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Activity-travel scheduling is at the core of many activity-based models that predict short-term effects of travel information systems and travel demand management. Multi-state supernetworks have been advanced to represent in an integral fashion the multi-dimensional nature of activity-travel scheduling processes. To date, however, the treatment of time in the supernetworks has been rather limited. This paper attempts to (i) dramatically improve the temporal dimension in multi-state supernetworks by embedding space–time constraints into location selection models, not only operating between consecutive pairs of locations, but also at the overall schedule at large, and (ii) systematically incorporate time in the disutility profiles of activity participation and parking. These two improvements make the multi-state supernetworks fully time-dependent, allowing modeling choice of mode, route, parking and activity locations in a unified and time-dependent manner and more accurately capturing interdependences of the activity-travel trip chaining. To account for this generalized representation, refined behavioral assumptions and dominance relationships are proposed based on an earlier proposed bicriteria label-correcting algorithm to find the optimal activity-travel pattern. Examples are shown to demonstrate the feasibility of this new approach and its potential applicability to large scale agent-based simulation systems.  相似文献   

Liao  Feixiong 《Transportation》2019,46(4):1319-1343

Joint travel problem (JTP) is an extension of the classic shortest path problem and relevant to shared mobility. A pioneering endeavor via supernetwork framework has been put forward to model two-person JTP. However, it was only addressed in the static context and with the assumption of zero waiting disutility, which resulted in no or weak synchronization among the travelers. This paper proposes a space–time multi-state supernetwork framework to address JTP for conducting one joint activity in the time-dependent context. Space–time synchronization and various choice facets related to joint travel are captured systematically. Two-person JTP is first discussed in a uni-modal transport network, and further extended to incorporate multi-modal and multi-person respectively. Stage-wise recursive formulations are proposed to find the optimal joint paths. It is found that JTP is a variant of Steiner tree problem by reduction and the number of meeting/departing points has no impact on the run-time complexity in space–time multi-state supernetworks.


H?gerstrand??s original framework of time geography and the subsequent time?Cspace prism computational methods form the foundation of a new computational method for potential path areas (PPA) in a realistic representation of dynamic urban environments. In this paper the time?Cspace prism framework is used to assess sensitivity of PPA size to different parameters and to build choice sets for regional destination choice models. We explain the implication of different parameters to choice set formation in a step-wise manner and illustrate not only the complexity of the idea and the high computational demand but also behavioral realism. In this context, this paper tests the feasibility of using constraint-based time?Cspace prism to find the choice sets for a large-scale destination choice model, and identifies a variety of implementation issues. Computational demand is estimated based on a household travel survey for the Southern California Association of Government, and the feasibility of using time?Cspace prisms for destination choice models is assessed with different levels of information on the network and destinations available. The implications of time of day effects and flexibility in scheduling on choice set development due to varying level of service on the network and availability of activity opportunities are discussed and numerically assessed.  相似文献   

We analyze the train types handled at a section station and the factors affecting the scheduling of the arrival–departure track operation, using the following conditions as our optimization goals: operating the arrival–departure tracks in accordance with a fixed operation scheme, and reducing the influence which the departing–receiving operations impose on shunting operations. We establish a 0–1 integer programming model for formulating a track operation plan. By applying modern sequencing theory, this is transformed into a fixed sequencing model of special parallel machines. We then design a heuristic algorithm to solve the model. Finally, the example of Yiyang railway station is used to verify the advantages of the model and the algorithm. A better operation plan is obtained using MATLAB 7.0 by applying the model and the algorithm provided in the paper, indicating the superiority of our study’s approach.  相似文献   

We propose Time–Space Threshold Vector Error Correction (TS-TVEC) model for short term (hourly) traffic state prediction. The theory and method of cointegration with error correction mechanism is employed in the general design of the new statistical model TS-TVEC. An inherent connection between mathematical form of error correction model and traffic flow theory is revealed through the transformation of the well-known Fundamental Traffic Diagrams. A threshold regime switching framework is implemented to overcome any unknown structural changes in traffic time series. Spatial cross correlated information is incorporated with a piecewise linear vector error correction model. A Neural Network model is also constructed in parallel to comparatively test the effectiveness and robustness of the new statistical model. Our empirical study shows that the TS-TVEC model is an effective tool that is capable of modeling the complexity of stochastic traffic flow processes and potentially applicable to real time traffic state prediction.  相似文献   

