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The container cargo proportion of total maritime transport increased from 3% in 1980 to 16% in 2011. The largest Brazilian port, the port of Santos, is the 42nd largest container port in the world. However, Santos’ performance indicators are much lower than those of the world’s largest ports, so comparisons with them are difficult. This article focuses on the Brazilian container terminals that handled containers in 2009 and compares port competitiveness. This study classified seventeen Brazilian container terminals into three distinct groups based on the following competitiveness criteria: number of containers handled, berth length, number of berths, terminal tariffs (in US$), berth depth, rate of medium consignment (in containers/ship), medium board (containers/hour), average waiting time for mooring (in hours/ship), and average waiting time for load or unload cargo (in hours/ship). This classification used a hierarchical cluster analysis. The classification shows that the terminal of Tecon in the port of Santos has the best performance of all, while small terminals (<150,000 container units) are the worst performing terminals in Brazil.  相似文献   

A numerical method has been developed for estimating delays on congested waterways. Analytic and numerical results are presented for series of G/G/1 queues, i.e. with generally distributed arrivals and service times and single chambers at each lock. One or two-way traffic operations are modelled. A metamodelling approach which develops simple formulas to approximate the results of simulation models is presented. The structure of the metamodels is developed from queueing theory while their coefficients are statistically estimated from simulation results. The numerical method consists of three modules: (1) delays, (2) arrivals and (3) departures. The first estimates the average waiting time for each lock when the arrival and service time distributions at this lock are known. The second identifies the relations between the arrival distributions at one lock and the departure distributions from the upstream and downstream locks. The third estimates the mean and variance of inter-departure times when the inter-arrival and service time distributions are known. The method can be applied to systems with two-way traffic through common bi-directional servers as well as to one-way traffic systems. Algorithms for both cases are presented. This numerical method is shown to produce results that are close to the simulation results. The metamodels developed for estimating delays and variances of inter-departure times may be applied to waterways and other series of G/G/1 queues. These metamodels for G/G/1 queues may provide key components of algorithms for analyzing networks of queues.  相似文献   

We have introduced the effect of delay in walking from the head of a queue to the service windows in the queueing model and obtain a suitable type of queueing system under various conditions by both computational simulation and theoretical analysis. When there are multiple service windows, the queueing theory indicates that mean waiting time in a fork-type queueing system (Fork), which collects pedestrians into a single queue, is smaller than that in a parallel-type queueing system (Parallel), i.e., queues for each service window. However, in our walking-distance introduced queueing model, we have examined that mean waiting time in Parallel becomes smaller when both the arrival probability of pedestrians and the effect of walking distance are large. Moreover, enhanced Forks, which shorten waiting time by reducing the effect of walking distance, are considered, and parts of our results are also verified by real queueing experiments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the joint optimization of the tactical berth allocation and the tactical yard allocation in container terminals, which typically consist of berth side and yard side operations. The studied two objectives are: (i) the minimization of the violation of the vessels’ expected turnaround time windows with the purpose of meeting the timetables published by shipping liners, and (ii) the minimization of the total yard transportation distance with the aim to lower terminal operational cost. We propose a bi-objective integer program which can comprehensively address the import, export and transshipment tasks in port daily practice. Traditionally, a container transshipment task is performed as a couple of import and export tasks, called indirect-transshipment mode, in which the transit container are needed to be temporally stored in the yard. As the way of transferring containers directly from the incoming vessel to the outgoing vessel, called direct-transshipment mode, has potential to save yard storage resources, the proposed model also incorporates both indirect- and direct-transshipment modes. To produce Pareto solutions efficiently, we devise heuristic approaches. Numerical experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the efficiency of the approaches.  相似文献   

