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The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed by Canada, the U.S.A. and Mexico and which came into effect on 1 January 1994, is a significant move towards further integration of the North American economies. This paper examines the likely impact of NAFTA on Canadian ports. Three channels of impact are identified. First, there are direct impacts on trade flows between Canada and its North American trading partners. In this regard we find that ports do not typically handle the types of products that are likely to be affected by NAFTA, and so the direct impacts may be minimal. Second, and more significantly, port catchment areas are likely to undergo substantial changes as they respond to a more competitive environment within the free trade area. Third, the transportation sector has itself been included in NAFTA, and Canadian ports will face increased competition from land based transportation modes. We conclude that ports in Canada must learn to work more consciously as agents of regional economic development.  相似文献   

Canada's federal government is responsible for ports. Despite this, an integrated national ports system has not been established. The Canadian system includes: the Canada Ports Corporation; Harbour Commissions; and Transport Canada's Public Harbours. These are historic divisions. Following a failed 1970s attempt to place all ports within Transport Canada, in 1983 parliament opted for a Crown corporation model in establishing the Canada Ports Corporation for Canada's major ports. This paper addresses the question of whether, in today's increasingly competitive environment, a more integrated and businesslike national system of ports is required. Alternative systems range from centralization to regionalization and enhanced 'commercialization' of local ports to privatization. A suggested alternative for Canada includes incorporating all commercial ports within the Canada Ports Corporation, using a regional system for planning, and augmenting local autonomy of financially self-sufficient ports by making them crown corporations. Eventual privatization of the expanded Canada Port Corporation is also considered.  相似文献   

This paper examines the competitiveness of selected eastern Canadian ports for the handling of foreign cargoes in terms of macroeconomic and geographic factors.  相似文献   

Between 1980 and 1989 container TEUs handled at all world ports increased by a factor of 2.11. On the East Coast of North America, the growth factor was only 1.69; on the West Coast, 2.23. These growth factors, when multiplied by the 1980 TEU volume at individual North American ports, give 1989 expected performance levels for the ports. Comparing the expected performance to the actual, it is found in the Canadian context that the big winner is Vancouver; the big loser is Saint John. Halifax and Montreal have outperformed their nearest US East Coast rivals but have not performed as well as southern ports on the Altantic Seaboard. These and other comparisons are made in order to describe how Canadian container ports have performed in the decade of the 1980s. The paper then speculates on how the ports will do in the future, based on a discussion of five factors: port facilities; inland transportation connections; shipping lines serving the ports; demand for container shipping; and legal arrangements between the United States and Canada.  相似文献   

肖钟熙 《水运管理》2008,30(7):12-15
分析港口成为城市主要污染源之一的原因,为保证港口与自然环境和谐相处必须注意处理好港口选址、港口运行与集疏运系统选择和管理等3个问题,提出构建自然环境友好型港口举措:明确港口行政管理部门保护环境的职能;在有关法律中进一步强调环境保护;修改和完善有关的环境标准;完善港口环保制度体系;强化集装箱卡车管理等。  相似文献   

In contrast to the centralized port-planning framework that is utilized in some industrialized countries, the US relies on a complex and fragmented framework in which responsibility for the planning, development and operation of landside maritime infrastructure rests with State and local governments. It has been argued that the separation of the federal government from port policy was rooted in the port preference clause of the Constitution. This paper is an effort to determine whether the current decentralized port policy in fact stems from the Constitution and, to that end, reviews how over the years the US Supreme Court has construed the port preference clause in the Constitution. It was found that there is no evidence to support the assertion that the port preference clause has restricted the development of Federal port policy. Moreover, the decentralized and fragmented decision-making process that is evident today does not imply the absence of federal impact. Rather, it reflects federal involvement through multiple agencies and regulatory processes and is a conscious effort, consistent with other areas of transport infrastructure development, to retain local decision-making for infrastructure investments. It is concluded by raising the issue whether current federal involvement in ports (that is, existing federal port policy), through dredging, landside transportation improvements or subsidized capital, among other things, needs to be reappraised before a new round of capital intensive investment begins.  相似文献   

程菁 《集装箱化》2007,18(3):20-22
1集装箱港口位置 墨西哥主要集装箱港口有太平洋沿岸的Ensenada(恩塞纳达港),LazaroCardenas(拉萨罗-卡德纳斯港)和Manzanillo(曼萨尼约港)及墨西哥湾(大西洋沿岸)的Veracruz(韦拉克鲁斯港)和Tampico(坦皮科港),具体位置见图1。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the European Union's (EU) proposals to improve the efficiency and infrastructure of European ports, and investigates the extent to which these proposals are welcomed by the ports industry. On the one hand, the analysis of the recent EU policy developments makes apparent that the EU is increasingly impinging upon the port industry's life. On the other hand, the findings of the semi-structured interviews with the industry's representatives suggest that although port authorities and port operators remain in principle against a coherent common EU ports policy, the industry believes that certain EU initiatives can enhance the competitiveness of the maritime transport system.  相似文献   

