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Route planning is usually carried out to achieve a single objective such as to minimize transport cost, distance traveled or travel time. This article explores an approach to multi-objective route planning using a genetic algorithm (GA) and geographical information system (GIS) approach. The method is applied to the case of a tourist sight-seeing itinerary, where a route is planned by a tour operator to cover a set of places of interest within a given area. The route planning takes into account four criteria including travel time, vehicle operating cost, safety and surrounding scenic view quality. The multi-objective route planning in this paper can be viewed as an extension of the traditional traveling salesman problem (TSP) since a tourist needs to pass through a number of sight points. The four criteria are quantified using the spatial analytic functions of GIS and a generalized cost for each link is calculated. As different criteria play different roles in the route selection process, and the best order of the multiple points needs to be determined, a bi-level GA has been devised. The upper level aims to determine the weights of each criterion, while the lower level attempts to determine the best order of the sights to be visited based on the new generalized cost that is derived from the weights at the upper level. Both levels collaborate during the iterations and the route with the minimal generalized cost is thus determined. The above sight-seeing route planning methodology has been examined in a region within the central area of Singapore covering 19 places of interest.  相似文献   

Planning a public transportation system is a multi-objective problem which includes among others line planning, timetabling, and vehicle scheduling. For each of these planning stages, models are known and advanced solution techniques exist. Some of the models focus on costs, others on passengers’ convenience. Setting up a transportation system is usually done by optimizing each of these stages sequentially.In this paper we argue that instead of optimizing each single step further and further it would be more beneficial to consider the whole process in an integrated way. To this end, we develop and discuss a generic, bi-objective model for integrating line planning, timetabling, and vehicle scheduling. We furthermore propose an eigenmodel which we apply for these three planning stages and show how it can be used for the design of iterative algorithms as heuristics for the integrated problem. The convergence of the resulting iterative approaches is analyzed from a theoretical point of view. Moreover, we propose an agenda for further research in this field.  相似文献   


Researchers, planners and politicians alike have emphasized the need for systematic planning prior to the introduction of new transportation measures and schemes. Innovations ranging from the construction of new freeways to the encouragement of mode shift are therefore usually the result of detailed studies and extensive planning.

With unsettling frequency, however, the planning has come to replace implementation. The governing body identifies a problem area and commissions either a government planning department or a consultant to develop a plan which outlines needs and proposes measures which address the problem. The problem usually has two groups of people anxious to solve it; individuals who are being affected in their day‐to‐day living or travel, and longer‐term planners (usually politicians) who see it in terms of both extended community planning and votes.

The plan satisfies both sides temporarily, but becomes an effective planning tool only if implemented. Unrealistic plans and unwilling implementors have left a trail of plans which have been ends in themselves. Examples from bicycle planning in Australia show how the use of plan formulation can be either an essential element leading to the implementation of a planning scheme, or an expensive substitute for positive action.

A feature of plans which have been implemented is an integrated approach which makes extensive use of data collection to ascertain the needs of the population. A feature of the unimplemented plans is their concentration on the feasibility of introducing physical elements into the transport infrastructure without studying the travel demand.

It is concluded that the greater the concentration on individual needs and constraints, the less likely that planning will come to replace the implementation of a scheme.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a method that simultaneously analyzes travel variables from stated preferences that are measured under each of several different assumptions. The method uses least absolute deviation estimators and linear programming solutions and is flexible enough to permit inclusion of constraints for ordinal data and latent variables. Travel behavior is characterized by different indicators such as travel time, waiting time, mode choice and departure time. Consideration of different response variables simultaneously as part of a stated preference model requires a reclassification of variables as either endogenous or exogenous. This concept was introduced by the author as structural conjoint analysis earlier. Each endogenous variable may be defined as nominal, ordinal or cardinal and may be either explicitly measured or latent. Current econometric and psychometric techniques cannot accommodate this variety of data. The procedure is essentially a two-stage least absolute deviation simultaneous equation regression. The estimation technique is well known as are the various hypothesis tests. In the method each relationship between endogenous and exogenous variables is formulated separately carefully incorporating assumptions about each type of data. Thus there are different formulations for endogenous variables that are nominal and latent, ordinal and explicit, ordinal and latent, cardinal and explicit and cardinal and latent. Formulations for nominal latent, ordinal explicit and cardinal explicit variables were tested with simulated data for three separate hypothetical problems. Each problem consisted of at least two different types of variables and the technique was found to be able to reproduce the simulation function coefficients in virtually all cases.  相似文献   


