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文章通过对传统的基于停车视距和基于交通标志视认距离的雾天高速公路限速模型的分析,提出了考虑比较全面的组合限速模型,并采用保守分析与乐观分析方法对各种限速模型的计算结果进行比较,论证各种限速模型的特点和适用条件,同时还提出了不同能见度条件下的高速公路限速值和管理措施,为高速公路雾天行车安全管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文围绕高速公路交通标志的信息过载、进出口处交通标志设置、安全车距确认标志设置三个问题展开讨论,并基于驾驶人的驾驶习惯和反应特性,对交通信息过载消除方法、进出口处交通标志设置原则以及安全车距确认标志内容与设置位置进行了深入分析,结合具体案例提出了如何进行人性化设置的思路。  相似文献   

我国应加强对高速公路服务区的重视程度,研究制定服务区交通标志标线设置规范或标准,拟定交通标志标线更新频率或更新技术标准,聘请专门人员进行服务区交通组织优化设计,改善服务区交通秩序。  相似文献   

交通与百姓的生活息息关联,道路交通标志是重要的交通视觉信息载体,需准确传达路况信息和行驶规则,保障交通安全;通过对交通标志安全性需要和人的认知心理分析,对交通标志进行优化设计,充分发挥交通标志的性能,使其能够主动传达信息、加强识别效果,提高信息传播力;把解决交通中短板问题和加强薄弱环节作为出发点和落脚点,研发动态交通标志,增加其信息视认效果,完善我国交通标志系统建设,提供有效的安全保障体系。  相似文献   

文章依托广西桂林至柳州高速公路(僚田至鹿寨北互通段)路面改造工程,基于高速公路作业区交通特性,以不中断高速公路交通流为最基本原则,对该路段的主线路面施工、互通及服务区改造等作业区进行交通组织设计。设计结果表明,合理的施工作业区长度、有效的交通标志和施工区安全设施布设对降低作业区段交通冲突、维持高速公路交通流的稳定性、保证作业区段施工的安全性和工作效率具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

青海省海西地区高速公路上交通标志、标线、隔离栅等交通安全设施设置的研究,对于青海模式的高速公路提高道路通行能力,减少交通事故,保护司乘人员生命财产安全有着深远的意义,并为今后类似项目交通安全设施的设置提供依据。  相似文献   

为将车路协同技术的应用优势充分发挥出来,实现与智慧高速公路建设的紧密结合,促进智慧高速公路建设的健康发展与进步,针对车路协同技术在智慧高速公路建设中的运用展开研究,对车路协同技术架构进行阐述,提出智慧高速公路建设背景和建设原则,对车路协同技术在智慧高速公路建设中的具体应用进行详细论述,主要包括实现交通标志数字化、道路危险预警、事故路段警示、车辆故障预警和匝道汇入预警、气候环境监测,最后总结高速公路车路协同应用的实现场景,如ETC的高速公路服务应用、高速公路特殊路段路况提示、高速公路机电运维等,以期为相似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

文章综述了基于深度学习的交通标志识别技术,厘清了传统交通标志识别与基于深度学习的交通标志识别的关系,着重介绍了卷积神经网络交通标志识别算法,并分析近年来该算法取得的突破性进展,旨在为进一步的研究提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

城市管理设施包含了城市道路交通标志的设计和规划管理,是实现安全行车、优质服务、智能化管理的基础。城市交通标志直接为司机和行人提供了准确信息,发挥了疏散、咨询和限制交通流量的效果,并通过这样的方式来实现最大交通流量和保持道路畅通。合理的交通标志设计和布置能够有效的解决道道路拥挤的问题等。城市道路交通标志设计中色彩选择及排版对于充分发挥交通标志的作用至关重要。本文探讨了城市道路交通标记设计对色彩和排版的要求,并具体分析了城市道路交通标志设计中色彩选择和排版设计。  相似文献   

魏强  程波  张丽娟 《综合运输》2022,(7):140-145
为研究铁路客运专线对不同出行距离高速公路小汽车、大客车交通量的影响,本文将出行按距离分类,以四川省多个通道高速公路交通量数据为基础,考虑小交通量出行波动较大的因素,选取出行量较大的节点对客运专线开通前后高速公路小汽车、大客车交通量变化进行分析,得到不同出行距离的转移率。结果表明,铁路客运专线开通后对高速公路短距离出行影响较小,出行距离在500km内,小客车转移率呈现随出行距离增加而上升的趋势,大于500km后,小客车转移率下降。大客车转移率离散度小于小客车,且转移率随出行距离增加而上升。  相似文献   

文章从广义交通安全心理学的角度,提出了需要加强研究的与交通安全密切相关的几个心理学问题。强调要进一步明确交通安全心理研究的重点,强化安全宣传教育的心理作用,研究驾驶员的认知心理。  相似文献   

文章从侥幸心理的定义及类型入手,阐述了侥幸心理对交通运输行业安全生产作业产生的危害,分析了生产作业过程中侥幸心理产生的原因,并提出了针对性的应对措施。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a surge of interest in Tradable Credits (TC) as an alternative measure to manage the growth of personal car use. This paper summarises the results and methodologies of studies that have sought to anticipate the behavioural responses to several proposed TC schemes that target personal travel. In a critical reflection on this work and in an attempt to inspire future research, we argue that future empirical studies on TC behaviours can greatly benefit from insights from the fields of behavioural economics and cognitive psychology. Therefore, in the second part of the paper, we bring together behavioural concepts from these fields that are relevant in a TC decision-making context. Based on observations from current TC studies and the behavioural mechanisms identified in the second part of the paper, we propose promising directions for future research on understanding the impact of TC on personal car travel.  相似文献   

