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2005车6月23日,宇通客车公司发起“探讨客车采购选择新标准:耐用性”以来,通过“耐用是金”系列活动传播耐用性的品牌文化和价值理念,其中包括“耐用是金”万里巡活动,寻找“耐用之星”活动和“如何让耐用更耐用”的售后服务。据悉,宇通客车将陆续在上海、杭州、青岛、厦门、南京、广州、保定、深圳、北京等城市开展“耐用是金”系列活动,广泛传播“耐用是金”的价值承诺。  相似文献   

当魔术球被触摸的一刹那,闪电、雷鸣、狂风、漫天飞舞的彩屑模拟出一场十分逼真的风暴场面。然而事实上,当巨大的投影幕上由南至北的九大城市连成一线时,它预示着一场真正意义上的客车行业风暴即将席卷大江南北。2005年6月23日,在郑州宇通客车股份有限公司的倡导下,“客车产业耐用性研讨会暨宇通客车新闻发布会”在北京国宾酒店隆重召开。宇通在会上宣布,启动寻找“耐用之星”评选活动和“耐用是金”万里巡活动,以广泛传播耐用理念,推动耐用知识在整个客车业的普及。  相似文献   

宇通客车最近在全国近10万客户范围内开展的寻找“耐用之星”评选活动,上海站评选结果率先揭晓。首批“耐用之星”花落申城。干众多选手当中脱颖而出的“耐用之星”,将在一周之内得到宇通提供的上门保养服务。与此同时,宇通客车面向全国开展的“耐用是金”万里巡活动也从上海开始,正式拉开了巡讲序幕。宇通”耐用是金”系列活动在上海的同时引爆,引发了行业对客车耐用性能的重视,纷纷表示要加强在保养和驾驶方面的技能培训,以使客车更加耐用.提高客车的运营效率。  相似文献   

宇通客车提出的“耐用理念”和领先的热管理技术已形成了独具特色的品牌标识.这标志着宇通已率先走出了以产品为唯一竞争力的竞争模式.开创了中国客车行业技术、品牌等全方位竞争的新格局,中国客车行业也将因此进入新的发展阶段。[编者按]  相似文献   

2005年12月4日,宇通“耐用节油,用事实说话”新闻发布会在北京召开。会上,宇通正式发表了《宇通耐用节能宣言》,号召全行业行动起来,为创建节约型社会而努力。同时“宇通客车·潍柴动力全国客车节油巡回赛”的最后一站北京站的颁奖典礼也隆重举行。在《宇通宣言》巨型签字板前,  相似文献   

2006年12月6日,随着南北两线巡讲队伍最终汇聚在北京举办的"耐用是金"活动的落幕,宇通2006"更耐用,只因我们做的更多"系列耐用升级活动完美收官.  相似文献   

吴永强  杨亮 《商用汽车》2006,(12):52-53
2005年6—8月,宇通从客户需求与企业自身优势的结合出发,以“耐用”为核心诉求,分南、北2条线分别在上海、杭州、青岛、广州等9个城市举办了“寻找耐用之星”的主题活动。在历时2个半月的时间里,各站点直接参与宇通耐用活动的人数达数千人,由于其活动成功的运作加上强势的舆论导向,2005年,宇通成功地将自身产品品质和“耐用”划上了等号,成为行业与客户公认的“耐用”形象代言。2006年11月10日,宇通2006年的“耐用升级风暴”从郑州出发,继续分南、北2线向全国辐射,并于2006年11月13日从福州、南京拉开序幕。毫无疑问,宇通2005年的耐用活动是成功的,首先是成功地抓住了自身产品的特质,有效迎合了用户诉求,而且更因为是全国首家推出这一理念,在当年活动结束后,“耐用”迅速成为中国客车行业最热门的关键词,并在客户中形成了良好的口碑。2006年,宇通再次启动耐用活动,与上年的活动相比,这次活动的举办初看起来有些“晚”,而且内容看似感觉变化不大。作为目前国内客车行业的“领导者”,本就备受关注的宇通,这一次耐用活动的开展,给一些不了解实情的人带来了些许疑问。  相似文献   

晓刚 《商用汽车》2006,(1):34-35
2005年,一向低调的宇通却频出惊人之举:连续大单出口海外,并以极快速度实现1亿美元的出口额;2005年初,宇通掀起了一场影响深远、遍及全国的耐用普及风暴;2005年末,它又以行业领导者的姿态发表《宇通耐用节能宣言》,呼吁行业响应国家建设节约型社会的号召……如此种种,让人们在深化对宇通步步为营、稳步做强做大这一认识的同时,又对宇通的发展观有了全新的认识。宇通相关负责人告诉记者:“宇通的目标不仅是打造中国客车第一品牌,还要在国际市场上有所作为。我们不仅为用户提供最耐用的盈利工具,更以引领民族客车工业的发展为己任。”最新的一…  相似文献   

文风 《城市车辆》2005,(5):12-13
一部国产客车连续使用四五年时间,行驶里程达100多万公里却从未大修,仍旧稳定地刨造着经济效益,过去印象中只有进口高档客车曾经有这样耐用的报道,国产客车达到如此好的使用效果,不得不让人称赞国产客车的品质。  相似文献   