Due to the interaction among different planning levels and various travel demands during a day, the transit network planning is of great importance. In this paper, a bi-objective multi-period planning model is proposed for the synchronization of timetabling and vehicle scheduling. The main aim of the problem is to minimize the weighted transfer waiting time in the interchange stations along with the operational costs of vehicles. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed integrated model, a real case study of Tehran subway is considered. The proposed model is solved by the ε-constraint method and some outstanding results are achieved.


Bombay, the commercial capital of India, is suffering from traffic thrombosis. Bombay used to be an attractive city some three decades ago and was commonly referred to as ‘Bombay the Beautiful’. The picture is now, however, the opposite extreme.

The way Bombay has grown, an underground railway is no doubt justified. Unfortunately, the economy may not be able to afford it for many years to come. Low cost measures have therefore to be adopted like (a) development of land use with a view to controlling the traffic demand itself; (b) discouraging further growth in and around the existing congested central business district; (c) establishment of a counter‐magnet; (d) conversion of the mono‐centric pattern to a poly‐nucleated structure; (e) better pedestrian facilities; (f) intermediate public transport; (g) traffic management measures to maximize available road capacities; (h) bus priority measures; (i) creating an east‐west axis for activities to relieve the present north‐south axis.

This would form the core of transport strategy. Capital intensive rail projects will face severe shortage of funds. An additional road/rail link has also been suggested to the mainland. The congestion in Bombay can be relieved if the master plan is prepared for an integrated system. Traffic and town planning must go hand in hand with priority to traffic planning.  相似文献   

Projecting future traffic is an important stage in any traffic and transportation planning study. Accurate traffic forecasting is vital for transportation planning, highway safety evaluation, traffic operations analysis, and geometric and pavement design among others. In view of its importance, this paper introduces a regression-based traffic forecasting methodology for a one dimensional capacity-constrained highway. Five different prediction functions are tested; the best was selected according to the accuracy of projections against historical traffic data. The three-parameter logistic function produced more accurate projections compared to other functions tested when highway capacity constraints were taken into consideration. The R 2 values at various test locations ranged from 88% to 98%, indicating good prediction capability. Using the Fisher's information matrix approach, the t-statistic test showed all parameters in the logistic function were highly statistically significant. To evaluate reliability of projections, predictive intervals were calculated at a 95% level of confidence. Predictions using the logistic function were also compared to those predicted using the compound growth rate and linear regression methods. The results show that the proposed methodology generates much more reasonable projections than current practices.  相似文献   


Previous choice studies have proposed a way to condition the utility of each alternative in a choice set on experience with the alternatives accumulated over previous periods, defined either as a mode used or not in a most recent trip, or the mode chosen in their most recent trip and the number of similar one-way trips made during the last week. The paper found that the overall statistical performance of the mixed logit model improved significantly, suggesting that this conditioning idea has merit. Experience was treated as an exogenous influence linked to the scale of the random component, and to that extent it captures some amount of the heterogeneity in unobserved effects, purging them of potential endogeneity. The current paper continues to investigate the matter of endogeneity versus exogeneity. The proposed approach implements the control function method through the experience conditioning feature in a choice model. We develop two choice models, both using stated preference data. The paper extends the received contribution in that we allow for the endogenous variable to have an impact on the attributes through a two stage method, called the Multiple Indicator Solution, originally implemented in a different context and for a single (quality) attribute, in which stage two is the popular control function method. In the first stage, the entire utility expression associated with all observed attributes is conditioned on the prior experience with an alternative. Hence, we are capturing possible correlates associated with each and every attribute and not just one selected attribute. We find evidence of potential endogeneity. The purging exercise however, results in both statistical similarities and differences in time and cost choice elasticities and mean estimates of the value of travel time savings. We are able to identify a very practical method to correct for possible endogeneity under experience conditioning that will encourage researchers and practitioners to use such an approach in more advanced non-linear discrete choice models as a matter of routine.


