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This article presents a model for solving solid–fluid interactions in vehicles carrying liquids. A tractor–semitrailer model is developed by incorporating suspension systems and tire dynamics. Owing to the solid–fluid interaction, equations of motion for the vehicle system are coupled. To simplify the complicated solution procedure, the coupled equations are solved separately using two different codes. Each code is analyzed separately; but as the parameters of the two codes depend on each other, the codes must be connected at the end of each time step. To determine the dynamic behavior of the system, different braking moments are applied. As the braking moments increase, braking time decreases. However, it turns out that increasing the braking moment to more than a certain level produces no significant results. It is also shown that vehicles carrying fluids need a greater amount of braking moments in comparison to vehicles carrying solids during braking. In addition, as the level of the fluid inside the tanker increases, from one-third to two-third of the tanker’s volume, the sloshing forces applied to the tanker’s walls increase. It was also concluded that the strategy used in this article to solve for the solid–fluid interaction by incorporating vehicle dynamic effects represents an effective method for determining the dynamic behavior of vehicles carrying fluids in other critical maneuvers.  相似文献   

A semi-empirical dynamic tire model for combined-slip forces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a semi-empirical combined-slip tire model including transient behavior. It is assumed that the transient behavior is a result from the dynamic deformation of the tire carcass and that the interaction between the lateral and longitudinal slip, and forces can be explained by the deformation of the rubber treads. The deformation of the tire carcass makes the tread slip deviate from the wheel-rim motion in a way that may be described by differential equations. A method based on brush-model tire mechanics is used to construct the combined-slip forces as nonlinear scalings of corresponding pure-slip forces.  相似文献   

管迪华  范成建  林建 《汽车工程》2007,29(4):292-295
利用模态参数柔性轮胎模型模拟车辆在起步过程中的动态响应特性,并以相应轴头加速度响应特性的试验结果间接给予了验证。从而解释了车辆在起步时需要较大驱动力矩的原因。其结果亦解释了文献中所描述的起步过程现象。  相似文献   

用于不平路面车辆动力学仿真的轮胎模型综述   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
管迪华  范成建 《汽车工程》2004,26(2):162-167
介绍了轮胎在不平路面的动力学特性。在回顾不平路面轮胎动力学模型发展的基础上,以近期的研究工作为重点,对用于不平路面车辆动力学仿真的轮胎模型进行了较为系统的介绍。概要地阐述了各种轮胎模型的建模理论、方法,并进行了分析和评述。最后,总结了不平路面轮胎力学建模的核心问题及发展方向,对不平路面车辆动力学仿真选择合适的轮胎模型给出了建议。  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the use of dimensional analysis for scaled vehicle tires. The motivation for this approach is the understanding of realistic nonlinear tire behavior in scaled vehicle control studies. By examining the behavior of vehicle tires within a dimensionless framework, several key tire parameters are developed that allow for an appropriate relationship between full-sized tires and scaled tires. Introducing these scalings into vehicle dynamics studies allows for the development of scaled vehicles that have a high degree of dynamic similitude with full-sized vehicles, but are safer and more economical testbeds on which to develop experimental control strategies. Experimental data are used to compare the nonlinear characteristics for sets of scaled and full-sized tires. Finally, design of a scaled vehicle based on tire characteristics is demonstrated.  相似文献   

This article seeks to develop a longitudinal vehicle velocity estimator robust to road conditions by employing a tyre model at each corner. Combining the lumped LuGre tyre model and the vehicle kinematics, the tyres internal deflection state is used to gain an accurate estimation. Conventional kinematic-based velocity estimators use acceleration measurements, without correction with the tyre forces. However, this results in inaccurate velocity estimation because of sensor uncertainties which should be handled with another measurement such as tyre forces that depend on unknown road friction. The new Kalman-based observer in this paper addresses this issue by considering tyre nonlinearities with a minimum number of required tyre parameters and the road condition as uncertainty. Longitudinal forces obtained by the unscented Kalman filter on the wheel dynamics is employed as an observation for the Kalman-based velocity estimator at each corner. The stability of the proposed time-varying estimator is investigated and its performance is examined experimentally in several tests and on different road surface frictions. Road experiments and simulation results show the accuracy and robustness of the proposed approach in estimating longitudinal speed for ground vehicles.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the level of model fidelity needed in order for a model predictive control (MPC)-based obstacle avoidance algorithm to be able to safely and quickly avoid obstacles even when the vehicle is close to its dynamic limits. The context of this work is large autonomous ground vehicles that manoeuvre at high speed within unknown, unstructured, flat environments and have significant vehicle dynamics-related constraints. Five different representations of vehicle dynamics models are considered: four variations of the two degrees-of-freedom (DoF) representation as lower fidelity models and a fourteen DoF representation with combined-slip Magic Formula tyre model as a higher fidelity model. It is concluded that the two DoF representation that accounts for tyre nonlinearities and longitudinal load transfer is necessary for the MPC-based obstacle avoidance algorithm in order to operate the vehicle at its limits within an environment that includes large obstacles. For less challenging environments, however, the two DoF representation with linear tyre model and constant axle loads is sufficient.  相似文献   

