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Recently, bus transit operators have begun to adopt technologies that enable bus locations to be tracked from a central location in real-time. Combined with other technologies, such as automated passenger counting and wireless communication, it is now feasible for these operators to execute a variety of real-time strategies for coordinating the movement of buses along their routes. This paper compares control strategies that depend on technologies for communication, tracking and passenger counting, to those that depend solely on local information (e.g., time that a bus arrived at a stop, and whether other connecting buses have also arrived). We also develop methods to forecast bus arrival times, which are most accurate for lines with long headways, as is usually the case in timed transfer systems. These methods are tested in simulations, which demonstrate that technology is most advantageous when the schedule slack is close to zero, when the headway is large, and when there are many connecting buses.  相似文献   

Both coordinated-actuated signal control systems and signal priority control systems have been widely deployed for the last few decades. However, these two control systems are often conflicting with each due to different control objectives. This paper aims to address the conflicting issues between actuated-coordination and multi-modal priority control. Enabled by vehicle-to-infrastructure (v2i) communication in Connected Vehicle Systems, priority eligible vehicles, such as emergency vehicles, transit buses, commercial trucks, and pedestrians are able to send request for priority messages to a traffic signal controller when approaching a signalized intersection. It is likely that multiple vehicles and pedestrians will send requests such that there may be multiple active requests at the same time. A request-based mixed-integer linear program (MILP) is formulated that explicitly accommodate multiple priority requests from different modes of vehicles and pedestrians while simultaneously considering coordination and vehicle actuation. Signal coordination is achieved by integrating virtual coordination requests for priority in the formulation. A penalty is added to the objective function when the signal coordination is not fulfilled. This “soft” signal coordination allows the signal plan to adjust itself to serve multiple priority requests that may be from different modes. The priority-optimal signal timing is responsive to real-time actuations of non-priority demand by allowing phases to extend and gap out using traditional vehicle actuation logic. The proposed control method is compared with state-of-practice transit signal priority (TSP) both under the optimized signal timing plans using microscopic traffic simulation. The simulation experiments show that the proposed control model is able to reduce average bus delay, average pedestrian delay, and average passenger car delay, especially for highly congested condition with a high frequency of transit vehicle priority requests.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new dynamic bus control strategy aimed at reducing the negative effects of time-headway variations on route performance, based on real-time bus tracking data at stops. In routes with high demand, any delay of a single vehicle ends up causing an unstable motion of buses and producing the bus bunching phenomena. This strategy controls the cruising speed of buses and considers the extension of the green phase of traffic lights at intersections, when a bus is significantly delayed. The performance of this strategy will be compared to the current static operation technique based on the provision of slack times at holding points. An operational model is presented in order to estimate the effects of each controlling strategy, taking into account the vehicle capacity constraint. Control strategies are assessed in terms of passenger total travel time, operating cost as well as on the coefficient of headway variation. The effects of controlling strategies are tested in an idealized bus route under different operational settings and in the bus route of highest demand in Barcelona by simulation. The results show that the proposed dynamic controlling strategy reduces total system cost (user and agency) by 15–40% as well as the coefficient of headway variation 53–78% regarding the uncontrolled case, providing a bus performance similar to the expected when time disturbance is not presented.  相似文献   

As is well known, bus systems are naturally unstable. Without control, buses on a single line tend to bunch, reducing their punctuality in meeting a schedule. Although conventional schedule-based strategies that hold buses at control points can alleviate this problem these methods require too much slack, which slows buses. This delays on-board passengers and increases operating costs.It is shown that dynamic holding strategies based on headways alone cannot help buses adhere to a schedule. Therefore, a family of dynamic holding strategies that use bus arrival deviations from a virtual schedule at the control points is proposed. The virtual schedule is introduced whether the system is run with a published schedule or not. It is shown that with this approach, buses can both closely adhere to a published schedule and maintain regular headways without too much slack.A one-parameter version of the method can be optimized in closed form. This simple method is shown to be near-optimal. To put it in practice, the only data needed in real time are the arrival times of the current bus and the preceding bus at the control point relative to the virtual schedule. The simple method was found to require about 40% less slack than the conventional schedule-based method. When used only to regulate headways it outperforms headway-based methods.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of hybrid and electric city buses in fleet operation. The analysis is founded on an energy consumption analysis, which is carried out on the basis of extensive simulations in different bus routes. A conventional diesel city bus is used as a reference for the CBA. Five different full size hybrid and electric city bus configurations were considered in this study; two parallel and two series hybrid buses, and one electric city bus. Overall, the simulation results indicate that plug-in hybrid and electric city buses have the best potential to reduce energy consumption and emissions. The capital and energy storage system costs of city buses are the most critical factors for improving the cost-efficiency of these alternative city bus configurations. Furthermore, the operation schedule and route planning are important to take into account when selecting hybrid and electric city buses for fleet operation.  相似文献   

