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随着中国经济的持续高速发展和居民收入的不断提高,邮轮旅游将成为中国旅游业发展的一个新的增长点。然而,由于国民缺乏对邮轮旅游的了解,旅游港口邮轮码头配套设施不完善,缺乏统一规范的通关查验制度和信息平台,邮轮旅游专业人才严重匮乏,制约了我国邮轮旅游业的发展。提出加大邮轮旅游宣传推广力度,合理有序建设专业化邮轮码头,完善配套设施,制定促进邮轮旅游发展的相关规范,并加大邮轮旅游人才培养力度,促进我国邮轮旅游产业健康快速发展。 相似文献
受海峡两岸关系、邮轮航线、邮轮运营模式等多重因素影响,厦门邮轮旅游欲异军突起,还需经过更多的磨炼一、全球邮轮客源市场集中,中国异军突起近20年来,国际邮轮旅游发展总体规模扩大,特别是2004年以来,全球国际邮轮游客数量从1 314万人次跃升到2016年的2 470万人次,2017年预计达到2 580万人次。 相似文献
开展沿海邮轮业务可以在丰富邮轮航线产品、实现沿海邮轮港口合作共赢、拉动邮轮旅游经济及壮大本土邮轮力量等多方面促进邮轮产业的持续发展2016年中国已成为全球第二大邮轮客源国。2017年全国邮轮港口接待邮轮1 128艘次,客流量达494万人次。 相似文献
邮轮经济的蓬勃发展给邮轮制造业带来了巨大机遇,同时邮轮本身也朝着大型化、功能全面化和船龄年轻化的趋势发展。就世界邮轮制造业而言,欧洲占有绝对垄断地位,我国造船企业虽有建造各类船舶的经验,但唯独尚未建造过豪华游船。本文通过对我国发展邮轮制造业的必要性和可行性进行了分析,给出了发展中国邮轮制造业的建议。 相似文献
<正>邮轮像一座游动在大海上的酒店,可以容纳几百到几千游客,在邮轮上吃、住、行、游、购、娱。最新制造的大邮轮就好像一座游动在海上的超豪华大酒店,上面有客房、剧院、餐厅、网吧、歌舞厅、赌场、游泳池和商店等休闲娱乐设施。2009年下水的目前世界上最大的邮轮海洋绿洲号能够容纳6000多名旅客,2800名船员。主甲板上有一个中央花园,皇家大道和水上乐园。这座酒店可以乘风破浪、跨洋过海,周游世界,观赏海岸风光,欣赏海岛美景,深海云游,品味海上日出、日落。因 相似文献
<正>一、天津滨海新区建设国家邮轮旅游实验区的意义天津的邮轮旅游产业经过几年的探索和实践取得了一定的成绩,在中国邮轮旅游领域确立了不可替代的地位。日前,天津滨海新区又获得了国家旅游局的批准,设立中国邮轮旅游发展实验区,这标志着天津的邮轮旅游产业被纳入了国家发展战略,进入了一个创新发展、引领发展、融合发展的新阶段,发展方式将由以硬件设施建设为 相似文献
中国旅游业的蓬勃发展,促使海上旅游及邮轮产业日渐繁荣起来。在中国的朝阳产业中,旅游业一直处于最为显著的地位。近年来,随着邮轮经济在全世界旅游产业中的迅猛发展,邮轮旅游市场所创造出来的价值已经逐渐成为国际旅游业中一个重要的经济支柱。与此同时,邮轮旅游在中国的整体旅游市场中,也将是增长幅度最大的一个产业。在不久的将来,中国通过选择邮轮出行的旅游方式,将成为旅游消费经济新的增长点。当旅游消费者开始主动对邮轮进行接受和认可,且邮轮消费日趋成熟时,必将带动并促进中国整体旅游市场的蓬勃发展。 相似文献
This paper investigates the centrality of cruise ports in the Asian cruise shipping market while proposing the hubs and authorities centrality (HACC) metric as a directional synthesis of the hubs centrality and authorities centrality to explore cyclical and directional features of centrality in the cruise shipping network. With the development of the cruise shipping industry, research has been actively conducted with a particular focus on identifying the characteristics of hub ports. This paper employs social network analysis to investigate the HACC which is originally developed for analyzing the cruise port centrality problem. Empirical study implies that Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Nagasaki, Penang, Phuket, Port Klang, Shanghai, and Singapore (in alphabetical order) reflects particulars of cruise hub ports. One of the exceptional results of this paper is Ho Chi Minh City, Penang, Phuket, and Port Klang have demonstrated high HACC (refers to hub ports) while limited degree and betweenness centrality. In contrast, Busan and Keelung are not classified as hub ports. 相似文献
阐述国际邮轮接驳旅客的特点及对码头工艺布局的要求,分析邮轮码头旅客登离邮轮的工艺方式。邮轮旅客登船桥是邮轮与旅客联检大楼实现无缝连接的关键设备,在邮轮码头采用现代化的旅客登船桥,旅客上下船服务能够充分体现人性化,有效保障旅客舒适、安全、高效和便捷上下船,满足综合物流化及一关三检的要求。通过介绍国内已经投产的两种典型邮轮旅客登船桥的技术特点和邮轮码头平面工艺布局,为未来需要规划建设的邮轮码头提供借鉴。 相似文献
