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There are considerable differences between countries when it comes to road safety performance, as indicated by the number of road fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants. These discrepancies are strongly associated with differences in wealth and prosperity, as expected, but are also related to national culture. The overall objective of this exploratory study is to identify relationships between national culture, road safety performance and public support for policy measures. Using the revised version of Hofstede's cultural dimensions, we show the strong correlation between national culture and road safety performance, which exists even after controlling for the national level of wealth as measured by the gross national income. Furthermore, by combining the national cultural dimensions with data on 29 countries from the second stage of ESRA, the E-Survey of Road users' Attitudes, this study demonstrates that culture also affects the level of public support for policy measures related to road safety. Specifically, for many measures, the degree of individualism accounts for a considerable part of the statistical variation in the public support for policy measures across countries—except for those measures for which the support is very high in most countries. Possible explanations are given for the seemingly paradoxical finding that countries which witness high resistance to road safety policy measures have nevertheless managed to achieve better road safety performance.  相似文献   

Speed is at the core of the road safety problem and speed management is a tool for road safety. Speed limits that are more credible are supposed to encourage drivers to comply with speed limits, with consequent benefits for road safety. Credible speed limit has been found to be affected by the features of the road surroundings in previous research. This study investigated, by using a questionnaire, whether or not the current legal speed limit is credible on a variety of current UK road environments and what the difference is between the proposed speed limit and the chosen, self-reported driving speed. The survey result revealed that road layout and the roadside environment affected the intrinsic perception of choice of speed and speed limit. Chosen speed limit and proposed speed are not identical but are related with each other. The higher the speed limit drivers perceived, the higher speed they tended to drive.  相似文献   

The road safety performance of a country and the success of policy measures can be measured and monitored in different ways. In addition to the traditional road safety indicators based on the number of fatalities or injured people in road traffic crashes, complementary road safety performance indicators can be used in relation to vehicles, infrastructure, or road users' behaviour. The last-mentioned can be based on data from roadside surveys or from questionnaire surveys. However, results of such surveys are seldom comparable across countries due to differences in aims, scope, or methodology.This paper is based on the second edition of the E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes (ESRA), an online survey carried out in 2018, and includes data from more than 35,000 road users across 32 countries. The objective is to present the main results of the ESRA survey regarding the four most important risky driving behaviours in traffic: driving under the influence (alcohol/drugs), speeding, mobile phone use while driving, and fatigued driving. The paper explores several aspects related to these behaviours as car driver, such as the self-declared behaviours, acceptability and risk perception, support for policy measures, and opinions on traffic rules and penalties.Results show that despite the high perception of risk and low acceptability of all the risky driving behaviours analysed, there is still a high percentage of car drivers who engage in risky behaviours in traffic in all the regions analysed. Speeding and the use of a mobile phone while driving were the most frequent self-declared behaviours. On the other hand, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs was the least declared behaviour. Most respondents support policy measures to restrict risky behaviour in traffic and believe that traffic rules are not being checked regularly enough, and should be stricter.The ESRA survey proved to be a valuable source of information to understand the causes underlying road traffic crashes. It offers a unique database and provides policy makers and researchers with valuable insights into public perception of road safety.  相似文献   

文章从人们对道路交通安全的认识,道路交通管理体制与机制,道路交通管理政策措施,交通参与者的素质,交通运输工具的安全性等方面深入剖析了我国道路交通安全社会环境现状,系统阐述了构建良好的道路交通安全社会环境的策略。  相似文献   

