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Morning commuters choose their departure times and travel modes based on a combinational evaluation of factors associated with the chances of running into bottleneck congestion, likely schedule delays, parking space availability as well as monetary costs of traveling and parking. This study investigates a morning commute problem with carpooling behavior under parking space constraint at destination. We consider such a scenario that as a competing mode of the transit line, the highway contains a carpool lane only used by carpoolers while all solo drivers are forced to use a general purpose (GP) lane. Unlike the standard bottleneck model, the rush-hour dynamic departure patterns with a binding parking supply vary with the relative proportion of the two lanes’ capacities. The possible departure pattern domain with different parking supply and lane capacity allocation is explored in terms of the relative extra carpool cost and distinguished between the bi-mode and multi-mode equilibria. It is found that compared with solo drivers, carpoolers have shorter rush hour in order to smooth the extra carpool cost. With the decrease of parking spots, the number of solo drivers cuts down gradually, whilst the number of carpoolers climbs up firstly and then declines in the multi-mode system. Under mild assumptions, the best system performance can be realized with the joint consideration of total travel cost and vehicle emission cost through optimizing the lane capacity allocation and the parking supply.  相似文献   

Carpooling is an effective solution to major environmental problems but it is insufficiently used, particularly in France. In order to increase carpooling, it is important to understand why people do or not carpool. This study, carried out a large sample of drivers, was aimed at (1) identifying whether or not people carpool, (2) investigating the factual data (e.g. socio-demographics, transportation accessibility) and motivational factors (e.g. attitudes regarding car use, public transportation, environment) upon which carpoolers and non-carpoolers differ, and (3) highlighting the main determinants of the practice of carpooling. An online survey was administered to 1207 French drivers (48% men, ages 19–87) recruited by means of a random-quota method. In our sample, 52.5% of the participants said they were using carpooling. Carpoolers and non-carpoolers were similar in terms of kilometers driven per year, distance to their workplace or schools/universities, and public transportation accessibility. Compared to non-carpoolers, carpoolers were more likely to be women, have children, have positive attitudes toward public transport, and be more environmentally aware. These results suggest various different strategies for increasing the number of carpoolers and the frequency of carpooling use by taking into account the gender of road users.  相似文献   


Carpooling, the process by which individuals share a private vehicle for a particular journey or journeys, has been undertaken both formally and informally for a great number of years. A variety of computational methods for undertaking the ‘ride-matching’ element for the formation of carpools have been developed and subsequently made into integrated tools to allow the formation of multiple carpools. Such tools are commonly used by both Local Authorities and employers who are looking to establish and operate their own formal carpool scheme, increasingly using a web-based interface.

The aim of this paper is to understand how users enrolled with employer-led carpool schemes perceive the importance of several different factors in their decision to participate. It is a further aim to determine the importance they attach to employer provided priority parking spaces. A survey-based approach investigates the perceptions of users from six different employer operated carpool schemes in the UK.

The paper suggests that saving money was perceived as the most important reason for an individual's decision to use a formal employer-led carpool scheme – even amongst carpool schemes where the employer provides significant incentives to participate. No regular access to their own vehicle and ‘more sociable travel’ were generally perceived as less important reasons to participate. For employers who offer priority parking to carpoolers, this was generally valued as important by participants, even when the employment location did not have significant parking pressures.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates a ride matching method for commuting trips based on clustering trajectories, and a modeling and simulation framework with ride-sharing behaviors to illustrate its potential impact. It proposes data mining solutions to reduce traffic demand and encourage more environment-friendly behaviors. The main contribution is a new data-driven ride-matching method, which tracks personal preferences of road choices and travel patterns to identify potential ride-sharing routes for carpool commuters. Compared with prevalent carpooling algorithms, which allow users to enter departure and destination information for on-demand trips, the proposed method focuses more on regular commuting trips. The potential effectiveness of the approach is evaluated using a traffic simulation-assignment framework with ride-sharing participation using the routes suggested by our algorithm. Two types of ride-sharing participation scenarios, with and without carpooling information, are considered. A case study with the Chicago tested is conducted to demonstrate the proposed framework’s ability to support better decision-making for carpool commuters. The results indicate that with ride-matching recommendations using shared vehicle trajectory data, carpool programs for commuters contribute to a less congested traffic state and environment-friendly travel patterns.  相似文献   

