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高速铁路正提供着巨大的输送能力,若从事货物运输必然能促进我国社会快递物流的蓬勃发展。本文通过快递市场以及高速铁路线路参数的研究分析,确定货运动车组开行的市场定位、速度等级、载货量等问题,确定了货运动车组的开行方式。基于此,着重研究了货运动车组开行所带来的运输企业效益。研究发现,同公路运输相比,即使以公路运输的收益率来计算货运动车组的收益效益,也比客运专列开行的收益高一些;同航空运输相比较,当货运率低至53%时,为保证货运动车组收益同等于客运专列,其运价率方与航空运价率相同;通过对物流快递分析,确定了货运动车组的所适运的货物时间价值。结果表明货运动车组开行对铁路运输企业具有相当的效益,这对运输企业的收益有一定的促进意义,同时也为货运动车组开行提供一些参考意义。  相似文献   

随着公路货运与铁路货运间竞争关系的持续激烈化,我国铁路货运存在市场分担量不足、企业经营效益有待提升等问题。充分利用铁路经济性优势,同时协调铁路列车开行决策方案、降低成本并确保铁路企业利润,有利于铁路增强货运收益,更好的参与市场竞争。基于对列车开行决策与运输定价间关联性的探讨,以货运分担量及运价为决策变量,构建出一个公铁竞争环境下的铁路货物列车开行决策与运输定价综合优化模型,以此实现铁路企业利润的最大化和货主广义费用的最小化。通过算例验证得出该模型满足可行性与合理性要求,能够促进铁路达到一定的市场分担率水平、创造较高的经营效益。  相似文献   

为提升我国高速铁路货运市场份额占比,提升高铁货运产品运输效率与服务水平,为铁路运输提供更多的经济和社会效益,本文通过对国外高铁货运产品特征分析,为我国高铁快运发展提供借鉴经验。从国外铁路快速货运服务产品的对比分析出发,从产品归属、列车、站场及装卸条件和服务产品特性四个维度重点分析法国TGV La Poste、德国Parcel InterCity和意大利Mercitalia Fast等国外高速铁路货运产品。针对目前我国高铁货运产品存在的问题,结合国外高速货运产品发展经验,提出了现阶段开行夜间运行的高铁快运列车的发展方式,并从运行计划制定、站场及装卸条件和货源组织三方面讨论开行高铁夜间车的关键技术。本文的研究成果可为我国高速铁路货运的技术支持、产品设计和发展趋势等提供有效的理论分析依据。  相似文献   

在货运市场新形势下,为保障货物运到期限,本文提出考虑运输时效性的货物列车开行方案的优化方法。基于多商品网络流的思想,将货物列车开行方案抽象为网络优化问题,在已有研究的目标函数中引入不满足运到期限的延误费用,同时将编组辆数设为灵活取值的决策变量,以车站改编能力、列车开行频率等约束建立货物列车开行方案优化模型,以此确定货物列车的开行区段、开行种类、编组内容和开行频率等内容。针对构建的模型,设计了A~*和遗传算法的组合优化方法求解,并用构建的简单路网验证模型的正确性。结果表明,本文构建的优化模型能够满足车流运到时间要求,同时相较于固定编组能节省集结消耗时间成本,加快货物送达。  相似文献   

我国发展高铁货运的可行性分析及方案选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国外高铁货运组织方案和经验。从运输车辆、装卸作业、管理体制三方面分析了当前我国开展高铁快运的主要问题。提出了专用车底开行、利用客运动车底开行、旅客列车加挂专用车辆三种组织方案,比较分析了各方案的适应性;从研究专用车辆、规划装卸基地、研制装卸设备和装载方式、完善管理规章等方面提出配套措施。  相似文献   

高速铁路新线的开通改变了原路网系统的物理结构,拓展了大量新增客流OD,为提高运输企业效益和优化旅客服务质量提供了条件,同时新增跨线列车的开行也使既有高铁运营线路通过能力更加紧张甚至饱和,列车开行方案调整势在必行。高速铁路新线开通条件下,运营线路列车开行方案调整的关键在于新线与运营线路列车开行方案的协调优化。本文提出了列车开行方案系统化调整流程,探讨了高铁新线开通条件下列车开行方案调整备选列车集合的确定原则,分析了列车开行方案调整措施及相应影响,研究了列车开行方案调整的统计指标体系和计算方法。最后,以郑徐高速铁路开通条件下列车开行方案调整为例,为实际工作中列车开行方案调整提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在界定铁路货运高端产品概念的基础上,构建在市场竞争条件下,不同运输方式之间、同一方式不同等级产品之间货流合理分配的优化定价三层规划模型并给出启发式算法。模型同时考虑铁路货运部门和货主双方的利益,既保证货主的广义费用最低,又使铁路部门的货运收入最大,最后给出算例进行验证。  相似文献   

