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把传统货运改造成现代物流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了我国道路货运企业向物流企业转变的必要性。迫切性和困难。提出了从电子商务的货物配送入手是一种现实的选择以及在宏观上推动我国现代物流业发展的措施。  相似文献   

建立和完善公路主枢纽货运系统投资体制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析当前我国公路主枢纽货运系统投资体制现状的基础上,对主枢纽的概念进行重新描述,并给出公路主枢纽货运系统的功能定位。根据公共经济学理论对系统要素按投资来源、投资方式进行了合理划分,在充分借鉴国外公路主枢纽货运系统投资体制的前提下,提出了建立和完善社会主义市场经济条件下公路主枢纽货运系统投资体制的具体建议。  相似文献   

我国城市货运交通可持续发展问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林震  杨浩 《公路交通科技》2003,20(2):144-147
可持续发展作为一种新的发展现,已经受到了各国的普遍接受。对于可持续发展思想在城市货运交通中的运用,进行了初步的探讨。分析了我国城市货运交通现存的问题,从3个方面提出城市货运交通可持续发展的核心是提高效率。对促进城市货运交通可持续发展的对策进行了探讨,从优化货运交通结构、促进货运信息化和促进货运物流化等3个方面来提出解决城市货运交通可持续发展问题的对策。最后,在充分考虑城市货运交通可持续发展目标要求的情况下,提出了相应的评价指标体系。  相似文献   

杜林 《中国电动车》2006,(12):46-47
在总结我国铁路货运向现代物流拓展所取得成绩的基础上,从铁路货运业的现状及现代物流发展趋势的分析着手,选用SWOT分析法,从路网建设和运营管理两个方向对铁路货运向现代物流拓展的策略进行了探讨,总结了铁路货运向现代物流拓展的途径。  相似文献   

挂车地板材料不可忽视 优化物流和提高运营效率的方法有很多种.然而,鲜为人知的是,车辆的材料选择对于物流效率也有着不小的影响.挂车制造商可以通过合理地选择材料,为客户显著提升价值.  相似文献   

本文论述了发展道路货运交易中介组织的必要怀,并就道路货运交易中介组织的现场交易,委托代理,中心网络,挂牌交易等四种模式进行了探讨;提出了加速发展道路货运交易中介组织对策措施。  相似文献   

针对公路货运市场的现状,分析和探讨了如何在局部地区发展现代信息业,建立适应本地区运输市场发展的信息服务网,切实推动地区现代物流业的快速,健康发展。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO之初,面对机遇与挑战,中小货运企业应利用现代物流与电子技术信息网络及早转型现代物流,加快信息技术应用,形成公共货运物流网络,以实现低成本、低投入、高效率的运输目标,加速其物流产业的发展。  相似文献   

从货物运输与物流的关系和内蒙古的现状出发,分析了内蒙古货物运输物流化的基础条件及解决的主要问题,提出货物运输物流化的总体思路和目标及货物运输发展物流化服务的建议。  相似文献   

加强和改进现阶段道路运输安全管理工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了内蒙古自治区道路运输安全存在的主要问题,对如何加强和改进道路运输安全管理工作提出措施。  相似文献   

公路货运站场向物流园区转化的条件与模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对部分城市货运站场调研结果和研究结论,对我国公路货运站场向物流园区转化的基本条件和提升模式做了尝试性分析,以期为我国交通运输业和物流的发展提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

以农村客运网络化建设促使城乡客运一体化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加快发展农村客运、实现城乡道路客运一体化,是道路运输适应小康社会建设要求的具体表现,也是道路运输管理部门新的职能。进入信息社会以来,信息化已经成为实现交通一体化必不可少的手段.基于对内蒙古自治区城乡一体化发展过程中面临的新形势、新问题,分析了促进城乡一体化的方法和途径,并提出切实可行的解决方案以及政策保障措施。  相似文献   

