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The development of automotive systems shows an increasing number of sensors, actuators and microelectronic controllers, partially for active driver assistance. However, electronic and electrical components have quite different failure behavior and in general lower reliability than mechanical components. On the other side microcomputers can also be used for fault detection and diagnosis. The contribution therefore shows how model-based fault detection and diagnosis methods together with few available measurements can be applied for automobiles. After an introduction, a short summary is given for fault detection and diagnosis methods, especially for model-based methods. Then some research results are shown, like the fault detection and diagnosis of an electromechanical throttle actuator, a suspension system and the lateral behavior of a passenger car. Finally, methods for fault-tolerant sensors and actuators are discussed which are required for drive-by-wire systems.  相似文献   

据有关资料可知,国外90%以上的轿车和国内部分高级轿车上都已装备了电控汽油喷射发动机。由于其结构较为复杂,给汽车维修工作带来一定的困难。笔者根据多年修车经验的一些体会,提醒维修工在对其进行电控故障检修时,应注意以下几点方法。  相似文献   

电子控制系统的大量应用显著提高了汽车性能,但同时其结构日趋复杂也带来了故障诊断与维修更加困难的问题。针对汽车电子控制系统的特点,论述了直观诊断法,故障码查询法,数据流分析法,波形分析法,电路分析法在汽车电子控制系统故障诊断中的应用,并列举了部分典型实例。  相似文献   

韩颖 《时代汽车》2021,(1):163-164
科技时代的到来,为各行各业发展带来了新的发展机遇.汽车产业作为我国经济发展中新的增长点,所发挥的作用是不容忽视的,特别是最近几年随着人们环保意识越来越强,为新能源汽车发展掀开了新的篇章,推动了其快速发展,主要是由于国家对于新能源汽车的扶持,并且其也符合目前国家所提倡的节能减排政策.在不久的将来,新能源汽车将会不断普及,...  相似文献   

叙述电控发动机喷油器的结构及工作原理,分析其常见故障现象及原因,探讨故障的检测方法与喷油器的维护。  相似文献   

以起亚OPTIMA2.7L电控发动机起动不良故障为例,运用专业知识并查阅资料,根据多年对该款车型诊断工作经验。结合实际教学过程总结,对该系列发动机起动不良故障及诊断进行系统分析。  相似文献   

简述电控汽车门锁的种类和工作原理,以凌志LS400型轿车电控门锁为例.介绍其故障诊断方法。  相似文献   

在排除电喷发动机的故障时,发现尽管故障现象不同,原因各异,但颇具典型性的当属氧传感器、冷却液温度传感器和节气门位置传感器的故障。它们不仅有故障率高的特点,而且对发动机工况的影响也很大。1氧传感器故障氧传感器工作失常会影响ECU对混合气空燃比精确的控制,带来发动机动力性、经济性的下降和排气净化性的恶化。此时发动机易出现怠速不稳、缺火、喘抖和油耗增加等现象。通常情况下氧传感器出现故障或线路连接不良时,ECU会存储记忆并报警。氧传感器早期损坏的原因有:使用了含铅汽油,使铅粘附在传感器的工作面而发生铅“中毒”;发动…  相似文献   

为了响应我国绿色发展的号召,汽车行业正不断创新汽车制造技术,新能源汽车也越来越受人们欢迎。在研发汽车制造新技术的同时,汽车行业还应完善新能源汽车的维修服务,为新能源汽车的总体质量保驾护航。文章分析了电子诊断技术在新能源汽车维修方面的具体应用,得出电子诊断技术的现实意义和进一步发展的要求,希望能为我国汽车行业的持续发展提供思路。  相似文献   

于红霞 《时代汽车》2021,(5):155-156
本文将指出在新能源汽车维修当中的电子诊断技术优势,并且对电子诊断技术在新能源汽车维修当中的应用进行分析介绍.  相似文献   

凌志系列轿车电控动力转向系统的诊断与检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍凌志系列轿车电控动力转向系统的基本工作过程及诊断与检测方法。  相似文献   

苗继壮 《时代汽车》2021,(1):137-138
随着时代的不断发展,人们对于新能源汽车的概念也有了深入的了解,并且新能源汽车也逐渐走进了大众的视野,进入人们的生活,也受到了人们的广泛认可.但虽然新能源汽车已经在不断推广,但仍然没能实现全面普及,不过可喜的是新能源汽车在汽车领域中获得一片天地已经是未来时代发展的必然趋向,对于新能源汽车来说,电子诊断技术是最为关键的技术...  相似文献   

