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刘兴阳 《集装箱化》2004,(10):41-41
JEC(Japanese Eleetroteehnieal Committee)日本电气学会 JETRO(J即an Extemall丫adeo嗯anization)日本贸易振兴会 JFFI(J叩an Federation of Freight Industries) 日本物流团体联合会 JG(Junior Grade)低品位;低级 JJCFS(JAN ltem Code File Serviee) 日本商品码项目代码文件服务(系统)JIFI),八(Japan International Freight Forwarders Assoeiation) 日本国际货运代理协会JILS(J即an Institute of Logisties System)日本物流系统协会JIS(J叩aneselndustrial Standards)日本工业标准 (Joint Information system)公…  相似文献   

为了维护国际货运服务经营者的利益和提供比较公平合理的交易条件,国际货运代理人协会联合会(英文是International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations,法文缩写为FIATA,简称为菲亚塔)制定了<国际货运服务示范规则>(以下简称<示范规则>).而有些国家这根据<示范规则>制定了本国的国际货运服务标准交易条件.  相似文献   

Sydney is the largest city and important container import center in Australia.Sydney serves as the first stop for most of the trade goods coming from China. Therefore, Sydney Port Company has become the important bridgehead of China-Australia trade. The reason is that Sydney not only exists as one of the big markets but also locates in the center of the region, connecting with large central cities through highways and railways. Cargo can be transported  相似文献   

Year of 1999 is the year of 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and 100th anniversary of the founding of Dalian City and port of Dalian. This year, Dalian Container Terminal Co. Ltd. (DCT) will also celebrate its 3rd anniversary of founding. On behalf of all DCT staff, I would llke to express our gratitude to all the friends and our business patroness. DCT is a joint venture between PSA Corporations and Port of Dalian Authority and commenced perations on July 1, 1996. In the past three years, with support from relevant communities, DCT has been growing up gradually. Recently, DCT was awarded the "Best Container Terminal Operator" in 13th Asian Freight Industry Awards, and ranked 11th in Asian Ports in terms of cargo volumes handled. DCT is the only Chinese Mainland port to achieve the honor.  相似文献   

为了维护国际货运服务经营的利益和提供比较公平合理的交易条件,国际货运代理人协会联合会(英是International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations,法缩写为FIATA,简称为菲亚塔)制定了《国际货运服务示范规则》(以下简称《示范规则》)。而有些国家这根据《示范规则》制定了本国的国际货运服务标准交易条件。  相似文献   

China International Marine Containers (Group), one of the pioneer container manufacturers and Sino-foreign joint ventures in China, was founded by China Merchants Holdings and the East Asiatic Company Ltd. in January 1980 and put into operation on 22nd September 1982. CIMC became a tri-party joint venture after COSCO joined in. CIMC went to the public in 1993 and has been listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange market since April 1994. The operation of CIMC started to run as a group structure in 1995.  相似文献   

Qingdao Ocean Shipping Mariners College is a College subordinate to China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company under the Ministry of Communications. In our college there are the Department of Marine Navigation,Department of Marine Engineering, Department of Shipping Management and Department of Foreign Languages, offering speciahies of Marine Navigation, Marine Engine Control, Marine Electrical Equipment Control, Marine Radio Communication, International Shipping Management and International Finance and Accounting. We have 3 types of education: the education of formal college schooling, the training for implementation of the 95 revised STCW Convention and the continuation education. Meanwhile we undertake different training of COSCO's contracted seafarers overseas and other managerial per-  相似文献   

In April of 1979, the COSCO vessel Liulinhai, the first Chinese ship with P.R.C. flag arrived in Seattle, marking a new chapter in the shipping and trade relations between China and U.S.A. The Port of Seattle, where the first shipment of American wheat to the People's Republic of China was loaded onto Liulinhai 21 years ago, is still playing an important role in Sino-US trade now. Its annual value of trade between China and U.S.A reached 6 billion USD. Recently, invited by Port of Qingdao, a delegation  相似文献   

China‘s economic upsurge cannot be reversed by the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) now ravaging some parts of the country. China‘s economy will maintain its steady growth momentum despite the SARS‘ impact to some extent on investment, consumption andexport, according to a number of noted Chinese experts.  相似文献   

