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为解决接触式转角和扭矩传感器在使用寿命及测量精度方面的问题,研制出一种非接触式的传感器,在测量角度的同时,还能测出系统被施加的扭矩。本文介绍了一种基于磁阻式的,集成了转角和方向以及扭矩测量的传感器系统,并对该系统的结构进行相关设计,以实现同时测量转角和扭矩的功能。  相似文献   

在分析国内EPS系统转矩传感器研究现状基础上,设计了一种基于各向异性磁阻效应理论的非接触式转向盘转矩传感器.通过标定试验建立了该传感器转矩与磁场角度的关系.并在硬件在环试验台上对其功能进行验证.试验分析表明,所设计转矩传感器综合性能能够满足EPS系统的要求.  相似文献   

本文系统介绍了应用于电动助力转向系统的扭矩传感器分类、工作原理,同时阐述了关键性能指标及各个指标的一般要求.并从传感器的角度匹配和输出电压与扭杆关系两个角度探讨了传感器与EPS系统的匹配性,对后续扭矩传感器的开发具有指导意义.  相似文献   

故障现象一辆2009款广州本田锋范轿车,发动机起动后不管行驶还是原地转动转向盘均无转向助力。故障诊断锋范轿车的转向助力是靠转向助力电动机的工作获得的,转向助力电动机的工作受EPS控制单元的控制,EPS控制单元根据转向扭矩传感器的输入信号来控制转向助力电动机的工作,扭矩传感器由2个线圈和1个铁心组成,铁心套在转向扭力杆的外侧,当向右转向时铁心上移,扭矩传感器就产生一个转向信号发送到EPS控制单元,EPS控  相似文献   

电动助力转向技术发展的新动向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1EPS概述按照转向动力源来分,目前汽车转向系统分为纯人力转向和动力辅助转向,后者又经历了机械机构助力转向、液压助力转向和电动助力转向3个阶段。目前,电动助力转向(ElectricalPower Steering,EPS)已部分取代液压动力转向(Hydrau licPowerSteering,HPS),正成为世界汽车技术发展的热点。EPS是一种直接依靠电力提供辅助扭矩的动力转向系统,它用电动机提供助力,助力大小由电控单元(ECU)控制,系统主要由扭矩传感器、转角传感器、车速传感器(可与其他系统共用)、电动机、减速机构和电子控制单元等组成,其基本工作原理是:装在转向器上…  相似文献   

<正>故障现象一辆2008款一汽丰田卡罗拉1.8 L轿车(VIN为LFMAREOC28xxxxxxx),其转向沉重,仪表板上P/S灯亮。原理介绍此车采用电动助力转向系统(EPS),EPSECU根据扭矩传感器的转向盘扭矩信号,以及转角传感器  相似文献   

为了验证基于HIL(Hardware-In-the-Loop,硬件在环)的EPS(Electric Power Steering,电动助力转向)系统功能故障和电气故障测试的准确性,以及自动化测试的可靠性,首先根据EPS动力学模型及HIL测试系统结构,建立EPS系统仿真模型及搭建HIL测试台架,再以EPS系统高电压功能故障和扭矩传感器短地故障为例,进行故障诊断及自动化测试.结果 表明:基于硬件在环的EPS系统故障诊断测试,可以替代实车进行测试验证,使用自动化测试可提高复测性及工作效率,为EPS系统诊断测试方法提供参考.  相似文献   

电子助力转向系统(EPS)是一种助力转向系统,它是通过电机提供的辅助扭矩来影响动力转向的系统。EPS在原有转向系统的基础上增加了电控技术和传感器,使得转向性能更加便捷与完善。电子技术与转矩传感器的发展决定了电子助力转向系统的质量与性能高低,同时其对电动机的尺寸大小及功率也有着较为苛刻的要求。转向性能的好坏直接影响着车辆的安全与稳定性。随着电子技术的不断进步,电子助力转向系统也将不断发展完善,未来电子助力一定会成为主流的转向系统。  相似文献   

