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为了评价紧急情况下客船应急疏散的能力,从船舶内部和外部的影响因素入手,分析客船应急疏散的评价指标。通过分析客船人员疏散的特点,确定客船应急疏散评价的指标体系,综合运用专家估测法与模糊决策理论,建立客船应急疏散能力的模糊综合评价模型,运用该模型对石咀客渡035客船的应急疏散能力进行实证分析,结果表明该评价体系是可行的,对客船人员应急疏散有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

于洋  韩端锋  华佳  肖蕾  薛彦卓 《船舶》2012,23(6):70-73
根据船舶设计和使用特点并结合舰员逃生理论,提出构建包含数据库、模型库和知识库的舰船人员疏散模拟训练系统的设想。该系统利用游戏软件的设计思想和技术,模拟完成不同典型事故情景下制定疏散救援处置流程和相关疏散知识考核的训练,并最后提出系统的使用方法。  相似文献   

基于客船倾斜试验中发现的问题,结合规范,对影响客船倾斜试验的关键因素进行分析,并提出实际操作的建议,包括试验大纲的制定、试验前准备、试验组织实施和数据分析。通过分析,以使客船倾斜试验过程合理且结果准确。  相似文献   

从方案设计、详细设计、生产设计与制造等方面阐述重量控制应贯穿于高速船设计的整个过程,归纳总结了现代高速船所采用的新材料,新工艺,新技术等减重措施。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a Swedish study on maritime safety culture. The study aims to increase knowledge about the characteristics of safety culture in the maritime setting and about the relationship between safety culture and organizational climate. Such knowledge can be vital in the process of developing and improving safety culture. The paper reports the results of safety culture assessments on board six Swedish passenger ships in international traffic, using observations, questionnaires, and interviews focussing on 508 employees who completed the questionnaires. The results of the assessments revealed a generally good existing safety culture. Differences in individuals' safety culture perceptions were found between ships, vessel type (high-speed craft versus Ropax), and hierarchical working position. Important relationships between organizational climate and safety culture were also found. A comparison with other transport sectors where the same safety culture assessment had been applied yielded that passenger shipping has an average safety culture score level that falls between air traffic control and airport ground handling. The method of assessment, which can be used by shipping companies and vessel crews, identified specific areas of concern in the safety culture that could support continuous improvements of safety and safety culture.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a Swedish study on maritime safety culture. The study aims to increase knowledge about the characteristics of safety culture in the maritime setting and about the relationship between safety culture and organizational climate. Such knowledge can be vital in the process of developing and improving safety culture. The paper reports the results of safety culture assessments on board six Swedish passenger ships in international traffic, using observations, questionnaires, and interviews focussing on 508 employees who completed the questionnaires. The results of the assessments revealed a generally good existing safety culture. Differences in individuals' safety culture perceptions were found between ships, vessel type (high-speed craft versus Ropax), and hierarchical working position. Important relationships between organizational climate and safety culture were also found. A comparison with other transport sectors where the same safety culture assessment had been applied yielded that passenger shipping has an average safety culture score level that falls between air traffic control and airport ground handling. The method of assessment, which can be used by shipping companies and vessel crews, identified specific areas of concern in the safety culture that could support continuous improvements of safety and safety culture.  相似文献   

此文介绍了客滚船火灾的特点、危害、原因、扑救及预防措施和建议。  相似文献   

随着西部大开发的不断加速,水电建设的速度越来越快,高山出的平湖越来越多;特别是近几年内,贵州省境内万峰湖、龙滩水电站、索风营电站及构皮滩电站等大中型电站逐步建成,湖泊水面越来越多,有丰富水资源的地方,大多风光秀丽,极宜休闲旅游,旅游船舶的数量也随之不断增加。湖泊、  相似文献   

  目的  船舶安全性是船舶最重要的性能之一,而舱室优化与提高船舶破损安全性密切相关,二者之间的关系是一个复杂的多因素问题。  方法  基于SOLAS 2009公约,评估概率破舱稳性,量化危险区域,采用层次分析法(AHP),以分舱指数、危险区域类型和数量为评估指标,求解各指标对船舶破损安全性的影响权重,并以提高船舶破损后的安全性为目标,评估出最优舱室优化方案。  结果  结果显示,调整危险区域边舱宽度、舱室长度及双层底高度均可提高船舶破舱稳性,以及船舶破损后的安全性。  结论  实验结果表明研究危险区域可提高船舶安全性,在基于多准则评估船舶破舱后的安全性上采用AHP方法可行。  相似文献   

