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周攀  杨阳 《中国水运》2007,7(11):237-239
本文首先分析了我国矿业项目融资的特点,然后就我国矿业项目目前的几种融资方式进行了比较分析,最后提出在项目的不同阶段,选择不同的融资方式;不同主体,选择不同的融资方式;加强"项目融资"在我国的应用;改善融资环境等建议,以期对我国矿业企业进行融资和政府机关制定相关政策提供依据。  相似文献   

Land development impacts of mass transit have long been studied in the developed economies. Yet relatively little is known by the outside world about the Chinese experience due to China's rather short history in the development of modern mass transit and land/property market. This paper attempts to fill the gap by presenting evidence from China, with a detailed case study of Beijing. Selecting three newly built suburban transit lines in Beijing, the study examined land development context and estimated hedonic housing price models to measure the proximity premiums associated with these three lines. The empirical evidence in Beijing, one of the first tier mass transit cities in China, shows that investments in mass transit can have significant and positive impacts on land development. Properties with transit proximity enjoy sizable price or value premiums. The study also confirms the international experience: transit impacts on land development are unlikely to occur automatically; they rely greatly on supportive regional and site conditions. Integrated planning and design for mass transit and land development are critical to expand and maximize the return of transit investments.  相似文献   

Ports are marine gateways to economic activities. Ports’ ability to perform services depends on their facilities, harbor conditions, and other factors. Generally, ports have control over their facilities but must compete for funding to improve them. As for waterways, in the U.S., a Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund was established to fund dredging, which levies a 0.125% cargo value tax on most shippers using U.S. coastal and Great Lakes harbors. Yet, commonly, a gross tonnage metric is used to allocate the fund’s resources, resulting in under-maintenance of some harbors. This, reportedly, deters additional port funding and hinders valuable commerce. Supplemental economic metrics, such as value of commerce or cargo, can improve port financing decisions, but such data is not readily available. Container ports collect cargo value data in nominal terms, but bulk ports do not. When making economic decisions, however, real values must be used. Further, when allocating resources, decision-makers must be able to assess ports over time and relative to each other. Conforming to these criteria, this paper develops three port financing indicators based on a real value of cargo and illustrates their calculations using the U.S. Port of Duluth-Superior as a case study.  相似文献   

本文对目前国内中小型锚机的现状、各类锚机的特点,存在的问题及发展的趋势作了研究和探讨。  相似文献   

In 2001 China embarked on an ambitious program to improve water quality through creation of the Clean Bohai Sea Program (CBSP). It is the first regional ocean governance program in China. The joint conference of central and local government units directed CBSP under the leadership of the State Environment Protection Administration. To meet the environmental objectives established by the joint conference local governments must pay for the program and operate it, but to date they have not been able to fully fund the effort. Although data indicate a decline of polluted discharges to the Bohai, one tabulation shows that the area of the sea that is polluted has increased each year from 2001 to 2005. Future enhancement of CBSP depends on revising incentives to better link local environmental programs and development, establishing funding mechanisms to equitably spread costs throughout watersheds, and creating comprehensive monitoring programs to better appraise program results.  相似文献   

中国航运电子市场发展趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从航运业的运量、竞争环境、服务质量、物流和商业运作模式5个方面分析了航运电子市场的形成与发展,并通过中国几个航运电子市场的服务定位与功能介绍,阐述了中国航运电子市场的利弊与发展趋势。  相似文献   

Sovereignty claims over insular features and maritime jurisdiction in the South China Sea have been disputed for decades, and a governance regime to address ocean-related issues is urgently needed. This article first introduces the notion of a regime, and examines details of cooperation mechanisms in the Polar Regions. Lessons that can be applied to the South China Sea include that both soft and hard law regimes work to bring States concerned together to cooperate on the “commons” issues even when military conflicts or sovereignty disputes still exist. Consensus among bordering States would be necessary to make the South China Sea a “zone of peace.” Mechanisms that accommodate the various sovereignty claims and freeze existing and new claims to, as well as to prohibit military activities in, the South China Sea are recommended. Lastly, if a cooperative mechanism were to be established in the future, the Arctic regime would be more applicable to the South China Sea than the Antarctic regime due to their geographic nature. Thus, only States bordering the South China Sea should have voting and decision-making rights in the cooperative mechanism. As always, the political will of all parties is paramount to the success of such an endeavor.  相似文献   

我国水路交通投融资现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从我国水路交通投融资的特征入手,分析了目前我国水路交通投融资现状及存在的问题,并结合现行投融资政策导向预测了未来水路交通投融资的发展趋势。  相似文献   

我国渔船的发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲广善 《船舶》2000,(4):6-10
20世纪90年代,在近海资源衰退和亚洲金融危机不利条件下,我国海洋捕捞量仍呈增长势头。海洋机动渔船总量也基本上保持增长,并出现了船型多样化、节能化,出口批量增大等发展趋势。21世纪,制约我国渔船发展的因素仍然很多,我国应继续开拓国外渔船市场,成为渔船出口大国。建造技术含量高的远洋渔船。在控制国内渔船总量的同时,以技术创新推动小型玻璃钢渔船的产业化。渔船的发展应与水产品加工、资源保护和开发、增养殖、  相似文献   

