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随着散货运输量的逐年增加,船体的强度控制成为不容忽视的首要问题。结合实践经验,针对散货船装卸过程中几种特殊情况,分析了存在的船体强度问题,提出了具体的解决措施,以保证船体强度和航行任务的完成。 相似文献
Thierry Vanelslander 《Maritime Policy and Management》2013,40(2):193-214
Intense co-operation as well as severe competition are two characteristics of the current sea-port cargo-handling sector. This paper contributes to remedying the lack of understanding of the effects that such strategies may have on operating conditions in the sector. It analyses the geographical strategies pursued by the major operators up to 2006, as well as the functional directions in which co-operation is sought. It appears that most domestic ventures for the majority of container-handling operators are non-co-operative ones, except for PSA and HPH. Abroad, all of the cargo-handling operators except DPA/CSXWT have more co-operative than non-co-operative ventures. As to nationality of acquired subsidiaries, it is observed that most co-operative ventures have two nationalities involved. In terms of functional direction of operations, the major container-handling companies, except APM Terminals, start up most of their co-operative ventures with non-cargo-handling partners. Furthermore, it can be observed that HPH, APM Terminals, P&O Ports and DPA/CSXWT have started up, acquired or merged with more limited companies in cargo-handling than in non-cargo-handling activities. Most of the non-horizontal partners in cargo-handling ventures appear to be industrial or investment companies. PSA's, Eurogate's and DPA's non-cargo-handling ventures predominantly are in logistics. Combining geography and functional direction graphically shows that the major operators have had very diverging strategies. The two extremes are Eurogate, with a network which is solely focused on Europe, and P&O Ports, covering all continents. 相似文献
《Maritime Policy and Management》2008,35(2):193-214
Intense co-operation as well as severe competition are two characteristics of the current sea-port cargo-handling sector. This paper contributes to remedying the lack of understanding of the effects that such strategies may have on operating conditions in the sector. It analyses the geographical strategies pursued by the major operators up to 2006, as well as the functional directions in which co-operation is sought. It appears that most domestic ventures for the majority of container-handling operators are non-co-operative ones, except for PSA and HPH. Abroad, all of the cargo-handling operators except DPA/CSXWT have more co-operative than non-co-operative ventures. As to nationality of acquired subsidiaries, it is observed that most co-operative ventures have two nationalities involved. In terms of functional direction of operations, the major container-handling companies, except APM Terminals, start up most of their co-operative ventures with non-cargo-handling partners. Furthermore, it can be observed that HPH, APM Terminals, P&O Ports and DPA/CSXWT have started up, acquired or merged with more limited companies in cargo-handling than in non-cargo-handling activities. Most of the non-horizontal partners in cargo-handling ventures appear to be industrial or investment companies. PSA's, Eurogate's and DPA's non-cargo-handling ventures predominantly are in logistics. Combining geography and functional direction graphically shows that the major operators have had very diverging strategies. The two extremes are Eurogate, with a network which is solely focused on Europe, and P&O Ports, covering all continents. 相似文献
This is the second of two papers on cargo handling productivity presenting the results of the model developed int he first [1] which had been designed to test a productivity measurement method with cross-sectional empirical data. Four productivity measures were employed. Two related cargo handling to time, with labour brought into the analysis as an independent variable. The third productivity measure expressed total throughput as an aspect of labour productivity, while the final measure was a full productivity index developed by relating output to both capital and labour.
The productivity measurement technique demonstrated that this method can be used for cross-sectional studies and can cope with and allow for variation in non-controllable extraneous factors, thus proving useful for policy decision-makers in shipping lines and/or port authorities.
This paper presents the results of the prodictivity analysis for which the analytical design was decribed in Part 1. The first section briefly restates the productivity indices developed. The principal results and tests on these measures are present in Section 2 with conclusion following in Section 3. 相似文献
The productivity measurement technique demonstrated that this method can be used for cross-sectional studies and can cope with and allow for variation in non-controllable extraneous factors, thus proving useful for policy decision-makers in shipping lines and/or port authorities.