本文主要针对车辆速度达到设定值后,由于脱手检测模块检测功能受到干扰,导致驾驶员在手离开方向盘的情况下,报警功能不能激活的问题进行分析和优化。根据脱手检测模块的功能原理进行排查分析,得出脱手检测功能不能报警的原因为其EPS内部的霍尔传感器受到干扰,导致EPS扭矩传感器输出的扭矩值偏大,超出设计值的范围。最后,综合考虑开发周期、成本等问题,从整车布置的方面推出优化方案,解决脱手检测不报警的问题,并作为对于霍尔传感器周边环境的一般要求进行推广。  相似文献   

<正>7.行驶挡位传感器行驶挡位传感器G676(如图974所示)在变速器内,它是传感器模块的组件。G676是非接触式行程传感器,它用于判定选挡杆位置(P、R、N、D和S)。行驶挡位传感器是一种所谓的PLCD传感器(行程传感器)。意思是"永磁线性非接触式位移"。这就是说:这种传感器是一种非接触式传感器,它借助于永久磁铁来测量线性  相似文献   

在一台发动机上利用光纤传感器、压力传感器、振动传感器等对火花点火发动机爆震燃烧进行控制研究,并对测试结果进行比较,同时探索了光纤传感技术在爆震测量中应用的可行性。研究结果表明,光纤传感器与压力传感器在爆震预测与识别上基本等效,但光纤传感器灵敏度与准确度较高,而且光纤传感器还有利于实现其它多项燃烧特性的测试,光纤传感器将成为电控技术中燃烧过程测控信号的重要手段。  相似文献   

Optimal sensor placement on freeway corridor is of great interest to transportation authorities. However, current traffic sensors are easily subject to various failures. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate sensor failure into the optimal sensor placement model. In this article, a two-stage stochastic model is proposed for the purpose of travel time estimation on freeway corridor. To balance the effectiveness and reliability, a stochastic conditional value at risk (CVaR) model is also proposed. Since both models are too complicated, a customized genetic algorithm is developed. Numerical experiments show that considering sensor failure makes a significant performance improvement in the sensor placement pattern. Sensitivity analysis is also applied to investigate the impact of a number of allowable sensors and different traffic sensor failure probability.  相似文献   

This paper presents a low cost design and implementation of a parallel parking assist system (PPAS) based on ultrasonic sensors. Generally, a PPAS requires several types of sensors, such as an ultrasonic sensor, camera sensor, radar sensor and laser sensor for parking space detection. However, our proposed PPAS only requires two ultrasonic sensors on the front and lateral sides for parking space detection. Moreover, a steering angle sensor and wheel speed sensor installed in the vehicle are used to obtain vehicle position information for localization in ultrasonic range data. The hardware architecture of the PPAS based on an electronic control unit (ECU) module, sensor modules and a human machine interface (HMI) module was proposed. Moreover, the software architecture of the PPAS is based on system initialization, scheduling, recognition and a control algorithm. In particular, a novel sensor algorithm was proposed to minimize the vehicle corner error of the ultrasonic sensor. A prototype of the PPAS based on the proposed architecture was constructed. The experimental results demonstrate that the implemented prototype is robust and successfully performs parking space detection and automatic steering control. Finally, the low cost design and implementation of the PPAS was possible due to the cheap ultrasonic sensors, simple hardware design and low computational complexity of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

转向传感器信号是车辆控制系统的重要输入信号,但转向传感器的输出不是直接给出转向角大小而是方波信号。为了探究转向传感器原理以及Mazda6轿车实际转向过程中转向传感器信号,本文将介绍如何用simulink来识别该方波信号,输出转向角,最后用该方法识别出实际转向过程的转向角大小。  相似文献   

This paper describes a parallel model-based fault detection algorithm for an electronic parking brake (EPB) system, which consists of an electronic control unit with built-in current sensor and braking force sensor. For the EPB system to supply sufficient parking force to a vehicle, the parking force sensor is of utmost importance. If a fault occurs in this sensor, sufficient parking force may not be supplied, thereby seriously threatening the safety of the vehicle. Thus, a fault detection method is required for the parking force sensor of the EPB system to improve the safety of vehicles. For this purpose, a highly reliable fault detection method is needed to detect abnormal fault signals, which cannot be detected by the existing on-line sensor monitoring fault detection methods. This paper proposes a novel parallel model-based fault detection algorithm for the EPB system, which compares the physical sensor data with the mathematical model, the fuzzy model, and the neural network model at the same time. In order to reduce false alarms, the magnitude of thresholds and the operation counts are changed adaptively. When the proposed parallel model-based fault detection algorithm detects severe failures of the force sensor, it warns the driver in advance to prevent accidents due to the failures. The proposed algorithm is verified by hardware-in-theloop simulations in various situations.  相似文献   