Many existing algorithms for bus arrival time prediction assume that buses travel at free‐flow speed in the absence of congestion. As a result, delay incurred at one stop would propagate to downstream stops at the same magnitude. In reality, skilled bus operators often constantly adjust their speeds to keep their bus on schedule. This paper formulates a Markov chain model for bus arrival time prediction that explicitly captures the behavior of bus operators in actively pursuing schedule recovery. The model exhibits some desirable properties in capturing the schedule recovery process. It guarantees provision of the schedule information if the probability of recovering from the current schedule deviation is sufficiently high. The proposed model can be embedded into a transit arrival time estimation model for transit information systems that use both real‐time and schedule information. It also has the potential to be used as a decision support tool to determine when dynamic or static information should be used.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of scheduling bus maintenance activities. The scheduling of maintenance activities is an important component in bus transit operations planning process. The other components include network route design, setting timetables, scheduling vehicles, and assignment of drivers. This paper presents a mathematical programming approach to the problem. This approach takes as input a given daily operating schedule for all buses assigned to a depot along with available maintenance resources. It, then, attempts to design daily inspection and maintenance schedules for the buses that are due for inspection so as to minimize the interruptions in the daily bus operating schedule, and maximize the utilization of the maintenance facilities. Three integer programming formulations are presented and different properties of the problem are discussed. Several heuristic methods are presented and tested. Some of these procedures produce very close to optimal solutions very efficiently. In some cases, the computational times required to obtain these solutions are less than 1% of the computational time required for the conventional branch and bound algorithm. Several small examples are offered and the computational results of solving the problem for an actual, 181-bus transit property are reported.  相似文献   

In uncontrolled bus systems, buses tend to bunch due to the stochastic nature of traffic flows and passenger demand at bus stops. Although schedules and priori target methods introduce slack time to delay buses at control points to maintain constant headways between successive buses, too much slack required delay passengers on-board. In addition, these methods focus on regular headways and do not consider the rates of convergence of headways after disturbances. We propose a self-adaptive control scheme to equalize the headways of buses with little slack in a single line automatically. The proposed method only requires the information from the current bus at the control point and both its leading and following buses. This elegant method is shown to regulate headways faster than existing methods. In addition, compared to previous self-equalizing methods, the proposed method can improve the travel time of buses by about 12%, while keeping the waiting time of passengers almost the same.  相似文献   

This research extends a static threshold based control strategy used to control headway variation to a dynamic threshold based control strategy. In the static strategy, buses are controlled by setting a threshold value that holds buses at a control point for a certain amount of time before allowing the bus to continue along the route. The threshold remains constant each time the bus stops at the control point. The dynamic strategy involves the same principle of holding buses at a bus stop; however, a different threshold value is chosen each time the bus holds at a control point. The results indicate that in cases where the static threshold is set equal to the scheduled headway, very low headway variation and passenger system times result; however, passengers on board the bus are penalized by extra delay on the bus while waiting at the control point. The dynamic strategy reduces the penalty to passengers delayed on-board the bus at a control point at the expense of a slight increase in overall passenger system time.The results indicate that in most cases, the tradeoff of the slight increase in waiting time for the significant decrease in on-board delay penalty makes the dynamic strategy an acceptable choice.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the combination effects of queue jump lanes (QJLs) on signalised arterials to establish if a multiplier effect exists, that is, the benefit from providing QJLs at multiple intersections is higher than the sum of benefits from providing them individually at each of those intersections. To explore the combination effects on bus delay and total person delay, a delay estimation model is developed using kinematic wave theory, kinematic equations and Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, to investigate the combination effects in offset settings optimised for bus delay or total person delay, offset optimisation models are proposed. Validation results using traffic micro‐simulation indicate the effectiveness and computational efficiency of the proposed models. Results of a modelling test bed suggest that providing QJLs at multiple intersections can create a multiplier effect on one‐directional bus delay savings with signal offsets that provide bus progression. Furthermore, optimising offsets to minimise bus delay tends to create a multiplier effect on one‐directional bus delay savings, particularly when variations in dwell times are not high. The reason for the multiplier effect may be that providing QJLs reduces variations in bus travel times, which makes signal coordination for buses perform more effectively. From a policy perspective, the existence of a multiplier effect suggests that a corridor‐wide scale implementation of QJLs has considerable merit. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a real-time signal control system that optimizes signal settings based on minimization of person delay on arterials. The system’s underlying mixed integer linear program minimizes person delay by explicitly accounting for the passenger occupancy of autos and transit vehicles. This way it can provide signal priority to transit vehicles in an efficient way even when they travel in conflicting directions. Furthermore, it recognizes the importance of schedule adherence for reliable transit operations and accounts for it by assigning an additional weighting factor on transit delays. This introduces another criterion for resolving the issue of assigning priority to conflicting transit routes. At the same time, the system maintains auto vehicle progression by introducing the appropriate delays associated with interruptions of platoons. In addition to the fact that it utilizes readily available technologies to obtain the inputs for the optimization, the system’s feasibility in real-world settings is enhanced by its low computation time. The proposed signal control system is tested on a four-intersection segment of San Pablo Avenue arterial located in Berkeley, California. The findings show the system’s capability to outperform pretimed (i.e., fixed-time) optimal signal settings by reducing total person delay. They have also demonstrated its success in reducing bus person delay by efficiently providing priority to transit vehicles even when they travel in conflicting directions.  相似文献   

