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This paper proposed a new experimental rig of testing flow boiling heat transfer of refrigerant and lubricant oil mixture. The quantity of oil in the test section can be controlled and regulated conveniently and accurately by connecting separate lubricant oil circuit with test section in parallel. It was built up by retrofitting a multiple air-conditioner and installing three oil-separators in serials at the compressor outlet. And so the lubricant oil in the discharged refrigerant gas of compressor can be removed completely. The refrigerant flow rate through test section can be bypassed by the by-path circuit of indoor unit. This experimental rig has advantages such as on-line and continuous oil injection, short time of obtaining stability, flexible operation, simple control, which lead to high efficiency in the research of flow boiling heat transfer of refrigerant and lubricant oil mixture.  相似文献   

Two-phase flow pressure drop measurements were made during the phase change heat transfer process of R22 in a small horizontal smooth tube with 2.5 mm inside diameter. Conclusions can be drawn that the quality corresponding to the pressure gradient peak value of small tubes became higher than that of large tubes. The effect of quality to pressure drop becomes weak as the mass flux increases. The experiment data were compared with the predicated values of the state-of-the-art correlations from the open literature. The comparisons between the data and the predictions indicate that most of the state-of-the-art correlations fails to predict the experimental data.Chisholm model shows a relatively better predictive ability than the other empirical correlations although it has a mean deviation of 26.7%. But the predicated values of Chisholm model are lower by 50% than the experimental data when the quality becomes larger.  相似文献   

水平管降膜厚度分布特性及对传热的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解水平管降膜流动状况,基于气液两相界面的物理特性,在外径为20~32 mm、管间距为10~40mm、雷诺数为150 ~ 800的范围内,应用电导探针法,实验研究了液膜沿水平管周向分布特性,获得了液膜在10°~170°周向范围内的分布参数,分析了这些分布参数对水平管局部传热的影响.结果表明:Nusselt公式对圆管下半周液膜厚度的预测值明显偏大,在不同工况下,最薄液膜出现在周向角为90° ~ 115°的区域内;液膜厚度随管间距的增加而减小,随雷诺数的增加而增大,管径变化对其影响很小;粗糙管壁可以薄化液膜,传热管结垢区域容易引起液膜破裂,导致“干斑”现象发生.  相似文献   

The heat transfer features around the elliptic cylinder of axis ratio 4: 1 in crossflow were investigated experimentally within a wide range of Reynolds number. By means of heat-mass transfer analogy and the naphthalene sublimation technique, the local heat transfer distribution and the mean heat transfer coefficient are clarified.The result shows that the mean heat transfer coefficient is higher than that of a circular cylinder in most Reynolds number range regarded, and this superiority turns to be more significant with the increase of flow speed. Moreover, the effect of axis ratio on mean heat transfer coefficient was investigated tentatively. The oil-lampblack technique was employed to enable visualization of the flow pattern around the cylinder and on the cylinder wall.  相似文献   

R134a是一种对大气臭氧层没有破坏作用且化学性质稳定的制冷产品,R134a替代R12是可行的、必须的。通过对R12与R134a性质的对比,可总结出制冷剂替换后对汽车空调系统产生的影响及相对应的一些改变。  相似文献   

针对浸管式加热装置设计中普遍存在的热平衡计算复杂、致使设计的加热装置耗能大、热效率低或加热功率达不到生产要求等问题。利用相关的物性参数和经典的燃烧学、传热学公式,编写了用于浸管式加热装置设计的计算机模拟程序。实践表明:程序模拟的结果与实测结果较为吻合。模拟程序的使用可以方便准确的进行设计方案的比选,为浸管式加热装置的设计提供了非常有效的工具。  相似文献   

以280柴油机中冷器为研究对象,应用涡产生器式强化传热机理,对顺排圆管涡产生器式强化板芯的4种不同片间距试件的传热与阻力特性进行了凝结实验研究,比较了凝结实验结果和传热/传质比拟实验结果.研究获得了顺排圆管涡产生器式强化芯板的性能指标,结果表明:萘升华传热/传质比拟实验结果与真实的换热板芯凝结实验结果非常接近.  相似文献   

采用数值计算方法对翅片管管片式换热器的肋效率进行了计算和分析,研究扁管肋片厚度、导热系数等因素对肋效率的影响,得出翅片管管片在局部换热系数和平均换热系数下,肋效率的对比分析.  相似文献   

现代道路施工,由于施工企业机械化程度的提高,这就要求测量放样快速准确。介绍了平曲线加密的一种简捷方法,分为圆曲线加密与缓和曲线加密,使小半径平曲线辅点的测放简捷易行。  相似文献   

涡产生器可装在管片式散热器的翅片表面,是一较好的强化传热粗糙元.但目前的研究主要集中在对平直涡产生器的研究,对曲面涡产生器的研究非常少.以空气为工质,分别对3种不同管间距的光板板芯及对应装有不同高度曲面涡产生器的板芯在不同板间距时的空气流动阻力做了实验研究.实验结果表明:在不同管间距、板间距时,板芯装涡产生器阻力系数均比光板板芯的阻力系数大,并且在低雷诺数时的增幅比较大,随着雷诺数的提高,阻力系数逐渐降低并趋于平缓,且阻力系数增幅大大减少.  相似文献   