主要阐述了四轮驱动技术中的布置形式、驱动形式以及短时四轮驱动技术的特点和在微型车上实现短时四轮驱动所需要的各装置的功能,重点分析了短时四轮驱动的电控原理。  相似文献   

王炅  罗邦杰 《汽车工程》1997,19(3):153-159
本文介绍了由DFZFB-323型带锁止离合器导轮可反转型的液力变矩器与动力换机械变速箱组成的GYB-100型新型城市公共汽车液力机械变速器及电子控制的结构特点,通过样车试验表明,城市公共汽车采用电子控制的液力机械变速器后,具有良好的起步,加速性能,易于驾驶,并且有良好的燃油经济性,提高了我国大客车的生产技术水平以及多种性能和可靠性水平,因而它是一种有发展前景的优于传统机械变速器的客车传动装置。  相似文献   

针对装备电喷汽油机和电控柴油机汽车油耗测试中所遇到的无法测量或测量数据不准的问题,通过对现代电喷汽油机和电控柴油机供油系统结构及其管路压力、回油量的分析,探讨采用不同型式油耗仪及其各种辅助装置,并采取正确的油耗仪连接方法,解决上述问题。  相似文献   

陆开柱 《时代汽车》2022,(3):175-176
本文简要分析了电子诊断技术的应用优势:维修主体多样性、维修功能全面性、维修体系完善性;探索了新型汽车中使用电子诊断的具体表现:发动机诊断、动力电池诊断、电路诊断等;给出了电子诊断的后续研发方向:远程监测、多类故障资料分析、智能诊断系统,以此推动电子诊断技术有序发展,以技术视角支持新型汽车生产,减少车辆运输污染问题,顺应...  相似文献   

现代汽车的四种测距方法   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文介绍了目前在汽车上应用较多的超声波、雷达、摄像、激光等四种测距方法及其在汽车上的应用状况,并提出了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

文章综述了纯电动汽车的驱动结构以及轮毂电机驱动电动汽车的优点,然后阐述了纯电动汽车电子差速系统的结构与工作原理,并详细介绍了电子差速系统的控制方法和控制理论,同时对三种控制方法进行了对比分析,指出其优缺点和适应场合。最后对纯电动汽车电子差速的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Looking at the future trends of the road traffic, one will recognize that the commercial vehicle participation will not decrease, although it is required from the environmental and social viewpoints. The reason is that the other means of freight transport (water, railway, air) do not provide the same flexibility as the road transport, and direct business interest of those companies, who are using this transport form is larger than the eventual loss caused by the penalties to be paid (taxes, compensation of higher axle load). This conflict is hard to solve, but the effect can be minimized. The commercial vehicle industry attempts to introduce systems to the vehicles, which are targeting on reduction of the environmental impacts caused by heavy vehicles. These systems, which are named generally as “intelligent chassis systems”, electronically control the operation of the chassis subsystems (engine, transmission, brake, suspension) and co-ordinate their operation on a higher level (vehicle controller, intelligent control systems, such as adaptive cruise control, video camera based lane change recognition system, etc.). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the commercial vehicle chassis systems, and tries to project their future development.  相似文献   

Looking at the future trends of the road traffic, one will recognize that the commercial vehicle participation will not decrease, although it is required from the environmental and social viewpoints. The reason is that the other means of freight transport (water, railway, air) do not provide the same flexibility as the road transport, and direct business interest of those companies, who are using this transport form is larger than the eventual loss caused by the penalties to be paid (taxes, compensation of higher axle load). This conflict is hard to solve, but the effect can be minimized. The commercial vehicle industry attempts to introduce systems to the vehicles, which are targeting on reduction of the environmental impacts caused by heavy vehicles. These systems, which are named generally as “intelligent chassis systems”, electronically control the operation of the chassis subsystems (engine, transmission, brake, suspension) and co-ordinate their operation on a higher level (vehicle controller, intelligent control systems, such as adaptive cruise control, video camera based lane change recognition system, etc.). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the commercial vehicle chassis systems, and tries to project their future development.  相似文献   

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