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A computer system for human resource (HR) redistribution system is presented to solve the balance problem of the "surplus resources" and "surplus tasks" among a group of project units. The system architecture is designed in a compositional manner using the elements of agent technology and knowledge technology. A combination of generic agent models, ontology and knowledge provides an effective approach to address the dynamic, distributed and knowledge-intensive characters of the HR management. In the system, the broker agent acting as intermediary provides matchmaking services to the domain agents, and the individual domain agents communicate directly with each other. The HR ontology provides the semantic match of the surplus task and the surplus resource. Finally, an application example is presented to illustrate the achieved solution for a concrete scenario. This novel way offers a comprehensive HR exchange solution and is snitablc for both intra-organizational and inter-organizational HR management.  相似文献   

This paper investigated how to learn the optimal action policies in cooperative multi-agent systems if the agents‘ rewards are random variables, and proposed a general two-stage learning algorithm for cooperative multiagent decision processes. The algorithm first calculates the averaged immediate rewards, and considers these learned rewards as the agents‘ immediate action rewards to learn the optimal action policies. It is proved that the learning algorithm can find the optimal policies in stochastic environment. Extending the algorithm to stochastic Markov decision processes was also discussed.  相似文献   

Software product lines (SPLs) are important software engineering techniques for creating a collection of similar software systems. Software products can be derived from SPLs quickly. The process of software product derivation can be modeled as feature selection optimization with resource constraints, which is a non- deterministic polynomial-time hard (NP-hard) problem. In this paper, we present an approach that using ant colony optimization to get an approximation solution of the problem in polynomial time. We evaluate our approach by comparing it to two important approximation techniques. One is filtered Cartesian flattening and modified heuristic (FCF+M-HEU) algorithm, the other is genetic algorithm for optimized feature selection (GAFES). The experimental results show that our approach performs 6% worse than FCF+M-HEU with reducing much running time. Meanwhile, it performs 10% better than GAFES with taking more time.  相似文献   

An extended π calculus was introduced to deal with secure movement and intercommunication between agents. The system extends Nomadic-π with objective migration primitive and confined region which serves as annotation labels of agents and channels. The confined region labels were used to uniquely identify the constraints on the migration and communication of agents, with the labels, the agents could be confined in a secure subsystem and the inter-agent communication could be confined between agents located on trusted sites during computation. The operational semantics for the calculus was given out, and a type system which enforces security properties called confined migration and confined communication was developed.  相似文献   

IntroductionLost foam casting( LFC) process is a newtechnology that is different from the conventionalempty mould cavity casting completely.This tech-nology is an important orientation of casting tech-nology,and is called as casting technology for to-morrow.At present,the studies on LFC are fo-cused on casting techniques mainly[1~ 5] .There islittle information on the structure and mechanicalproperties of B31 9in LFC process.Now for alu-minum alloy in LFC process,the main problemsare se…  相似文献   

IntroductionThere are many strategies for Qo S service inbroadband telecommunication networks[1] . Withthe fast evolution of chip and software techniques,the telecommunication networks are running withmore and more throughputcapabilities and self- ad-ministration capabilities.On the other hand,theapplication of methodologies based on concepts ofartificial intelligence in the telecommunication fieldis being more and more frequently used[2 ] .Thispaper gives a new strategy to evaluate the Qo S…  相似文献   

An object model-based software architecture for service robot system is presented,which addresses both software engineering issues such as reuse,extensibility,and management of complexity as well as system engineering issues like scalability,reactivity,and robustness.A novel approach to the service robot system architecture is discussed.Cognitive psychology is considered in designing the software system,i.e.,a human‘s way of vision and planning is applied.The planner can incorporate the user‘s request into its task selection mechanism and generate plans biased toward picking the most reliable task execution in a given situation,and the planner can alter task selection based on changes that occur in dynamic and uncertain environments.  相似文献   

This study considers an age replacement policy(ARP) for a repairable product with an increasing failure rate with and without a product warranty. As for the warranty policy to consider in association with such an age replacement policy, we adapt a renewable minimal repair-replacement warrant(MRRW) policy with 2D factors of failure time of the product and its corresponding repair time. The expected cost rate during the life cycle of the product is utilized as a criterion to find the optimal policies for both with and without the product warranty. We determine the optimal replacement age that minimizes the objective function which evaluates the expected cost rate during the product cycle and investigate the impact of several factors on the optimal replacement age. The main objective of this study lies on the generalization of the classical age replacement policy to the situation where a renewable warranty depending on 2D factors is in effect. We present some interesting observations regarding the effect of relevant factors based on numerical analysis.  相似文献   

Ultrasound hyperthermia is one of the most important methods in tumor treatment and characterized by non-invasiveness. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)-based temperature mapping techniques are safe compared with invasive methods and have been applied to detect temperature changes for a variety of applications. Among these techniques, the proton resonance frequency(PRF) method is relatively advanced. With a temperature measuring experiment, the effectiveness of PRF method has been proved, because the outcome temperature curve and the real temperature curve fit well. After that, an experiment has been conducted on tumors inside rabbit legs and the result indicates that this system is able to performance hyperthermia at targets based on PRF method in temperature mapping.  相似文献   

