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A national model of vehicle ownership and use is developed for the USA. Decisions about the number of cars owned by households and the annual miles traveled are jointly modeled using a discrete–continuous probit model, which has been estimated on the 2009 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) data. The model system covers four Census Regions (Northeast, Midwest, South and West) and three area types (urbanized area, urban clusters and rural). Models’ estimates have been applied to data extracted from the American Community Survey (ACS) to forecast household vehicle demand at county level. Results show that the national models are transferable to small areas with different geographical and socio-demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi agent-based simulation framework for modeling spatial distribution of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle ownership at local residential level, discovering “plug-in hybrid electric vehicle hot zones” where ownership may quickly increase in the near future, and estimating the impacts of the increasing plug-in hybrid electric vehicle ownership on the local electric distribution network with different charging strategies. We use Knox County, Tennessee as a case study to highlight the simulation results of the agent-based simulation framework.  相似文献   

Since the oil crisis of 1973, a number of studies have been made in various countries of the effects of the rise in petrol prices on the level of traffic flow, but rather fewer have attempted to delineate the complex chain of reactions within the car market set off by this impulse. We attempt to do this, using data from the UK.Since 1966 during the prediction stage of the first London Transportation Study it became obvious that low income and high income households had different rates of growth of car ownership, mainly because low income households bought cheap, old cars which vary in quantity and price differently from expensive, new cars. The Greater London Council therefore sponsored a study of car prices by age and size, starting from 1957 annually, and since the oil crisis, evaluated monthly. This has enabled us to examine the strong change in trend that had occurred, with large cars depreciating 15% per annum more than the smallest. The quantities of cars of each size registered each month are available from national statistics and this enables us to say that the previous 1% per annum increase in car size was arrested, with new cars becoming substantially smaller.A model of the car market has been developed which relates on the one hand the price distribution of cars by age, and on the other hand the price. distribution of the stock of cars owned at each household income level. Via the expenditure on car purchase at each household income level and the distribution of the length of time between purchase and resale of cars, a fully dynamic model has been developed to relate expenditure flow and stock. This enables us to test the effect of different trends on the dynamic equilibrium in the car market.The implications of the two trends noted above on the prediction of future car ownership growth are discussed, with the standstill since the oil crisis attributed to petrol prices via the split in household expenditure between purchase and use.  相似文献   

Using responses to a knowledge–attitudes–behavior questionnaire administered in the Sacramento, California metropolitan region, the effects of environmental knowledge and environmental attitudes on the numbers and types of vehicles owned per household, annual vehicle miles traveled, and fuel consumption are assessed. The results indicate that households with pro-environmental attitudes own fewer and more fuel-efficient vehicles, drive them less, and consequently consume less fuel than do the households of respondents without pro-environmental attitudes. The households of respondents who know more about the environmental impacts of owning and using vehicles own more fuel-efficient vehicles, but environmental knowledge is not statistically significant in relation to numbers of vehicles owned, miles driven, or fuel consumption.  相似文献   

Vehicle-use modelling at the household level has taken on new importance with the pressures on governments to encourage more efficient utilisation of increasingly scarce nonreplenishible liquid fuels. The fundamental energy equation recognizes two direct influences on consumption—the fuel efficiency of the vehicle and the amount of use. Until recently, the interrelationship between vehicle choice and vehicle utilisation at the household level was acknowledged but ignored. The availability of reliable vehicle-use data at the household level now enables a more serious effort at amending the imbalance of research effort where the reliance has been predominantly on vehicle choice modelling and gross (exogenous) assumptions on utilisation as a basis for predicting fuel consumption. This paper proposes an econometric method for identifying the influences on household vehicle use. It differs from previous empirical work in that vehicle kilometers, fuel cost per kilometer and vehicle fuel efficiency are endogenous, with utilisation of each vehicle endogeneously dependent on the utilisation of each and every household vehicle. The data are drawn from wave 1 of a four-wave panel of 1436 households in the Sydney metropolitan area. The empirical findings expose a set of influences on use hitherto not considered. The model specification provides an appropriate module for integration with household-based discrete choice models of vehicle choice.  相似文献   

