths and weaknesses of existing tour-based mode choice models. The previous studies on tour-based mode choice models are grouped into seven categories, ranging from simplified main tour mode to complex dynamic discrete choice models. Besides, challenges with data-hungry models, simulation-based models and static models are discussed elaborately. In conclusion, it proposes a few methodological suggestions for researchers and practitioners for finding an appropriate mode choice modelling framework for activity-based models. In addition, the paper also provides a guideline on how to incorporate automated vehicles and Mobility-as-a-Service within the framework of tour-based mode choice models.  相似文献   

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