Zhu  Siying  Zhu  Feng 《Transportation》2020,47(5):2479-2503
Transportation - This paper investigates a bike-way network design problem for retrofitting existing cycling infrastructure for commuter cyclists. A multi-objective integer linear programming model...  相似文献   

In departure time studies it is crucial to ascertain whether or not individuals are flexible in their choices. Previous studies have found that individuals with flexible work times have a lower value of time for late arrivals. Flexibility is usually measured in terms of flexible work start time or in terms of constraints in arrival time at work. Although used for the same purpose, these two questions can convey different types of information. Moreover, constraints in departure time are often related not only to the main work activity, but to all daily activities. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of constraints in work and in other daily trips/activities on the willingness to shift departure time and the willingness to pay for reducing travel time and travel delay. We set up a survey to collect detailed data on the full 24-hour out-of-home activities and on the constraints for each of these activities. We then built a stated preference experiment to infer preferences on departure time choice, and estimated a mixed logit model, based on the scheduling model, to account for the effects of daily activity schedules and their constraints. Our results show that measuring flexibility in terms of work start time or constraints at work does not provide exactly the same information. Since one-third of the workers with flexible working hours in the survey indicated that they have restrictions on late work-arrival times, their willingness to pay will be overestimated (almost doubled) if flexibility information is asked only in terms of fixed/flexible working hours. This clearly leads to different conclusion in terms of demand sensitivity to reschedule to a later departure time. We also found that having other activities and constraints during the day increases the individuals’ willingness to pay to avoid being late at work, where the presence of constraints on daily activities other than work is particularly relevant for individuals with no constraints at work. The important impact of these findings is that if we neglect the presence of constraints, as is common practise in transport models, it will generally lead to biased value-of-time estimates. Results clearly show that the shift in the departure time, especially towards a late departure time, is strongly overestimated (the predicted shift is more than double) when the effect of non-work activities and their constraints is not accounted for.  相似文献   


Increasing urban traffic congestion calls for the study of alternative measures. One such measure is carpooling, a system in which a person shares his private vehicle with one or more people in a commuter trip. In principle, this system could lead to potentially significant reductions in the use of private vehicles; however, in practice it has achieved limited success. In this paper, we apply a simulation-based methodology that uses aggregated data from commuter trips in an urban area to create compatible and feasible random trips. These are then analyzed through a heuristic process recursively to find grouping possibilities, thus producing indicators of carpooling potential such as the percentage of matched trips. Using this methodology, simulations are run for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Portugal) and results show that an increase in the number of participants in a carpooling scheme will only increase the probability of matching up to a certain point, and that this probability varies significantly with time–space trip attributes.  相似文献   

Optimization of on-demand transportation systems and ride-sharing services involves solving a class of complex vehicle routing problems with pickup and delivery with time windows (VRPPDTW). This paper first proposes a new time-discretized multi-commodity network flow model for the VRPPDTW based on the integration of vehicles’ carrying states within space–time transportation networks, so as to allow a joint optimization of passenger-to-vehicle assignment and turn-by-turn routing in congested transportation networks. Our three-dimensional state–space–time network construct is able to comprehensively enumerate possible transportation states at any given time along vehicle space–time paths, and further allows a forward dynamic programming solution algorithm to solve the single vehicle VRPPDTW problem. By utilizing a Lagrangian relaxation approach, the primal multi-vehicle routing problem is decomposed to a sequence of single vehicle routing sub-problems, with Lagrangian multipliers for individual passengers’ requests being updated by sub-gradient-based algorithms. We further discuss a number of search space reduction strategies and test our algorithms, implemented through a specialized program in C++, on medium-scale and large-scale transportation networks, namely the Chicago sketch and Phoenix regional networks.  相似文献   

