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文章以重庆南(岸)涪(陵)二级公路为例,基于道路交通事故统计数据,从交通事故形态分布、事故交通方式分布、事故时间分布等方面系统分析了该路交通事故的特征,并探讨了驾驶人及行人、车辆因素和道路条件对道路交通事故的影响.  相似文献   

交通事故发生机理是认识道路交通事故发生过程、交通事故预防和改善交通安全的基础。文章以道路交通系统为研究对象,分析道路交通事故的形成过程,将交通事故发生机理分为驾驶行为差错类事故发生机理、外部因素突变类事故发生机理、综合性事故发生机理三类,并在此基础上绘制了道路交通事故发生机理图,同时结合国道109线兰州八盘村路段进行了实例分析。  相似文献   

道路交通事故已成为威胁社会发展的公害,特别是特大交通事故影响最为恶劣,因此有必要研究具有重大社会影响的特大道路交通事故的成因。本文提出了一个新的道路交通事故成因模型,分析了一起典型的特大道路交通事故案例,指出了该特大道路交通事故成因特征,并结合道路交通事故成因模型对该事故案例进行成因分析,最后提出关于特大道路交通事故预防措施的建议。  相似文献   

从分析道路交通系统各组成要素及其相互作用入手,研究了人、车辆、道路环境因素相互作用诱发事故的机理,提出了道路交通事故的三种发生机理,并通过一定的实验验证了机理的正确性,最后结合工程实例,揭示了事故发生机理研究对道路安全改造具有指导意义.  相似文献   

道路交通事故分析及预防对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道路交通事故的预防是一个系统工程,通过对全国和新疆道路交通安全现状与道路交通事故原因的对比分析,分别从影响道路交通安全的人、车、路及环境四个方面提出了降低和预防道路交通事故的发生,确保行车安全的相应措施和建议。  相似文献   

交通事故的发生具有随机的特点,但从统计学的角度看,一个地区在较长时间内发生的交通事故又具有一定的规律性。本文先对乌鲁木齐市2014年至2016年上半年道路交通事故的原因构成、时间和空间分布特征进行分析,然后运用关联规则对事故结果作进一步分析,找出易导致事故发生的频繁因素组合,总结出事故多发的原因和规律,为以后交通事故的预防提供参考依据。  相似文献   

总结了广东山区某公路隧道交通事故的时间和空间分布特征,为原因分析和制定预防对策提供依据,进而降低交通事故的发生率。采用现场调查和力学验算方法,对造成交通事故的主要因素:司乘人员、线形、交通附属以及环境等方面进行了深入研究。  相似文献   

为了查明特长隧道交通事故的总体分布规律、发展动向及各影响因素的相互关系,从而有针对性地预防交通事故,文章以秦岭终南山公路隧道为研究对象,采用统计分析、对比分析和图表分析的方法,研究了特长隧道交通事故时空分布特征、形态分布特征、车辆类型分布特征以及事故成因分布特征,并提出了视觉诱导技术、路面处理技术、光线过渡技术、路侧宽度变化引导技术等预防措施。结果表明:秦岭终南山隧道2007—2016年事故统计中,第一季度和第三季度的交通事故数分别为最高和最低;2014年发生的交通事故最多,而2012年发生的交通事故最少;隧道出入口附近是交通事故易发、多发路段;擦伤道沿和追尾事故类型发生最多;疲劳驾驶和操作失误是引发交通事故的主要原因;事故车辆多为小客车和货车;采取以上技术预防措施,可有效降低交通事故率。  相似文献   

文章从影响道路运输行车安全的基本因素入手,结合典型交通事故,分析了道路运输企业的安全管理现状及存在的问题,提出了针对性的安全管理措施。  相似文献   

针对高速公路交织区的安全现状,在阐述交织区涵义的基础上,分析了交织区的交通特性,从道路条件、设计车速、交通流率、交通安全设施、驾驶员、车辆这六个方面分析了交织区行车安全的影响因素,以指导安全改善策略的制定,减少道路交通事故,提高交织区的安全水平.  相似文献   

Local bus services were deregulated in October 1986 in all areas of Britain except London. Government policy is to extend deregulation to London, though not in the current parliament. This paper analyses statistics on bus accidents from the national road accident database from 1981 to 1991 to compare results for London and the rest of Great Britain, and to consider whether deregulation has affected safety. The conclusions depend on the assumption that accident recording practice was not itself affected by deregulation.Bus accident rates are higher in London than on built-up roads elsewhere, partly apparently because of road traffic conditions in London, and partly because open-platform buses have higher accident rates involving occupants, including boarding and alighting accidents, than buses with doors.The main safety effects of deregulation operate through its effects on bus activity, though there is also some evidence that the rate per bus-kilometre of accidents involving other road users fell slightly. This may be due in part to the trend towards smaller buses associated with deregulation. Deregulation has led to a fall in bus patronage, and thus to a fall in occupant casualties; and to a rise in bus-kilometres, and thus to a rise in casualties among other road users in accidents involving buses. The number of fatal and serious casualties among other road users involved in bus accidents is larger than the number among bus occupants, so deregulation in London could lead on balance to a small rise in fatalities involving buses. On the other hand, the number of slight casualties among other road users involved in bus accidents is smaller than the number among bus occupants, so deregulation in London could lead to a fall in the number of slight casualties involving buses.Although there were fears that changes in the management of bus operations or financial pressures might lead to increased accident rates following deregulation, there no evidence in the findings to support such fears.This paper was first presented at the 3rd International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Surface Public Transport at Mississauga, Canada on 25–29 September 1993. The author is grateful to the Department of Transport for the speed and efficiency with which they provided special tabulations from the road accident database for this study.  相似文献   