目前我国高速铁路的日间行车能力已得到了较为充分的利用,而如何组织好高铁夜间垂直天窗与夜行列车之间的耦合关系、用好高铁夜间能力,是适应多样化市场需求的需要,也是进一步提升高铁经营效益的有效途径。对此,本文提出了动卧列车和货运动车组两种相对可行的高铁夜间运输产品,分别对其产品特征进行了分析,充分考虑高铁夜间天窗制约下两种列车的开行模式,基于市场需求提出了列车开行策略,并在充分对比两种产品的经济效益、客(货)源组织、能力分配等因素的基础上,给出了高铁夜间能力发展建议。  相似文献   

货运动车组是我国中车集团为满足铁路快捷货运发展而正在研制的新型动车组。本文从运输能力、车站货运设施设备、装卸搬运设施设备等方面分析了我国高铁快递存在的问题,结合我国铁路快运的经验和航空快运的成熟技术,分析了货运动车组的顶层技术指标和关键技术。高速货运动车组的总体技术方案应与标准动车组基本保持一致,要结合快捷货运需求重点对大开度装载门、货运专用地板及集装器具等关键技术进行研发,满足货物快速装卸、装载加固和在途安全管理等的需求。  相似文献   

<正>广西动车开行对数破百高铁15个月"五级跳"3月20日零时起,广西将迎来2015年首次较大规模的列车运行图调整,届时广西动车组列车开行总对数将达到107.5对。这是广西动车组列车开行对数首次突破100对,距离高铁初开通仅隔15个月,一年多的时间增长了7倍。广西于2013年年底始有高铁,当时开行的动车组列车对数仅有12对。2014年以来,随着南广、贵广及南宁东站等一批高铁建设项目相继投产运营,南宁铁路局先后16次调整广西旅客列车开行方案,使广西动车组列车开行对数在15个月间实现了12对到18对、33.5对、90.5对、107.5对的"五级跳",动车通达广西区内10个地级市  相似文献   

This research empirically evaluates the public sector investment in the US freight transportation infrastructure. In particular, the infrastructures to support the two most comparable modes of freight transportation – highway and intermodal rail – are examined as alternatives for public fund allocation. Indicators for public sector transportation infrastructure investment mix are established based on financial analysis of both private and social costs and benefits, as well as the propensity of freight shippers to utilize such infrastructures. The research results in recommendations for the aggregate allocation of public funds in the US based on these indicators. We find that approximately a quarter of truck freight could be handled at a 25% lower cost if rail infrastructure to support it existed. Because an additional 80% reduction in social costs could be achieved through this modal conversion, the public sector is a critical participant in creating a more efficient transportation infrastructure.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the total embodied energy and emissions modal freight requirements across the supply chain for each of over 400 sectors using Bureau of Transportation Statistics Commodity Flow Survey data and Bureau of Economic Analysis economic input-output tables for 2002. Across all sectors, direct domestic truck and rail transportation are similar in magnitude for embodied freight transportation of goods and services in terms of ton-km. However, the sectors differ significantly in energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and costs per ton-km. Recent pressure to reduce energy consumption and emissions has motivated a search for more efficient freight mode choices. One solution would be to shift freight transportation away from modes that require more energy and emit more (e.g., truck) to modes that consume and emit less (e.g., rail and water).Our results show there are no individual sectors for which targeting changes would significantly decrease the total freight transportation energy and emissions, therefore we have also looked at the prospect of policies encouraging many sectors to shift modes. There are four scenarios analyzed: (1) shifting all truck to rail, shifting top 20% sector mode choice, (2) based on their emissions, (3) based on a multi-attribute analysis, and (4) increasing truck efficiency (e.g., mpg). Increasing truck efficiency by 10% results in similar energy and emissions reductions (approximately 7% for energy and 6% for emissions) as targeting the top 20% of sectors when selected based on emissions, whereas selecting the top 20% based on availability to shift from truck results in slightly less reductions of energy and emissions. Implementing policies to encourage higher efficiency in freight trucks may be a sufficient short term goal while efforts to reduce truck freight transportation through sectoral policies are implemented in the long term.  相似文献   

以综合交通运输行业发展中的建设投资、路网设施、旅客运输、货物运输方面统计数据指标为基础,通过分析总量指标在“十三五”时期的绝对值、增速,以及各交通运输方式结构指标变化情况,并与“十二五”时期相关指标变化进行对比分析,总结了“十三五”时期的综合交通建设投资、旅客运输和货物运输形势,表明“十三五”时期是综合交通运输从高速度增长向高质量发展的过渡阶段,具体表现为总量扩张趋缓、结构优化明显、升级动力减弱等三大特征,体现在交通投资和供给需求规模增速放缓,高快速交通方式的供需比重增加,交通生产投入的边际产出趋向递减等方面。  相似文献   

