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与其它国家相比,我国交通意外是儿童意外伤害的头号杀手.为了帮助儿童培养良好的步行行为,提高公众对道路安全的重视度,10月30日,联邦快递携手国际非赢利性组织——全球儿童安全网络(Safe Kids Worldwide)在北京海淀区青少年管理活动中心开展了以看"影像之声"为主题,旨在反映道路安全的摄影作品展.  相似文献   

四大国际快递公司自上世纪80年代进入中国以来,首次因违规经营信函业务而领到罚单. 美国联邦快递经营中国国内快件业务受罚,民营快递和邮政快递却没有找到太多的快感.  相似文献   

联邦快递:高速成长的秘密   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过去三年中,联邦快递连续入选美国<财富>杂志"全球最受赞赏公司"前十名之列.这还得感谢中国,作为向中国发展的门户,2003年公司对华的业务量猛增50%.仅上个季度,加急国际邮件的收入就提高了25%,已占到全公司销售额的五分之一,这项业务的大头正来自中国.正因为有了亚洲,联邦快递上季度每股收益比去年同期翻了一番还多.过去五年的股价也翻了一番,而竞争对手美国联合包裹服务公司(UPS)的股票价格只上涨了15%,同期美国标准普尔500指数下跌了20%.  相似文献   

你是否听说过“薄荷四国”?它们是墨西哥(Mexico)、印度尼西亚(Indonesia)、尼日利亚(Nigeria)、土耳其(Turkey),英文缩写为MINT,意为“薄荷”。又或是听说过“灵猫六国”?这指的是哥伦比亚(Columbia)、印度尼西亚(Indonesia)、越南(Vietnam)、埃及(Egypt)、土耳其(Turkey)、南非(South Africa),合称CIVETS,即“灵猫”之意。对于任何一名从事国际商务工作的人来说,不论“灵猫”或“薄荷”都不容小觑--它们将越来越受到重视。面对巨大的财富机遇,这些年轻蓬勃的经济体正抖擞筋骨,跃跃欲试。到2050年,“薄荷四国”和“灵猫六国”中的绝大多数国家将跻身为全球GDP贡献最多的前20名。  相似文献   

46岁的卡特被普遍认为是美国屈指可数的优秀CIO.他在13年前进入联邦快递(FedEx),从2000年开始担任CIO.  相似文献   

记者近期在联邦快递公司走访中了解到,截至2010年夏天,联邦快递将有75名飞行员具备驾驶波音777货机的资格,并将在五年后拥有一支由300名具备波音777货机驾驶资格的飞行员团队。至2014财年年底,共计将有15架波音777货机加入联邦快递机队。联邦快递还拥有第二份15架波音777货机的采购订单,这些货机将于2014财年至2019财年期间交付使用,公司同  相似文献   

记者近期在联邦快递公司走访中了解到,截至2010年夏天,联邦快递将有75名飞行员具备驾驶波音777货机的资格,并将在五年后拥有一支由300名具备波音777货机驾驶资格的飞行员团队。  相似文献   

<正>9月15日,联邦快递携手中国听力医学发展基金会在宁夏回族自治区银川市特殊教育学校开展"贫困听障儿童救助行动"中国西部公益项目。"贫困听障儿童救助行动"是联邦快递公司向中国听力医学发展基金会捐赠100万人民币,用于开展救助中国西部低收入家庭的听障学生的公益项目。这个项目为期三年,自2013年起先后在西安、成都和银川三个城市举行,给来自家庭经  相似文献   

<正>"将近年底,随着打折促销购物旺季的到来,快递物流公司也将迎来"大考"。美国三大快递物流公司之一的联邦快递,拥有广泛的全球和中国网络,以及处理旺季货量的经验。其在积极备战历史最高运输货量考验的举措,或可为国内快递物流业提供有益启发。"快递业巨头联邦快递日前宣布,以中国"双十一"购物季作为预热,积极准备迎接即将到来的"全球疯狂购物季",即从"黑色星期五"(11月27日)到圣诞平安夜期间,预计将运送历史最高的3.17亿票货件,与2014年同期相比,将增加12.4%。作为全球最具规模的速递运输公司之一,联邦快递一直致力于提供快捷可靠的速递服务,业务范围涵盖全球220多个  相似文献   

联邦快递进入中国市场后,合作伙伴先由中外运转为大通,后又选择大田,三易伙伴的趋势是越找越"小",业界据此认定它有独资野心.联邦快递此次收购大田快递,意味着正式迈出了在中国独资的步伐.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the cost structure of the integrated air freight business by means of a translog cost function. This allows to extend knowledge on the supply side and to examine if strategies of integrators are consistent with cost structure. The cost function is based on quarterly time-series data from 1990 to 2010 for FedEx and UPS. A total and a variable model are estimated. In addition, a static as well as a dynamic approach is followed. We find that integrators exhibit strong scale and density economies in the short and the long term. This result is in line with the aggressive expansion and cooperation strategies pursued by integrators. Our results indicate that the concentration in the integrated air freight industry will continue: a concern for industry actors and regulatory agencies.  相似文献   