The most vulnerable user in road space is still an ordinary pedestrian even though the top fatalities by traffic mode differ in countries. Thus, prioritizing/protecting vulnerable road users is essential to improve road safety. People's safety perceptions toward vulnerable users are strongly associated with surrounding elements and their own experiences, especially as pedestrians. Therefore the attitude and values toward vulnerable users would vary due to culture and customs related to walking in each country. This study examines how a walking experience change reflects people with diverse backgrounds' traffic safety attitudes by conducting an online questionnaire survey for foreigners living in Japan for five years or less. As a result, 75% of respondents walk more frequently due to increased public transportation usage. For all the respondents, the increase in the walking frequency also drives the shift in the attitude toward vulnerable users and the values regarding travel safety and comfort indirectly intermediated by the shift in attitudes toward walkability, applying structural equation modeling. To focus on the structure of the shift according to nationality, people from Southeast/South Asia, where motorcyclists are the top fatalities in the road space and somehow regarded as vulnerable road users, the increased walking experience contributes significantly to the improvement of awareness of vulnerable road users and to the formation of safety and comfort values. Regarding people from Europe/North America, although their walking frequency increases after coming to Japan, there is a static causal relationship that does not influence their attitude toward walkability or safety and comfort values. Additionally, they already have an attitude of protecting/prioritizing pedestrians and placing more importance on safety and comfort. At the same time, people from Southeast/South lacks the attitude toward pedestrians due to much less frequency of walking in daily life. It suggests that establishing safe and having comfortable pedestrian spaces and public transport in developing countries where traffic infrastructure is at the development stage will encourage people to walk and likely help foster an attitude of placing importance on safety.  相似文献   

Generalized linear models provide a unifying framework which permits application of most of the interential methods that can be used to evaluate the impact of a road safety, measure. When observations are available before and after the introduction of the measure (i.e., when there is an experimental sample and a control sample which covers the same period which indicates what would have hapened if the measure had not been introduced, the difference between the two samples can be characterized d'using the appropriate interaction term. The models used estimate relative risk or incidence rates and are able to take into account a reasonable number of confounding factors. These methods have been applied in order to compace the severity of impacts with metal guardrails or concreté safety barriers on motorway central reservations. Poisson regression modelling has revealed a tendency for the risk of injury to be higher on road sections where concréte devices have a recently been installed. Multivariate analysis using logistic regression with adjustment with reference to certain factor for example a change in the number of lanes or the occurrence of a second impact shows that concrete barrier significantly increase (by a factor or about 1.9) the risk of injury in the case of a first impact on the central reservation. This estimate could be used in a more general cost benefit analysis.  相似文献   

道路交通安全研究具有很强的跨学科性,属于综合交叉研究。主要围绕人、车辆、道路与环境与道路交通安全的关系,简要分析了目前道路交通安全研究在交通参与者、道路条件与安全设施及自然环境、交通信息等方面的研究方向、研究内容。  相似文献   

基于5M模型的安全分析方法不仅可以应用于轨道交通,也可以应用于日益复杂的整个城市道路交通系统安全分析、特别是针对道路交通环境、设施的建设与维护。  相似文献   

Safe System has been the dominant approach to road safety in Victoria for over fifteen years, guiding the development and implementation of policy. Limited attention has been paid to the development and application of Safe System in a public policy setting. The aims of this research were to describe the intentions of Safe System in Victoria, and analyse how well this aligns with models of successful public policy. Using a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with Australian and international experts (n = 10). These experts represented a range of organisations and leadership levels that were either directly involved in the development or had a detailed understanding of the development of Safe System in Victoria. The interview results were analysed using a policy success model. The findings suggested that Safe System can provide a framework to address road safety in Victoria, however successful public policy needs to ensure that the development of policy addresses the identified problem and that the results are maintained for some time. Safe System meets some of these requirements, but principally lacks explanation for how its overarching approach is meant to be understood and utilised. Practically, road safety professionals need to clarify the purpose of the Safe System concept in order for it to be successfully integrated into public policy. Whilst Safe System requires additional clarification, it has garnered additional interest and debate in road safety and from this perspective has advanced public policy.  相似文献   