This paper reviews the statistics and economics of railway safety in Great Britain, the European Union and the United States, together with some results for Finland and Japan. In these countries railway safety has improved over recent decades. That finding applies both to train accidents and to personal accidents such as persons struck by trains. Fatal train collisions and derailments command most attention even though they are infrequent and account for only a small minority of railway fatalities. Great Britain, the EU and the USA formally espouse conventional cost benefit analysis for the appraisal of railway safety measures, using the same valuations for the prevention of casualties as are used in road safety appraisal. However there are often strong institutional, legal and political pressures towards adopting railway safety measures with safety benefit: cost ratios well below 1. The best-documented examples of this are automatic train protection systems, which are discussed in the paper. Apart from trespassers, the largest group of railway fatalities occur at level crossings, which the paper also discusses. Level crossing safety measures would seem to be an appropriate subject for cost benefit analysis, but there are few case-studies in the literature. Over the last few decades, the railways in many countries have been privatised or deregulated with the aim of improving their economic performance. Such changes have the potential to affect safety. The paper reviews evidence of the effects on safety of railway restructuring in Great Britain, Japan and the United State, and finds no evidence that safety deteriorated.  相似文献   

针对平陆运河开发过程中如何充分释放运河的综合效益,实现可持续投资开发的问题,研究立足运河经济带协同发展的宏观视角,运用系统工程理论和跨学科研究方法,梳理运河综合效益发挥的传导机制,厘清平陆运河经济带的开发思路,提出需系统处理好综合规划、开发主体、合作模式、项目实施之间的关系,形成超大型公益性基础设施外部效益内部化的合理路径。在此基础上,针对交通基础设施、资源综合开发、土地综合利用、产业协同发展等不同类型项目群的特点,构建合理可行的投融资模式,探索市场化收益实现机制,最终形成保障运河经济带可持续发展的系统解决方案。本研究能够为平陆运河综合开发的实施提供合理路径,为推动同类型跨水系连通工程项目的开展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中国航空航天工业部设计与开发的HT型气垫船技术先进、结构牢固而价格低廉。自第一艘原型艇于1990年建成以来,已有多艘50客位和100客位变型艇生产出来并投入营运,营运情况非常良好。它们具有国外最先进艇相同的性能指标但价格便宜得多.因而不仅在国内而区在国外均受到广泛的欢迎。本文简要地介绍该型艇的开发过程.主要性能和使用情况。  相似文献   

2005年6月30日,是中国远洋运输(集团)总公司航运史上具有里程碑意义的日子--中国远洋控股股份有限公司(以下简称"中国远洋")(股票代码:1919.HK)正式在香港联合交易所挂牌交易.  相似文献   

方萌  吴斐文  史涛 《船舶》2002,(3):49-51
目前,中国国内正在设计研究的多种船型中有不少拟采用电力推进系统。国内外多家公司在关注着这些船的电力推进系统订单。本文论述了中国发展电力推进系统的三种模式及其相应的船型,期望得到有关领导部门的重视,在这个高新技术高投资新船型的开发中,走一条正确的发展途径。  相似文献   

构建和完善港口基础设施系统投融资体制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析当前我国港口基础设施系统投融资体制现状的基础上,根据公共经济学理论对港口设施系统要素按投资来源、投资方式进行了合理划分,并充分借鉴国外港口建设的投融资体制,提出应根据不同类型项目分类融资的思想,最后给出了建立与完善市场经济条件下港口投融资体制的具体建议。  相似文献   

张哲  钟纪锋 《水运管理》2010,32(1):35-36,43
为促进我国船舶交通管理系统(VTS)产业全面可持续发展,分析我国VTS发展中存在的在VTS技术开发、职责法律定位、运行管理等方面的问题,并有针对性地提出相应建议:增强VTS自主研发能力;推动VTS相关法律机制建设;实施综合有效的管理;及时修正细节问题。  相似文献   

通过现状调查和技术分析得出加快发展钱塘江中上游内河航运对浙中西部地区具有较好的经济效益和具大的社会效益,按照科学发展的要求,提出浙中西地区内河航运发展规划设想。  相似文献   

中国船舶科学研究中心在船舶CAE领域的应用与开发实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
引言 CAE技术是计算机技术和工程分析技术相结合形成的新兴技术,CAE软件是迅速发展中的计算力学、计算数学、相关的工程科学,工程管理学与现代计算机科学和技术相结合而形成的一种多学科、综合型、知识密集信息产品.  相似文献   

国内外地主港模式差异化分析及对我国港口发展的思考*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集管理与融资功能为一体的地主港模式越来越被国内外港口广泛实践,由于港口发展的背景条件不同,导致地主港模式在国内外港口实践中存在着明显的差异。通过地主港模式的内涵阐述,归纳出地主港模式的核心思想,以鹿特丹港和温州乐清湾港区典型运作模式为例,深入剖析了地主港模式在国内外港口运作的差异性,并对地主港模式在国内港口的实践提出了建议。  相似文献   

伴随着新中国对外贸易、远洋事业的发展,1961年9月1日,中国外轮理货公司成立. 初始阶段的中国外轮理货公司,总部设在交通部海洋局理货处,分公司由当地港务局代管,与当时的所有公司一样,带有明显的计划经济的特点.  相似文献   

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