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为推动海南邮轮旅游产业的发展,分析三亚邮轮旅游发展现状,针对三亚母港邮轮航线的缺乏,通过问卷调查研究消费者对南海地区邮轮旅游的需求特征。结果表明,消费者偏爱中短途邮轮航线,且对西沙群岛、台湾地区等地充满向往。依据海南省对发展邮轮航线的政策支持,建议拓展北南海航线和南南海航线两条母港邮轮航线。  相似文献   

阐述我国邮轮航线现状,分析邮轮航线设定的定义和吸引力因子,从航运和旅游角度提出邮轮航线设定的思路与原则,对邮轮航线设计过程及邮轮航线设定提出建议:先港口融入,再串联航线;鼓励采取定班、周期更小的航线方式;更加侧重从旅游市场角度设定邮轮航线;结合我国现有的邮轮港口开辟沿海组合航线。  相似文献   

文章从世界邮轮旅游区划着手,结合世界不同纬度海区的气候特征,从航海气象的角度出发,介绍了世界邮轮旅游经典航线上的不同气候特征,并总结出各航线的最佳航行时间范围,有助于研究邮轮旅游航线的制定。  相似文献   

徐凯 《水运管理》2013,(8):34-37
随着我国邮轮产业快速增长,发展邮轮沿海挂靠航线旅游的时机已经成熟,但目前受到运营战略、监管政策、配套服务等方面的限制。为促进我国邮轮经济全面健康发展,阐述沿海挂靠航线旅游发展的优势条件,分析其面临的主要问题,提出相应的策略和建议:进一步吸引访问港停靠;实现各地邮轮通关监管操作一致性;不断完善邮轮产业链配套服务;大力发展本土邮轮船队;加强相关法律法规研究。  相似文献   

为更好发展海南邮轮旅游,通过问卷调查分析消费者对邮轮南海旅游的需求特征,从安全性、独特性和综合条件等3个方面为邮轮挂靠港进行竞争力排名,建立基于挂靠港排名的挂靠港选择及船型配置模型来寻找能够吸引游客参与并且使邮轮企业日均利润最大化的航线。企业单日利润最大为目标,综合考虑邮轮市场上供给双方的最佳平衡点,通过设计遗传算法编程求解模型得出两条优化航线――北南海航线和南南海航线。  相似文献   

通过分析影响邮轮旅游发展的主要因素,包括消费群体、旅游资源、邮轮码头建设条件等,结合广东省邮轮码头的发展环境,提出广东省邮轮码头的发展定位和总体发展格局,即形成国际邮轮母港、地区性母港和多点挂靠的分层次格局。  相似文献   

为进一步发展我国邮轮旅游业,分析我国邮轮旅游市场的特征:市场规模发展迅速,市场需求旺盛;市场供给量不断上升,挂靠母港的邮轮大型化趋势明显;邮轮港口基础设施不断完善,对港口的国际邮轮接待能力提升;政府政策大力支持,推进邮轮旅游市场创新发展。针对我国邮轮旅游市场发展中存在旅游需求多样化与邮轮旅游航线单一性的矛盾、邮轮旅游快速发展与经济贡献度有限的矛盾、中资邮轮的发展现状与国外邮轮企业始终掌握市场主动权的矛盾等问题,给出对策及建议:充分发挥我国资源优势,大力发展本土邮轮旅游;加大对本土邮轮企业购置邮轮的政策支持;延伸邮轮产业链,提升邮轮产业经济效应;不断优化邮轮旅游市场发展环境,促进邮轮产业发展。  相似文献   

当前我国邮轮旅游实践中不存在一体性的"邮轮合同",邮轮旅游的基础合同不符合混合合同的特征对于邮轮公司的法律地位,应当根据邮轮旅游服务合同、邮轮船票证明的海上旅客运输合同分别加以认定旅行社包销的邮轮船票销售模式之下,邮轮公司不是邮轮旅游服务合同的当事人,仅具有履行辅助人的法律地位,同时也不构成公共交通经营者邮轮公司在邮轮船票证明的海上旅客运输合同下属于承运人,承运人的责任期间不应包括旅客岸上观光期间旅行社既不是海上旅客运输合同的当事人,也不作为实际承运人承担海上运输。  相似文献   