李京 《城市车辆》2007,(11):6-6
宇通"价值连城"活动在大连拉开帷幕 10月15日,已经牢固树立耐用产品形象的宇通客车在美丽的海滨城市大连与客户进行了独具特色的全方位互动体验活动,并由此拉开了将历时2个月的"价值连城"活动帷幕."价值连城"活动以"为您创造更大价值"为主题,针对客户不同层级开展的全方位、立体式的客户互动体验活动,以期在企业价值体系、企业文化、其他业务方面有更深更长远的合作,在战略层面实现共同成长.  相似文献   

测试必然会涉及大批的数据。往往有太多的时间会浪费在低效的数据管理上。很多现有的管理工具对耐久性工程的支持还不充分,对于有效的维护测试信息数据库也显得有些勉强。  相似文献   

In recent years so-called ‘virtual test rigs’ have become more and more important in the development process of cars and trucks. Originally, the idea was to substitute expensive durability tests with computer simulation. Meanwhile, the focus has changed towards a more cooperative usage of numerical and laboratory rig simulation. For many safety critical issues laboratory tests remain indispensable. In early development stages, when no physical prototypes are available yet, numerical simulation is used to analyse and optimise the design. In this paper, we show how to build numerical simulation models of complex servo-hydraulic test systems and their test specimen using multi-body simulation for the mechanics in combination with simulation models for the hydraulics and controls. We illustrate this at two industrial application examples: a spindle-coupled passenger car suspension rig and a tyre-coupled full vehicle rig. We show how the simulation models are used to design and optimise better test rigs and to support the test rig operation by preparing the physical tests with new specimen, i.e. by performing numerical simulations including numerical drive file iteration before the physical tests start.  相似文献   

桥梁结构耐久性设计方法研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
分析了目前桥梁结构耐久性研究中存在的问题。在比较了各国几种主要耐久性设计理论和方法的基础上,提出了一种新的耐久性设计思路和方法,即利用耐久度来衡量结构保持耐久性的能力,通过计算耐久性指标来评判某一时刻结构耐久性能否满足设计要求。该方法强调了多种因素共同作用、结构体系和构件荷载类别以及桥梁寿命周期经济性对耐久性设计的影响,具有概念明确、形式简单、便于应用等特点。  相似文献   

The extensive usage of railway infrastructure demands a high level of robustness, which can be achieved partly by considering (and managing) the track and rolling stock as one integral system with due attention to their interface. A growing number of infra managers consider, in this framework, the track-friendliness of vehicles that have access to their tracks as a key control parameter. The aim of this study is to provide further insight into potential contributions to track-friendliness, assessed in relation to track deterioration mechanisms and cost, understanding how potential benefits are best to be utilised. Six proposed freight bogie design measures are evaluated with respect to the improvement in curving behaviour, switch negotiation and related track degradation mechanisms. To this purpose a sensitivity analysis has been carried out by means of track–train simulations in the VAMPIRE® multi body simulation software. Additionally, the impact on track deterioration costs has been calculated for those track-friendly design modifications identified as most promising. Conclusions show that the standard Y25L freight bogie design displays rather a track-friendly behaviour. Tuning the primary yaw stiffness shows a high potential to further improve track-friendliness, significantly reducing track deterioration cost at narrow radius curves and switches (by, respectively, 30% and 60%). When calculating the overall deterioration cost for the travelled route, the calculation model should include a well-balanced representation of switches and narrow radius curves.  相似文献   

The eight-channel test rig is widely used in durability assessment of vehicle components while for some cases of rear suspension, this costly instrument is unnecessary. Based on the analysis of structure and forces, a simpler one-channel testing approach is presented for the durability calculation of a dependent rear suspension. Taking a punched rear shock tower as the study object, a FEA strain-stress analysis was first performed to determine the risk area. Then, the entire vehicle test system was created, and the proving ground tests were carried out so that the real strain on the part could be measured. Based on the road test data and the P-S-N curve of the component, the cumulative fatigue damage of a 15,000-kilometer proving ground test road was calculated, and the computational result indicates that the modified structure was safe for durability analysis. Moreover, a standard 50% S-N survival fraction curve was plotted using Corten and Dolan’s method, which can be utilized in the durability analysis for other similar components. Finally, the road test for this modified suspension structure was carried out, and the test result certified that the punched shock tower can be subjected to a 15,000-kilometer proving ground test road without the appearance of fatigue failure.  相似文献   

桥面板渗漏是混凝土内部钢筋锈蚀的主要原因.对桥梁的耐久性危害较大。文章通过对桥面板渗漏现象的实地调查,分析了影响桥面板渗漏的因素,提出提高桥面板耐久性的对策与建议。  相似文献   

基于崇启通道交通功能的重要性及崇明国际级生态岛定位,介绍了崇启通道的工程概况、设计思想和理念;设计结合生态学、环境保护学,提出建设绿色公路的生态与耐久的核心目标,总结了在世界级生态岛上高速公路的设计与建设经验。  相似文献   

《JSAE Review》1995,16(3):245-249
A band brake is often used as a braking device in an automatic transmission because it fits around the clutch drum and does not require additional space. Its friction characteristics vary depending on the oil film between the brake band and the drum. Less friction force occurs under lower pressure and greater lubrication. In this study, the relationship between friction performance and the number of grooves in a brake lining was investigated experimentally and analytically. It was found that a reduction in the friction area resulted in a higher brake lining surface temperature. This relationship is thought to affect the durability of friction materials.  相似文献   

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