Carpooling in the US has a storied history. After experiencing a peak 20% mode share in 1980, the current share of carpooling for work trips is about 10% and the majority of these carpooling trips are made by intra-household members. Casting the choice between SOV and carpool as a social dilemma in which SOV is a noncooperative choice and carpool is a cooperative one, we propose to test two hypotheses. First, the switch from SOV to carpool and the reverse choice are attributed to different factors—structural factors, or those factors altering the objective features of a decision scenario such as travel time and travel cost, play a dominant role in the switch from carpool to SOV while psychosocial factors (attitudes and beliefs) play a critical role in the switch from SOV to carpool. Second, the two choices are underlay by different behavioral mechanisms. In particular, we expect self-justification by carpool-to-SOV switchers—after they switch from carpool to SOV, they adjusted their attitudes toward carpool accordingly to match their behavior. The analysis of the first three waves of the Puget Sound Transportation Panel supports these two hypotheses. Our study results recommend developing programs and policies that aim at influencing people’s subjective assessments of carpooling, in addition to the existing ones that mostly focus on incentivizing carpooling, and differentiating between programs seeking to encourage SOV users to switch to carpool and those aiming to maintain existing carpoolers.  相似文献   

High occupancy vehicle lanes have become an integral part of regional transportation planning. Their purpose is to increase ridesharing by offering a travel time advantage to multiple occupant vehicles. This paper examines the extent to which an HOV facility increases ridesharing. Using data from the Route 55 HOV facility in Orange Country, California, changes in the carpooling rate on Route 55 are compared to that of a control group of freeway commuters. The analysis shows that the carpooling rate among peak period commuters, and particularly those who use the entire length of the facility, has increased. However, there has been no significant increase in ridesharing among the entire population of Route 55 commuters. Results suggest that barriers to increased ridesharing are formidable, that travel time savings must be large in order to attract new carpoolers, and that further increases in capooling will likely require development of extensive HOV lane systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss cross-lagged panel analysis in terms of the causal inferences it generates about the relationship of beliefs about modes and mode choice behavior. Frequencies of use of the single-occupant automobile (SOA), bus and carpool, as well as beliefs about each of the modes, were collected from a sample of central business district commuters at two points in time. The belief variables for each mode were summed to form composite measures and were corrected for unreliability due to measurement error.Perceptions of each mode and the frequency of its use were analyzed for influences operating over time. A time interval was assumed to exist during which the variables causally operated on each other. It was assumed that the time necessary for an individual to change modes based on his perception was equivalent to the interval required for a person to alter perceptions based on his experience. The causal structure relating the two variables was also assumed to be stable over time. An additional assumption was required to distinguish between third variable effects, or spuriousness, and dual causation: if a third variable were to be causing the relationship, it would be operating at a relatively constant rate over time.A strong causal relationship was found to be operating between beliefs about SOA and bus and use of those modes over time. The relationship is mutually causative; beliefs determine behavior and behavior reinforces and changes perceptions. Analysis of the carpool data indicated that the causal structure had changed over time and could not be analyzed with this technique. In general, support is evidenced for an adaptation or learning process interpretation of the relationship between beliefs and mode choice behavior.  相似文献   

