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It is essential for a safe and cost-efficient marine operation to improve the knowledge about the real-time onboard vessel conditions. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for simultaneous tuning of important vessel seakeeping model parameters and sea state characteristics based on onboard vessel motion measurements and available wave data. The proposed algorithm is fundamentally based on the unscented transformation and inspired by the scaled unscented Kalman filter, which is very computationally efficient for large dimensional and nonlinear problems. The algorithm is demonstrated by case studies based on numerical simulations, considering realistic sensor noises and wave data uncertainties. Both long-crested and short-crested wave conditions are considered in the case studies. The system state of the proposed tuning framework consists of a vessel state vector and a sea state vector. The tuning results reasonably approach the true values of the considered uncertain vessel parameters and sea state characteristics, with reduced uncertainties. The quantification of the system state uncertainties helps to close a critical gap towards achieving reliability-based marine operations.  相似文献   

采用基于三维时域Rankine源方法的水动力分析软件Wasim,对某小水线面双体科考船在不同航速、不同海况与不同浪向下的耐波性进行了计算与分析,重点对不同工况下小水线面双体船横摇、纵摇和垂荡性能进行了研究.研究表明:无航速时,横摇有义单幅值极大值出现在90°浪向,纵摇极大值出现在0°与180°浪向;较高航速时,横摇响应最大单幅值出现在60°与90°浪向,纵摇在30°,150°和180°浪向时明显较大;波浪对连接桥的砰击会显著影响SWATH船的运动响应,使垂荡运动幅值显著增大;随航速的提高,顺浪航行下纵摇运动幅值逐渐减小.  相似文献   

利用CFD数值模拟仿真计算,以减摇减阻为目的,在倒V形船艏的基础上进行船艏改型设计。利用商业软件FineMarine对原型和改型的静水阻力、波浪增阻、纵摇幅值、升沉幅值、波浪中的运动响应等进行数值计算,并对比计算结果,评价改型效果。计算结果表明,改型后静水阻力、规则波中的升沉和纵摇均有不同幅度的减小。  相似文献   

千吨级高耐波性单体复合船型模型试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章对哈尔滨工程大学研发的千吨级单体复合船型进行快速性和耐波性试验研究,通过对千吨级圆舭母型船、加装组合附体及改进深V型加装组合附体等复合船型进行模型试验,分析比较不同方案的阻力性能和耐波性能。试验结果表明所研发的深V单体复合船型,能在兼顾阻力性能的前提下,使纵向运动得到显著改善,大幅提升了千吨级单体船的耐波性能。  相似文献   

准确预报船体运动响应对于砰击等波浪载荷的计算以及合理结构设计具有重要意义。船舶在大幅波浪中的运动呈明显的非线性,而现阶段耐波性预报多采用线性切片方法。三维水动力分析软件 WASIM基于时域势流理论,采用 Rankine面元法预报船舶在波浪中的运动响应,并考虑了多种非线性因素。本文以标模 DTMB5512为对象,采用 WASIM预报其在不同航速下的耐波性,并与基于线性切片理论的计算结果和模型试验结果进行对比。结果表明:利用 WASIM计算得到的船体运动响应比其他方法更接近试验值,合理体现了船舶在风浪中的实际耐波性能。因此,利用 WASIM能够较好地评估船舶在波浪中的非线性耐波特性。  相似文献   

许勇  董文才  欧勇鹏 《船舶力学》2012,16(5):497-503
针对FFT频率分辨率受限制且精度不高的缺点以及船模对波浪的运动响应频率是低频且窄带的特点,采用FFT-FS方法对测量的运动响应信号在其对应的窄带频段内进行频谱细化获得更细致准确的信号频域特征;通过对该算法的运算量及分析精度的研究表明该算法是一种运算效率高、分析精度高且受信号本身信噪比影响小的频域分析方法;通过对船模运动响应的仿真信号和实测信号的分析表明该算法确实能有效地用于船模耐波性试验测量数据的定量分析。  相似文献   

A vessel's response to waves is dependent on a large number of parameters, some of which are both frequency and direction dependent. To predict vessel response, these parameters are used to construct response amplitude operators (RAOs) that act as transfer functions between the directional wave spectra and the motion spectra of the vessel. In particular situations, however, vessel motions predicted using RAOs calculated with general-purpose radiation-diffraction codes and measured wave spectra are found to deviate from measured vessel responses. To address this problem, a methodology for calibrating RAOs based on measurements of the directional wave spectra and vessel motions is proposed. Use is made of a vector fitting method through which the frequency dependent hydrodynamic properties of the vessel can be approximated by a ratio of two polynomials, thus greatly reducing the number of parameters that need to be calibrated. The reduced set of parameters is subsequently related to previously identified causes of RAO inaccuracy in order to arrive at optimization algorithms for identifying more accurate RAOs from the measurements. It is shown that the RAOs can be improved with accuracy in situations where the discrepancies are caused by imprecise estimates for the vessel's radii of gyration, center of gravity, or viscous damping. When the discrepancies in the RAOs are related to the potential mass, damping and wave forces, however, the problem becomes highly non-convex and it is not possible to find a unique RAO that satisfies the data.  相似文献   