This paper uses the asymmetric threshold cointegration test to examine the asymmetric relationship between household income and vehicle ownership in Taiwan, presenting estimated asymmetric error correction models. The empirical data include information on household income, car ownership and motorcycle ownership in different regions from 1974 to 2009. The results show that, first, motorcycle ownership is asymmetrically cointegrated with household income in each region, and car ownership is asymmetrically cointegrated with household income in all regions except Taipei city. Second, both car and motorcycle ownership levels increase faster than they decrease in the asymmetric adjustment of their long-run relationship. Third, sensitivity tests for the period 1987-2009 show that the cointegration relationship of the car ownership equations vanished. Finally, we find evidence on the effects of household income on motorcycle ownership, and the effects of income variables on car and motorcycle ownership are dissimilar. This study exhibits different results across regions. These findings may be related to the development of public transit system in each region.  相似文献   

Among disaggregate vehicle ownership models, which model the number and/or type of vehicles owned at the household level, one can distinguish holdings models, which deal with the (optimal) household fleet at a single point in time, and transactions models. The latter type of model explains changes to the household fleet, such as replacement and disposal. The paper describes previous attempts at such dynamic models and sketches how a vehicle transactions model could look (as an example we discuss an application to The Netherlands). This includes discussions of transaction probabilities, two-stage budgeting, introducing vehicle quality in the utility functions, and the envisaged model structure and data it could use.  相似文献   

The users of bicycles are usually assumed to be children. The data collected in transportation studies is, therefore, of great value as it is sufficiently extensive to be used for a broader analysis of this question than would ever be possible in a special bicycle survey. Most bicycle surveys are aimed closely at schools, so that the concentrated traffic known to move to and from schools can be used to pinpoint other origins and destinations of these journeys. This paper reports a systematic analysis of bicycle access, usage and exposure for households of different compositions and people of different ages, based on transport survey home interview data for Melbourne (Australia) in 1978. Time profiles of involvement in cycling and other modes are presented for Melbourne, and comparisons are drawn with similar results from Adelaide. A key feature of this analysis is the decomposition of “trip rates” into participation rates and the corresponding activity rates (i.e. trips) of those who participate at all in the specified mode or activity. This technique is shown to have considerable potential.  相似文献   

A reliable estimate of the potential for electrification of personal automobiles in a given region is dependent on detailed understanding of vehicle usage in that region. While broad measures of driving behavior, such as annual miles traveled or the ensemble distribution of daily travel distances are widely available, they cannot be predictors of the range needs or fuel-saving potential that influence an individual purchase decision. Studies that record details of individual vehicle usage over a sufficient time period are available for only a few regions in the US. In this paper we compare statistical characterization of four such studies (three in the US, one in Germany) and find remarkable similarities between them, and that they can be described quite accurately by properly chosen set of distributions. This commonality gives high confidence that ensemble data can be used to predict the spectrum of usage and acceptance of alternative vehicles in general. This generalized representation of vehicle usage may also be a powerful tool in estimating real-world fuel consumption and emissions.  相似文献   

We propose an optimization model based on vehicle travel patterns to capture public charging demand and select the locations of public charging stations to maximize the amount of vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT) being electrified. The formulated model is applied to Beijing, China as a case study using vehicle trajectory data of 11,880 taxis over a period of three weeks. The mathematical problem is formulated in GAMS modeling environment and Cplex optimizer is used to find the optimal solutions. Formulating mathematical model properly, input data transformation, and Cplex option adjustment are considered for accommodating large-scale data. We show that, compared to the 40 existing public charging stations, the 40 optimal ones selected by the model can increase electrified fleet VMT by 59% and 88% for slow and fast charging, respectively. Charging demand for the taxi fleet concentrates in the inner city. When the total number of charging stations increase, the locations of the optimal stations expand outward from the inner city. While more charging stations increase the electrified fleet VMT, the marginal gain diminishes quickly regardless of charging speed.  相似文献   