Because the characteristics of rubber bushing significantly affect the accuracy of vehicle dynamics simulations, they should be accurately modeled in the vehicle suspension model. In this paper, a new nonlinear bushing model for automotive bushing components is developed to improve the accuracy of vehicle dynamics analysis. Bushing components were first tested to capture the nonlinear and hysteretic behavior of typical elements by using a MTS 3-axis elastomer tester. A simple Bouc-Wen hysteretic differential model was modified to generate a more precise rubber bushing model. A sine wave, step input, and random excitations are imposed on the bushing. The ADAMS program is used to calculate sensitivity and the VisualDOC program is employed to find the optimal parameters for the bushing model. An error function is designed to find optimal parameters of the model. Parameter identification is carried out to satisfy the static and dynamic characteristics due to sine and step excitation inputs. It was proved that the proposed model could predict the bushing forces under sine, step, and random inputs well. The errors are within 10% in the overall range. To show the validity of the proposed model, a numerical example was also carried out. Because the bushing forces due to random excitation input show good agreement with experiments, the proposed bushing model is available in the vehicle dynamics simulation.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a novel 2-step global sensitivity analysis algorithm to provide an in-depth sensitivity analysis of the vehicle parameters on the system responses. A 9 degree-of-freedom nonlinear vertical–lateral coupled vehicle model is developed, and 12 parameters along with 7 system responses are selected for the sensitivity analysis. In order to reduce the computational effort, the proposed 2-step algorithm calculates the elementary effects and selects 7 influential parameters from these 12, and then uses the Sobol' method to obtain the global sensitivity indexes of these influential parameters. An unscented Kalman filter is finally designed to show the effect and importance of the selected sensitive parameters on the observation accuracy. Simulations with different vehicle types, velocities and tyre models have verified that the proposed algorithm can accurately describe the relationship between the vehicle parameters and system responses, which is of directive significance to improve vehicle controller and observer performances.  相似文献   

汽车动力传动系实时动力学仿真模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨得军  林柏忠  郭学立  管欣  郭孔辉 《汽车工程》2006,28(5):430-432,442
将动力传动系视为刚体系统,建立适用于开发型驾驶模拟器的动力传动系4自由度实时动力学仿真模型,输入驾驶员的点火开关信号、油门踏板信号、离合器踏板信号及挡位信号,在一定的传动系各部件及驱动轮的运动状态下,传动系模型可向整车动力学模型输出驱动轮上的驱动力矩,从而完成车辆的实时动力学仿真,并进一步向驾驶模拟器输送整车的实时运动状态。仿真与动力性试验的对比结果表明,该模型不但具有实时性,而且可通过整车模型使开发型驾驶模拟器为驾驶员提供逼真的整车运动响应。  相似文献   

The real-time simulation of vehicle trains requires an accurate and numerically feasible representation of the vehicle-trailer coupling. Although the equations of motion for the chassis instances can be reduced to systems of ordinary differential equations, additional constraints on the relative motion of vehicle and trailer are introduced when considering the hitch. In this article, we present a strategy for the simulation of vehicle-trailer combinations, where the algebraic constraints of the coupling are treated explicitly. Although this approach allows exact modeling of the respective joint geometry and realistic calculation of the coupling forces, a suitable numerical algorithm is required in order to solve the resulting differential-algebraic system of index 3 in real-time. The implementation in a commercial vehicle dynamics program is discussed and real-time simulation results are shown, which prove its feasibility for different coupling joints and demanding driving maneuvers.  相似文献   

应用于车辆实时动力学仿真的悬架模型   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
管欣  张威  叶显峰 《汽车工程》2003,25(5):477-480
针对车辆动力学实时仿真的要求提出一种新的悬架建模方法。将悬架系统视为车身与车轮之间的无质量复合约束,利用悬架杆系的多体运动学模型和准动力学模型来分析悬架系统的运动和力学传动特性,从而悬架动力学问题简化为代数方程组的求解。与基于侧倾/力矩中心理论建立的等交悬架模型相比,该方法可分析悬架杆系内部作用力,并能更准确地描述悬架在水平方向的约束作用;与应用传统多体动力学理论建立的模型相比,该方法解决了仿真实时性的问题。基于这种方法建立了国产某轿车麦弗逊式悬架模型,并将仿真结果和道路试验及ADAMS仿真结果进行了对比,有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) formulation for obstacle avoidance in high-speed, large-size autono-mous ground vehicles (AGVs) with high centre of gravity (CoG) that operate in unstructured environments, such as military vehicles. The term ‘unstructured’ in this context denotes that there are no lanes or traffic rules to follow. Existing MPC formulations for passenger vehicles in structured environments do not readily apply to this context. Thus, a new nonlinear MPC formulation is developed to navigate an AGV from its initial position to a target position at high-speed safely. First, a new cost function formulation is used that aims to find the shortest path to the target position, since no reference trajectory exists in unstructured environments. Second, a region partitioning approach is used in conjunction with a multi-phase optimal control formulation to accommodate the complicated forms the obstacle-free region can assume due to the presence of multiple obstacles in the prediction horizon in an unstructured environment. Third, the no-wheel-lift-off condition, which is the major dynamical safety concern for high-speed, high-CoG AGVs, is ensured by limiting the steering angle within a range obtained offline using a 14 degrees-of-freedom vehicle dynamics model. Thus, a safe, high-speed navigation is enabled in an unstructured environment. Simulations of an AGV approaching multiple obstacles are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.  相似文献   