ADAS-汽车驾驶辅助系统正在当前的汽车市场中迅速普及。车载雷达作为ADAS系统的重要组成,其技术发展直接影响着汽车智能化进程。毫米波雷达因为其波长的物理特性不受恶劣的环境影响,同时相比激光雷达又有较大的价格优势,已经成为当前厂家的首选。与24 GHz传感器相比,77 GHz传感器的分辨率和精度更高,体积小,正逐渐成为当前汽车领域的主流传感器。同国外雷达传感器供应商相比,国内车载毫米波雷达仍属于起步阶段,国内企业要在市场上与外企竞争并占有一席之地还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   

近年来, 由于热失控引发的锂离子电池安全事故频繁发生, 严重影响了新能源汽车运行安全, 作为保障车辆运行安全的有效手段, 对电池系统进行安全检测尤为重要。为提高锂离子电池的性能、延长循环寿命, 减少热失控安全事故的发生, 需要利用传感器技术对电池工作状态进行实时监控和检测。根据电池正常和异常工作状态下各物理量的变化, 常用的安全检测信号有应力应变、温度以及特征气体等。目前, 用于检测上述信号的安全检测传感器在电池状态检测方面已得到了广泛的应用。然而, 传统的传感器存在着体积大、灵敏度低、不耐电解液腐蚀等问题。对新型光纤布拉格光栅传感器、柔性薄膜传感器以及半导体式气体传感器的工作原理进行概述, 总结了上述3种传感器在锂离子电池应力应变、温度和气体检测的应用现状, 并从稳定性以及灵敏度等角度指出当前研究的不足, 如光纤布拉格光栅传感器电池体系适用性差, 插入式薄膜传感器影响电池性能, 半导体气体传感器精度和寿命低等问题。如何以经济、安全和实用的方式将传感器安装到电芯中, 减轻实际应用中传感器对电池循环性能的影响以及提高传感器信号传递的稳定性、精度、灵敏度, 是锂离子电池安全传感器开发面临的挑战, 仍然需要在传感器、电池设计等方面开展大量实验研究。   相似文献   

赵允喜 《天津汽车》2011,(11):23-24
节气门位置传感器(TPS)是电子控制燃油喷射式发动机上的重要组成部分,传统的接触式节气门传感器已不能满足现代人们的需求。文章设计了一款基于巨磁效应的车用TPS,采用巨磁阻芯片作为感应元件,在结构和材料上对传统TPS进行改进和优化,并和传统的磁钢进行比较,结果表明,此款TPS在灵敏度和分辨率上有明显改善。证明了基于巨磁阻效应的TPS的设计可行。  相似文献   

Active safety systems would benefit from tyre force and friction potential information. Different sensor concepts, including, among others, the EU–funded Apollo–project developed tyre sensor based on optical position detection, are being studied. The sensor can measure tyre carcass deflections with respect to the rim. The carcass deflections can be used to calculate tyre forces and they may be exploited in the estimation of friction potential. The waveforms of the sensor signal are illustrated. The vertical and lateral force estimations are presented with unavoidable compensation parts. The tyre sensor measurements were compared to the measurement–vehicle results and good correlations achieved. Continuing activities are concerned with the estimation of friction potential and the detection of aquaplaning.  相似文献   

周福庚 《专用汽车》2012,(11):94-97
根据导出的威布尔分布变换公式,结合最小二乘法原理求出威布尔分布中的形状参数。针对汽车电子式车速传感器在实际使用中失效的情况,应用威布尔分布理论找出车速传感器在使用过程中发生失效的阶段,分析了车速传感器发生早期失效的主要原因,并对其进行整改,整改后车速传感器的失效情况显著改善,得到了良好的改进效果。  相似文献   

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