This research examined the major changes in a corridor due to high occupancy/toll (HOT) lane implementation. This was accomplished by comparing the impacts of HOT lanes on three pairs of HOT lanes with similar design and operational characteristics. These pairwise comparisons of similar HOT lanes reduced the impact of exogenous factors and removed the issue of comparing HOT lanes that were so dissimilar it would be impossible to isolate the reasons for difference in results from the lanes. With strict registration requirements for free high occupancy vehicle (HOV) 3+ travel on the I-95 Express Lanes (ELs) in Miami there were indications that some carpoolers switched to lower occupancy modes. Tolled access for HOV2s on I-95 and the SR-91 ELs near Los Angeles resulted in lower usage of those ELs by the HOV2s as compared to most HOV lanes where HOV2 access is free. On the SR167 (Seattle) and I-25 (Denver) HOT lanes, exogenous factors like the price of gas and the economic recession seemed to be the primary influence on the usage of those HOT lanes. In both cases, carpool usage increased along with the price of gas. On I-25, the increasing unemployment rate coincided with a decrease in toll paying travelers. On SR 167 there were also indications of mode shifts among the transit, carpool and toll paying SOVs due to the fluctuating price of gas.  相似文献   

Major commuting corridors in metropolitan areas generally comprise multiple transportation modes for commuters, such as transit (subways or buses), private vehicles, or park-and-ride combinations. During the morning peak hour, the commuters would choose one of the available transportation modes to travel through the corridors from rural/suburban living areas to urban working areas. This paper introduces a concept of transportation serviceability to evaluate a transportation mode’s service status in a specific link, route, road, or network during a certain period. The serviceability can be measured by the possibility that travelers choose a specific type of transportation service at a certain travel cost. The commuters’ modal-choice possibilities are calculated using a stochastic equilibrium model based on general travel cost. The modeling results illustrate how transportation serviceability is influenced by background traffic flow in a corridor, value of comfort for railway mode, and parking fee distribution.  相似文献   

Carpooling is an emerging alternative transportation mode that is eco-friendly and sustainable as it enables commuters to save time, travel resource, reduce emission and traffic congestion. The procedure of carpooling consists of a number of steps namely; (i) create a motive to carpool, (ii) communicate this motive with other agents, (iii) negotiate a plan with the interested agents, (iv) execute the agreed plans, and (v) provide a feedback to all concerned agents. In this paper, we present a conceptual design of an agent-based model (ABM) for the carpooling a that serves as a proof of concept. Our model for the carpooling application is a computational model that is used for simulating the interactions of autonomous agents and to analyze the effects of change in factors related to the infrastructure, behavior and cost. In our carpooling application, we use agent profiles and social networks to initiate our agent communication model and then employ a route matching algorithm, and a utility function to trigger the negotiation process between agents. We developed a prototype of our agent-based carpooling application based on the work presented in this paper and carried out a validation study of our results with real data collected in Flanders, Belgium.  相似文献   

Fluctuating fuel prices, rising congestion, longer commutes, and related environmental and human health effects have combined to once more draw the interest of governments, commuters, and firms toward the concept of travel demand management (TDM). While TDM is not new, the proliferation of mobile telephony, fixed Internet, and associated applications has created fresh prospects for the implementation of commuter focused TDM strategies. One recent example is Carpool Zone, an on-line carpool-matching tool deployed and managed by the TDM group at Metrolinx, the regional transportation planning agency within Canada’s largest metropolitan region, the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Using data provided by Metrolinx, this paper broadens current thinking on carpool formation and use. The main hypothesis guiding this work is that the carpool formation and use process is sensitive to personal and household characteristics, space, time, travel cost, and workplace TDM policies. Results from a logistic regression analysis suggest that geographical proximity to other users; workplace TDM policies; the scheduling of work; and commuter role preference increase the odds of successfully carpooling. Importantly, findings regarding the positive influence of workplace TDM policies suggest that Internet based TDM tools will likely require critically important investment in human capital at the back-end to ensure program participation.  相似文献   