A leading cause of air pollution in many urban regions is mobile source emissions that are largely attributable to household vehicle travel. While household travel patterns have been previously related with land use in the literature (Crane, R., 1996. Journal of the American Planning Association 62 (1, Winter); Cervero, R. and Kockelman, C., 1997. Transportation Research Part D 2 (3), 199–219), little work has been conducted that effectively extends this relationship to vehicle emissions. This paper describes a methodology for quantifying relationships between land use, travel choices, and vehicle emissions within the Seattle, Washington region. Our analysis incorporates land use measures of density and mix which affect the proximity of trip origins to destinations; a measure of connectivity which impacts the directness and completeness of pedestrian and motorized linkages; vehicle trip generation by operating mode; vehicle miles/h of travel and speed; and estimated household vehicle emissions of nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and carbon monoxide. The data used for this project consists of the Puget Sound Transportation Panel Travel Survey, the 1990 US Census, employment density data from the Washington State Employment Security Office, and information on Seattle’s vehicle fleet mix and climatological attributes provided by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Analyses are based on a cross-sectional research design in which comparisons are made of variations in household travel demand and emissions across alternative urban form typologies. Base emission rates from MOBILE5a and separate engine start rates are used to calculate total vehicle emissions in grams accounting for fleet characteristics and other inputs reflecting adopted transportation control measures. Emissions per trip are based on the network distance of each trip, average travel speed, and a multi-stage engine operating mode (cold start, hot start, and stabilized) function.  相似文献   

The French government has implemented a periodical vehicle inspection program, which aims at maintaining proper functioning of the vehicle and ensuring the emissions control systems installed on the vehicle work properly. Also, an incentive program for scrapping old vehicles was introduced in 1994 through 1996 to promote the replacement of those vehicles with higher emissions by newer vehicles with lower emissions. A hazard-based duration model of household vehicle transaction behavior has been developed in this study to examine the effects of the inspection program and the grant for scrappage on vehicle transaction timing. The model is developed as a competing risks model assuming the following three types of competing risks: replacing one of the vehicles in the household fleet, disposing of one vehicle in the fleet, and acquiring one vehicle to add to the fleet. The empirical analysis is carried out using the panel data of French households' vehicle ownership from 1984 to 1998, obtained by the panel survey called Parc-Auto, which has been conducted by a French marketing firm, SOFRES, since 1976. The long panel observation period facilitates the introduction of macro-economic indicators into the model, enabling the analysis to distinguish the effects of policy measures from macro-economic factors. The empirical results indicate that the expected vehicle holding duration becomes 1.3 years longer under the inspection program than before the program commenced, given that the vehicle is replaced by another vehicle at the end of the holding duration; and that the conditional probability of replacing a vehicle aged 10 years and over becomes 1.2 times higher, and the average holding duration becomes shorter by 3.3 years, when the grant for scrappage is available.  相似文献   

A dynamic (panel data) structural equations model is developed that links four dependent travel behavior variables at two points in time, one year apart. The four dependent variables are: car ownership, travel time per week by car, travel time by public transit, and travel time by nonmotorized modes. Exogenous variables include 13 household characteristics and variables accounting for period effects over the 1985 to 1987 time frame in the Netherlands. The model treats car ownership as ordered-response probit variables and all travel times as censored (tobit) continuous variables. The model accounts for serially-correlated errors and panel conditioning biases. Results are interpreted in terms of recommendations for forecasting procedures.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between historical exposure to the built environment and current vehicle ownership patterns. The influence of past exposure to the built environment on current vehicle ownership decisions may be causal, but there are alternative explanations. Households may primarily select to live in neighborhoods that facilitate their vehicle ownership preferences, or they may retain preferences that they have developed in the past, irrespective of their current situations. This study seeks to control for these alternative explanations by including the built environment attributes of households’ past residences as an influence on vehicle ownership choices. We use a dataset from a credit reporting firm that contains up to nine previous residential ZIP codes for households currently living in the 13-county Atlanta, Georgia, metropolitan area. Results show that past location is significant, but of marginal influence relative to the attributes of the current location. From a practical perspective, our results suggest that models that include current but not past neighborhood attributes (also controlling for standard socioeconomic variables) can forecast vehicle ownership decisions reasonably well. However, models that include both current and past neighborhood attributes can provide a more nuanced understanding of the built environment’s potentially causal influences on vehicle ownership decisions. This better understanding may provide more realistic forecasts of responses to densification or other travel demand management strategies.  相似文献   