为了正确评估沉管隧道管段在水中浮运的水动力学特性,确定合理的水上施工参数,以广州生物岛沉管隧道为研究对象,在缩尺模型试验的基础上,采用CFD软件STAR-CCM+的改进型SST k-ω模型,对不同施工参数条件下的管段周围的流场进行了数值模拟,分析了管段所受水动力作用的特性.结果表明,干舷值的变化对阻力系数的影响最大可达35.9%;受水横流的作用,在拖速为0.6-1.2m/s时,管段拖运方向的阻力系数随着拖速的增加而减小;波浪对阻力系数也有影响,拖速越大,影响越明显,当拖速从0.8m/s增加到1.2m/s时,管段拖运方向的阻力系数与无波工况相比,增幅可达36.75%.  相似文献   

南京地铁鼓楼站~玄武门站区间隧道穿越软~流塑地质段,采用浅埋暗挖法施工。针对土层特点,介绍了施工过程中采用的超前预支护大管棚静压顶入、大管棚间布设小导管、掌子面加固等施工技术。实践表明,施工方法简单、快捷,对周围环境影响小,对同类工程有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

总结了通风式制动盘内部通道对流换热的研究成果,从内部通道的质量流量、对流换热系数和有效散热表面积三方面,分析了不同结构设计对制动盘内部通道换热的影响;从解析法、数值分析法和试验测试法三方面,综述了国内外在对流换热分析和检测方法的研究概况。研究结果表明:在径向叶片制动盘通道内,主要存在2种流动方式,由紧邻叶片吸力侧气流分离引起的回流和在径向通道内部旋转的二次流,抑制回流区的形成可以提高泵送空气质量流量,使通道内的温度分布更加均匀,二次流将促进通道间的空气混合流动和湍流的发展,加强局部剪切应力,改善制动盘散热性能;综合应用射流冲击强化方式(多束流、旋流和多方向射流等)、高孔隙率和类柱状结构优化设计也能够改变流体在通道中的流动状态,这些措施都会使得通道内流体扰动增大,热边界层变薄,壁面附近的速度梯度增大,有效提高了制动盘的对流换热系数,增强了散热能力;采用解析法和数值分析法得到的结果具有很强的理论参考价值,而采用试验测试法所获得的结果更加接近制动盘实际内部温度和气体流速的变化,因此,若能将三者无缝结合,实现优势互补,则最具有科学研究价值;在对高速车辆制动盘结构进行优化设计时,为了获得最大的散热效率,往往忽略了通道内摩擦压降和流动阻力,因此,如何平衡散热与摩擦压降、流动阻力之间的关系,还需进一步深入探索与研究。  相似文献   

利用Mathcad来处理实际工程问题,通过检测所得的声速估算出声测管的线形函数,再利用估算出的变形值修正所测的结果,从而达到准确判断混凝土是否存在缺陷及其种类的目的.  相似文献   

秦岭特长隧道内温度预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对隧道及岩体中热传递的分析,应用传热学的基本理论和公式,推导出岩体和隧道的热移动模型基本方程式,并用它对秦岭特长隧道运营期间的温度进行了预测,其结果可为特长隧道的通风设计提供一些依据。  相似文献   

The experimental system of heat loss of all-glass evacuated solar collector tubes (evacuated tube) is firstly designed and constructed, which uses electric heater as thermal resource. The equilibrium temperatures are less than ±1℃ during the test, and the temperature differences of up/middle/low node in the tube are less than 1 ℃, 3 ℃, and 7℃ respectively. The heat loss of evacuated tube increases about 2.7% with vacuum state of 0.01-1 mPa, and it has the best performance at tube temperature of 20-280℃. The invalidation tube (> 200 mPa) has the biggest heat loss that increases linearly with the tube temperature. The evacuated tubes with the vacuum of 0.01-1 mPa are suitable for most solar adsorption refrigeration.  相似文献   

Based on the heat transfer analysis of Air-Slip DC mold, a numerical model was presented to study the quantitative relationships between critical solidification layer and casting rate, pouring temperature and mold cooling ability etc. The analytical results show that the Air-Slip mold heat transfer condition plays important roles on choices of a casting rate and the pouring temperature, and that the product of billet diameter and casting rate is a certain constant under a certain condition of the mold.  相似文献   

笔者以重庆加州城市花园11#、12#楼为依托工程,对高层建筑转换层钢筋砼大梁浇筑时水化热特性进行了监测研究,对所测温度变化曲线进行分析,提出了防止水化热裂的措施,所测数据及成功经验可以供类似工程参考.  相似文献   

本文应用自然对流换热理论和数值计算方法,对空调客车车体顶部弓形封闭空腔自 然对流换热规律进行了模型研究,用数值方法求出了空腔当量导热系数,同时用差 分干涉仪对同尺寸模型进行了实测,两者结果取得了较好的一致。   相似文献   

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