郭柳晨  贾彤  周依晨 《水运管理》2013,(12):27-31,34
作为邮轮旅客的必经之地,港口城市的旅游资源在邮轮产业中处于极其重要的地位,如何有效提高旅游资源在邮轮旅游中的运作效率,将影响邮轮产业对于港口城市的综合发展.从供应链的角度出发,阐述邮轮旅游供应链的运作和管理,并以大连邮轮岸上观光供应链现状及规划作为案例,分析供应链的核心要素和辅助要素,提出发展邮轮岸上观光供应链的建议:增强各供应链节点与邮轮公司的合作;建立供应链信息化运营模式;实现公共设施的升级和服务标准的统一.  相似文献   

焦芳芳  谢燮 《水运管理》2014,(11):26-29
从邮轮公司角度提出邮轮航线设计的总体思路,按照邮轮航线设计的路径依次考虑各环节的影响因素:旅游目的地的选择;航行水域及停靠港口条件;避免游客和工作人员感染疫病;港口国的法规、制度、政策;航行、靠岸时间和岸上观光;后勤规划等。根据邮轮航线设计的一般原则,针对我国母港邮轮航线单一的现状,提出航线拓展建议:建立海峡邮轮旅游圈;开辟南海邮轮航线。  相似文献   

Two-sided markets are characterised by the presence of an intermediary and two groups of end-users. In the cruise market, cruise lines may play the role of intermediaries to connect the two end-users, viz. cruise passengers and cruise ports. Our research explored whether the cruise industry can be regarded as a two-sided market, starting with a theoretical modelling. The findings show that cruise lines might be hybrid intermediaries, selling their own ship-based products and services, while offering also a platform to enable the transaction between cruise passengers and cruise ports. This particular business model of a quasi-two-sided market is also reflected in the pricing scheme of cruise industry, whereby cruise ports charge an entry fee from cruise lines and port dues from cruise passengers. We illustrate an empirical analysis on the basis of the cruise market in Japan, and it provides a preliminary clue that the behaviours of cruise ports and cruise lines are consistent with our theoretical framework. The results are not convincingly significant due to data limitations, hence, the concept of a ‘two-sided market’ in the cruise industry call for further empirical research.  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查的方法对中国市场的邮轮游客进行了调研,调研的内容包括游客对邮轮的整体认知及感受,以及对对各活动区域的认知及感受,同时结合实地观察,了解当前中国市场邮轮游客的需求,并对邮轮总布置的国产化设计提出建议。  相似文献   

Recently, the number of foreign tourists to Korea via cruise ships has increased dramatically. We attempted to estimate the shore excursion expenditure function during cruise tourism in Korea. To this end, we collected data from a survey of foreign tourists who visited Korea via cruise ships and conducted the ordered probit model with sample selection to correct for the sample selection bias. Statistical tests indicate that the sample selection model provides unbiased estimates of the ordered probit model. The estimation results reveal that the coefficients of the experience of visiting Korea, job status, annual income, and nationality have statistically significant relationships with shopping expenditure. Further, it is likely that Chinese and Japanese passengers spend more money on shopping than passengers from other countries. This study is expected to provide the Korean government and port authorities with useful information for targeting passengers with high shore excursion expenditure. From a management perspective, the results of this analysis will enable cruise operators to design shore excursion programs that meet travelers’ needs.  相似文献   

叶笛 《船舶工程》2019,41(S1):26-29
在大型邮轮中,居住类舱室作为游客休闲和休息的重要场所,是游客享受邮轮生活的基础。此文对居住类舱室的分类(套房、阳台房、海景房和内舱房)及相对配比进行了详细阐述,总结了邮轮中居住类舱室的设计要点,并对我国首制邮轮的舱室提出了配置建议。  相似文献   

