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选取粤东四市63个代表站近40年逐日降水资料,选用3个极端降水指数,采用Mann-Kendall检验法进行计算,开展粤东四市极端降水特征分析。结果表明:粤东四市的极端降水空间分布基本呈现山区高,平原低的趋势,从西部地区到东部地区逐渐减少,与该地区的降水特性相符。此外汕尾市的3种极端降水指数均比其余3市高,需着重加强该地区防汛工作。  相似文献   

杨桦 《中国水运》2014,(9):372-373
结合京杭运河八里湾船闸工程施工,提出了采用深井与PPR管轻型井点降水相结合的方法,使地质为粉土、粘土互层的船闸深基坑处于干地施工状态。论述了施工方法、工艺特点、选用理由、施工方案流程等,提出了质量控制方法,在工程施工应用中取得了预想的效果。  相似文献   

田克平  俞扬峰 《中国水运》2014,(3):247-249,252
全球气候变化导致极端事件频发,对水利工程安全的影响不容忽视。首先对极端事件的概念和意义进行了阐述,继而分别分析了台风、高温干旱及地震等极端事件及其对水利工程的致灾影响,并通过实例进行了说明。分析可知,极端事件对水利工程的致灾影响具有突发性、不确定性及影响的严重性,应予以重视,以有效减少损失。  相似文献   

针对近几年中国海域多次出现超过现役FPSO设计环境条件的超强台风,导致永久系泊FPSO在风浪流作用下,单点系泊力可能超出安全限值的问题,选取南海某永久系泊FPSO,利用水动力模型,以所在海域百年一遇环境条件,计算FPSO在不同装载工况的最大系泊力,结果表明,不同装载工况导致FPSO承受的系泊力差异较大,分析极端天气对永...  相似文献   

根据深井降水设计理论,阐明综合渗透系数和井群性质的确定、基坑涌水量的计算、滤料规格的设计、深井数量的计算、基坑内增加井的意义、以及及时洗井的重要性;结合深井降水工程实践,介绍国外降水设备的选择,并根据PVC井管的特性,探索合理的洗井方法。实践表明,降水效果与理论分析、计算相吻合。  相似文献   

基坑降水在大型建筑施工中往往是一个必须的过程,文中基于地下水动力学及数值模拟理论,运用Processing modflow建立了某建筑施工中基坑降水的地下水三维流动数值型,分析了基坑降水过程中地下水位变化规律并计算了基坑降水排水量。  相似文献   

本文叙述了基坑降水发展历史、基坑降水作用、降水的基本方法、通常情况下的基坑降水设计和降水优化设计,并展望了基坑降水优化设计的发展趋势.  相似文献   

席鹏 《中国水运》2010,(9):148-150
运用基于有限差分法开发的VisualModflow软件,以某钢厂旋流池深基坑的降水工程为研究对象,对基坑降水的总排水量进行了预测。根据研究的地质情况和基坑抗突涌验算,预测出将下部承压含水层的水位降至-14.00m时的总的抽水量为17,208m3/d,在此基础上对基坑降水进行设计,拟定出13口井抽取,单井平均涌水量为1,300m3/d的方案最合理。为指导工程施工提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

经过13天的艰苦谈判,哥本哈根气候变化大会终于达成了《哥本哈根协议》,于12月19日落下帷幕。尽管这份不具有法律约束力的协议低于外界的预期,但是这毕竟是一份值得称颂的协议。这份协议是在各方共同努力下,锁定共识,传承成果,明确方向,维护了全球应对气候变化大局和坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,  相似文献   

Climate change poses known and unknown risks for coastal communities and also challenges for university faculty and local government staff who communicate about cli- mate sciences. Conceived as a way to move beyond traditional models of science communication, this project involved public and private decision makers in specific at-risk communities in Oregon (U.S. Pacific coast) and Maine (Atlantic coast). Both state projects sought to move behavior toward decisive action that results in coastal communities that are more resilient to climate variability at all scales. To promote engagement between project staffs and publics, a dialogic model of communication was advanced, beginning with interviews and focus groups that in turn shaped further engagement through workshops and targeted video products. This means of communication led to a deeper understanding of participants’ knowledge, beliefs, perceptions, values, and barriers to action related to climate change and its effects. Coinciding with this, project participant evaluations in both Oregon and Maine indicate that the workshops and videos were successful at informing them on this complex issue; and in both states, project participation led to action outcomes. We believe that applied elsewhere our multifaceted and adaptive approach will garner similar results, provided sufficient dedicated staffing and attention to methods.  相似文献   

Visual imagery of costal morphological change processes must be accompanied by supporting information to make change processes understandable. We explored the influence of supporting information (graphs and numeric values) on perceptions of coastal morphological change processes through an experiment delivered to coastal recreationists. Supporting information was presented alongside four imagery types: human perspective digital elevation models (DEMs), human perspective digital photographs, aerial views of DEMs and aerial photography. We found neither the use of graphs nor numeric values influenced respondents' perceptions of coastal environmental change. However, perceptions varied significantly across imagery type; human perspective digital photographs and aerial photographs yielded higher ratings compared to human perspective DEMs and aerial views of DEMs. The results suggest supporting information representing increasingly severe rates of beach erosion and shoreline movement does not translate into perceptions of increasingly dramatic geophysical processes; this is consistent with previous empirical findings. The results also suggest individuals perceive coastal change processes as more severe when those processes are presented through photographs, particularly aerial photographs. Scientists, educators and coastal land use managers struggling to communicate the magnitude and severity associated with coastal geophysical processes are advised to use comparative aerial photography when possible.  相似文献   