We investigate a utility-based approach for driver car-following behavioral modeling while analyzing different aspects of the model characteristics especially in terms of capturing different fundamental diagram regions and safety proxy indices. The adopted model came from an elementary thought where drivers associate subjective utilities for accelerations (i.e. gain in travel times) and subjective dis-utilities for decelerations (i.e. loss in travel time) with a perceived probability of being involved in rear-end collision crashes. Following the testing of the model general structure, the authors translate the corresponding behavioral psychology theory – prospect theory – into an efficient microscopic traffic modeling with more elaborate stochastic characteristics considered in a risk-taking environment.After model formulation, we explore different model disaggregate and aggregate characteristics making sure that fidelity is kept in terms of equilibrium properties. Significant effort is then dedicated to calibrating and validating the model using microscopic trajectory data. A modified genetic algorithm is adopted for this purpose while focusing on capturing inter-driver heterogeneity for each of the parameters. Using the calibration exercise as a starting point, simulation sensitivity analysis is performed to reproduce different fundamental diagram regions and to explore rear-end collisions related properties. In terms of fundamental diagram regions, the model in hand is able to capture traffic breakdowns and different instabilities in the congested region represented by flow-density data points scattering. In terms of incident related measures, the effect of heterogeneity in both psychological factors and execution/perception errors on the accidents number and their distribution is studied. Through sensitivity analysis, correlations between the crash-penalty, the negative coefficient associated with losses in speed, the positive coefficient associated with gains in speed, the driver’s uncertainty, the anticipation time and the reaction time are retrieved. The formulated model offers a better understanding of driving behavior, particularly under extreme/incident conditions.  相似文献   

Traffic control is an effective and efficient method for the problem of traffic congestion. It is necessary to design a high‐level controller to regulate the network traffic demands, because traffic congestion is not only caused by the improper management of the traffic network but also to a great extent caused by excessive network traffic demands. Therefore, we design a demand‐balance model predictive controller based on the macroscopic fundamental diagram‐based multi‐subnetwork model, which can optimize the network traffic mobility and the network traffic throughput by regulating the input traffic flows of the subnetworks. Because the transferring traffic flows among subnetworks are indirectly controlled and coordinated by the demand‐balance model predictive controller, the subnetwork division can variate dynamically according to real traffic states, and a global optimality can be achieved for the entire traffic network. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed controller in improving the network traffic throughput. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The coordinated development of city traffic and environment is a key research content in traffic field in twenty-first Century. Among them, road section environmental traffic capacity analysis is one of the important research issues. It can provide solid theoretical basis and reliable data support for road network traffic optimization control, road traffic pollution control and city traffic structure optimization. This paper analyzed main factors which impacted environmental traffic capacity from two aspects, including road capacity constraint conditions and road traffic pollution control constraint conditions. Then, road section environmental traffic capacity optimization model was established, and method of improved augmented Lagrange function was used to solve the model. Case study showed that, (1) The environmental traffic capacity optimal model and methodology were effective; (2) In order to ensure road section environmental traffic capacity greater than (or equal to) road capacity, some measures could be taken including adjusting motor vehicle type proportion as well as improving emission characteristics of motor vehicles exhausting pollutants.  相似文献   

针对交通安全现状及国内外交通预警发展现状的分析,阐明建立交通事故预警系统的必要性。分析了基于人、车、路、环境四要素的道路交通事故的成因,根据交通事故预警系统设计原则和建立预警系统的目的,采用相关理论,选用合适的交通信息采集技术,建立了交通事故预警系统。该系统包括驾驶员预警子系统、车辆防撞预警子系统、车辆状况预警子系统、道路安全预警子系统和交通气象预警子系统。  相似文献   

城市的交通状态是可以预测的。有效的交通状态预测能优化交通状态,减少交通阻塞。贝叶斯网络(Bayesian Networks,BN)是目前不确定知识和推理领域最有效的理论模型之一。文章在综合考虑交通阻塞成因的基础上构建网络模型,在已有的交通状态数据的基础上提出基于贝叶斯法则的学习算法,并通过计算变量间的条件概率来计算交通阻塞发生的可能性,达到预测的目的。  相似文献   

智能交通系统是一个高科技集成系统,它综合运用各种高新技术于整个交通管理系统之中,可以系统、全面、高效地提高交通运输的安全性.文章阐述了智能交通系统在交通安全中的作用及在福州市的应用情况,指出了福州市发展智能交通的方向,以提高福州市的交通安全管理水平.  相似文献   

We study in this paper the structure of traffic under hypercongestion, which is a controversial issue between traditional two-phase traffic theory and Kerner’s three-phase theory. By analyzing video traffic data from a section of the Nanjing Airport Highway, it is found that traffic states inside hypercongestion are not homogeneous, which contradicts the existence of a “Homogeneous Congested Traffic” state claimed in two-phase traffic theory. Analysis of vehicle trajectories and velocities obtained from an experimental car-following study with a platoon of 25 vehicles also confirms the above findings. Furthermore, it is also found from the video traffic data that the structure of hypercongested traffic varies only slightly with location, which might be due to small jams inside hypercongested traffic merging into larger ones slowly and/or larger jams sometimes breaking into small ones. Finally, the implications of our observations on traffic modeling have been discussed.  相似文献   

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