Dispatchers in many public transit companies face the daily problem of assigning available buses to bus routes under conditions of bus shortages. In addition to this, weather conditions, crew absenteeism, traffic accidents, traffic congestion and other factors lead to disturbances of the planned schedule. We propose the Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) algorithm for mitigation of bus schedule disturbances. The developed model takes care of interests of the transit operator and passengers. The model reassigns available buses to bus routes and, if it is allowed, the model simultaneously changes the transportation network topology (it shortens some of the planned bus routes) and reassigns available buses to a new set of bus routes. The model is tested on the network of Rivera (Uruguay). Results obtained show that the proposed algorithm can significantly mitigate disruptions.  相似文献   

If bus service departure times are not completely unknown to the passengers, non-uniform passenger arrival patterns can be expected. We propose that passengers decide their arrival time at stops based on a continuous logit model that considers the risk of missing services. Expected passenger waiting times are derived in a bus system that allows also for overtaking between bus services. We then propose an algorithm to derive the dwell time of subsequent buses serving a stop in order to illustrate when bus bunching might occur. We show that non-uniform arrival patterns can significantly influence the bus bunching process. With case studies we find that, even without exogenous delay, bunching can arise when the boarding rate is insufficient given the level of overall demand. Further, in case of exogenous delay, non-uniform arrivals can either worsen or improve the bunching conditions, depending on the level of delay. We conclude that therefore such effects should be considered when service control measures are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study an important problem that arises with the fast development of public transportation systems: when a large number of bus lines share the same bus stop, a long queue of buses often forms when they wait to get into the stop in rush hours. This causes a significant increase of bus delay and a notable drop of traffic capacity near the bus stop. Various measures had been proposed to relieve the congestions near bus stops. However, all of them require considerable financial budgets and construction time costs. In this paper, with the concept of berth assignment redesign, a simulation‐based heuristic algorithm is proposed to make full use of exiting bus berths. In this study, a trustable simulation platform is designed, and the major influencing factors for bus stop operations are considered. The concept of risk control is also introduced to better evaluate the performance of different berth arrangement plans and makes an appropriate trade‐off between the system's efficiency and stability. Finally, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to find a sub‐optimal berth assignment plan. Tests on a typical bus stop show that this algorithm is efficient and fast. The sub‐optimal berth assignment plan obtained by this algorithm could make remarkable improvements to an actual bus stop. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Upon having loaded and unloaded their passengers, buses are often free to exit a multi-berth bus stop without delay. A bus need not wait to perform this exit maneuver, even if it requires circumventing one or more other buses that are still dwelling in the stop’s downstream berths. Yet, many jurisdictions impose restrictions on bus entry maneuvers into a stop to limit disruptions to cars and other buses. Buses are typically prohibited from entering a stop whenever this would require maneuvering around other buses still dwelling in upstream berths. An entering bus is instead required to wait in queue until the upstream berths are vacated.Analytical models are formulated to predict how bus discharge flows from busy, multi-berth stops are affected by allowing buses to freely exit, but not freely enter berths. These models apply when: a bus queue is always present at the stop’s entrance; buses depart the entry queue and enter the stop as per the restriction described above; and the stop is isolated from the effects of nearby traffic signals and other bus stops. We find that for these restricted-entry stops, bus-carrying capacities can often be improved by regulating the exit maneuvers as well. This turns out to be particularly true when the stop’s number of berths is large. Simulations show that these findings still hold when a stop is only moderately busy with entry queues that persist for much, but not all of the time. The simulations also indicate that removing any restrictions on bus exit maneuvers is almost always productive when stops are not busy, such that short entry queues form only on occasion, and only for short periods. We argue why certain simple policies for regulating exit maneuvers would likely enhance bus-stop discharge flows.  相似文献   