In transportation and other types of facilities, various queues arise when the demands of service are higher than the supplies, and many point and fluid queue models have been proposed to study such queueing systems. However, there has been no unified approach to deriving such models, analyzing their relationships and properties, and extending them for networks. In this paper, we derive point queue models as limits of two link-based queueing model: the link transmission model and a link queue model. With two definitions for demand and supply of a point queue, we present four point queue models, four approximate models, and their discrete versions. We discuss the properties of these models, including equivalence, well-definedness, smoothness, and queue spillback, both analytically and with numerical examples. We then analytically solve Vickrey’s point queue model and stationary states in various models. We demonstrate that all existing point and fluid queue models in the literature are special cases of those derived from the link-based queueing models. Such a unified approach leads to systematic methods for studying the queueing process at a point facility and will also be helpful for studies on stochastic queues as well as networks of queues.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study an important problem that arises with the fast development of public transportation systems: when a large number of bus lines share the same bus stop, a long queue of buses often forms when they wait to get into the stop in rush hours. This causes a significant increase of bus delay and a notable drop of traffic capacity near the bus stop. Various measures had been proposed to relieve the congestions near bus stops. However, all of them require considerable financial budgets and construction time costs. In this paper, with the concept of berth assignment redesign, a simulation‐based heuristic algorithm is proposed to make full use of exiting bus berths. In this study, a trustable simulation platform is designed, and the major influencing factors for bus stop operations are considered. The concept of risk control is also introduced to better evaluate the performance of different berth arrangement plans and makes an appropriate trade‐off between the system's efficiency and stability. Finally, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to find a sub‐optimal berth assignment plan. Tests on a typical bus stop show that this algorithm is efficient and fast. The sub‐optimal berth assignment plan obtained by this algorithm could make remarkable improvements to an actual bus stop. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of continuous autoregressive models to describe the behavior of traffic indices. From discretely sampled data, second-order differential equation models are constructed to represent dynamic traffic fluctuations as the response of a linear system to a stochastic forcing function. The results are compared to the more common M/G/∞ queueing model approach, and the analysis is demonstrated on time series of aircraft concentration in thirty-one enroute air traffic control sectors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the α-reliable mean-excess traffic equilibrium (METE) model of Chen and Zhou (Transportation Research Part B 44(4), 2010, 493-513) by explicitly modeling the stochastic perception errors within the travelers’ route choice decision processes. In the METE model, each traveler not only considers a travel time budget for ensuring on-time arrival at a confidence level α, but also accounts for the impact of encountering worse travel times in the (1 − α) quantile of the distribution tail. Furthermore, due to the imperfect knowledge of the travel time variability particularly in congested networks without advanced traveler information systems, the travelers’ route choice decisions are based on the perceived travel time distribution rather than the actual travel time distribution. In order to compute the perceived mean-excess travel time, an approximation method based on moment analysis is developed. It involves using the conditional moment generation function to derive the perceived link travel time, the Cornish-Fisher Asymptotic Expansion to estimate the perceived travel time budget, and the Acerbi and Tasche Approximation to estimate the perceived mean-excess travel time. The proposed stochastic mean-excess traffic equilibrium (SMETE) model is formulated as a variational inequality (VI) problem, and solved by a route-based solution algorithm with the use of the modified alternating direction method. Numerical examples are also provided to illustrate the application of the proposed SMETE model and solution method.  相似文献   

The interrelation between geometric delay—the delay caused by the need for isolated vehicles to slow down to negotiate a junction—and the queueing delay due to vehicle-vehicle interactions is considered. The delay elements present in measurements of geometric delay are identified, and some overlap is seen with those normally included in the service mechanisms in queueing models. The total delay per vehicle is not, therefore, the sum of the measured geometric delay and the queueing delay. Although the geometric delay can be redefined so as to eliminate the overlap, it is not then measurable. A framework is developed in which the relationships between the “pure” and measured geometric delay and the queueing delay are expressed for the population mean values. Approximate expressions are developed for the elements of delay. The framework is extended to allow queueing delays to be represented by time-dependent functions allowing approximately for non-randomness in arrival and departure patterns and service time differences between queueing and non-queueing vehicles. Numerically, geometric delay elements constitute a significant proportion of total delay except at traffic intensities approaching unity. In this region time-dependent effects dominate the queueing process.  相似文献   