Werner Brög 《运输评论》2013,33(4):359-365

In April 1983, the “Fourth World Conference on Transport Research” was held in Hamburg. For a period of four days, experts from all parts of the world discussed transport research and planning problems. The discussions were divided into eight so‐called ‘sub‐topics’. Fortunately, one of the sub‐topics, ‘Man and his Transport Behaviour’ (chaired by Moshe Ben‐Akiva, U.S.A. and Werner Brög, Federal Republic of Germany) dealt with the individual and his behaviour. This complemented the traditionally supply‐oriented thinking of the transport planners by introducing the demand component which had frequently been neglected in the past. Since the view has become increasingly widespread that transport is meant to serve people, and thus, that research should emphasize the (potential) users of the transport system, the number of papers submitted and presented on this sub‐topic was especially large.

However, the number of papers which could be included in the ‘Conference Proceedings’ was limited and this would have meant that a number of interesting documents could not be published. Therefore, papers on four special areas within this sub‐topic are to be published in four consecutive issues of Transport Reviews. The areas which will be dealt with are ‘Telecommunications’, ‘Non‐Motorised Transport’, ‘Special Problems in Third World Countries’ and ‘Fare Structures in Public Transport’. The papers were selected strictly according to their contents. A brief commentary in each issue explains in turn the reasons for choosing each of the four subject areas.

Parts 1–3 appeared in Transport Reviews, 4, 99–113, 173–212, 273–298.  相似文献   


The issue of renegotiation is becoming increasingly important as a tool to address uncertainty of public private partnership (PPP) projects and as a mechanism to restore its economic and financial equilibrium. This paper aims to understand how and why renegotiations occur in long-lasting PPP projects and what are the pros and cons of the renegotiation. We depart from a literature review on contract incompleteness and on the determinant factors for the renegotiation of infrastructure concessions. To illustrate the discussion, the case studies of nine European PPP projects are analysed by examining the specific exogenous and endogenous determinant factors that conduce to renegotiating contracts. The implications of contractual renegotiations are explained and summarized through a comparison of our case studies with literature. Although renegotiation, per se, is not a solution for the successful implementation of PPP projects, our findings reinforce the idea of contractual flexibility as a tool that allows adapting to uncertainty. Moreover, effective communication mechanisms allow a better response to unforeseen events, reinforcing the partners’ commitment to deliver a win–win project.  相似文献   

The article presents an element increment method that is developed by current time increment method of train traction calculation. A railway route was divided, breaking it down into elements of different lengths. A whole train movement simulation curve (vt curve and vS curve) was formed by splitting the joints of each of the elements' individual simulation curves. During this process, the train velocity variance was calculated by time increment method with assistance of polynomial fitting technology. Additionally, a step‐by‐step method with iteration was used to combine each element and makes the whole simulation curve continuous. Meanwhile, the energy‐saving issue was also taken into account to optimize the simulation curve. This article gives more details about the modeling by providing an example of a railway route based on moving block control. The element increment method is a more effective way to calculate train traction of high‐speed railway, and it is an alternative method to train movement simulation for aiding macroscopic railway transportation planning. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hazardous materials routing and scheduling decisions involve the determination of the minimum cost and/or risk routes for servicing the demand of a given set of customers. This paper addresses the bicriterion routing and scheduling problem arising in hazardous materials distribution planning. Under the assumption that the cost and risk attributes of each arc of the underlying transportation network are time-dependent, the proposed routing and scheduling problem pertains to the determination of the non-dominated time-dependent paths for servicing a given and fixed sequence of customers (intermediate stops) within specified time windows. Due to the heavy computational burden for solving this bicriterion problem, an alternative algorithm is proposed that determines the k-shortest time-dependent paths. Moreover an algorithm is provided for solving the bicriterion problem. The proximity of the solutions of the k-shortest time-dependent path problem with the non-dominated solutions is assessed on a set of problems developed by the authors.  相似文献   