Given the wide application of automatic fare collection systems in transit systems across the globe, smartcard data with on- and/or off-boarding information has become a new source of data to understand passenger flow patterns. This paper uses Nanjing, China as a case study and examines the possibility of using the data cube technique in data mining to understand space–time travel patterns of Nanjing rail transit users. One month of smartcard data in October, 2013 was obtained from Nanjing rail transit system, with a total of over 22 million transaction records. We define the original data cube for the smartcard data based on four dimensions—Space, Date, Time, and User, design a hierarchy for each dimension, and use the total number of transactions as the quantitative measure. We develop modules using the programming language Python and share them as open-source on GitHub to enable peer production and advancement in the field. The visualizations of two-dimensional slices of the data cube show some interesting patterns such as different travel behaviors across user groups (e.g. students vs. elders), and irregular peak hours during National Holiday (October 1st–7th) compared to regular morning and afternoon peak hours during regular working weeks. Spatially, multidimensional visualizations show concentrations of various activity opportunities near metro rail stations and the changing popularities of rail stations through time accordingly. These findings support the feasibility and efficiency of the data cube technique as a mean of visual exploratory analysis for massive smart-card data, and can contribute to the evaluation and planning of public transit systems.  相似文献   

Understanding residents’ perception and reaction to vehicle restriction policies is significant for transportation management. However, few studies have examined it from a behavioral and disaggregated perspective, particularly from people’s responses to uncertainties in choices, and their consequent behaviors under potential risks. This paper proposes a multi-level nested logit method to model sequential choice behaviors considering uncertainties under a vehicle license restriction policy. Prospect theory is applied, where a novel reference point is proposed based on instances of ‘whether a risk happens’ rather than a hard number which is difficult to obtain in reality. A case study in Guangzhou, China is presented, where a vehicle restriction policy has been applied for three years. Residents’ attitudes and preferences under uncertainties and different risks are revealed, and these factors are significant in predicting people’s future decisions while policy changes.  相似文献   

Global Positioning System and other location-based services record vehicles’ spatial locations at discrete time stamps. Considering these recorded locations in space with given specific time stamps, this paper proposes a novel time-dependent graph model to estimate their likely space–time paths and their uncertainties within a transportation network. The proposed model adopts theories in time geography and produces the feasible network–time paths, the expected link travel times and dwell times at possible intermediate stops. A dynamic programming algorithm implements the model for both offline and real-time applications. To estimate the uncertainty, this paper also develops a method based on the potential path area for all feasible network–time paths. This paper uses a set of real-world trajectory data to illustrate the proposed model, prove the accuracy of estimated results and demonstrate the computational efficiency of the estimation algorithm.  相似文献   

Using Herfindahl–Hirschman Index and the Mobidrive and Thurgau six-week travel diary datasets this paper examines the degree of repetition of individuals’ choices of their daily activity–travel–location combinations. The results show that the repetitiveness of individual activity–travel–mode–location combinations is highly influenced by the individuals’ out-of-home commitments, the intra-household conditions and the availability and the accessibility of the activity locations. Different types of activity have different pattern of repetition. The level of repetition of individual’s daily activity–travel pattern is less correlated to travel mode choice, but more to the individuals’ commitments and obligations. The repetitiveness of mode choices is more related to the conditions or the accessibilities of the activity location, but not directly to the activity itself.  相似文献   

It is often argued lately that the private sector should be allowed to build and operate roads in a transportation network at its own expense, in return it should receive the revenue from road toll charge within some years, and then these roads will be transferred to the government. This type of build–operate–transfer (B–O–T) projects is currently fashionable worldwide, especially for developing countries short of funds for road construction. One of the important issues concerning a highway B–O–T project is the selection of the capacity and toll charge of the new road and the evaluation of the relevant benefits to the private investor, the road users and the whole society under various market conditions. This paper deals with the selection and evaluation of a highway project under such a B–O–T scheme. For a given road network with elastic demand, mathematical models are proposed to investigate the feasibility of a candidate project and ascertain the optimal capacity and level of toll charge of the new highway. The response of road users to the new B–O–T project is explicitly considered. The characteristic of the problem is illustrated graphically with a numerical example.  相似文献   

Binary stated choices between traveller’s current travel mode and a not-yet-existing mode might be used to build a forecasting model with all (current and future) travel alternatives. One challenge with this approach is the identification of the most appropriate inter-alternative error structure of the forecasting model.By critically assessing the practise of translating estimated group scale parameters into nest parameters, we illustrate the inherent limitations of such binary choice data. To overcome some of the problems, we use information from both stated and revealed choice data and propose a model with a cross-nested logit specification, which is estimated on the pooled data set.  相似文献   