This paper examines the reliability measures of freight travel time on urban arterials that provide access to an international seaport. The findings indicate that the reliability index calculated by the median of travel time, which is less sensitive to extreme values in a highly skewed distribution, is more appropriate. This paper also examines several statistical distributions of travel time to determine the best fit to the data of freight trips. The results of goodness-of-fit tests indicate that the log-logistic is the best statistical function for freight travel time during the midday off-peak period. However, the lognormal distribution represents a better fit to arterials with heavily congested traffic during peak periods. Additionally, travel time prediction models identify the relationships between travel time, speeds and other factors that affect travel time reliability. The analysis suggests that incident-induced delays and speed fluctuations primarily contributed to the unreliability of freight movement on the urban arterials.  相似文献   

The most economical means of transporting crude oil over long distances is through the use of very large and ultra large crude containers (VLCCs and ULCCs respectively). These ships require sea lane depths of more than 55 feet to navigate. Since no major U.S. port is deeper than 45 feet, special offloading procedures must be employed. One such procedure is lightering, the process of offloading crude oil from VLCCs to smaller vessels for final delivery to the port.A linked set of queuing models is developed in an effort to understand lightering operations better and to enhance tradeoff analyses. The model assumes that port service times, lightering vessel loading times and VLCC interarrival times are exponentially distributed, allowing us to model lightering vessel operations using a cyclic queuing model. VLCC delays are modeled using an approximate M/Ek/S queue. The two models are linked through a VLCC service time model. The sensitivity of the model to changes in key inputs as well as the likely impacts of the model's assumptions and approximations are discussed. The paper concludes with recommendations for future studies.  相似文献   

From an operations standpoint the most important function of a traffic surveillance system is determining reliably whether the facility is free flowing or congested. The second most important function is responding rapidly when the facility becomes congested. These functions are complicated by the fact that conventional vehicle detectors are only capable of monitoring discrete points along the roadway while incidents may occur at any location on the facility. The point detectors are typically placed at least one-third of a mile apart and conditions between the detectors must be inferred from the local measurements.This paper presents a new approach for traffic surveillance that addresses these issues. It uses existing dual loop detector stations to match vehicle measurements between stations and monitor the entire roadway. Rather than expending a considerable effort to detect congested conditions, the research employs a relatively simple strategy to look for free flow traffic. Whenever a unique vehicle passes the downstream station, the algorithm looks to see if a similar vehicle passed the upstream station within a time window that is bounded by feasible travel times. The approach provides vehicle reidentification and travel time measurement on freeways during free flow and through the onset of congestion. If desired, other algorithms can be used with the same detectors to provide similar measurements during congested conditions. The work should prove beneficial for traffic management and traveler information applications, while promising to be deployable in the short term.  相似文献   

The use of remote terminals to relieve airport congestion leads rather naturally to queueing systems with batch arrivals occuring at fixed time intervals to a multiple server service facility. In this paper arrival point steady-state solutions to the D[X]/M/c queueing system are presented. Solution of the steady-state equation WP = W and Neuts' method of solving the GI[X]/M/c system are used to obtain steady-state system size densities. Results obtained using the two methods are compared with each other as well as with simulation results.  相似文献   

The two models FOTO (Forecasting of Traffic Objects) and ASDA (Automatische Staudynamikanalyse: Automatic Tracking of Moving Traffic Jams) for the automatic recognition and tracking of congested spatial–temporal traffic flow patterns on freeways are presented. The models are based on a spatial–temporal traffic phase classification made in the three-phase traffic theory by Kerner. In this traffic theory, in congested traffic two different phases are distinguished: “wide moving jam” and “synchronized flow”. The model FOTO is devoted to the identification of traffic phases and to the tracking of synchronized flow. The model ASDA is devoted to the tracking of the propagation of moving jams. The general approach and the different extensions of the models FOTO and ASDA are explained in detail. It is stressed that the models FOTO and ASDA perform without any validation of model parameters in different environmental and traffic conditions. Results of the online application of the models FOTO and ASDA at the TCC (Traffic Control Center) of Hessen near Frankfurt (Germany) are presented and evaluated.  相似文献   