Few studies have explored, to date, the issue of the monetary valuation of non-fatal injuries caused by road traffic accidents. The present paper seeks to raise interest in this question and to estimate, by contingent valuation, French households’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) to improve their road safety level and reduce their risk of non-fatal injuries following a road accident. More precisely, a Tobit and a type-II Tobit model were estimated to identify factors for WTP. The results highlighted the significant positive influence of injury severity on WTP. Experience of road traffic accidents seemed to play an important role, positively influencing valuation of non-fatal injury.  相似文献   

Two semi-logarithmic regression models are developed to estimate accident rates and accident costs, respectively, for rural non-interstate highways in the state of Iowa. Data on 21,224 accidents occurring between 1989 and 1991 on 17,767 road segments are used in the analysis. Seven road attributes of these road segments are included as predictor variables. Applying the resulting regression models to a rather typical highway upgrade situation, the present value of the accident cost saving is computed. The sensitivity of the estimated cost saving to values for fatal, personal injury, and property damage only accidents is tested.Because factors other than road characteristics greatly influence accident costs, the models developed in this research explain a limited amount of the variance in these costs among road segments. Results of the analysis indicate that the most important attribute associated with accident costs is average daily traffic per lane, followed by conditions requiring passing restrictions and the sharpness of curves. Varying the values for the three categories of accidents shows that results are far more sensitive to the value of personal injuries than fatalities. The feasibility of using predictive models of accident costs in benefit-cost analyses of highway investments is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Road crashes are a leading cause of death and serious injuries both developed and developing countries. Intersections are recognized as being among the most hazardous locations on the roads. Although crashes at intersections form about 35 % of the reported accidents account for about 32% of traffic‐related serious injuries and fatalities in Singapore, there is no known study that examines the factors contributing to the severity of these crashes. In this study, the ordinal probit model was applied to crash data from 1992 to 2002 to investigate the role a variety of factors play in determining the severity of intersection crashes. Our study shows that vehicle type, road type, collision type, driver's characteristics and time of day are important determinants of the severity of crashes at intersections in Singapore.  相似文献   

城市平面交叉口是城市交通冲突和事故频繁发生的地点。文章针对城市道路平面交叉口的交通安全现状,分析了平面交叉口的安全影响因素,提出引入事故率和冲突率为评价指标,建立了灰色理论评价方法,为城市道路平面交叉口的安全治理提供理论支持。  相似文献   

交通安全,涉及到人、车以及道路和环境等很多因素。近年来,因为各种原因使得有关单位以及人员将更多的将精力放在人、车、道路这几个因素上,对道路交通环境没有过多的考虑和研究。深入研究道路交通环境,有利于道路交通的安全,文章通过对其的研究和分析,得出有关道路交通环境对交通安全的影响和解决措施,对于防止道路交通安全事故具有重要意义。同时为人们的生命财产的安全提供保障、对构建社会主义和谐社会具有很大帮助。  相似文献   


To build a traffic safety feature model and to quantify accident influences caused by some traffic violation behaviors of drivers, an accident diagnostic decision-making model is established. For the purpose of diagnosing accident morphologies, rough set theory is applied and the influence of traffic factors of different accident morphologies is quantified through calculating the degree of attribute importance, selecting core traffic factors and adopting a C4.5 decision tree algorithm. In the paper, road traffic accident data from 2008 to 2013 in Anhui Province are used. Typical rules are selected, targeted strategy proposals are put forward, and then, a scientific and reasonable diagnostic basis is provided for the diagnosis of traffic safety risks and the prediction of potential traffic accidents.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of monitoring animals killed by vehicles on selected roads in the Czech Republic as well as the circumstances of these accidents. Relationships between species of road-killed animals and factors associated with these accidents were evaluated, such as type of road and traffic density, distance from the built-up area, state of vegetation around the road, terrain topology with regard to the road, and the impact of the month/season.  相似文献   

快速城市化致使城市交通量急剧增长,交通拥堵问题日益严重。受社会经济等条件限制,已建的成城区难以进行大规模的改扩工程,交通系统的深化急需跟上城市更新的步伐[1]。本文以广州市天河区天园街道片区为研究对象,利用互联网电子地图,对该片区周边四条主要交通性道路高峰时段拥堵情况进行实时监测。通过为时一个月的监测,了解到在拥堵高峰时段四条交通性道路规模所能承载的交通量远远低于实际承载的交通通行量。结合实地调研,运用交通微循环理论,提出构建一个合理的交通微循环道路网络方案,即开放片区内部路网增强城市交通的毛细血管,增强四条主干道之间的联系实现交通分流。  相似文献   

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