This paper is a think piece on variations in the structure of stated preference studies when modelling the joint preferences of interacting agents who have the power to influence the attribute levels on offer. The approach proposed is an extension of standard stated choice methods, known as ‘stated endogenous attribute level’ (SEAL) analysis. It allows for interactive agents to adjust attribute levels off a base stated choice specification that are within their control, in an effort to reach agreement in an experimental setting. This accomplishes three goals: (1) the ability to place respondents in an environment that more closely matches interactive settings in which some attribute levels are endogenous to a specific agent, should the modeller wish to capture such behaviour; (2) the improved ability of the modeller to capture the behaviour in such settings, including a greater wealth of information on the related interaction processes, rather than simply outcomes; and (3) the expansion of the set of situations that the modeller can investigate using experimental data.
John M. RoseEmail:

Book review     
Werner Brög 《运输评论》2013,33(1):99-101

In April 1983, the “Fourth World Conference on Transport Research” was held in Hamburg. For a period of four days, experts from all parts of the world discussed transport research and planning problems. The discussions were divided into eight so‐called ‘sub‐topics’. Fortunately, one of the sub‐topics, ‘Man and his Transport Behaviour’ (chaired by Moshe Ben‐Akiva, U.S.A. and Werner Brog, Federal Republic of Germany) dealt with the individual and his behaviour. This complemented the traditionally supply‐oriented thinking of the transport planners by introducing the demand component which had frequently been neglected in the past. Since the view has become increasingly widespread that transport is meant to serve people and thus that research should emphasize the (potential) users of the transport system, the number of papers submitted and presented on this sub‐topic was especially large.

However, the number of papers which could be included in the ‘Conference Proceedings’ was limited and this would have meant that a number of interesting documents could not be published. Therefore, papers on four special areas within this sub‐topic are to be published in four consecutive issues of Transport Reviews. The areas which will be dealt with are ‘Telecommunications’, ‘Non‐Motorised Transport’, ‘Special Problems in Third World Countries’ and ‘Fare Structures in Public Transport’. The papers were selected strictly according to their contents. A brief commentary in each issue explains in turn the reasons for choosing each of the four subject areas.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a particular class of network flow problems that seeks a shortest path, if it exists, between a source node s and a destination node d in a connected digraph, such that we arrive at node d at a specified time τ while leaving node s no earlier than a lower-bounding time LB, and where the availability of each network link is time-dependent in the sense that it can be traversed only during specified intervals of time. We refer to this problem as the reverse time-restricted shortest path problem (RTSP), and it arises, for example, in the context of generating flight plans within air traffic management approaches under severe convective weather conditions. We show that this problem is NP-hard in general, but is polynomially solvable under a special regularity condition. A pseudo-polynomial time dynamic programming algorithm is developed to solve Problem RTSP, along with an effective heap implementation strategy. Computational results using real flight generation test cases as well as random simulated problems are presented.  相似文献   

This article considers the optimisation of the sequence for clearing snow from stretches of the manoeuvring area of an airport. This issue involves the optimisation of limited resources to remove snow from taxiways and runways thereby leaving them in an acceptable condition for operating aircraft. The airfield is divided into subsets of significant stretches for the purpose of operations and target times are established during which these are open to aircraft traffic. The document contains several mathematical models each with different functions, such as the end time of the process, the sum of the end times of each stretch and gap between the estimated and the real end times. During this process, we introduce different operating restrictions on partial fulfilment of the operational targets as applied to zones of special interest, or relating to the operation of the snow‐clearing machines. The problem is solved by optimisation based on linear programming. The article gives the results of the computational tests carried out on five distinct models of the manoeuvring area, which cover increasingly complex situations and larger areas. The mathematical model is particularised for the case of the manoeuvring area of Adolfo Suarez Madrid—Barajas Airport. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Optimal sequence for clearing snow from the manoeuvring area of an airport.
  • Contains optimising algorithms solved using CPLEX LP‐based tree search.
  • Restrictions on partial fulfilment of operational targets applied to subsets of significant stretches, used for planning the operation of snow‐clearing machines.
  • Model applied to the case of the manoeuvring area of Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas Airport.
  • Conclusions are given on the results of the computational tests carried out. There are five models of the manoeuvring area which cover increasingly complex situations and larger areas.