A new traffic noise prediction approach based on a probability distribution model of vehicle noise emissions and achieved by Monte Carlo simulation is proposed in this paper. The probability distributions of the noise emissions of three types of vehicles are obtained using an experimental method. On this basis, a new probability statistical model for traffic noise prediction on free flow roads and control flow roads is established. The accuracy of the probability statistical model is verified by means of a comparison with the measured data, which has shown that the calculated results of Leq, L10, L50, L90, and the probability distribution of noise level occurrence agree well with the measurements. The results demonstrate that the new method can avoid the complicated process of traffic flow simulation but still maintain high accuracy for the traffic noise prediction.  相似文献   

With subway systems around the world experiencing increasing demand, measures such as passengers left behind are becoming increasingly important. This paper proposes a methodology for inferring the probability distribution of the number of times a passenger is left behind at stations in congested metro systems using automated data. Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and Bayesian inference methods are used to estimate the left behind probability mass function (LBPMF) for a given station and time period. The model is applied using actual and synthetic data. The results show that the model is able to estimate the probability of being left behind fairly accurately.  相似文献   

A simulation model of the port of Thunder Bay (grain terminals) was developed and applied to assess future management strategies in the port. Data concerning input characteristics (ship interarrival time, berth service time and grain time) and performance characteristics (waiting time and berth utilization) were collected for the busiest 3-month period (September to October) in 1981 and 1982. These data were then used to validate the model to existing conditions. After the validity of the model had been established, the model was used to predict operating conditions in 1990 and to assess the impacts of possible management strategies. These strategies included increasing the number of terminals, reduction of grain time and reduction of ship movements between terminals.  相似文献   

Upon having loaded and unloaded their passengers, buses are often free to exit a multi-berth bus stop without delay. A bus need not wait to perform this exit maneuver, even if it requires circumventing one or more other buses that are still dwelling in the stop’s downstream berths. Yet, many jurisdictions impose restrictions on bus entry maneuvers into a stop to limit disruptions to cars and other buses. Buses are typically prohibited from entering a stop whenever this would require maneuvering around other buses still dwelling in upstream berths. An entering bus is instead required to wait in queue until the upstream berths are vacated.Analytical models are formulated to predict how bus discharge flows from busy, multi-berth stops are affected by allowing buses to freely exit, but not freely enter berths. These models apply when: a bus queue is always present at the stop’s entrance; buses depart the entry queue and enter the stop as per the restriction described above; and the stop is isolated from the effects of nearby traffic signals and other bus stops. We find that for these restricted-entry stops, bus-carrying capacities can often be improved by regulating the exit maneuvers as well. This turns out to be particularly true when the stop’s number of berths is large. Simulations show that these findings still hold when a stop is only moderately busy with entry queues that persist for much, but not all of the time. The simulations also indicate that removing any restrictions on bus exit maneuvers is almost always productive when stops are not busy, such that short entry queues form only on occasion, and only for short periods. We argue why certain simple policies for regulating exit maneuvers would likely enhance bus-stop discharge flows.  相似文献   

This paper extends the discussion of certain problems associated with road pricing raised in an earlier contribution to this journal. Firstly it is shown that where the value of time varies between different groups of traffic using the same congested road, optimal road pricing requires price discrimination between the groups such that those with the lowest value of time pay the highest charge and suffer the greatest losses. However, a uniform price based on an “equity” value of time would reduce the relative distributional effects. Secondly the paper takes up the suggestion that queueing (and by extension congestion) may be positively helpful in the allocation of resources and shows that this is not in general correct although there are situations in which the use of queueing alongside conventional pricing may have a role to play. Finally it is argued that governments’ apparent lack of enthusiasm for road pricing stems as much from political considerations as the more technical problems of applying it.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of vehicle delay is difficult because of the randomness of traffic flow and large number of factors affecting intersection capacity. Existing delay models simplify the real traffic conditions and provide only approximate point estimates of average delay, whereas its variability should also be of interest. A stochastic model was used to study the changing probability distribution of delay. The model is based on sequential calculation of queue length probabilities with any type of arrival process. Delay probability distribution was investigated for different degrees of saturation, arrival types and control conditions. The variance of delay increases rapidly with degree of saturation and is inversely proportional to the approach capacity. Other parameters such as cycle time and saturation flow do not have a significant effect on delay distribution. Both the mean and variance of delay are sensitive to arrival process characteristics and increase with the variance of arrivals.  相似文献   

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