In this study several hypotheses comprising a heuristic framework derived from rational-choice (RC) premises and regarding some potentially influencing variables on future use intention of different vehicle types are tested with a rural area sample. Especially the differentiation between long-term vs. short-term as well as functional/rational vs. extra-functional/emotional motivators is assessed. Results suggest a predominance of functional motivators and rational connotations over extra-functional/emotional ones. The models to check whether short-term or long-term effects dominate did not clearly confirm a predominance of long-term factors as hypothesized. In several regression models a moderating effect of rational short-term connotations on different long-term motivators was found, thus contributing notably to the prediction of future vehicle use-intention. The need for further research and theory-driven modeling is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluate the implications of a range of driving patterns on the tank-to-wheel energy use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. The driving patterns, which reflect short distance, low speed, and congested city driving to long distance, high speed, and uncongested highway driving, are estimated using an approach that involves linked traffic assignment and vehicle motion models. We find substantial variation in tank-to-wheel energy use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles across driving patterns. Tank-to-wheel petroleum energy use on a per kilometer basis is lowest for the city and highest for the highway driving, with the opposite holding for a conventional internal combustion engine vehicle.  相似文献   

Over the years Singapore has introduced several fiscal measures aimed at restraining car ownership and usage and thus preventing traffic congestion. Two new methods have recently been added: the Vehicle Quota System which limits the number of new vehicles registered each month and the Weekend Car Scheme which allows cars to be registered for use during off-peak hours only, with substantial financial savings to the owners. The Vehicle Quota System involves monthly public tenders for Certificates of Entitlement needed to register new cars. Over the past 30 months the cost of COE's has been increasing and now constitutes between 12% and 27% of the on-the-road price of a new car. The fluctuations in the COE premiums for different vehicle categories are presented and analysed. The initial problems and the recent modifications made as a result of public pressure are also described. It seems that the increases in COE premiums are likely to continue under strong economic growth conditions as the demand for cars is more income-elastic than price-elastic.  相似文献   

With 36 ventures testing autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the State of California, commercial deployment of this disruptive technology is almost around the corner (California Department of Transportation, 2016). Different business models of AVs, including Shared AVs (SAVs) and Private AVs (PAVs), will lead to significantly different changes in regional vehicle inventory and Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT). Most prior studies have already explored the impact of SAVs on vehicle ownership and VMT generation. Limited understanding has been gained regarding vehicle ownership reduction and unoccupied VMT generation potentials in the era of PAVs. Motivated by such research gap, this study develops models to examine how much vehicle ownership reduction can be achieved once private conventional vehicles are replaced by AVs and the spatial distribution of unoccupied VMT accompanied with the vehicle reduction. The models are implemented using travel survey and synthesized trip profile from Atlanta Metropolitan Area. The results show that more than 18% of the households can reduce vehicles, while maintaining the current travel patterns. This can be translated into a 9.5% reduction in private vehicles in the study region. Meanwhile, 29.8 unoccupied VMT will be induced per day per reduced vehicles. A majority of the unoccupied VMT will be loaded on interstate highways and expressways and the largest percentage inflation in VMT will occur on minor local roads. The results can provide implications for evolving trends in household vehicles uses and the location of dedicated AV lanes in the PAV dominated future.  相似文献   

Charging infrastructure is critical to the development of electric vehicle (EV) system. While many countries have implemented great policy efforts to promote EVs, how to build charging infrastructure to maximize overall travel electrification given how people travel has not been well studied. Mismatch of demand and infrastructure can lead to under-utilized charging stations, wasting public resources. Estimating charging demand has been challenging due to lack of realistic vehicle travel data. Public charging is different from refueling from two aspects: required time and home-charging possibility. As a result, traditional approaches for refueling demand estimation (e.g. traffic flow and vehicle ownership density) do not necessarily represent public charging demand. This research uses large-scale trajectory data of 11,880 taxis in Beijing as a case study to evaluate how travel patterns mined from big-data can inform public charging infrastructure development. Although this study assumes charging stations to be dedicated to a fleet of PHEV taxis which may not fully represent the real-world situation, the methodological framework can be used to analyze private vehicle trajectory data as well to improve our understanding of charging demand for electrified private fleet. Our results show that (1) collective vehicle parking “hotspots” are good indicators for charging demand; (2) charging stations sited using travel patterns can improve electrification rate and reduce gasoline consumption; (3) with current grid mix, emissions of CO2, PM, SO2, and NOx will increase with taxi electrification; and (4) power demand for public taxi charging has peak load around noon, overlapping with Beijing’s summer peak power.  相似文献   

文章简述了插电式混合动力汽车的优势,分析了插电式混合动力汽车串联式、并联式和混联式的动力机构,以及插电式混合动力汽车的工作模式.在此基础上,探讨了插电式混合动力汽车应用所面临的问题以及相应的应对措施.  相似文献   

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