It is well known that traffic accidents are of high importance to the public health spectrum around the world. Moreover, in developing countries such as Vietnam, the mortality rate from road traffic accidents is rather high in comparison with other Southeast Asian countries. Not only do the majority of the people killed and seriously injured significantly affect the quality of life of the citizens, but traffic accidents also negatively impact a nation's economic and social development. Statistics show that far more people are injured or die in traffic accidents than are afflicted by any of the most serious diseases. The very high occurrence of traffic accidents in Vietnam has become one of the country's major social issues. The importance of human factors in transport policy discussion is growing. There is a realization that policy options that appear beneficial in principle have to be checked for their feasibility of implementation. Understanding and describing driver behavior become a challenge when one tries to identify driver errors in determining accident/conflict causal factors and countermeasures.In recent years, having understood the serious effects of traffic accidents on society at large, scientific researchers, traffic engineers and policy makers in Vietnam have developed many projects and conducted research in the field of traffic safety. The human factor is also considered to be the central element in the whole system. The final goal is to organize a traffic environment that is convenient and safe for road users.This article explains the application of the risk analysis approach in evaluating influences of education and enforcement in traffic safety.  相似文献   

It is well known that traffic accidents are of high importance to the public health spectrum around the world. Moreover, in developing countries such as Vietnam, the mortality rate from road traffic accidents is rather high in comparison with other Southeast Asian countries. Not only do the majority of the people killed and seriously injured significantly affect the quality of life of the citizens, but traffic accidents also negatively impact a nation's economic and social development. Statistics show that far more people are injured or die in traffic accidents than are afflicted by any of the most serious diseases. The very high occurrence of traffic accidents in Vietnam has become one of the country's major social issues. The importance of human factors in transport policy discussion is growing. There is a realization that policy options that appear beneficial in principle have to be checked for their feasibility of implementation. Understanding and describing driver behavior become a challenge when one tries to identify driver errors in determining accident/conflict causal factors and countermeasures.In recent years, having understood the serious effects of traffic accidents on society at large, scientific researchers, traffic engineers and policy makers in Vietnam have developed many projects and conducted research in the field of traffic safety. The human factor is also considered to be the central element in the whole system. The final goal is to organize a traffic environment that is convenient and safe for road users.This article explains the application of the risk analysis approach in evaluating influences of education and enforcement in traffic safety.  相似文献   

将城市道路交通安全规划研究的要点分为风险分析、规划目标、风险减缓措施,通过对三者相应的研究内容进行分析,提出相应的实现方法。实施城市道路交通安全规划需要建立城市道路交通安全信息管理系统,实行现代化的安全管理方式,积极做好各种应对措施,做到有备无患。一旦发生事故能及时、快速、有效地响应和救援,减少伤亡,减轻事故后果。还需要遵循行政机制、法律机制、社会机制和相应的基本原则。  相似文献   

针对冰雪、大雾天气情况下交通安全隐患的形成机理进行深层次、多方位的探讨,对各种方式的安全保障设施进行深入的剖析,以期为今后类似环境的道路交通安全设计、评价提供技术支持和借鉴。  相似文献   

分析了我国道路交通安全的严峻现状,提出了改善我国道路交通安全状况的重要意义;从交通人机系统的四大要素人、车、道路和环境出发,提出了相应的降低交通事故发生率的措施。  相似文献   

In developing countries, road traffic crashes involving pedestrians have become a foremost concern. At present, road safety assessment plans and selection of interventions are primarily restricted to traditional approaches that depend on the investigations of historical crash data. However, in developing countries such as India, the availability, consistency, and accuracy of crash data are major concerns. In contrast, proactive approaches such as studying road users' risk perception have emerged as a substitute method of examining potential risk factors. An individual's risk perception offers vital information on probable crash risk, which may be beneficial in detecting high-risk locations and major causes of crashes. Since the pedestrian fatality risk is not uniform across the urban road network level, it may be expected that pedestrians' perceived risk measured in terms of “crossing difficulty” would also vary across the sites. In this perspective, the present paper establishes a mathematical association between the pedestrians' perceived “crossing difficulty” and actual crashes. The model outcome confirms that pedestrians' perceived crossing difficulty is a good surrogate of fatal pedestrian crashes at the intersection level in Kolkata City, India. Subsequently, to examine the impact of traffic exposures, road infrastructure, land use, spatial factors, and pedestrian-level attributes on pedestrians' “crossing difficulty”; a set of Ordered Logit models are developed. The model outcomes show that high vehicle and pedestrian volume, vehicular speed, absence of designated bus stop, the presence of inaccessible pedestrian crosswalk, on-street parking, lack of signalized control (for both vehicle and pedestrian), inadequate sight distance, land use pattern, slum population, pedestrian-vehicular post encroachment time, waiting time before crossing, road width, and absence of police enforcement at an intersection significantly and positively increase pedestrian's crossing difficulty at urban intersections. To end, the model findings are advantageously utilized to develop a set of countermeasures across 3E's of road safety.  相似文献   