结合内蒙古自治区的区情,分析了自治区公路货物运输的现状,指出目前内蒙古自治区公路货物运输与社会经济协调发展中存在的问题及发展的趋势.  相似文献   

《JSAE Review》1999,20(4):505-510
The ride and handling qualities of conventional delivery trucks are wores compared to modern passenger cars. However this vehicles have the power to drive as fast as passenger cars. Vehicle comfort and driving safety are mostly influenced by vertical accelerations and vehicle movements caused by pitch and roll motions. In the paper “Vehicle Dynamics with Adaptive or Semi-Active Suspension Systems – Demands on Software and Hardware” Wallentowitz and Ridlich have shown at AVEC'94 in which way tyre stiffness, shock absorber characteristics, spring stiffness and unsprung mass have an influence on vehicle comfort and active safety. They achieved these results by the theoretical analysis of a quarter-vehicle-model. Their examinations are extended in this paper on the model of a complete delivery truck. By the use of the multibody-simulation tool SIMPACK the road performance of a delivery truck will be analysed. Therefore a complex model of the vehicle has been built up in SIMPACK. Several computer simulations have been carried out to analyse the vehicle comfort and handling characteristics in different standard driving manoeuvres.Furthermore, the potential of improvements is shown by simulating different driving manoeuvres with the complete vehicle model by varying some vehicle characteristics such as tyre stiffness, shock absorber characteristics, spring stiffness and unsprung mass.In addition to that, simulations with models of unconventional spring- and damper-systems have been carried out to demonstrate the potential of improvements by the use of these systems. Two different controller algorithms for a semiactive and an active suspension system have been used an will be compared in this paper.  相似文献   

Previous work in the railway technology laboratory at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) focused on better capturing the dynamics of the friction wedge, modelled using three-dimensional rigid body dynamics with unilateral contact conditions. The current study extends the previous work to a half-bogie model treated as an application of multibody dynamics with unilateral contact to model the friction wedge interactions with the bolster and the sideframe. The half-bogie model was derived using MATLAB and functions as a three dimensional, dynamic, and multibody dynamics model comprised of four rigid bodies: a bolster, two friction wedges, and a sideframe assembly. This expanded model allows each wedge four degrees of freedom: vertical displacement, longitudinal displacement (between the bolster and sideframe), pitch (rotation around the lateral axis), and yaw (rotation around the vertical axis). The bolster and the sideframe are constrained to have only the vertical degree of freedom. The geometry of these bodies can be adjusted for various simulation scenarios. The bolster can be initialised with a pre-defined yaw (rotation around the vertical axis) and the sideframe may be initialised with a pre-defined pitch/toe (rotation around the lateral axis). The results of the multibody dynamics in half-bogie model simulation are shown in comparison with results from NUCARS®, an industry standard in train-modelling software, for similar inputs.  相似文献   

Karlheinz Haupt先生是CAS执行董事,主管电气驱动业务.他说,欧洲首款油电混合动力量产车有望在2008年底或2009年初入市销售.  相似文献   

本文说明了车身焊装质量是决定整个车身质量的重要因素;分析了重卡车身的结构特点,指出了在车身设计及整个生产过程中,影响车身焊装质量的几个关键环节,并提出了改进车身焊装质量的相应措施。  相似文献   

The volume of international trade and freight transport in Asia has witnessed fast growth in recent decades. The resulting environmental impact of freight transport operations has become a major cause of concern. Intermodal transport has gained prominence recently due to its potential to offer door-to-door service through the integration of various modes of transport in the logistics chain, improved coordination and services, and the development of intermodal interfaces. However, few studies have focused on this development in Asia.The development of intermodal transport requires transport links, nodes, and services. The development of dry ports, an important component of intermodal transport, could play a major role in promoting intermodal transport in Asia, including its twelve landlocked countries. Dry ports located in deep inland areas, as opposed to near the sea, would incorporate customs and other related facilities and rail links, as well as provide for transfer, transshipment, and distribution functions for cargo. By encouraging a modal shift, such dry ports would help to ease road traffic congestion and reduce emissions.This study reviews the status of intermodal freight transport in Asia from an environmental perspective. It examines intermodal transport opportunities presented by the development of inland dry ports in hinterland locations. This paper also reviews selected case studies of dry port development in Asia. Finally, we present the lessons to be learned for the promotion of intermodal freight transport from selected Asian countries as well as the policy options available.  相似文献   

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