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基于NAS的Web发布新模型   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
虚拟Web站点可以在单台计算机上运行和管理多个Web站点,但要求提供大容量的存储空间,尤其是对于提供多媒体服务的Web站点而言更是如此,NAS设备的使用是一种高效的解决方案,文章介绍了NAS的技术特点,设计和实现了一种基于NAS的Web发布新模型。  相似文献   

As the traditional RISC ASIC/ASSP approach for network processor design can not meet the today‘s requirements, this paper described an alternate approach, Reconfigurable Processing Architecture, to boost the performance to ASIC level while reserve the programmability of the traditional RISC based system. This paper covers both the hardware architecture and the software development environment architecture.  相似文献   

传统的PID控制器很难适应复杂的非线性机械系统的控制,本文提出一种新型的用RBF网络整定的PID控制器来处理这类问题,并在发动机空燃比控制效果上与传统PID控制器进行了比较。仿真结果表明:该新型控制器控制效果比传统PID控制器好,在其他非线性复杂机械系统控制上也有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

Temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP) is a sub-protocol of IEEE 802.11i. TKIP remedies some security flaws in wired equivalent privacy (WEP) protocol. TKIP adds four new algorithms to WEP: a message integrity code (MIC) called Michael, an initialization vector (IV) sequencing discipline, a key mixing function and a re-keying mechanism. The key mixing function, also called temporal key hash, de-correlates the IVs from weak keys. Some cryptographic properties of the substitution box (S-box) used in the key mixing function are investigated in this paper, such as regularity, avalanche effect, differ uniform and linear structure. Moen et al pointed out that there existed a temporal key recovery attack in TKIP key mixing function. In this paper a method is proposed to defend against the attack, and the resulting effect on performance is discussed.  相似文献   

Secure Authentication of WLAN Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The security of wireless local area network (WLAN) becomes a bottleneck for its further applications. At present, many standard organizations and manufacturers of WLAN try to solve this problem. However, owing to the serious secure leak in IEEE802.11 standards, it is impossible to utterly solve the problem by simply adding some remedies. Based on the analysis on the security mechanism of WLAN and the latest techniques of WLAN security, a solution to WLAN security was presented. The solution makes preparation for the further combination of WLAN and Internet.  相似文献   

近景摄影测量控制点布设方案的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
随着计算机技术的飞速发展和近景摄影测量应用范围的日益拓广,非量测用摄影机作为影像信息的获取手段亦已显出其优越性。在真正建立非量测用摄影机所片与目标物间已知的数学关系中,控制点起着不可缺少的桥梁作用,不讼是控制点的布设是数量都将直接影响到目标物物方坐标的解算精度。  相似文献   

Introduction Since Boneh et al[1]announced a model forbreaking public key cryptographic schemes by tak-ing advantage of random hardware faults in 1996,fault analysis has become an important aspect ofcrypto-analysis method. Fault analysis inducesfaults in tamper-resistant chips by means of radia-tion, X-rays, micro-probing or cut wires, so thatsome information of keys could leak from chips. Biham &Shamir applied fault attack to the ex-tension of block cipher cryptosystems such asDES, and call…  相似文献   

为解决冗余度机器人手臂在运动过程中出现的关节角偏差问题,探讨与分析了一种基于新型性能指标的二次型优化模型,以使机械臂的关节能实现重复运动.在考虑各种关节物理极限(如关节角度极限和关节速度极限)的情况下,该模型最终被转化为一个标准的二次型优化问题来求解.同时,基于负梯度法的原理分析和基于PUMA560的平面四连杆机械臂的计算机仿真结果表明,该方案具有可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

A new technique which is named charge temporary storage technique (CTST) was presented to improve the linearity of a 1.5 bit/s pipelined analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The residual voltage was obtained from the sampling capacitor, and the other capacitor was just a temporary storage of charge. Then, the linearity produced by the mismatch of these capacitors was eliminated without adding extra capacitor error-averaging amplifiers. The simulation results confirmed the high linearity and low dissipation of pipelined ADCs implemented in CTST, so CTST was a new method to implement high resolution, small size ADCs.  相似文献   

A novel clock structure of a low-power 16-bit very large instruction word (VLIW) digital signal proces- sor (DSP) was proposed. To improve deterministic clock gating and to solve the drawback of conventional clock gating circuit in high speed circuit, a distributed and early clock gating method was developed on its instruction fetch &. decoder unit, its pipelined data-path unit and its super-Harvard memory interface unit. The core was im- plemented following the Synopsys back-end flow under TSMC (Taiwan Silicon manufacture corporation) 0.18-μm 1.8-V 1P6M process, with a core size of 2 mm × 2 mm. Result shows that it can run under 200 MHz with a power performance around 0.3 mW/MIPS. Meanwhile, only 39.7 % circuit is active simultaneously in average, compared to its non-gating counterparts.  相似文献   

Introduction TheInternetandtheadvancementofdigital technologieshaveenablednumerousapplicationsin theareasofmultimediacommunicationsandmulti-medianetworking.Atypicalcharacteristicofdigi-talproductsisthattheyareeasytomanipulate,i.e.tostore,duplicate,transmitormodify.Thus,theauthenticationandthecopyrightprotec-tionfromunauthorizedmanipulationofdigitalau-dio,image,andvideodatabecomeanessential concerninthedigitalmultimediaera[1].Digitalwa-termarkinghasattractedconsiderableattentionand seennumerou…  相似文献   