基于UKF的水下目标纯方位跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲毅  刘忠  GUO Rui 《舰船科学技术》2009,31(7):133-136
将基于无迹变换的UKF方法运用到水下目标运动分析中,给出了具体步骤,讨论了其目标运动分析问题.利用测得的纯方位序列,建立了状态方程和观测方程.通过蒙特卡洛模拟仿真,结果表明,在处理非线性问题中,UKF方法在滤波精度上有较明显的提高;在实际应用中,该方法计算量小、实现简单,有较强的实用性.  相似文献   

王琳  杨斌 《水运工程》2016,(10):57-60
与沿海码头相比,内河码头船舶系泊作业受水流影响更为显著,且流向多为顺流。通过系泊仿真试验,以允许船舶系泊作业时的最大运动量为控制标准,分析允许船舶系泊作业时的各项限制条件,尤其是限定的水流条件。现行《规范》对码头系泊作业时基于船舶运动量下的限制波浪、风速、水流等未予以明述,本文研究结果可为相关船舶系泊作业提供理论参考。  相似文献   

受船舶随机到港的驱动,集装箱港区实时交通量具有较强的随机性,如何合理预测对于港区集疏运系统规划具有重要意义。目前,对于集疏运交通量的预测多根据统计资料利用“不平衡系数法”进行推算,而新建港区往往不具备历史资料,在港区规划初期此方法的应用存在较大局限。本研究构建了考虑船舶随机到港影响的港区作业系统仿真模型,模拟从船舶到港到集装箱离港的整个作业过程,预测出港区的实时交通量,并对模型进行验证。最后以北方某新建国际集装箱枢纽港区为例,分析该港区船舶到港规律,应用仿真模型预测其在不同规模时的集疏运交通量,为分阶段建设该港区集疏运系统提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于水下电场试验系统,测量和分析了模拟海水环境中舰船物理缩比模型的腐蚀相关静电场,考察了舰船静电场的分布特性,并对不同辅助阳极位置及输出电流强度情形静电场特征进行对比分析,为基于电场特征控制的舰船隐身设计提供理论参考.  相似文献   

以三体船船模为研究对象,通过理论研究、船模试验、数值模拟三者相结合的方式,对其快速性进行研究。在快速性试验的基础上,笔者基于ISIGHT-FD软件平台,建立数学模型,从船舶阻力和船舶推进相结合的角度出发,选用遗传算法建立辨识系统,分析该三体船船模的片体布局对其快速性的影响以及船、机、桨的配合情况。最终,通过绘制的剩余阻力曲线和敞水效率曲线,验证辨识结果并加以预报。  相似文献   

基于反步滑模算法的水下无人航行器变深控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对水下无人航行器(UUV)的深度控制问题,提出一种反步法与滑模控制相结合的变深控制策略,避免了一般反步法中因虚拟控制量调节过度而导致的UUV姿态失衡问题。首先,基于反步法和Lyapunov稳定性理论设计纵摇角和纵摇角速度两个虚拟控制量,并建立误差方程;然后,引入一阶滑模面并结合李雅普诺夫第二方法设计控制律,消除部分模型非线性项,保证所有状态误差全局渐进收敛于零;最后,对两组仿真算例进行分析。结果表明:在慢时变有界干扰下,所设计的控制器具有较好的深度跟踪性能和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

参数在线辨识是目前电力系统负荷建模的主要手段,而在辨识方法上主要使用了优化类算法.首先改进以往混沌优化算法的流程,增加参数搜索范围自动缩小的功能,减少一次混沌序列生成的步骤.对测试函数的优化结果表明改进算法在保证精度的基础上大大提高了寻优速度.然后,将该改进算法应用到了船舶综合负荷模型的参数辨识上,仿真结果说明该算法寻优速度快,并且有良好的辨识精度.通过对仿真结果的分析指出,对于负荷模型参数辨识,合理缩小参数寻优范围有助于提高算法的精度.  相似文献   

张平豪  吴新跃 《船舶力学》2011,15(7):799-805
为了对舰用气囊隔振器隔振特性进行评估,使用ABAQUS软件计算了不同安装方式的隔振器系统的前20阶固有频率,并在此基础上进行了频率响应分析,得出不同安装方式对隔振性能的影响。在总结精确有限元模型计算结果的基础上提出了囊式空气弹簧隔振器的简化有限元模型建立方法。分析计算的结果表明:通过有限元数值仿真计算能够全面地分析囊式空气弹簧隔振器的隔振特性。文中研究对于舰用囊式空气弹簧隔振器的隔振模型及设计有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