Through reusing software test components, automated software testing generally costs less than manual software testing. There has been much research on how to develop the reusable test components, but few fall on how to estimate the reusability of test components for automated testing. The purpose of this paper is to present a method of minimum reusability estimation for automated testing based on the return on investment (ROI) model. Minimum reusability is a benchmark for the whole automated testing process. If the reusability in one test execution is less than the minimum reusability, some new strategies must be adopted in the next test execution to increase the reusability. Only by this way, we can reduce unnecessary costs and finally get a return on the investment of automated testing.  相似文献   

IntroductionRobot Soccer World Cup( Robo Cup) ,an im-portant application in both Artificial Intelligence( AI) and robotics,has been developed rapidly inrecentyears. The tournament of Robo Cup Simula-tion League uses the soccer server system as thestandard environment. The soccer server systemprovides a rich and challenging multi- agent,real-time domain[1] 。 Every client should finish reason-ing,calculation and send movement commands tothe soccer server in a configured simulation step,ot…  相似文献   

研究的主要目的是调查感知学习风格与英语学习策略之间的相关性。研究采用了感知学习风格调查量表和学习策略调查量表,通过对学生的问卷调查,收集了相关的数据。研究运用社会科学统计软件包(SPSS)对收集的数据作了统计分析,发现感知学习风格和学习策略之间确实存在一定的相关性,最后提出教师应引导不同感知学习风格的学生使用不同的学习策略来提高英语水平。  相似文献   

交通拥堵已成为很多大中城市普遍存在的社会问题。信号控制作为缓堵保畅的重要措施之一,愈发受到社会关注。信号优化手段可分为模型驱动和数据驱动两类,且随着交通大数据的不断充实,基于强化学习的数据驱动方法日益成为新兴发展方向。然而,现有数据驱动类研究主要偏重于决策模型设计,缺乏对智能体结构的探讨;同时,在多路口协同方面多采用分布式策略, 忽略了智能体之间信息交互,无法保障区域层面的整体最优性。为此,本文以干线信号为对象, 构建一种多智能体混合式协同决策的信号优化方法。首先,针对交通状态的多样性、异构性及数据不均衡性,设计分布训练-分区记忆的单智能体决策模型,并优化状态空间和回报函数,界定单路口控制的最佳方案;其次,融合分布式和集中式学习的模型优势设计多智能体交互方法,在单路口分布式控制的基础上,设置中心智能体评价局部智能体的决策行为并反馈附加回报以调整局部智能体的决策模型,实现干线多信号的协同运行。最后,搭建仿真平台完成效果测试与算法对比。结果表明:新方法与独立优化和分布式协同相比,在支路交通流基本不受影响的前提下, 干线停车次数分别降低了14.8%和13.6%,具有更好的控制效果。  相似文献   

以武汉软件工程职业学院数控技术专业为例,探讨了"三力式"人才培养模式、分段式的教学组织模式、专业课程体系建设、核心课程"AITUD"教学模式等在教学改革中的实施,为高职院校人才培养提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

基于Java 3D技术的现代远程教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对Java 3D技术和远程教育相结合的优势和关键问题进行了研究和探索,提出了一种基于Java 3D技术远程教育系统的框架结构图,结合网络多媒体三维课件的制作,探讨了在Java 3D下三维场景建模、交互动画与多媒体功能的实现。  相似文献   

数据驱动学习(DDL)是一种基于语料库的发现式学习方法,是语言学习者自身在对大量真实语料观察和分析的基础上将问题解决的自主式学习,它是语料库在外语教学与学习中运用的产物,开辟了英语教学的新视野。本文浅析了语料库DLL在外语教学中的具体运用,希望能引起更多学者的探讨,丰富和改善外语教学的内容和质量。  相似文献   

通过分析当今中国学习英语的现状,结合构建主义理论、学习风格理论及实际英语教学中存在的问题,从学生和教师两方面论述了采用移动学习法学习英语的可行性,并介绍了使用三种常见的移动设备学习英语的具体方法,最终得出基于网络的英语移动学习在中国有着积极的作用和广泛的前景这一结论。  相似文献   

自主学习是当代学校教育的重要课题.本文通过在高校体育课上应用自主学习的教学实验,得出结果表明:实验组学生在网球技术掌握和自主学习能力上都强于对照组.  相似文献   

VRML在图学教育软件中的应用技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过实例介绍虚拟现实场景模拟,实时交互行为和构建基于Web的虚拟现实交互界面等关键技术,改变以往CAI用户对软件制作者事先设计的一幅幅模型与动画,只能跟着制作者的思路进行学习的被动局面,为开发工程图学的远程教育软件提供了成功的范例。  相似文献   

针对机器人足球比赛的多智能体环境下智能体的训练问题,提出了一种将模糊控制与Q-Learning相结合的学习方法,并在学习过程中自动调节回报函数以获得最优策略,此方法的有效性在中型组的仿真平台上得到了验证,并取得了较好效果,还可将它改进应用于其他多智体环境。  相似文献   

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