Two-sided markets are characterised by the presence of an intermediary and two groups of end-users. In the cruise market, cruise lines may play the role of intermediaries to connect the two end-users, viz. cruise passengers and cruise ports. Our research explored whether the cruise industry can be regarded as a two-sided market, starting with a theoretical modelling. The findings show that cruise lines might be hybrid intermediaries, selling their own ship-based products and services, while offering also a platform to enable the transaction between cruise passengers and cruise ports. This particular business model of a quasi-two-sided market is also reflected in the pricing scheme of cruise industry, whereby cruise ports charge an entry fee from cruise lines and port dues from cruise passengers. We illustrate an empirical analysis on the basis of the cruise market in Japan, and it provides a preliminary clue that the behaviours of cruise ports and cruise lines are consistent with our theoretical framework. The results are not convincingly significant due to data limitations, hence, the concept of a ‘two-sided market’ in the cruise industry call for further empirical research. 相似文献
借鉴国际经验,建立邮轮港口城市竞争力评估指标体系;通过AHP、模糊综合评判两个模型的引入,对天津、青岛、大连三大邮轮港口城市竞争力进行定量分析,为环渤海地区邮轮产业发展提出合理化建议。 相似文献
在分析广东省邮轮旅游发展现状的基础上,结合区域经济发展水平对广东省邮轮旅游发展前景进行分析,参考邮轮旅游的实际营运情况,按照邮轮航线的不同,将广东省邮轮旅游游客划分为境内邮轮旅客及境外到访邮轮旅客,并根据其不同的特点分航线预测广东省港口邮轮旅客运量发展水平。 相似文献
Cruise traffic is a maritime business and tourist typology that has expanded significantly in the past two decades. The seasonality of the industry affects maritime traffic, generating negative effects for the primary stakeholders involved in the configuration of a cruise itinerary. This article focuses on cruise traffic seasonality from the perspective of cruise ports by analysing a sample of 13 ports on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The variable used was cruise passenger movements during the period 2000–2015. The main objective of this article is to analyse cruise traffic seasonality in order to identify a pattern, classify through a cluster analysis, and identify the changes in seasonality during the period. Specifically, a threefold analysis has been performed, with the additional goal of providing a series of counter-seasonal suggestions and strategies to apply in the management of cruise ports. First, the seasonality pattern of each port was determined. Second, a cluster analysis was conducted to classify ports into clusters with homogeneous seasonality patterns. Third, an analysis was conducted to identify the changes in seasonality during the period of analysis using the coefficient of variation and the Gini coefficient. This article concludes the existence of two port clusters with different seasonal patterns. 相似文献