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In India, electric rickshaws (ERs) prove to be a sustainable and affordable paratransit mode for the public. The ER service is also creating employment and income opportunities for the unskilled labor force. Many Indian state governments are proposing ER services to cater to first and last-mile trips. Therefore, planners must identify the significant factors that can affect ER services' adoption and expansion. Because of this, the present study investigates the perceptions of drivers of three prominent paratransit modes toward ERs. The research also provides a better understanding of the socio-economic conditions of these paratransit drivers. The study utilizes data of 620 paratransit drivers obtained from a face-to-face survey conducted in Delhi, India. Grey relation analysis is applied to assess the three paratransit driver groups' perceptions about ERs. The data reveals that paratransit drivers belong mostly to low financial and educational backgrounds. Male drivers constitute many paratransit drivers in the city. The lack of facilities such as designated parking and fixed charging stations and fare regulation is perceived as critical ER services barriers. Similarly, the absence of separate lanes and unsafe overtaking attempts by fast-moving vehicles are the major causes of accidents involving ERs. Further, the light body of ERs and careless driving and traffic rule violations of drivers in mixed traffic conditions are the primary safety issues. The study also highlights potential policy recommendations to design an efficient electric version of the paratransit service for achieving sustainable development goals.  相似文献   

Intermediate public transport (IPT) or paratransit is an indispensable part of the transportation system in low and middle-income countries. This paper presents the state-of-the-art research advances in the domain of paratransit service quality evaluation through the use of systematic bibliographic analysis. The annual production rate of publication in this sector is 17.88%, which indicates the growing intensity of research activity in this subject and thus justifies the need to perform a thorough review of available literature. This holistic approach is aimed at providing comprehensive information on paratransit research areas, the citation networks, along with the contribution of different countries. All pertinent research studies published in Scopus until 2021 are analyzed to acquire research status in this domain. For the extraction of valuable knowledge from the archives of large-scale literature, the co-occurrence and the co-citation networks of concurrence are constructed. Visualizing the bibliographic network gives a clear understanding of the extent of the literature available, areas of expertise, and research trends. The comprehensive analysis of the shortlisted documents led to the identification of various sub-sectors of the research field, types of paratransit vehicles, and research methodologies adopted by different scholars to evaluate service quality. The research gap thus identified is that despite acknowledging the importance of IPT and its vital role in many developing countries, very few research studies have been conducted to evaluate its service quality. The significant findings through an in-depth review provide ways for the scope of future work.  相似文献   

客运班线公交化改革可以有效推动城乡公交一体化的发展,客运班线公交化后票制、票价如何制定是决定经营者利益与公共交通的社会效益两者之间是否平衡的关键。通过分析不同乘距乘客的比例情况确定营运线路在不同情况下的最优票制,同时,考虑客运班线原有经营模式的盈利性质,在利用拉姆齐模型计算基本票价的基础上,以班线原有平均收益率作为政府补贴的基本计算标准,考虑到政府补贴的有限性,提出了补贴超出标准情况下的票价调整方法。  相似文献   

The culture of “tingi-tingi” or sachet economy provides a strong backdrop to better understand the payment mode preference of the riding public in the Philippines. First, the use of single journey tickets (SJT) reflects the purchasing practices amongst the urban poor thereby affecting the promotion and uptake of public transport smart cards. Second, as a glocalization strategy, it can inform what, how, when, and why services that has global uptake can be tailored towards the realities of a differentiated, local market conditions.Categorical principal component analysis (CATPCA) is presented to determine the key variables explaining the likelihood of uptake of smart cards for public transport passengers in the Philippines. The Metro Manila Light Rail Transit Line 1 (LRT-1) presents an appropriate context to examine how the glocalization of smart cards can help improve the quality of public transport services, and to provide planning and policy recommendations on smart card uptake and integrated ticketing, with the end goal of improving public transport provision and management. LRT-1 alongside its change in management, also introduced a new smart card payment system. However, more than half continue to use single journey tickets.The model parameters are estimated using primary survey data collected from LRT-1 passengers. Transit smart card has been widely used around the world and effectively reduces waiting time for passengers who used to purchase paper tickets.The main results of the model reveal that: (1) only groups with high education background, stable income, or with stable job would likely to use smart card; (2) passengers with lower education level, lower income, or with unstable job prefer to use single journey ticket; and (3) the sachet economy is strongly associated with the purchasing practices amongst Filipinos, particularly the urban poor, hence may affect the promotion and uptake of public transit smart cards. These findings may inform changes to the introduction of alternative payment schemes and the planning of public transport policies that recognise the need for an effective glocalization strategy, paving the way towards improved public transport service and provision.  相似文献   

为了对客运枢纽换乘设施配置合理性评估提供技术支撑,开展客运枢纽换乘走行服务水平研究.选取走行时间作为走行服务水平评判的指标,将走行服务水平划分为5个等级,并给出了基于连续类别评判法的走行服务水平等级阈值确定方法.利用"体验-响应"的换乘走行服务水平评判调查数据,标定了走行服务水平等级的阈值.结果显示,当乘客换乘走行时间低于10 min时,乘客普遍认为走行时间不长,可以接受;当时间大于18 min时,乘客普遍认为时间很长,不能接受.研究表明,连续类别评判法与乘客评判服务水平的心理过程相吻合,适合换乘走行服务水平等级阈值的标定.   相似文献   

