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目前,自动驾驶技术在乘用车领域已获得突破性发展;为提高通行效率和出行安全起到了极大的作用。自动驾驶技术在商用车领域的应用,有望较好解决高昂的人力成本和难以提高的效率等问题。然而,目前自动驾驶技术在货车的应用大多采用跟乘用车同样的标准进行规范,这在实际应用中存在着诸多的问题;例如,在FCW和AEB功能中货车在相同车速的制动距离要远大于乘用车,而其所采用标准规定的碰撞预警时间却并无多大不同,这在实际场景中存在着较大的安全隐患[1,2]。此外,货车质量和体积较大,且较多应用于长途运输,运输过程中会经历包括高温、严寒、山区等多种复杂气候场景,这些都将对货车自动驾驶技术在车辆制动效能、能耗以及多场景应用等方面提出更有针对性规范的要求。本文针对货车的应用场景特点,为其自动驾驶技术应用标准化提出了建议。  相似文献   

深圳三号线信号CBTC系统运营的ATP驾驶模式情况下,列车车门与屏蔽门系统在站台开门联动时,会产生时间延迟,从而影响车门与屏蔽门联动效果。从开门信息传输的角度研究合理的开门传输路径的优化方案,提出由信号方和车辆方一起更改开门电路的设计方式,以实现屏蔽门和车门同步的技术解决方案。  相似文献   

文章针对地铁车站施工中洞桩法地下基坑不同于明挖基坑的特点,结合工程实例,对洞桩法地下基坑施工时空效应进行了分析;提出了适合洞内土方开挖与钢支撑施工的技术措施;并根据监测结果,进一步对洞桩法地下基坑受力状态进行了分析研究,提出了采用时空效应原理进行地下基坑施工的方法.  相似文献   

文章分析了传统铁道工程实训条件的局限性,并针对高铁轨道构造及其施工与维修过程特点,提出了高职院校传统的铁道工程实训教学基地应将高铁轨道构造、施工新技术、维修新设备等引入实训建设中,围绕高铁轨道精调、无缝线路焊接及探伤、大型机械养路等方面实施"高铁"转型改造方案,构建基于当前高速铁路的铁道工程实训教学基地。  相似文献   

隧道台阶法施工因其适应性较强而受业界青睐,但高速铁路大断面隧道台阶法施工技术要素的合理选取有待深入分析论证。文章试图通过建立三维数值计算模型,综合分析多种围岩条件下不同台阶要素对洞室稳定性的影响,以期为台阶长度、高度及上断面扁平度等重要参数的选取提供理论支撑;并通过西南艰险山区高速铁路隧道工程实践证实了其科学可靠性。  相似文献   


This paper quantifies and evaluates, utilising a ‘bottom-up’ approach, the effect on CO2 emissions of a modal shift from short-haul air travel to high-speed rail (HSR), based on projected passenger movements, between Sydney and Melbourne, Australia during the period 2010–2030. To date, peer-reviewed studies assessing the CO2 emissions from these competing modes of high-speed transportation have been restricted principally to a cross-sectional assessment, with a Eurocentric bias. This present comparative study seeks to address a gap in the literature by assessing, longitudinally, the CO2 emissions associated with the proposed operation of HSR against the ‘business-as-usual’ air scenario between Sydney and Melbourne. Under the assumed 50/50 modal shift, and the Australian government's current renewable electricity target, an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of approximately 14% could be achieved when compared with a ‘business-as-usual’ air scenario. This percentage reduction represents a 62 kt reduction in base year, 2010, and a 114 kt reduction in the final year, 2030. In total, the overall reduction achieved by such a modal shift, under the assumed conditions, during the period 2010–2030, equates to approximately 1.87 Mt of CO2. Importantly, if the electrical energy supply for HSR operations was further ‘decarbonised’, then it follows that a greater emission reduction would be achieved.  相似文献   

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