Transportation planners and transit operators alike have become increasingly aware of the need to diffuse the concentration of peak period travel in an effort to improve gasoline economy and reduce peak load requirements. An evaluation of the potential effectiveness of strategies directed to achieve this end requires an understanding of factors which affect commuter trip timing decisions. The research discussed in this article addresses this particular problem through the development and estimation of a commuter departure time (to work) choice model.A number of conclusions were drawn based on the departure time model results and related analyses. It was found that work schedule flexibility, mode, occupation, income, age, and transportation level of service all influence departure time choice. The uncertainty in work arrival time and the consequences of various work arrival times may also be determinants of commuter departure time choice.The estimated model represents improvements over previous work in that it more explicitly considers work arrival time uncertainty and travelers' perceived loss associated with varying work arrival times, and additional socio-demographic factors which can potentially affect departure time choice. Furthermore, the estimated model includes consideration of transit commuters, in addition to single occupant auto and carpool work travelers. The inclusion of transit commuters represents a particularly important contribution for policy analysis, since the model could potentially be used to study the effect of service and employment policies on transit system peak load requirements.  相似文献   

Modeling commuters’ choice behavior in response to transportation demand management (TDM) helps in predicting the consequences of TDM policies. Although research looking at choice behavior has evolved to investigate preference heterogeneity in response to factors influencing mode choice, as far as we know, no study has considered taste variation across commuters in response to multiple TDM policies. This paper investigates the presence of systematic preference heterogeneity across commuters, in response to the TDM policies that can be explained by their socio-economic or commuting-related characteristics. Analysis is based on results of a stated preference survey developed using a Design of Experiments approach. Five policies were assessed in order to study the impact they had on how commuters chose their mode of transportation. These include increasing parking cost, increasing fuel cost, implementing cordon pricing, reducing transit time and improving access to transit facilities. For the sake of assessing both systematic and random preference heterogeneity across car commuters, a form of the Mixed Multinomial Logit (MMNL) model that identifies sources of heterogeneity and consequently makes the choice models less restrictive in considering both systematic and random preference variation across individuals was developed. The sample includes 366 individuals who regularly commute to their workplace in the city center of Tehran, Iran. The likelihood function value of this model shows a significant improvement compared to the base MNL model, using the same variables. The MMNL model shows that taste variation across the studied commuters results in differences in influences estimated for three policies: increasing parking cost, reducing transit time and improving access to transit. The analysis examines several distributions for random parameters to test the impacts of restricting distributions to allow for only normality. The results confirm the potential to improve model fit with alternative distributions.  相似文献   

This papers attempts to quantify the equity effect of a hypothesized economic instrument, a carbon charge on car commuters, for reducing carbon dioxide emissions produced by commuters on airport surface access. Manchester Airport is taken as a case study using staff Survey data from 2008 and 2010. Consumer welfare change is analysed for measuring the equity effects of carbon charge by user group, which considers the changes of travel mode choice, the carbon dioxide emissions reduction, the revenue from a carbon charge and how it is distributed. First, the individual carbon footprint in terms of gram passenger kilometre, and the damage cost of carbon by commuters on airport surface access are estimated. Next, the impact of carbon charge on travel behaviour is investigated by the nested logit model. Finally, the net effect of carbon charges is assessed by travel mode user, gender, job type, and age group. The results show some impacts of the carbon charge on car users and carbon reduction, and the positive effects on lower income group and less carbon commuters. The quantified results provide the evidences for the mitigation policies to combine monetary incentives with disincentives for travel behaviour change, and demonstrate the different equity effects among commuter groups.  相似文献   

In the past decade, many studies have explored the relationship between travelers’ travel mode and their trip satisfaction. Various characteristics of the chosen travel modes have been found to influence trip experiences; however, apart from the chosen modes, travelers’ variability in mode use and their ability to vary have not been investigated in the trip satisfaction literature. This current paper presents an analysis of commuting trip satisfaction in Beijing with a particular focus on the influence of commuters’ multimodal behavior on multiple workdays and their modal flexibility for each commuting trip. Consistent with previous studies, we find that commuting trips by active modes are the most satisfying, followed by trips by car and public transport. In Beijing, public transport dominates. Urban residents increasingly acquire automobiles, but a strict vehicle policy has been implemented to restrict the use of private cars on workdays. In this comparatively constrained context for transport mode choice, we find a significant portion of commuters showing multimodal behavior. We also find that multimodal commuters tend to feel less satisfied with trips by alternative modes compared with monomodal commuters, which is probably related to their undesirable deviation from habitual transport modes. Furthermore, the relationship between modal flexibility and trip satisfaction is not linear, but U-shaped. Commuters with high flexibility are generally most satisfied because there is a higher possibility for them to choose their mode of transport out of preference. Very inflexible commuters can also reach a relatively high satisfaction level, however, which is probably caused by their lower expectations beforehand and the fact that they did not have an alternative to regret in trip satisfaction assessments.  相似文献   