该文分别介绍了贵阳市公交问卷调查及长途客运问卷调查的情况,对调查对象的性别、年龄、职业构成、出行方式、目的及耗时,以及调查对象对公交车和长途客运车运行整体状况的评价等进行了分析,为制订公共交通战略,规划公交路线、站点和发车频度,以及改善服务水平提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

准确把握公共交通通勤乘客的目的地,有助于明确乘客出行需求,提升公共交通服务水平.基于北京市1个月的公共交通出行数据和RP调查数据,通过关联分析乘客公交卡号与公共交通刷卡数据和线站数据,匹配获得563名通勤乘客完整出行链数据,并利用关联规则实现302名公交通勤乘客高、中、低出行稳定性辨识.引入XGBoost集成学习算法,...  相似文献   

作为城市交通的枢纽,公共交通系统承载了大量的居民出行.自动数据采集系统收集的IC卡数据包含了大量的乘客出行信息,通过这些数据可分析居民公交出行规律,进而优化公交服务.引入信息熵及熵率对居民公交出行链重复性进行量化,研究了基于量化指标分析居民公交出行规律的方法.通过出行地点状态标定,将乘客的出行链转化为离散的出行序列;利...  相似文献   

近年来,网约车快速发展,但其运行过程中隐藏的乘客安全问题愈发凸显.为探究乘客对于网约车乘坐过程的安全感知情况,利用鱼骨图将安全问题划分为交通安全、信息安全、人身财产安全3个维度,并以此为基础设计并进行问卷调查.为刻画不同潜变量之间的复杂关系,构建了基于结构方程模型(SEM)的逻辑框架,揭示了个人特征、事故经历、安全知识以及冒险倾向等因素对网约车乘客安全感知的影响路径及显著性.结果表明,乘客的安全知识、事故经历以及冒险倾向对网约车乘客的安全感知有显著的直接影响;性别、收入水平等个人特征亦显著影响网约车乘客的安全感知.研究结果可为网约车安全管理相关政策的制定提供理论依据.   相似文献   

以现代有轨电车在上海建设试验线为背景,就市民出行方式的选择意愿进行了调查,在此基础上建立了多项Logit模型,研究了有轨电车的引入对市民出行方式选择的影响,明确了影响市民选择出行方式的关键因素为薪资收入、出行准点要求以及出行距离,进而指出了有轨电车在城市交通系统中的功能定位,并就如何提供现代有轨电车乃至城市公共交通的分担率提出了建议。  相似文献   

从选择方案特性和出行者特性两方面定性和定量地分析乘客出站设施选择的影响因素.基于Logit模型原理,选定年龄、属性、性别、负重和出行时间为特性变量,建立了乘客选择楼梯、自动扶梯或厢式电梯出站的路径选择模型.根据北京南站地铁出站乘客的RP调查数据,借助SPSS软件对模型进行了标定和检验,量化了影响因素对乘客选择行为的影响程度.所建模型准确率高达81.69%,模型结果表明,所研究的5种影响因素中,年龄、负重、属性和出站时间影响乘客出站设施选择,而性别对乘客出站设施选择基本没有影响.此研究为优化枢纽内部空间布局、评价和提高综合交通枢纽服务设施的效率提供理论依据.   相似文献   

因应资通信技术发展,智能型手持设备逐渐普遍,应用程序蓬勃发展改变人类传统行为模式甚巨.其中,运输相关之应用程序多样化发展,功能包含地理信息系统的应用、交通信息的提供、车辆派遣的预约、交通票证的订定、观光游程的设计等.依据台北市交通局统计2013年民众透过智能型手机应用程序查询次数,每月已高达6 000万次以上,实有必要针对运输类应用程序所衍生之效果进行探究.论文主要研讨智能型手机应用程序所提供的交通运输信息对用户旅运行为之运具选择影响,透过问卷调查,进行个体运具选择模式之构建,以分析台北市旅运者在受智能型手机应用程序提供的实时交通信息对于运具选择行为转变之影响,期能了解ITS结合智能型手机应用程序的交通信息服务对于提高公共运输便利性之效益.   相似文献   