Modeling of network traffic is a fundamental building block of computer science. Measurements of network traffic demonstrate that self-similarity is one of the basic properties of the network traffic possess at large time-scale. This paper investigates the change of non-stationary self-similarity of network traffic over time,and proposes a method of combining the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and Schwarz information criterion (SIC) to detect change points of self-similarity in network traffic. The traffi...  相似文献   

为满足高速磁浮列车车载诊断系统通信平台的要求,提出了一种基于RTLinux(real-time linux)的通信平台设计方案.该方案包括基于RTLinux通信平台的结构设计、实时和非实时处理模块的设计与实现.通过讨论CPCI-CAN(compact peripheral component interconnect-control area network)卡在RTLinux下驱动程序的开发过程,给出了驱动程序的具体实现.最后,借助调度时间模型和传送延时模型,分析了该车载诊断系统通信平台的实时性.实时仿真结果表明:基于RTLinux的通信平台中,所有节点完成网络更新的时间平均为290 ms,满足高速磁浮列车通信平台响应时间小于500 ms的要求.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study was presented for WLAN 802.11b using error-prone channel. It was theoretically and numerically evaluated the performance of three different network sizes with the bit rates that available in 802.11b protocol. Results show that throughput does not change with the size of the network for wide range of bit error rates (BERs) and the channel bit rates play a significant role in the main characteristics of the network. A comprehensive explanation has given for the phenomenon of the packet delay suppression at relatively high level of BERs in view of the size of the networks and the BERs. The effect length of the transmitting packets is also investigated.  相似文献   

为进一步协调好快速公交和轨道交通之间的关系,合理确定快速公交功能定位、发展规模以及网络布局至关重要.以武汉为例,从公共交通客流需求、城市空间布局与道路交通条件等方面展开研究,借鉴国内外快速公交发展模式的成功经验,确定武汉应选择“BRT与轨道交通互补、高效衔接”、共同作为骨干的公共交通发展模式.在此基础上,运用线网密度匡算法和客流需求量匡算法提出了武汉快速公交发展合理规模,在轨道交通网络规划的基础上,从点、线、面三方面入手进行分析,提出了跨区骨干、镇内联通及远城过渡三种线网层次的网络布局方案.  相似文献   

Recently, the barrier coverage was proposed and received much attention in wireless sensor network (WSN), and the degree of the barrier coverage, one of the critical parameters of WSN, must be re-studied due to the difference between the barrier coverage and blanket coverage. In this paper, we propose two algorithms, namely,local tree based no-way and back (LTNWB) algorithm and sensor minimum cut sets (SMCS) algorithm, for the opened and closed belt regions to determine the degree of the barrier coverage of WSN. Our main objective is to minimize the complexity of these algorithms. For the opened belt region, both algorithms work well, and for the closed belt region, they will still come into existence while some restricted conditions are taken into consideration.Finally, the simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

OAM (Operations, Administration and Maintenance) system is a very important component of 3G cellular network. In order to acquire overall management, fast response and steady operation, an SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) based OAM, i. e. , SOAM system was proposed. SOAM implements new characters of SCTP such as multi-stream, enforced SACK and heartbeat mechanism on its transport layer. These characters help SOAM decrease the message transmission delay and accelerate the link failure detection. Besides, a new component named SOAM agent was introduced to improve the operation efficiency of SOAM. The experimental results prove the proposed SOAM system achieves better performance on signaling transmission compared with conventional TCP based OAM system.  相似文献   

对台湾新北市板桥区"大新板特区SUPER HOPSCA"进行分析,其居住环境包含复合型四铁共构车站、万坪公园绿地、国际级歌剧院、五星级观光饭店、大型休闲购物中心以及独创2.5 km"空中走廊";TOD居住环境特征主要分为5大面向:高密度居住环境、高土地混合使用环境、人行导向设计步行环境、高质量交通运输环境以及距离运输场站或公共设施之可及性环境。研究发现:新板特区致使该区房价上涨以及板桥捷运车站旅次进出口人数每年成长。  相似文献   

Urban remnant natural area (URNA), located in the urban or suburb area, less disturbed by dwellers in the process of urbanization, is an important part of complex urban ecosystem and provides significant opportunity for urban sustainable development. Despite that there is a considerable amount of scientific researches on the urban nature in urban and suburb area, the comprehensive research of URNA is still rare. After analyzing the concept and value of URNA, this paper presented a methodology for comprehensive evaluation of URNA by adopting methods of document analysis, prior-selection process, analytic hierarchy process and vector resemblance-degree. As a result, the comprehensive evaluation index of URNA includes target level A, rule level B(ecological environment value, ecological recreation value, social culture value, scientific research value), index level C( diversity,singularity,nature,area,stability,recreation,landscape element,aesthetics,history,scientific), and index level D(20 items). Each index weight of comprehensive evaluation system of URNA of Shanghai was confirmed finally.  相似文献   

Based on the ideas of controlling relative quality and rearranging bitplanes, a new ROI coding method for JPEG2000 was proposed, which shifts and rearranges bitplanes in units of bitplane groups. It can code arbitrary shaped ROI without shape coding, and reserve almost arbitrary percent of background information. It also can control the relative quality of progressive decoded images. In addition, it is easy to be implemented and has low computational cost.  相似文献   

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