Tropical coastal and marine ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to ocean warming, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise. Yet these projected climate and ocean change impacts are rarely considered in conservation planning due to the lack of guidance on how existing climate and ocean change models, tools, and data can be applied. Here, we address this gap by describing how conservation planning can use available tools and data for assessing the vulnerability of tropical marine ecosystems to key climate threats. Additionally, we identify limitations of existing tools and provide recommendations for future research to improve integration of climate and ocean change information and conservation planning. Such information is critical for developing a conservation response that adequately protects these ecosystems and dependent coastal communities in the face of climate and ocean change.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of local versus global message framing concerning climate change, data were gathered from 114 undergraduate students at a Southern US coastal university. The experiment accounted for participants' perceived attachment to their environments (place attachment) to observe whether it related to increased engagement and risk perceptions. Messages were most effective in eliciting environmental action when local effects of climate change were emphasized. Those reporting more connection to their local environments perceived more risks and intended more mitigating actions. The results may assist practitioners, researchers, and decision makers in developing more effective approaches to climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

Major impacts of climate change have been projected for tourism in Europe. Typically, these projections took general tourism activities such as sight-seeing and their climate requirements as their point of reference. The purpose of this study is to reassess the impact of climate change, by looking specifically at beach tourism in summer, a crucial market segment in Europe and more specifically in the Mediterranean. As beach tourism requires relatively high temperatures, relatively modest shifts in attractiveness are found. With respect to climate, the Mediterranean is likely to remain Europe's prime region for summer-time beach tourism for at least the next 50 years. Coastal managers in Mediterranean destinations are advised to focus some of their attention on other climate change impacts such as sea-level rise or water availability, and include environmental quality and diversification of activities in their deliberations. In non-Mediterranean regions, a promising strategy may be to focus on short- and medium-distance visitors who can take advantage of the new opportunities for beach tourism, and to explore the merits of seasonal climate forecasting.  相似文献   

Climate change is increasing the speed at which tangible coastal cultural heritage is changing in character or being lost through weathering, erosion, and inundation. Damages to coastal archeological sites, loss of access to historical sites, and the alteration of cultural landscapes will force changes in the way researchers can study sites, tourists can enjoy places, and descendant communities who have lived in particular areas for time immemorial, and local community members can utilize and relate to landscapes. In the USA, the National Park Service is a primary coastal cultural resource management organization. The National Park Service has been working on climate change adaptation for cultural resources for over a decade; however, there are few examples of parks in which long range climate change adaptation plans for cultural resources have been implemented. Building from 20 semi-structured interviews with cultural resource managers in three parks, we found that institutional structures within the National Park Service, as well as historical conceptual framings specific to the research, recreational, and interpretive values of cultural resources act as barriers to managers’ ability to design and implement climate change adaptation plans. Institutional barriers managers discussed include the dependence of climate change adaptation decisions partnership projects and the leveraging of budgetary and staff resources within NPS that may affect climate change adaptation capacity. We found that park managers often saw impacts in parks that may be associated with climate change, but found it difficult to separate normal maintenance from climate change affected deterioration, which may lead to status quo management actions rather than revised planning for a changing future regime. Conceptual barriers managers discussed revealed a conflict between preservation needs of research versus interpretive uses and while NPS guidance recommends prioritization of cultural resources for preservation at the park level, regional managers were more focused on this topic than park managers. As NPS moves forward with climate change adaptation planning, opportunities to develop and improve cultural resource preservation with new technologies, improved prioritization schemes, and include public input in resource preservation may help coastal managers overcome these barriers.  相似文献   

The integration of climate change adaptation considerations into management of the coast poses major challenges for decision makers. This article reports on a case study undertaken in Christchurch Bay, UK, examining local capacity for strategic response to climate risks, with a particular focus on issues surrounding coastal defense. Drawing primarily on qualitative research with local and regional stakeholders, the analysis identifies fundamental disjunctures between generic concerns over climate change and the adaptive capacity of local management institutions. Closely linked with issues of scale, the problems highlighted here are likely to have broad and continuing relevance for future coastal management elsewhere.  相似文献   

Coastal areas are experiencing high levels of development, largely driven by a number of aesthetic and recreational factors, increased mobility, availability of disposable income for middle and upper income groups and the promise of job opportunities and improved economic well-being for lower income groups. As existing coastal urban nodes expand development “shifts” to less developed areas and places increasing pressure on the surrounding natural environment. This article considers the coastal zone of two municipalities in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, with similar environmental characteristics but disparate socioeconomic and governance histories. It identifies and integrates the drivers of development and land use change in the coastal zone of these municipalities by means of an adapted Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) Framework. Development and land use change are driven by a combination of social, economic, and legislative factors that need to be considered for future management and planning in this unique dynamic system.  相似文献   

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