文章在已有单航次的舰船噪声空间特性建模分析方法等研究成果的基础上,进一步研究了若干航次条件下的统计建模及分析方法。该研究主要以单一部位垂向剖面的噪声指向性为例,建立了基于最优回归理论的舰船目标辐射噪声特性的统计模型及分析方法,并开展了海上实测研究,验证了该模型及分析方法的正确性和可行性。该项成果为深入分析不同航行工况下各类舰船目标的噪声空间特性及其统计规律等创造了条件。  相似文献   

Monopile-supported offshore wind turbines (OWTs) are dynamically sensitive structures whose fundamental frequencies may be close to those of environmental and turbine-related excitations. The changes in fundamental frequencies caused by pile-soil interaction (PSI) may result in unwanted resonance and serious O&M (Operation and Maintenance) issues, which have been identified as major challenges in the research field. Therefore, a novel model updating framework with an implicit objective function is proposed to monitor both the stiffness and damping variation of the OWT system based on the measured vibration characteristics, which is further verified by laboratory tests. In particular, layered soil was considered in the tests to simulate the practical soil conditions of Chinese seas. Different pile lengths were introduced to consider the long-term PSI effects for rigid piles and slender piles. The results showed that the variation in the fundamental frequency is significantly reduced in layered soil compared with the pure sand scenario. For the OWT systems in layered soil, the variation in foundation stiffness is negatively related to the burial depth under cyclic loading. The proposed model updating framework is proven reliable for support condition monitoring of OWT systems in complicated soil conditions.  相似文献   

为了提高水下航行器组合导航系统的精度,针对滤波算法存在较大的截断误差和累积误差等问题,提出了一种基于无迹变换改进多模型滤波算法,并利用辅助信息对估计结果进行修正。首先通过无迹变换产生Sigma点对非线性测量方程进行近似,构造伪观测量进行偏差估计,然后利用基于加权因子的辅助信息融合算法,消除累积误差,进一步提高系统估计精度,最后给出算法的实现过程。仿真结果表明:与常规的多模型滤波算法相比,本文方法提高了估计精度。  相似文献   

基于灰色动态MGM(1,n)模型的舰船纵摇-升沉运动预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舰船在实际海况中的运动因受到各种因素的影响而非常复杂,六个自由度之间相互耦合构成一个复杂的系统,因此建立描述舰船运动的系统模型并对各自由度运动进行实时预报具有非常重要的意义.灰色MGM(1,n)模型用微分方程的形式表现了一个系统中n个因素对某个因素变化率的影响,可以用于对非线性复杂系统的系统预测.通过对灰色系统理论的学习发现对原始数据用极差变换进行预处理后会更适合MGM(1,n)模型的拟合,为模型预测打下了良好的基础.在充分的理论研究基础上,本文对船模水池试验获得的纵摇、升沉运动数据以及海浪数据进行极差变换后建立灰色MGM(1,n)模型,并对纵摇、升沉进行非线性预报,得到了较好的效果.  相似文献   

Although the nonlinear effects of the ship motions, wave-induced loads and structural responses of conventional vessels have been investigated experimentally and numerically in recent years, similar studies on the wave-piercing tumblehome (WPTH) vessels are rare, in spite of the urgent necessary due to their extensive applications. This paper experimentally investigated the nonlinear effects of the vertical motions and vertical bending moment (VBM) for a WPTH vessel based on a hydro-elastic segmented model test. The model test was carried out in head regular waves for three amplitudes, in the towing tank at Harbin Engineering University. Based on the band-pass filter technique, four kinds of decomposed harmonics are defined by mean offset, linear wave-frequency response, nonlinear wave-frequency response and nonlinear high-frequency vibration. Meanwhile, based on mean offset, three kinds of combined responses are defined by considering linear wave-frequency response, nonlinear wave-frequency response and nonlinear high-frequency vibrations step by step. The transfer functions of vertical motions and VBM are presented as function of the incident wave frequency, and the measured data and VBM were compared with numerical calculations for validation. With the method proposed above, the results of VBM are analyzed by focusing on the influences of decomposed harmonics on the amplitudes and asymmetry of combined responses. Strong nonlinear effects are observed in the VBM. The nonlinearity of VBM can be identified by the significant amplitudes of decomposed harmonics, variation of amplitude with the wave amplitude and remarkable asymmetry about the zero axis. The hogging VBM of WPTH vessel can be even larger than the sagging VBM, which is in contrast to the general experiences from conventional vessels. Combined the calculated relative motion with the decomposed and combined histories of VBM, the occurrence of the transient impact and its characteristics are discussed, and these are then used to analyze the unconventional asymmetry of VBM. Furthermore, the influences of the bow shape over the vertical motions and VBM are discussed. At the end of the paper, the uncertainties in the test are provided.  相似文献   

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