This paper develops a blueprint (complete with matrix notation) to apply Bhat’s (2011) Maximum Approximate Composite Marginal Likelihood (MACML) inference approach for the estimation of cross-sectional as well as panel multiple discrete–continuous probit (MDCP) models. A simulation exercise is undertaken to evaluate the ability of the proposed approach to recover parameters from a cross-sectional MDCP model. The results show that the MACML approach does very well in recovering parameters, as well as appears to accurately capture the curvature of the Hessian of the log-likelihood function. The paper also demonstrates the application of the proposed approach through a study of individuals’ recreational (i.e., long distance leisure) choice among alternative destination locations and the number of trips to each recreational destination location, using data drawn from the 2004 to 2005 Michigan statewide household travel survey.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of urban sprawl has strong impacts on transport performance and accessibility and causes an increase of air pollution. Effective control of urban sprawl requires an integrated approach comprising urban transport and land-use planning. Current research is insufficient to demonstrate the effects of urban sprawl on travel behavior and air pollution emission. The present paper examines the potential of an integrated approach on space–transport development strategies with the aim of increasing accessibility and reducing air pollution. A combination of space and transport strategies has been simulated for the rapidly expanding city of Surabaya. A comparative analysis of the impact of those cases indicates the promising potential alternatives to minimize the phenomenon. The transport options considered are combinations of Public Transport (PT), comprising Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Light Rapid Transit (LRT), and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The options for urban structure include a compact zone development for the city, as formulated by the city planning agency, and a polycentric city set-up based on a job-housing balance aimed at minimizing the house-job distance. The results indicate that the polycentric city structure has the potential to make public transport work successfully for the city of Surabaya. This city structure creates a trip demand pattern which matches citizens’ PT preferences. Compared to the current situation, the combination of such a city structure with an expansion of PT systems would lead to a considerable improvement of transport performance, i.e. a PT mode share, a mean commute distance, and a significant reduction in emissions.  相似文献   

The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has been argued to affect time use patterns in a variety of ways, with consequent impacts on travel behaviour. While there exists a significant body of empirical studies documenting these effects, theoretical developments have lagged this empirical work and in particular, microeconomic time allocation models have not to date been fully extended to accommodate the implications of an increasingly digitised society. To address this gap, we present a modelling framework, grounded in time allocation theories and the goods–leisure framework, for joint modelling of the choice of mode of activity (physical versus tele-activity), travel mode and route, and ICT bundle. By providing the expression for a conditional indirect utility function, we use hypothetical scenarios to demonstrate how our framework can conceptualise various activity–travel decision situations. In our scenarios we assume a variety of situations such as the implications of severe weather, the introduction of autonomous vehicles, and the interaction between multiple decision makers. Moreover, our approach lays the microeconomic foundations for deriving subjective values of ICT qualities such as broadband speed or connection reliability. Finally, we also demonstrate the means by which our framework could be linked to various data collection protocols (stated preference exercises, diaries of social interactions, laboratory experiments) and modelling approaches (discrete choice modelling, hazard-based duration models).  相似文献   

Welfare in random utility models is used to be analysed on the basis of only the expectation of the compensating variation. De Palma and Kilani (De Palma, A., Kilani, K., 2011. Transition choice probabilities and welfare analysis in additive random utility models. Economic Theory 46(3), 427–454) have developed a framework for conditional welfare analysis which provides analytic expressions of transition choice probabilities and associated welfare measures. The contribution is of practical relevance in transportation because it allows to compute shares of shifters and non-shifters and attribute benefits to them in a rigorous way. In De Palma and Kilani (2011) the usual assumption of unchanged random terms before and after is made.The paper generalises the framework for conditional welfare analysis to cases of imperfect before–after association of the random terms. The joint before–after distribution of the random terms is introduced with postulated properties in terms of marginal distributions and covariance matrix. Analytic expressions, based on the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function of the joint before–after distribution, and simulation procedures for computation of the transition choice probabilities and the conditional expectations of the compensating variation are provided. Results are specialised for multinomial logit and probit. In the case without income effects, it is proved that the unconditional expectation of the compensating variation depends only on the marginal distributions.The theory is illustrated by a numerical example which refers to a multinomial logit applied to the choice of the transport mode with two specifications, one without and one with income effects. Results show that transition probabilities and conditional welfare measures are affected significantly by the assumption on the before–after correlation. The variability in the transition probabilities across transitions tends to decrease as the before–after correlation decreases. In the extreme case of independent random terms, the conditional expectations of the compensating variation tend to be close to the unconditional expectation.  相似文献   

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