This paper presents the results of the prodictivity analysis for which the analytical design was decribed in Part 1. The first section briefly restates the productivity indices developed. The principal results and tests on these measures are present in Section 2 with conclusion following in Section 3. 相似文献
归纳常见重大件陆-水中转装卸工艺方案,在已有桥墩式工艺方案基础上,提出固定式门式起重机工艺方案,并详细介绍配置的固定式门式起重机关键技术。将固定式门式起重机工艺方案应用于某重大件码头工程实践中,取得了明显的社会和经济效益。 相似文献
在国际海上货物运输中,货物从托运装船至货物交付,整个运输过程中的每一个环节,都伴随着各种货运单证。这些单证起着船货双方交接货物的证明,货方、船方和港方联系物装却工件的凭证,以及货方、船方和港方之间划分责任的依据等作用 。 相似文献
2007年3月,A公司委托实际承运人B公司运输1个40英尺冷藏箱(内装冻牛肉),装货港为上海港,卸货港为温哥华港,提单为记名提单,收货人为C公司,A公司与C公司的贸易合同价格条款是CFR。该冷藏箱在船舶到达卸货港的前5天发生故障,因船上备件有限,无法进行有效维修,因此货物在船期间有5d时问无法达到设定温度。C公司在提货后的第10天对货物进行检验,未将货损情况通知B公司。4个月以后,C公司处理货物,收回货物残值,并将部分货款支付给A公司, 相似文献
In the Pearl River Delta (PRD), there is severe competition between container ports, particularly those in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, for collecting international maritime container cargo. In addition, the second phase of the Nansha terminal in Guangzhou’s port and the first phase of the Da Chang Bay container terminal in Shenzhen opened last year. Under these circumstances, there is an increasing need to quantitatively measure the impact these infrastructure investments have on regional cargo flows. The analysis should include the effects of container terminal construction, berth deepening, and access road construction. The authors have been developing a model for international cargo simulation (MICS) which can simulate the movement of cargo. The volume of origin-destination (OD) container cargo in the East Asian region was used as an input, in order to evaluate the effects of international freight transportation policies. This paper focuses on the PRD area and, by incorporating a more detailed network, evaluates the impact of several infrastructure investment projects on freight movement. 相似文献
2000年11月16日,被告南京豪盛船务有限公司(以下简称豪盛公司)与被告营口市全通实业公司(以下简称全通公司)签订航次租船合同,约定由全通公司包船租用豪盛公司提供的“新华海101”轮,自营口港鲅鱼圈港区运输螺纹钢1049件至汕头港,运费45万元, 相似文献
京杭运河新型大吨位货船标准船型研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在分析京杭运河船型现状的基础上,借鉴发达国家内河船型标准化的经验和先进成熟技术.提出了适应京杭运河大吨位货船标准船型的选择方案,同时对新船型的关键技术做了研究和分析,并提出了相关对策. 相似文献
对目前镇江辖区到港危险品液货船舶装卸作业状况进行了阐述,探索和研究了新形势下对镇江辖区到港危险品液货船装卸作业安全监督管理的基本思路.同时,提出了下一步对危险品液货船装卸作业安全管理的建议和迫切需要采取的相关安全措施. 相似文献
根据现代散货港口对起重机运行状态监控的需求,提出一套基于OPC(过程控制的对象嵌入和连接)技术和计算机网络技术的起重机远程监控系统设计方案。 相似文献
散货船装载的镍矿、铁矿在运输过程中会发生流态化,流态化导致货物流动性增强,从而降低船舶稳性。当船舶在波浪中航行时,货物的移动会产生一个额外的力矩,该力矩有可能导致船舶倾覆。基于离散元方法,对不同含水率的货物进行了静倾斜、休止角的数值模拟,在全尺度计算中给定了颗粒尺寸和时间步长的选取标准,并采用全尺度货舱模型分析了影响货物稳定性的关键参数。该数值分析方法可为固体散货海上运输过程中船舶稳性预测和安全隐患评估提供参考。 相似文献
自动化集装箱码头的装卸工艺及设备 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在考察国外自动化集装箱码头发展现状的基础上,对传统集装箱码头与自动化集装箱码头的装卸工艺进行比较,并根据工艺布局分析和探讨装卸设备技术,对自动化集装箱码头的发展前景提出展望。 相似文献