Time of day partition of bus operating hours is a prerequisite of bus schedule design. Reasonable partition plan is essential to improve the punctuality and level of service. In most mega cities, bus vehicles have been equipped with global positioning system (GPS) devices, which is convenient for transit agency to monitor bus operations. In this paper, a new algorithm is developed based on GPS data to partition bus operating hours into time of day intervals. Firstly, the impacts of passenger demand and network traffic state on bus operational performance are analyzed. Then bus dwell time at stops and inter-stop travel time, which can be attained based on GPS data, are selected as partition indexes. For buses clustered in the same time-of-day interval, threshold values of differences in dwell time at stops and inter-stop travel time are determined. The buses in the same time-of-day interval should have adjacent dispatching numbers, which is set as a constraint. Consequently, a partition algorithm with three steps is developed. Finally, a bus route in Suzhou China is taken as an example to validate the algorithm. Three partition schemes are given by setting different threshold values for the two partition indexes. The present scheme in practice is compared with the three proposed schemes. To balance the number of ToD intervals and partition precision, a Benefit Evaluation Index is proposed, for a better time-of-day interval plan.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model-based multiobjective control strategy to reduce bus bunching and hence improve public transport reliability. Our goal is twofold. First, we define a proper model, consisting of multiple static and dynamic components. Bus-following model captures the longitudinal dynamics taking into account the interaction with the surrounding traffic. Furthermore, bus stop operations are modeled to estimate dwell time. Second, a shrinking horizon model predictive controller (MPC) is proposed for solving bus bunching problems. The model is able to predict short time-space behavior of public transport buses enabling constrained, finite horizon, optimal control solution to ensure homogeneity of service both in time and space. In this line, the goal with the selected rolling horizon control scheme is to choose a proper velocity profile for the public transport bus such that it keeps both timetable schedule and a desired headway from the bus in front of it (leading bus). The control strategy predicts the arrival time at a bus stop using a passenger arrival and dwell time model. In this vein, the receding horizon model predictive controller calculates an optimal velocity profile based on its current position and desired arrival time. Four different weighting strategies are proposed to test (i) timetable only, (ii) headway only, (iii) balanced timetable - headway tracking and (iv) adaptive control with varying weights. The controller is tested in a high fidelity traffic simulator with realistic scenarios. The behavior of the system is analyzed by considering extreme disturbances. Finally, the existence of a Pareto front between these two objectives is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

A schedule consisting of an appropriate arrival time at each time control point can ensure reliable transport services. This paper develops a novel time control point strategy coupled with transfer coordination for solving a multi‐objective schedule design problem to improve schedule adherence and reduce intermodal transfer disutility. The problem is formulated using a robust mixed‐integer nonlinear programming model. The mixed‐integer nonlinear programming model is equivalently transformed into a robust mixed‐integer linear programming model, which is then approximated by a deterministic mixed‐integer linear programming model through Monte Carlo simulation. Thus, the optimal scheduled arrival time at each time control point can be precisely obtained using cplex . Numerical experiments based on three bus lines and the mass rapid transit system in Singapore are presented, and the results show that the schedule determined using the developed model is able to provide not only reliable bus service but also a smooth transfer experience for passengers. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Schedule-based or headway-based control schemes to reduce bus bunching are not resilient because they cannot prevent buses from losing ground to the buses they follow when disruptions increase the gaps separating them beyond a critical value. (Following buses are then overwhelmed with passengers and cannot process their work quick enough to catch up.) This critical gap problem can be avoided, however, if buses at the leading end of such gaps are given information to cooperate with the ones behind by slowing down.This paper builds on this idea. It proposes an adaptive control scheme that adjusts a bus cruising speed in real-time based on both, its front and rear spacings much as if successive bus pairs were connected by springs. The scheme is shown to yield regular headways with faster bus travel than existing control methods. Its simple and decentralized logic automatically compensates for traffic disruptions and inaccurate bus driver actions. Its hardware and data requirements are minimal.  相似文献   

Most previous works associated with transit signal priority merely focus on the optimization of signal timings, ignoring both bus speed and dwell time at bus stops. This paper presents a novel approach to optimize the holding time at bus stops, signal timings, and bus speed to provide priority to buses at isolated intersections. The objective of the proposed model is to minimize the weighted average vehicle delays of the intersection, which includes both bus delay and impact on nearby intersection traffic, ensuring that buses clear these intersections without being stopped by a red light. A set of formulations are developed to explicitly capture the interaction between bus speed, bus holding time, and transit priority signal timings. Experimental analysis is used to show that the proposed model has minimal negative impacts on general traffic and outperforms the no priority, signal priority only, and signal priority with holding control strategies (no bus speed adjustment) in terms of reducing average bus delays and stops. A sensitivity analysis further demonstrates the potential of the proposed approach to be applied to bus priority control systems in real‐time under different traffic demands, bus stop locations, and maximum speed limits. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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