The 2007 shipbuilding industry work meeting was sponsored by COSTIND for the first time. With the clarion call for strategic transformation, the meeting is aimed to drive China toward a strong shipbuilding country with full efforts. This clarion call not only inspires people from the shipbuilding industry, but also makes related sectors ready for full support. Recently, our reporter interviewed relevant persons from China Classification Society (CCS), the Import and Export Bank of China, Harbin Engineering University, and deeply felt the surging passion from relevant industries in pushing forward the strategic transformation of Chinese shipbuilding industry.  相似文献   

China Ship Development and Design Center (CSDDC) is one of the leading institutes engaged in the development and overall design of ships, submersibles and marine structures. With a history of over forty years, CSDDC has made great efforts to import and incorporate international advanced technologies and adapt them to its own actual projects. This enables CSDDC to remain the leading position in ship overall design in China. Over the past forty years, CSDDC has successfully accomplished many national key projects, and made significant contributions to the modernization of China defense and built up a reputation of "Cradle of China naval ships".  相似文献   

Article 1 The present regulations are formulated for the purposes of strengthening the control over vessels engaged in international voyages entering and/or leaving the ports of the People's Republic of China, facilitating vessels entering and/or leaving the ports and of enhancing port efficiency.  相似文献   

Since 1960s the seatrade markets and the international ocean transport industry have undergone substantial changes. Freight origins and destinations shifted much more rapidly than in the past, and the types of cargo and their forms of packaging kept changing. These trends became more and more pronounced since the beginning of the 1980s. This article descrihes the conditions of seatrade market and ocean transport industry, and analysts the reasons and effectiveness of the chaneges, well as the trend of seatrade market. 1 Development in the international seatrade markets In 1960 the annual volume of international seatrade had reached a level of one billion tons, with equal shares of dry cargo and liquid cargo.  相似文献   

Recently, Mr. Jin Zhuanglong, Vice Minister of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND) announced to the media that the Basic Requirements and Measures of Evaluation for the Production Conditions of Shipbuilding Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the Ship- building Enterprise Evaluation Standard) has been formally promulgated and will take effect on October 1 this year. This is the first industrial stan- dards regarding the admission of shipbuilding enterprises in China. The standard shakes off the awkwardness of the Chinese shipbuilding enter- prises having no evaluation standards and drives the shipbuilding enter- prises to walk into a standardization era.  相似文献   

With the State Council's decision to implement itsstrategy of developing West China,the development of West Chinahas become one of the new hot points in the development of China'seconomy.In the meantime,it provides China's industry of logisticswith a new developing opportunity.For this,Professor WangZhitai,member of the Chinese People's Political ConsultativeConference and Director of Logistics Committee of ChinaNational Association of Material and EquipmentTrade,has put forward his original view.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the composition, control method and testing results of the integrated control system for the firsttidal flow electricity generating (TFEG) ship of China. The control method, control algorithm and the specific circuits for thehydraulies system are also introduced. Our research works are emphasized on the control algorithm of stabilizing frequency andsome special problems of the controller.The related protection measures for hydraulic system and TFEG system have been tak-  相似文献   

From 1949 to the early 1970s, China was almost a self-sufficient economy, and invested little in transportation infrastructure. “Ihe average invesmaent in transpotation was about 3 percent of ttxal investment (China Statistical Yearbook 1991, 133). “Ihe kilometers of rail tracks barely doubled, the amount of Oared reads increased by only 1.3 times and only thirty new port berths were built. Conversely, freight volumes grew by 21, 34, and 31 times in rail, motor, and waterway,  相似文献   

I am pleased to send my best wishes to the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) as it celebrates 20 years of friendship and successful trade relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China on this 20th anniversary of the maiden voyage of the vessel M.V. LIULINHAI. Much has happened in the 20 years since U.S. trade with China was reinstated in 1979, and China has grown to become an important partner in Washington's Asia-Pacific trade relationship. Washington's status as the most trade-dependent state in the nation and our geographic location on the edge of the Pacific Rim dictate that  相似文献   

China Ship Development and Design Center (CSDDC) is one of the leading institutes engaged in the development and overall design of ships,submersibles and marine structures.With a history of over forty years,CSDDC has made great efforts to import and incorporate international advanced technologies and adapt them to its own actual projects.  相似文献   

It is April 18th again,an unforgettable date for us. 20 Vears ago, liulinhai from China Ocean Shipping Company(COSCO), the first cargo ship anchored at Seattle. It ushered in a new chapter and therefore bullt up an ocean-crossing bridge of Sino-US shipping business. Over the past 20 yearS,ships of COSCO. which shuttled between China and the United States, carrying friendship between the two countries and best wishes for peace and development, promoted greatly the Sino-US trade.  相似文献   

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