谢岗 《水运工程》2011,(5):99-102
阐述国际邮轮接驳旅客的特点及对码头工艺布局的要求,分析邮轮码头旅客登离邮轮的工艺方式。邮轮旅客登船桥是邮轮与旅客联检大楼实现无缝连接的关键设备,在邮轮码头采用现代化的旅客登船桥,旅客上下船服务能够充分体现人性化,有效保障旅客舒适、安全、高效和便捷上下船,满足综合物流化及"一关三检"的要求。通过介绍国内已经投产的两种典型邮轮旅客登船桥的技术特点和邮轮码头平面工艺布局,为未来需要规划建设的邮轮码头提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In the present context of booming cruise demand, the study aims to advance the knowledge on port of call performance from cruise passengers’ perspective. The aim of this investigation was twofold: (1) to examine the structural links among port of call perceived quality–satisfaction–future intentions (revisit and word-of-mouth (WOM) behaviour); and (2) to test the moderating effect of cruisers’ motivation (push versus pull factors) to visit the port of call on the proposed structural links. Partial least squares path modelling was used to test the proposed model with a sample of 492 cruise passengers at a Mediterranean port of call. The findings revealed that port of call quality has a positive impact on port of call satisfaction, which in turn, strongly affects revisit and WOM intention. Besides, the results of the multi-group analysis indicated that the links between port of call quality–satisfaction and port of call satisfaction–WOM are moderated by cruisers’ motivation. Implications for port authorities and cruise lines are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the simulation modelling of cruise ship traffic in the Boka Kotorska Bay (BKB), which has become a very attractive cruise destination due to its geographic location, port features and attractiveness for tourism. The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of new port infrastructure, because of the increased cruise ship arrivals in recent years. The paper describes in detail the layout of the port of Kotor and the possibilities for quay extensions. The solution to minimize the number of ships at anchorage instead of being at berth is given, because the passengers of the latter ships have a more convenient approach towards the port. The simulation model is verified and the simulation results are validated against the real data prior to an investigation of the possible scenario for quay extension. The proposed solution confirms the preliminary survey results that initiated the investigation of possibilities to improve the port infrastructure. Moreover, simulation results point towards a significant improvement of cruise ships throughput in the BKB. The proposed operational policies and statistical analysis, as well as a comprehensive model analysis of the BKB provided here, are a good foundation for future investigations.  相似文献   

The Passenger Vessel Services Act (PVSA) of 1886, a cabotage law, attempts to shield U.S. maritime shipping from foreign competition. It also applies to the U.S. cruise ship industry. The PVSA requires foreign cruise ships that carry passengers between U.S. ports to also stop at foreign ports. Norwegian Cruise Line America (NCLA), which operates one U.S. flagged cruise ship in Hawaii, wants the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to require foreign cruise ships offering Hawaii itineraries from the U.S. west coast to spend more time in foreign ports. We analyze the merits of NCLA's proposal. We argue that rather than making the PVSA even more protectionist, the law should be repealed.  相似文献   

随着海上人员运输和旅游业的发展,以及对生命财产安全关注度的提高,乘客的紧急撤离作为船舶安全的最后一道保障,获得高度重视。以海安会通函MSC/Circ.1033为依据,对琼州海峡950m车道/999客海口-海安航线客滚船的脱险通道,在优化布置的基础上,考虑夜晚和白天两种工况,详细地计算和评估其撤离逃生性能,并对客船撤离系统前期的设计要点进行总结归纳。  相似文献   

杨伟佳 《水运工程》2013,(10):263-266
基于吴淞口国际邮轮港交通组织设计,重点分析旅客到达后通关边检采用M/M/N和N-M//M/1随机排队模型的异 同点,研究了通关排队服务采用两个不同模型的体验差异,对解决排队旅客与服务机构两方面利益的最优控制问题提出了 初步解决方案。  相似文献   

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