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针对声学覆盖层低频吸声问题,建立将局域共振结构内嵌到空腔覆盖层的复合结构,通过分析模态振型和振动位移云图得出其吸声机理,以复合结构的几何参数和材料参数为控制变量,以10~1 000 Hz频段内的吸声系数最大为优化目标,以Nelder-mead单纯形法为优化方法,对建立的模型进行优化设计。研究结果表明:1)复合结构的吸声机理为下半部分空腔变形实现纵波向横波的转化,局域共振结构的向上振动消耗声能,二者共同作用,提高吸声系数;2)复合结构经几何参数优化和材料参数优化后,吸声系数分别提高了13%和26%;3)吸声性能提高的原因为优化后,局域共振结构在更低频处出现反共振振型,结构动能密度较优化前提高了一个数量级,因此吸声性能提高。研究结果可为声学覆盖层的设计提供理论基础。  相似文献   

It is the traditional belief that sound transmission from water to the air is very weak due to a large contrast between air and water impedances. Recently, the enhanced sound transmission and anomalous transparency of air-water interface have been introduced.Anomalous transparency of air-water interface states that the sound generated by a submerged shallow depth monopole point source localized at depths less than 1/10 sound wavelength, can be transmitted into the air with omni-directional pattern. The generated sound has 35 times higher power compared to the classical ray theory prediction. In this paper, sound transmission through air-water interface for a localized underwater shallow depth source is examined. To accomplish this, two-phase coupled Helmholtz wave equations in two-phase media of air-water are solved by the commercial finite element based COMSOL Multiphysics software. Ratios of pressure amplitudes of different sound sources in two different underwater and air coordinates are computed and analyzed against non-dimensional ratio of the source depth(D) to the sound wavelength(λ). The obtained results are compared with the experimental data and good agreement is displayed.  相似文献   

The speed of a ship sailing in waves always slows down due to the decrease in efficiency of the propeller. So it is necessary and essential to analyze the unsteady hydrodynamic performance of propeller in waves. This paper is based on the numerical simulation and experimental research of hydrodynamics performance when the propeller is under wave conditions. Open-water propeller performance in calm water is calculated by commercial codes and the results are compared to experimental values to evaluate the accuracy of the numerical simulation method. The first-order Volume of Fluid(VOF) wave method in STAR CCM+ is utilized to simulate the three-dimensional numerical wave. According to the above prerequisite, the numerical calculation of hydrodynamic performance of the propeller under wave conditions is conducted, and the results reveal that both thrust and torque of the propeller under wave conditions reveal intense unsteady behavior. With the periodic variation of waves, ventilation, and even an effluent phenomenon appears on the propeller. Calculation results indicate, when ventilation or effluent appears, the numerical calculation model can capture the dynamic characteristics of the propeller accurately, thus providing a significant theory foundation forfurther studying the hydrodynamic performance of a propeller in waves.  相似文献   

基于有限元法的Alberich型覆盖层吸声特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
商超  魏英杰  张嘉钟  曹伟 《船舶力学》2011,15(4):443-448
基于有限元法研究了附在钢板上并以空气为背衬的Alberich型覆盖层的吸声特性。通过采用无反射流体吸声边界,可以较少的单元很好地模拟无限声学流场。并针对混合型空腔结构进行了吸声特性的分析,有限元分析结果表明,该空腔结构的吸声特性明显优于相同穿孔率的单腔结构。  相似文献   

基于Boussinesq方程和经典水弹性理论,提出一种可预报布置在近岸或岛礁附近浮式结构物水弹性响应的直接耦合分析方法。文中给出了详细的理论推导、数值求解方法和相应的计算程序THAFTS-BR。基于该程序对均匀和不均匀海底地形条件下三模块超大型浮体运动和连接器载荷响应进行了计算并与相应的水池模型试验结果进行了对比。结果表明,复杂海底地形对超大型浮体的动响应有重要影响。文中给出的结论可为复杂海底地形下多模块超大型浮体及其连接器的动响应分析、设计与制造提供参考。  相似文献   

Scattering of oblique flexural-gravity waves by a submerged porous plate in a finite water depth is investigated under the assumptions of linearized surface waves and small-amplitude structural response. The study is carried out using eigenfunction expansions and the corresponding orthogonal mode-coupling relations associated with flexural-gravity waves in uniform water depth. The characteristics of the roots of the complex dispersion relation are examined using the principle of counting argument and contour plot. Characteristics of the flexural-gravity waves are studied by assuming both the floating elastic plate and the submerged porous plate are infinitely extended in horizontal directions. The effectiveness of the submerged porous structure on the reflection, transmission, and dissipation coefficients is analyzed for various wave and structural parameters.  相似文献   