This paper extends Vickrey’s (1969) commute problem for commuters wishing to pass a bottleneck for both cars and transit that share finite road capacity. In addition to this more general framework considering two modes, the paper focuses on the evening rush, when commuters travel from work to home. Commuters choose which mode to use and when to travel in order to minimize the generalized cost of their own trips, including queueing delay and penalties for deviation from a preferred schedule of arrival and departure to and from work. The user equilibrium for the isolated morning and evening commutes are shown to be asymmetric because the schedule penalty in the morning is the difference between the departure and wished curves, and the schedule penalty in the evening is the difference between the arrival and wished curves. It is shown that the system optimum in the morning and evening peaks are symmetric because queueing delay is eliminated and the optimal arrival curves are the same as the departure curves.The paper then considers both the morning and evening peaks together for a single mode bottleneck (all cars) with identical travelers that share the same wished times. For a schedule penalty function of the morning departure and evening arrival times that is positive definite and has certain properties, a user equilibrium is shown to exist in which commuters travel in the same order in both peaks. The result is used to illustrate the user equilibrium for two cases: (i) commuters have decoupled schedule preferences in the morning and evening and (ii) commuters must work a fixed shift length but have flexibility when to start. Finally, a special case is considered with cars and transit: commuters have the same wished order in the morning and evening peaks. Commuters must use the same mode in both directions, and the complete user equilibrium solution reveals the number of commuters using cars and transit and the period in the middle of each rush when transit is used.  相似文献   

For much of the twentieth century, the economies of Canada and the United States have increasingly focused on service provision. During this same time period, cities have grown into expansive urban regions characterized by dispersed workplaces complemented by a wide array of commuting patterns, dominated by single occupancy vehicle use. This study aims to understand how service worker engagement with an Internet-based carpool formation software, known as Carpool Zone, and workplace transport policies, jointly enable carpool formation and use. The piece also explores the question of difference in carpool formation between female and male service workers. The study area is the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Canada??s largest metropolitan region. Data were drawn from Carpool Zone and a 2007 survey of commuter satisfaction. Extending past work, logistic regression analysis clarifies the importance of specific workplace policies, enacted within suburban firms, to the carpool formation process, including: provision of carpool spaces and availability of an emergency ride home service. The findings indicate that the Internet may not be enough, powerful enabling tools should be situated within expert networks of human capital developed to ameliorate the negative effects of commuting.  相似文献   

Welfare effects of congestion pricing in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the Singapore Area License Scheme. Changes in scheduling and choices of transportation mode by commuters are discussed. Although the toll is shown to reduce travel times for many commuters, many commuters are shown to incur scheduling costs as a result of the toll. Using estimated parameters of an indirect utility function, welfare functions are computed to compare welfare levels prior to, and just after, the toll was put into place. The evidence suggests that the toll may have reduced welfare.  相似文献   

This article investigates the carpool mode choice option in the context of overall commuting mode choice preferences. The article uses a hybrid discrete choice modelling technique to jointly model the consideration of carpooling in the choice set formation as well as commuting mode choice together with the response bias corrections through the accommodation of measurement equations. A cross-nested error structure for the econometric formulation is used to capture correlations among various commuting modes and carpool consideration in the choice set. Empirical models are estimated using a data set collected through a week-long commuter survey in Edmonton, Alberta. The empirical model reveals many behavioural details of commuting mode choice and carpooling. Interestingly, it reveals that interactions between various Travel Demand Management (TDM) tools with the carpooling option can be different at different level of decision making (choice set formation level and final choice making level).  相似文献   

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