中国港口类型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘斌  莫艳清 《世界海运》2006,29(5):29-30
改革开放30年来,特别是近10年来,我国港口业得到突飞猛进的发展,各地区港口发展逐步形成了各自的优势和特色。根据各港口的特征进行简单分析,把我国的港口分为9个类型,即效益型、国际型、民营型、创新型、进取型、政府型、爆破式增长型、潜力型和保守型,以便于各港口明确其类型,根据各自的类型制定相应的发展规划,从而带动各地区区域经济的发展。  相似文献   

环渤海港口竞争   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邓利锋 《水运管理》2009,31(11):26-28
以环渤海地区3大枢纽港——天津港、大连港和青岛港作为研究对象,对环渤海地区主要港口的竞争力从腹地经济、自然条件、集疏运条件和运营效率等4个方面进行比较分析,并得出结论:谁能率先走向整合,谁就更有机会成为中国北方国际航运中心。  相似文献   

卞卡 《水运管理》2010,32(7):39-40,42
为提高中国港口的国际竞争力,分析韩国政府于2008年起实施的港口再开发战略,指出韩国港口再开发过程中存在的问题和可供中国港口发展借鉴的经验,并对中国港口的再开发提出建议。  相似文献   

在分析福州港30年来取得的成就,指出目前存在的问题后,提出了大力发展临港工业、港口现代物流业和港口现代服务业的主张,并提出了实现福州港跨越式发展的建议。  相似文献   

张敏 《集装箱化》2008,19(12):26-28
南亚地区是全球最具活力的集装箱运输市场之一。在制成品出口增长和消费品进口上升的双重作用下,南亚港口的集装箱运输呈现一派繁荣景象,其中尤以印度港口的表现最为突出,  相似文献   

The subject of port efficiency is one of the important issues facing port authorities and policy makers today. A number of studies have been undertaken which compare ports in terms of their efficiency. But any port comparison can only be valid and meaningful if a port's efficiency is compared with a similar port. The principal objective of this paper is to introduce a systematic approach to identifying similar ports based on the technique of principal component analysis. Secondly, it seeks to identify the most important factors underlying the port classification. Lack of awareness of which factors differentiate ports has resulted in an unnecessary collection of data which are of limited use in port classification. This study has identified three groupings of similar ports within which port comparison can be justifiably made. This approach can be used for any future port comparison and can be applied to other areas of activity facing the same difficulty.  相似文献   

Dramatic efforts to put Poland's economy back on the right track indicate an urgent need to undertake studies concerning the future shape and structure of the Polish Merchant Marine as well as Poland's share in international maritime transport. Changing ownership and structure of enterprises, modernization of tonnage, improvement of domestic and foreign infrastructure, implementation of proper manning policy in the fleet and improvement of managerial techniques in the daily operation of ports and ships are some of the tasks which must be considered by those responsible for the future of Polish ports and shipping companies.  相似文献   

当前中国局部地区和部分港口的产能过剩,是临时性的、结构性的产能过剩,不是整体性的产能过剩。对于不同的产能过剩当区别对待,以免给港口建设带来不利影响。  相似文献   

汉堡港 汉堡是德国最大的城市和港口,港区面积100平方公里,码头全长65公里,共有500多个泊位,大小码头63个。该港港口设备现代化,泊港作业时间短,素有“快港”美称。2004年,该港实现集装箱吞吐量700万标准箱,在世界十大集装箱港口排名中居第九名。  相似文献   

杨梦娟 《水运管理》2011,33(3):25-28
为推动现代港口发展,针对全球经济和物流市场的发展对集装箱港口的影响,分析国际贸易指出物流市场的发展受到生产经营的全球化、供应链的转变、第三方和第四方物流的兴起、物流服务提供商的整合、物流网络的变化等因素影响,指出船舶容量的增加,航运业的合作、兼并和收购,全球码头营运商的兴起等成为航运业和集装箱码头发展的趋势,并伴随着内陆物流运营商的发展和班轮运输网络的变化,从协调物流链成员、应对实力强大的客户、增加物流服务和集装箱投资、环境保护等方面分析物流发展对港口和海港当局的影响。  相似文献   

The subject of port efficiency is one of the important issues facing port authorities and policy makers today. A number of studies have been undertaken which compare ports in terms of their efficiency. But any port comparison can only be valid and meaningful if a port's efficiency is compared with a similar port. The principal objective of this paper is to introduce a systematic approach to identifying similar ports based on the technique of principal component analysis. Secondly, it seeks to identify the most important factors underlying the port classification. Lack of awareness of which factors differentiate ports has resulted in an unnecessary collection of data which are of limited use in port classification. This study has identified three groupings of similar ports within which port comparison can be justifiably made. This approach can be used for any future port comparison and can be applied to other areas of activity facing the same difficulty.  相似文献   

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