商超  张嘉钟  魏英杰 《船舶力学》2010,14(12):1425-1431
基于有限单元法研究了以空气为背衬的含圆台型空腔的声学覆盖层的吸声特性.对单腔结构的覆盖层和混合型空腔的覆盖层的吸声性能进行了数值分析.结果表明,在相同穿孔率的情况下,含圆台型空腔的覆盖层相对含圆柱型空腔的覆盖层具有更优良的吸声性能.  相似文献   

针对船舶机械振动的低频线谱主动控制,文章采用输出力大、频响平直、无接触式的磁悬浮作动器,分析了永磁偏置式作动器的电-磁-力耦合特性,推导了磁悬浮主被动隔振系统运动方程和系统稳定性影响因素;研制了满足船舶应用要求、具有冲击摇摆适应能力的磁悬浮-气囊主被动混合隔振器。采用收敛快速的窄带多通道Fx-Newton算法,并针对线谱频率波动时的控制鲁棒性,提出了窄带滤波相位差的自适应补偿环节。在船用200 k W柴发机组上进行了主被动混合隔振实验,未开启线谱控制时,可获得32.8 d B的宽频隔振效果;控制开启后,可进一步有效衰减传递到基座的多根线谱振动,并且在柴发机组的转速波动工况下依然能实现快速收敛、稳定和高效控制。该主被动混合隔振系统可满足船舶机械低频线谱控制的工程实用要求。  相似文献   

波浪中两浮体的水动力干扰问题主要来自于海上补给作业实践。目前,国内外已有多家水池机构可开展两浮体的零航速模型试验,而有航速状态下两船模型试验的数据十分稀少且珍贵。为此,文章重点介绍了国内外相关机构开展的两浮体间流体共振模型试验、零航速和有航速下的两浮体模型试验概况,并分析了波浪中有航速两船水池模型试验的主要技术难点。  相似文献   

弹性腔流激耦合共振及声辐射机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高岩  沈琪  俞孟萨 《船舶力学》2016,20(8):1036-1044
利用Elder空腔声学模型,分析了典型空腔腔口剪切振荡和刚性壁腔体声模态的频率特征。采用模态法建立了弹性壁腔体模态声阻抗计算模型,并计算分析了腔口剪切振荡与弹性腔体耦合的归一化声辐射函数。研究表明弹性壁提供的附加压缩性,降低了空腔模态频率,增大了腔口剪切振荡与空腔模态耦合共振及强声辐射的可能性,并由试验验证了计算结果。  相似文献   

A numerical study of ship-to-ship interaction forces is performed using a commercial CFD code, and the results are compared with experimental data and with the results of a panel method analysis. Two ship models have been used in the interaction forces analysis: a tug and a tanker, advancing parallel to each other with different lateral distances and two different values of the fluid depth. Computations are carried out with four different flow models: inviscid and viscous flow with the free surface modeled as a rigid wall and inviscid and viscous flow with the deformable free surface. A fair agreement was obtained with available experimental data and results obtained by panel method. The influence of viscosity in the computations is found to be comparatively weak, while the wavemaking effects may be important, at small magnitude of the horizontal clearance.  相似文献   

The hydroelastic response of very large floating structures(VLFS) under the action of ocean waves is analysed considering the small amplitude wave theory. The very large floating structure is modelled as a floating thick elastic plate based on TimoshenkoMindlin plate theory, and the analysis for the hydroelastic response is performed considering different edge boundary conditions.The numerical study is performed to analyse the wave reflection and transmission characteristics of the floating plate under the influence of different support conditions using eigenfunction expansion method along with the orthogonal mode-coupling relation in the case of finite water depth. Further, the analysis is extended for shallow water depth, and the continuity of energy and mass flux is applied along the edges of the plate to obtain the solution for the problem. The hydroelastic behaviour in terms of reflection and transmission coefficients, plate deflection, strain, bending moment and shear force of the floating thick elastic plate with support conditions is analysed and compared for finite and shallow water depth. The study reveals an interesting aspect in the analysis of thick floating elastic plate with support condition due to the presence of the rotary inertia and transverse shear deformation. The present study will be helpful for the design and analysis of the VLFS in the case of finite and shallow water depth.  相似文献   

This paper describes an analytical investigation into synchrophasing, a vibration control strategy on a machinery installation in which two rotational machines are attached to a beam-like raft by discrete resilient isolators. Forces and moments introduced by sources are considered, which effectively represent a practical engineering system. Adjusting the relative phase angle between the machines has been theoretically demonstrated to greatly reduce the cost function, which is defined as the sum of velocity squares of attaching points on the raft at each frequency of interest. The effect of the position of the machine is also investigated. Results show that altering the position of the secondary source may cause a slight change to the mode shape of the composite system and therefore change the optimum phase between the two machines. Although the analysis is based on a one-dimensional Euler–Bernoulli beam and each machine is considered as a rigid-body, a key principle can be derived from the results. However, the factors that can influence the synchrophasing control performance would become coupled and highly complicated. This condition has to be considered in practice.  相似文献   