We investigated the sensitivity of an observer based on a tire model using simulation in linear and nonlinear regions. In the linear region, we investigated the influence of vehicle speed by doing the same simulation at three speed levels. In the nonlinear region, the simulation condition was set such that the vehicle became unstable. In the linear region, steering input and cornering stiffness have a relatively large effect on the estimation error because these quantities determine tire side force. In the nonlinear region, the road surface’s friction coefficient becomes a crucial factor. In both the regions, the observer is sensitive to yaw rate and longitudinal speed.  相似文献   

独立轮电驱动车辆主动操纵稳定控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄智  钟志华 《汽车工程》2005,27(5):565-569
提出了采用变增益参考模型的滑模跟踪控制策略,以横摆角速度和侧滑速度为控制对象,独立控制左右轮驱动力产生直接横摆力矩,提高了车辆在极限工况下的操纵稳定性,并改善了车辆固有的转向特性。改进的滑模控制算法减小了系统抖振并具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a computational model of conventional engine mounts for commercial vehicles comprising elastic, viscous and friction functional components, which expresses the nonlinear behaviour of the dynamic stiffness and damping of mounts as functions of both frequency and amplitude of excitation, is developed. Optimisation approach is implemented to identify model parameters using measurement data. The developed model has been validated against measurement data for harmonic excitations with a frequency range of 5–100 Hz and an amplitude range of 0.025–2 mm employing three different engine mounts used in heavy trucks. The model shows good and admissible agreement with measurement data keeping the tolerance of estimation below 11%. Simulations of engine vibration dynamics are presented with both proposed model and commonly applied Kelvin–Voigt model of the mounts. The developed model can be used in complete vehicle advanced dynamic analyses and also in the design of semi-active and active engine mounting systems for commercial vehicles.  相似文献   

The numerical wheel wear prediction in railway applications is of great importance for different aspects, such as the safety against vehicle instability and derailment, the planning of wheelset maintenance interventions and the design of an optimal wheel profile from the wear point of view. For these reasons, this paper presents a complete model aimed at the evaluation of the wheel wear and the wheel profile evolution by means of dynamic simulations, organised in two parts which interact with each other mutually: a vehicle's dynamic model and a model for the wear estimation. The first is a 3D multibody model of a railway vehicle implemented in SIMPACK?, a commercial software for the analysis of mechanical systems, where the wheel–rail interaction is entrusted to a C/C++user routine external to SIMPACK, in which the global contact model is implemented. In this regard, the research on the contact points between the wheel and the rail is based on an innovative algorithm developed by the authors in previous works, while normal and tangential forces in the contact patches are calculated according to Hertz's theory and Kalker's global theory, respectively. Due to the numerical efficiency of the global contact model, the multibody vehicle and the contact model interact directly online during the dynamic simulations.

The second is the wear model, written in the MATLAB® environment, mainly based on an experimental relationship between the frictional power developed at the wheel–rail interface and the amount of material removed by wear. Starting from a few outputs of the multibody simulations (position of contact points, contact forces and rigid creepages), it evaluates the local variables, such as the contact pressures and local creepages, using a local contact model (Kalker's FASTSIM algorithm). These data are then passed to another subsystem which evaluates, by means of the considered experimental relationship, both the material to be removed and its distribution along the wheel profile, obtaining the correspondent worn wheel geometry.

The wheel wear evolution is reproduced by dividing the overall chosen mileage to be simulated in discrete spatial steps: at each step, the dynamic simulations are performed by means of the 3D multibody model keeping the wheel profile constant, while the wheel geometry is updated through the wear model only at the end of the discrete step. Thus, the two parts of the whole model work alternately until the completion of the whole established mileage. Clearly, the choice of an appropriate step length is one of the most important aspects of the procedure and it directly affects the result accuracy and the required computational time to complete the analysis.

The whole model has been validated using experimental data relative to tests performed with the ALn 501 ‘Minuetto’ vehicle in service on the Aosta–Pre Saint Didier track; this work has been carried out thanks to a collaboration with Trenitalia S.p.A and Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, which have provided the necessary technical data and experimental results.  相似文献   

UniTire轮胎稳态模型的联合工况预测能力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭孔辉  袁忠诚  卢荡 《汽车工程》2006,28(6):565-568
通过少量的标准试验得到轮胎力学特性参数,可以预测联合工况下(纵滑、侧偏、侧倾)的力学特性,这样就能避免做大量的复合试验。通过对轮胎简化理论模型的简单介绍,提出满足高阶理论边界条件的统一轮胎模型Un iTire,并对动摩擦因数和总切力方向修正系数给予说明。通过轮胎试验数据,使用不同辨识方法验证其预测能力,证明Un iTire轮胎稳态模型具有很高的预测精度。  相似文献   

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