Empty container management deals with repositioning empty containers at minimum costs while fulfilling empty container demands. Due to imbalances in trade, some areas have a surplus of empty containers, while others have a shortage. Therefore, empty containers need to be repositioned globally to make sure that sufficient empty containers are available everywhere. Besides, empty containers need to be repositioned regionally between shippers, consignees, inland depots, terminals and ports in order to fulfil demand. In this paper, the focus is on the empty container management problem at a regional level. The problem is described in detail and opportunities for reducing empty container movements are discussed. Decisions to be taken at each planning level (strategic, tactical and operational) are described, and for each planning level, a detailed overview of planning models proposed in the literature is presented. Planning models considering decisions at several planning levels are discussed as well. Finally, interesting opportunities for future research are identified.  相似文献   


The problem of generating a set of “good” transportation alternatives during the early and intermediate stages of transportation planning is addressed in this paper. A linear programming model of a multi‐modal transportation system is developed. The model is run interactively to determine optimal operating levels for all modes for various transport policy decisions. The model described is a component of a composite network generation model incorporating dynamic changes. The linear programming component determines optimal operating policies for given points in time. The composite model incorporates these in a dynamic programming framework to determine optimal staged investment policies over several time periods.  相似文献   


Numerous methodologies measuring walkability have been developed over the last years. This paper reviews the Walkability Index (WI) literature of the last decade (2009–2018) and highlights some limitations in the current approaches. Only a few studies have evaluated walkability in Latin America, mainly in big cities but not in medium and small-sized cities in the region, which present their own urbanisation dynamics, security issues, sidewalk invasion problems, and poor planning. Furthermore, most WIs in the literature use objective mesoscale variables to assess walkability in a given area. This paper contributes to filling these gaps by generating new evidence from a medium-sized city in Latin America to question if characteristics of the built environment encourage walking trips, as found in the literature, are transferable among regions. The study also proposes a novel index comprised of microscale and mesoscale built environment variables to assess walkability using virtual tools and considering users’ perceptions. The WI estimation relies on ranking probability models. The results of the case study suggest that subjective Security and Traffic Safety are the most crucial factors influencing walkability in these kind of cities, which is different from what is found in the literature from cities in developed countries where Sidewalk Condition and Attractiveness are the most important factors. Security appeared to be strongly associated with a subjective dimension, represented by the fear of crime or perceived risk for crime, instead of the actual occurrence of crimes. This result evidences the importance of the physical attributes of the real world and how they are captured, judged, and processed by pedestrians. Then, regional transferability of WIs needs to be done carefully. Finally, results in this paper highlight the importance of microscale built environment characteristics in the WI formulation in these cities. Results are in line with other research in some cities of the region, which found that microscale variables such as pavement quality and presence of obstacles on the sidewalks are relevant components to promote walkability.  相似文献   


Travel demand forecasts play a crucial role in the preparation of decision support to policy-makers in the field of transport planning. The results feed directly into impact appraisals such as cost–benefit analyses and environmental impact assessments, which are mandatory for large public works projects in many countries. Over the last few decades, there has been increasing attention given to the lack of demand forecast accuracy. However, since data availability for comprehensive ex-post appraisals is problematic, such studies are still relatively rare. This study presents a review of the largest ex-post studies of demand forecast accuracy for transport infrastructure projects. The focus is threefold: to provide an overview of observed levels of demand forecast inaccuracy, to highlight key contextual and methodological differences between studies and to highlight key focus areas for future research in this field. The results show that inaccuracy remains problematic for road, rail and toll projects alike, but also how the lack of methodological clarity and consistency calls for a careful interpretation of these results. Mandatory, systematic ex-post evaluation programmes are suggested as a necessary tool to improve decision support, as data availability for ex-post studies is often remarkably poor even for internal audits.  相似文献   

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