Companies working in a collaboration are able to achieve higher vehicle capacity utilisation and reduced empty running, resulting in lower costs and improved sustainability through reduced emissions and congestion. Collaboration produces higher volumes of goods to be moved than individual companies which means that further efficiencies may be possible by relaxing the freight mode constraints and considering rail and higher capacity vehicles. This paper explains how real world data has been used in a model to quantify the economic and environmental benefits in the FMCG sector delivered through collaboration utilising road and rail freight modes. Data for one month was provided by 10 FMCG companies and included freight transport flows between depots and customers, inter depot movements, and supplier collections. Detailed road and rail costs and operating characteristics were obtained and, with the transport flows, applied to a network design model which was used to validate the company data sets. A strategy examining the potential use of alternative higher capacity vehicles and rail for the flows between nine regional consolidation centres showed cost and CO2 savings. Just under half the inter-regional flows benefited from double deck trailers, longer heavier vehicles for 30% of the flows and rail with different wagon configurations for the rest. In summary there was a 23% reduction in cost with 58% fewer road kilometres and a 46% reduction in CO2 emissions. The ability to backhaul the same mode of transport between most of the regional centres was one of the strengths of this strategy.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the performance of freight transportation modes in Brazil – namely air, water, rail and road – from February 1996 to August 2012 by investigating their long memory properties using fractional integration and autoregressive models on monthly tonnage data. Two important features are analysed: the degree of dependence of transportation traffic across time and its seasonal structure over the period. Furthermore, the stability of parameters across the sample period is investigated, incorporating potential structural breaks in the data, which describe discontinuity in freight transportation traffic. Some policy implications are derived.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of high-speed rail investment on the economy and environment in China using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The analysis is implemented in a dynamic recursive framework capturing long-run capital accumulation and labor market equilibrium. A national level impact was simulated through direct impact drivers including land use conversion, output expansion, cost reduction, productivity increase, transport demand substitution and induced demand. The results suggest that rail investment in China over the past decade has been a positive stimulus to the economy, while the effect on CO2 emissions generation has been large. Overall, the economic impacts of rail investment are achieved primarily through induced demand and output expansion, whereas the contribution from a reduction of rail transportation costs and rail productivity increases were modest. In addition, negligible negative impacts were found from land use for rail development and the substitution effect among other modes. Emissions reduction from substitution of rail for other modes was small and offset by output expansion due to lowered rail transport costs and induced demand.  相似文献   

High-speed rail is often touted as a means to reduce congestion on the United States’ highways by removing passenger car traffic. But highway congestion can also be reduced by reducing the amount of freight traffic. So, given the advances in high-speed rail, the potential exists for developing a national high-speed network for freight distribution. To design such a network considering highway traffic and transit times, we present an uncapacitated network design model with a post-processing step for the capacity constraint. To illustrate how our modeling approach could be used by policy makers to evaluate the impacts of a high-speed rail network, we apply our models with preliminary data on high-speed rail operating parameters for freight applications and from current data on shipments from a major truckload carrier and the US Census Bureau.  相似文献   

Due to the effects of congestion, capacity reduction of truck-freight carriers, growing freight transportation demand, and increasing social and environmental concerns, there is a critical need for freight shippers to improve shipping quality and reduce transportation costs. Rail-truck multimodal freight collaboration can potentially address this need. In this study, we explore freight-shipper perspectives relating to the factors that may foster or impede their usage of rail-truck multimodal freight collaboration services, and the correlations of their operational and behavioral characteristics with these factors. The study provides insights to rail and truck carriers on collaboration mechanisms that can address the needs of freight shippers, including adopting synergistic technology to improve in-transit visibility, accommodating non-containerized cargo, improving the transshipment process, designing service quality control strategies, and constructing investment and revenue-sharing plans.  相似文献   

Complexity in transport networks evokes the need for instant response to the changing dynamics and uncertainties in the upstream operations, where multiple modes of transport are often available, but rarely used in conjunction. This paper proposes a model for strategic transport planning involving a network wide intermodal transport system. The system determines the spatio-temporal states of road based freight networks (unimodal) and future traffic flow in definite time intervals. This information is processed to devise efficient scheduling plans by coordinating and connecting existing rail transport schedules to road based freight systems (intermodal). The traffic flow estimation is performed by kernel based support vector mechanisms while mixed integer programming (MIP) is used to optimize schedules for intermodal transport network by considering various costs and additional capacity constraints. The model has been successfully applied to an existing Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) distribution network in India with encouraging results.  相似文献   

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