Structural integrity has remained a challenge for design and analysis of wave energy devices. A difficulty in assessment of the structural integrity is often laid in the accurate determination of the wave-induced loads on the wave energy devices and the repones of the structure. Decoupled hydroelastic response of a submerged, oscillating wave energy device to extreme nonlinear wave loads is studied here. The submerged wave energy device consists of an oscillating horizontal disc attached to a direct-drive power take-off system. The structural frame of the wave energy device is fixed on the seafloor in shallow water. Several extreme wave conditions are considered in this study. The nonlinear wave loads on members of the submerged structure are obtained by use of the level I Green-Naghdi equations and Morison's equation for cylindrical members.Distribution of Von Mises stresses and the elastic response of the structure to the extreme wave loads are determined by use of a finite element method. The decoupled hydroelastic analysis of the structure is carried out for devices built by four different materials, namely stainless steel, concrete, aluminium alloy, and titanium alloy. The elastic response of these devices is studied and results are compared with each other. Points of maximum stress and deformations are determined and the structural integrity under the extreme conditions is assessed. It is shown that the proposed approaches provide invaluable information about the structural integrity of wave energy devices.  相似文献   

由于现代舰船的舱壁厚度过大且低频噪声控制能力有限,为实现舱壁结构轻质、吸声等多功能的高度集成,设计一种基于内插管型Helmholtz谐振腔多胞元组合排布的低频宽带吸声结构。采用Comsol软件建立压力-热黏性声学有限元模型,分析对比各排布构型结构的低频吸声性能,获得500 Hz~900 Hz内平均吸声系数大于0.9的宽带吸声结构。结果表明:较高面积占比的构型能在低频段获得更高的吸声峰值和吸声带宽,其结构更易实现阻抗匹配,提升结构的吸声性能;等截面积的类矩形Helmholtz谐振腔胞元在进行环形排布组合后,过薄壁厚会引起相邻胞元之间的不良耦合,降低结构的吸声性能。  相似文献   

在分析波浪中的船舶运动或者计算大型结构的水动力系数时,往往采用时域格林函数方法。时域格林函数的一个重要局限性在于它在计算具有倾斜壁面的水动力系数时,结果很容易发散。时域格林函数本身的奇异性以及高频振动特性显然是水动力发散的一个重要原因。但即使该奇异性通过增加粘性以及表面张力的方式使之消失,计算具有斜壁结构的水动力时,发散现象依然存在。因此,该文提出一种滤波方法,除去时域格林函数的高频部分,留下其低频部分,并定义滤波系数,从而使作用于斜壁结构上的水动力值收敛。通过文中结果与频域兴波格林函数法的比较来确定最优滤波系数。结果表明:最优滤波系数几乎与运动幅值无关,但会受到运动频率以及物面形状的影响。  相似文献   

加肋圆柱体水下低频辐射声特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握不同激励下加肋圆柱体水下低频辐射声频谱特征,揭示辐射声峰值对应的优势模态及弯纵耦合现象规律,该文利用三维水弹性声辐射计算方法,针对加肋圆柱体的梁模型和有限元壳模型,计算分析其水下不同激励的声源级传递函数,分析声源级曲线峰值与单个模态声源级分量的对应关系,得出垂向激励时,辐射声峰值对应于垂向弯曲模态;轴向激励时,辐射声峰值对应于轴向模态,同时运用壳模型计算结果发现梁模型所不能反映的弯纵耦合现象。比较了不同激励辐射声源级传递函数,得出所分析频带内,轴向单位力激励总声级比垂向略大。并比较不同模型的结果,指出梁模型的适用范围。  相似文献   

船体主尺度增大会导致严重的鞭振和弹振现象,这会增大船体结构的极限载荷和疲劳损伤。为了深入探究船体的振动响应,文中在拖曳水池对某万箱集装箱船分别进行了分段模型的自航和拖航试验。分析了不同海况下自航和拖航这两种试验方式对鞭振和弹振响应的影响。为计及不同振动频率成分对载荷响应的影响,提出一种考虑波浪记忆效应的非线性水弹性方法。文中提出了一种求解延时函数的方法,能够解决高频区域的阻尼系数的计算限制。最后,船舯弯矩试验结果分别和线性与非线性理论结果进行了比较,发现文中提出的非线性方法能够更好地预报弹性船体的振动响应。  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental results on configuration hydrodynamics. Three models are used in the model tests, which are typical of hard, round, and soft chines. Although specific values are different, the influence patterns are similar in the three ship models. A set of different outrigger positions is investigated in calm water and regular waves. A variety of interesting phenomena are observed, among which the splash resistance is the dominant component for a trimaran at high speeds(with F...  相似文献   

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