近年来随着我国航运业的发展,滚装客船的数量不断增加,相继也出现了有关管理方面的一些问题,尤其是1999年在我国北部渤海湾海域相继发生的几起重大海难事故,有令人震惊的船舶和生命俱失的血泪教训,也有成功自救转然为安的可贵经验。为有利于滚装客船的安全运输,加强对滚装客船船员特殊培训管理是十分重要的。  相似文献   

典型腐蚀形式 检验铝合金船舶不能简单的照搬常规钢质船舶的检验方法,应从铝合金的特性以及腐蚀的特点出发.找出铝合金船舶存在的缺陷,预防缺陷发生。  相似文献   

This paper describes a coupled beam method, which estimates elastic response in the longitudinal bending of a passenger ship with a large multi-deck superstructure. The method can be applied during an early project stage, when detailed three-dimensional finite element modelling is not yet possible. The theory is based on the assumption that each deck in the superstructure and also the main hull can be considered as a thin-walled beam. These beams are coupled to adjacent beams with springs modelling vertical and shear stiffness. The shear effect in the side and deck structures is included with options for large openings. As a result, the method allows for the calculation of the normal stresses and vertical deflections in the arbitrary location of the hull girder. Average longitudinal displacements of deck structures and shear stresses in the side structures can be estimated as well. Simplified structures were analysed in order to validate the coupled beam method against the three-dimensional finite element method.  相似文献   

对小型船舶的摩擦特性进行分析研究,建立了数学模型,对模型进行了显著性检验和失拟性检验。  相似文献   

  目的  为了达到在船型改动最小的同时满足SOLAS 2020有关客船破损稳性新要求的目的,从大型邮轮的布置优化设计入手,深度挖掘提高破损稳性来达到分舱指数A的思路以及关键设计因素。  方法  以某型大型邮轮为例,通过计算、分析、比较不同设计场景布置方案对分舱指数A的影响,并结合SOLAS公约要求进行分析,找到影响指数A的关键设计因素。  结果  结果显示,通过增计储备浮力,增设横贯浸水装置和A级防火舱壁上的横贯开孔,以及破损安全区和破损水线对相关设计布置的控制等关键设计因素,可以提高该船的指数A  结论  研究表明,通过精细化的设计优化布置,并在破损稳性计算中予以考虑,可在一定程度上提高邮轮的指数A,从而将邮轮主尺度优化限制到最小范围。  相似文献   

作者凭借多年航海经验,以简洁明了的语言介绍了客滚船的特点以及客滚船操纵注意事项,特别介绍了大风浪中客滚船操纵的要点.  相似文献   

海上事故救援是一项涉及面广、专业性强、需要依靠各相关部门通力合作、联合作战的系统工程。如果救援工作处理不当,将直接导致人命和财产的巨大损失,后果严重。因此,研究此预案的目的是在预案的框架内,在第一时间内及时将各相关方的救援力量有效地组织、协调起来,协同作战,迅速、有效地实施救援工作,将海上人命和财产损失降至最低。  相似文献   

客滚船火灾应对全攻略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐黎标 《中国船检》2005,(10):54-55
据海事部门统计,近两年我国又发生五起较大的客滚船火灾事故,四艘沉没,一艘被成功灭火援救。因此,有必要加强客滚船的防火与灭火对策研究。  相似文献   

首先从波能谱入手,在ITTC标准海浪谱的基础上,利用等能量划分法,构造船舶并靠中的海浪模型;然后分析在此海浪模型中并靠两船的相对运动情况,在研究中发现波浪会对船舶的横摇有影响。针对并靠船舶的横摇设计变阻尼波浪补偿器,对船舶的相对运动进行补偿,保证船舶在并靠过程中的安全。  相似文献   

王勇 《中国海事》2010,(10):49-51
随着客滚船运输行业的兴起,客滚船的营运安全日益受到各方面的关注。文中利用BP神经网络评价方法,由人、船、环境、管理四要素所构成的客滚船营运风险进行评估,最终确定某客滚船具体航次的营运风险。经过验证,基于BP神经网络客滚船营运风险评估方法与实际相符,为客滚船风险评估提供一条新的途径。  相似文献   

客滚船运输方便、快捷、经济,近年来作为新的经济增长点快速发展,给水上运输增添了新的活力,特殊的地理环境,使得环渤海湾地区的客货滚装市场得以迅猛发展。但由于客滚船结构及运输方式的特殊性,使得客滚船易发生事故,安全监管难度大。客滚船承载自带燃油的机动车辆,是此类船舶安全管理的焦点。  相似文献   

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