以感应充电技术(Inductive Power Transfer,IPT)为主要特征的充电路面(Electrified Road,e-Road)近年来发展迅速,其可为行进中的电动汽车进行动态无线充电,有效解决电动汽车充电时间过长、续航里程不足等问题,是支撑未来公路交通电气化发展的重要储备技术。详细介绍了IPT系统的工作原理和性能特点,并总结了已有e-Road试验段的充电性能参数和技术就绪度水平。在此基础上,进一步从基础设施角度剖析了e-Road目前存在的主要工程问题及相关研究进展,内容包括:①深入分析了IPT系统工作时因高频磁场通过介电性路面材料所引起的电磁损耗对IPT系统充电效率的影响,并提出了可能的解决方法;②针对充电模块与普通沥青路面存在的力学兼容性问题,从结构受力原理、材料损伤特性等方面总结了e-Road复合结构产生力学损伤加剧效应的原因,并提出了耐久性优化措施;③针对e-Road环境可持续方面存在的不确定性,评估并对比了e-Road与传统道路的全生命周期环境效益,指出了e-Road环境性能研究对电动汽车全生命周期综合效益估算的重要性。此外,还从政策支持、安全性、价格因素等角度对e-Road进行了综合可行性评估,并对充电路面基础设施的未来发展进行了智能化展望,提出了e-Road与其他新型智能道路技术进行有机融合的可能途径。  相似文献   

袁浩 《汽车实用技术》2021,46(8):184-186
重视交通控制设施建设是构建现代立体化交通网络与保障道路交通安全的重要措施,也对人民群众生命安全、各行业经济发展及和谐社会建设等产生了促进作用。文章简单分析交通控制设施的可视性,为实现交通安全的目标提出一些具体可操作的新建议。  相似文献   

随着乡村道路交通网络通达顺畅水平的稳步提升,其交通安全形式依然严峻。为进一步提升乡村道路的行车安全水平,现首先分析乡村道路的交通事故特征,从“人-车-路-环境”角度系统分析事故诱因,然后基于事故分析结果,从道路本身属性角度出发,提出乡村道路系统设计要求,最后以桂林市某山区乡村道路为例,结合事故数据分析其交通安全影响因素并提出针对性的改善措施,以适应新时代下四好农村路的建设要求。  相似文献   

Technical and morphological features of rail networks are very different from road networks. How do they influence modal shift for freight transportation? To what extent does spatial distribution of the industry contribute to the success or the failure of a policy in favour of sustainable development?  相似文献   

Thailand was classified as a middle-income country and ranked second highest in terms of road traffic fatality rate in the world in 2015. By 2018, this ranking went up to ninth in world which may be because of various earnest safety policies implementation, supporting road safety research and establishing a road safety directing center. However, crash fatality rate has considerably remained high until recent year, indicating a clear need for further related research. Considering severity of the crashes, the majority of fatal crashes involved the motorcycle road user. Therefore, motorcycle crashes are important issues and should be considered to mitigate fatality due to immoderate proportion of motorcycle road user and motorcyclist fatality. This study aims to identify factors that influence the severity of motorcycle accidents on Thailand's arterial roads by employing ordered logistic regression and multiple correspondence analysis. The results demonstrated that although both analyses were relatively different, they provided similar results. Age, road lanes, and helmet wearing were significant factors that influenced the severity of motorcycle accidents. The results could serve as reference for planning strategies or organizing campaigns to reduce and prevent death owing to road traffic accidents, which may enhance the overall image of road traffic safety in Thailand.  相似文献   

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