9月16日是"全国城市公共交通周"的第一天,贵州省黔东南州首府凯里市公交新车启用暨东风旅行车特约服务站授牌仪式隆重举行。由东风旅行车有限公司生产的48台东风阳光巴士身批盛装,正式服务于素有"黔东南明珠"之称的原生态旅游胜地——凯里市的公交线路。这一举动充分体现了凯里市政府贯彻"公交优先,市民优先"原则的决心。黔东南是我国大西南地区的一颗明珠,素有  相似文献   

日前,审计人员在养路费征收、管理、使用情况专项审计调查中发现,交通、交警、农机等部门的车辆管理基础工作比较薄弱.  相似文献   

9月11日,2007年中国名牌产品暨中国世界名牌产品表彰大会在北京人民大会堂举行,国家质量检验检疫总局授权中国名牌战略推进委员会公布了2007年中国名牌产品名单,中通客车荣登"中国名牌"榜。中国名牌产品是产品质量的最高荣誉,凡是能入选的产品就意味着其进入了产品质量金字塔的上端。中通客车凭借行业内唯一的国家级实验室及底盘生产权一举占领了客车行业技术制高点,同时依  相似文献   

The traffic signal settings for a single road junction have been often evaluated by mathematical programming techniques. This paper proposes a new approach to the problem which allows all the regulation variables to be incorporated into a Binary-Mixed-Integer- Linear-Programming model. This general model permits some of the limitative assumptions involved in other formulations of the problem based on the stage matrix to be removed. The model can be easily solved obtaining a fast computation of the globally optimal control system design. A detailed treatment is given for the particular structure of the mathematical programming schemes obtained by considering delay minimization, capacity reserve maximization, or cycle time minimization as the objective.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework of individual activity program generation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The research in this paper attempts to better understand the process by which activities are generated at an individual level. Activity-based travel analyses have gained popularity in recent years because they recognize the complexity of activity behavior and view travel as a derivative of this behavior. Most activity-based studies have focused on the spatial and temporal linkage of trips; that is, the scheduling of activities. They consider the agenda of activities for participation, and associated attributes of the activity participation (such as mode to activity and location of activity performance), as predetermined. This paper develops a comprehensive conceptual framework of the relatively unexplored area of activity agenda generation. Such a framework will be valuable in empirical modeling of activity generation behavior. A subsequent paper focuses on translating a part of this conceptual framework into an empirical model.  相似文献   

Carpooling is an emerging alternative transportation mode that is eco-friendly and sustainable as it enables commuters to save time, travel resource, reduce emission and traffic congestion. The procedure of carpooling consists of a number of steps namely; (i) create a motive to carpool, (ii) communicate this motive with other agents, (iii) negotiate a plan with the interested agents, (iv) execute the agreed plans, and (v) provide a feedback to all concerned agents. In this paper, we present a conceptual design of an agent-based model (ABM) for the carpooling a that serves as a proof of concept. Our model for the carpooling application is a computational model that is used for simulating the interactions of autonomous agents and to analyze the effects of change in factors related to the infrastructure, behavior and cost. In our carpooling application, we use agent profiles and social networks to initiate our agent communication model and then employ a route matching algorithm, and a utility function to trigger the negotiation process between agents. We developed a prototype of our agent-based carpooling application based on the work presented in this paper and carried out a validation study of our results with real data collected in Flanders, Belgium.  相似文献   

Typical engineering research on traffic safety focuses on identifying either dangerous locations or contributing factors through a post-crash analysis using aggregated traffic flow data and crash records. A recent development of transportation engineering technologies provides ample opportunities to enhance freeway traffic safety using individual vehicular information. However, little research has been conducted regarding methodologies to utilize and link such technologies to traffic safety analysis. Moreover, traffic safety research has not benefited from the use of hurdle-type models that might treat excessive zeros more properly than zero-inflated models.This study developed a new surrogate measure, unsafe following condition (UFC), to estimate traffic crash likelihood by using individual vehicular information and applied it to basic sections of interstate highways in Virginia. Individual vehicular data and crash data were used in the development of statistical crash prediction models including hurdle models. The results showed that an aggregated UFC measure was effective in predicting traffic crash occurrence, and the hurdle Poisson model outperformed other count data models in a certain case.  相似文献   

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