Road haulage is nowadays the main transport mode in France, demonstrating its ability to fulfil shippers’ demands. Among other success factors, the possibility for large companies to subcontract to very small ones, with very low fixed costs and greater flexibility, is often quoted as a major advantage. The ECHO survey, conducted in France in 2004, gives information about 10000 shipments made by 3000 shippers. This survey allows the analysis of subcontracting, by following at every stage how each shipment is given to another carrier by contract. The analysis shows that some subcontracts are mainly cost driven, but others aim at using the specialised skills of a particular haulier. For every transport segment (single parcel delivery service, parcel delivery service, less than truck load, full truck load), subcontracting is described in terms of sizes of the companies involved, services provided and the reasons for subcontracting. These results describe the main features of several different types of subcontracts.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情对旅客中长距离的城际交通出行影响巨大,现有研究侧重疫情暴发初期疫情对城际交通出行的影响,针对常态化疫情防控阶段旅客城际出行选择行为的研究相对较少,因此,本文旨在研究常态化疫情防控阶段旅客中长距离城际出行选择行为。针对民航、高铁、普铁和自驾等方式分别建立包含4种城际出行方式的多指标多因果出行选择模型(MIMIC),模型中引入感知防疫安全程度、防疫策略、乘车体验与出行习惯4个潜变量,探究潜变量与观测变量的因子载荷并辨识模型参数,求取各潜变量的拟合值;在此基础上建立考虑出行方式特性、旅客社会经济属性与潜变量的多出行方式联合选择行为模型(MIMIC-Logit),探究常态化疫情防控阶段旅客出行心理对其出行决策的影响;假设出行费用、时间与距离等变量的随机系数服从正态分布,采用抽样1000次的Halton序列对随机系数进行仿真求解,得到随机系数的回归分析结果。以2021年4月—6月到达西安旅客的调查数据为例进行实证研究,结果发现:所提MIMIC-Logit模型的拟合优度与命中率分别为43.621%与83.312%,均高于多项Logit模型与随机系数Logit模型;旅客对不同方式的出行费...  相似文献   

Despite the limited transportation options, public buses have been proved unpopular in many Sub-Saharan African cities. While the declining use of local buses in the developed world is often associated with increasing number of transport alternatives, relatively little is known about African cities. A substantial number of studies are focused on how to replace buses with the rapid transportation modes and less diagnosis is applied to the factors affecting the use of buses. Using household information survey, this paper attempts to investigate the factors affecting the demand for buses in Maputo and Nairobi by employing logistic regression approach.Results show both similarities and variations among the factors affecting the likelihood of using buses. For example, the likelihood of using buses decreases with vehicle ownership and employment status in the two cities. In addition, gender (female) has no effect on the likelihood of choosing buses over paratransit in both cities. Second, while age decreases the likelihood of choosing buses and residence location increases that in Maputo, the opposite is observed in the case of Nairobi City. The main implication of these findings is that there is a need to share the roles of public transportation between buses and paratransit.  相似文献   

基于信息公理的多属性决策方法为旅客的出行方式选择提供了一种有效工具。通过分析旅客出行行为特性的影响因素,确定出旅客出行方式选择的评价指标。利用成功概率计算出每种方案所包含的信息量,信息量最小的方案为最佳方案。由于避免了权重分配所带来的人为影响以及量纲不统一等问题,使得评价结果更趋合理,评价过程计算简单易于实现。  相似文献   

为了解决山区客运安全投入优化问题,在客运企业运营现状和安全投入现实水平的基础上,把客运企业、客运管理部门、从业者和旅客的利益相关性结合起来,依据共生理论构建服务于客运安全投入的市场需求与公共服务共生模型,确定合理的安全投入分配比例,从而提高客运安全产出效率。考虑山区客运市场需求与公共服务的特殊性和开放性,共生模型可以通过分配调节系数动态调整共生单元的安全投入比例,兼顾企业效益与社会效益,推动山区道路客运企业和公共交通的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

The provision of real-time information concerning bus arrival times could potentially reduce the uncertainty associated with public transport trips and improve the overall level of service. In addition, real-time predictions might enable operators to apply proactive control strategies. Even though considerable research efforts were devoted to the development of bus arrival prediction schemes, there is a lack of knowledge on the performance of real-world operational systems. This article aims to investigate the performance of a commonly deployed real-time information generation scheme. A conventionally used scheme is implemented and evaluated based on an empirical analysis. Performance metrics concerning the prediction error accuracy and reliability and their impact on expected waiting time were formulated from both passengers’ and operators’ perspectives. The real-time information generator was applied on the trunk line network in Stockholm, Sweden. The accuracy and reliability of the prediction scheme was analyzed by comparing the generated predictions against vehicle positioning data. This scheme was found to systematically underestimate the remaining waiting time by 6.2% on average. The provision of real-time information yields a waiting time estimate that is more than twice as close to the actual waiting times than the timetable. This difference in waiting time expectations is equivalent to 30% of the average waiting time.  相似文献   

传统的公交站牌功能简单,信息量少,提供给乘客的信息有限,在公交系统中难以起到分流的作用。智能公交电子站牌的出现,能让乘客及时了解公交车实时车况,可以显著提高城市公交的运营效率和服务质量。系统以ARM为嵌入式硬件平台,采用当前先进的嵌入式技术和WIFI无线网络通信技术,实现了车辆到站预报、车辆到站提示等功能。测试结果表明,该系统性能良好、实时性强、稳定性高。  相似文献   

为探究电动自行车用户对不同城市电动自行车规范管理政策的行为响应机理,采用问卷调查方法收集用户的社会人口特征、出行特征、心理特征以及在不同政策下的决策,基于心理接受度等潜变量构建了多指标多因素模型,得出了潜变量的拟合值,将潜变量作为解释变量引入到行为决策模型中,构成了混合选择模型来分析社会人口变量、出行特征变量和心理潜变...  相似文献   

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