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Lü Yi 《西安交通大学学报(英文版)》2000,12(1):50-54,57
Thebileacidswereconfirmedasnonspecificcytotoxicsubstanceswhichplayveryimportantro1einpathophysiologyofextrahepaticcholesta-sis[la.Invitrostudieshadprovedthatthebileacidscouldcausechronicandacuteinjuryofpancreaticductalepitheliumactingasaninitiatorofpancre-atitist2i.Thepancreaticcancerisamajorworld-widepublichealthproblernandremainsasignifi-cantclinica1challenge.Atthetimeofdiagnosis,about7o%ofpancreaticcancerpatientsmanifestobstructivejaundicewhichcanresultinprogressiveliverdysfunctionandculmin… 相似文献
Objective To detect the expression of survivin mRNA in cervical cancer cell lines using molecular beacon imaging technology. Methods Human cervical cancer cells (HeLa and SiHa) and human fetal lung fibroblast HFL-I were cultured in vitro. After adding 100 nmol/L survivin mRNA molecular beacon, the fluorescent signals were observed under fluorescent microscope. The expressions of survivin in cervical cancer cells and HFL-I cell were examined by immunocytochemical streptravidin-biothin peroxidase (SP) assay at the same time. Results Two kinds of survivin mRNA molecular beacon, with different color fluorescence, had strong fluorescent signal in cervical cancer cell lines, and the signal in SiHa cell line was stronger, but these signals were not found in HFL-I ; Immunocytochemical staining of positive survivin was located in the cytoplasm of cervical cancer cell lines HeLa and SiHa, whereas, no expression of survivin was detected in HFL-I cell line. Conclusion The technology of molecular beacon imaging can be used to detect the expression of survivin mRNA in viable cells successfully, and may provide a new approach to the diagnosis of early stage cervical cancer and the following-up in the clinic. 相似文献
Pancreatic cancer is one of the common malig-nant tumors. Its morbidity shows a tendency to in-crease. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is poorbecause the early--diagnosis for it is difficult.Therefore,every effort should be made to developbetter methods for the early--diagnosis. The serumlevels of CA242,CA19--9 and CA50 of patients withpancreatic cancer were measured by IRMA andwere compared with those of patients with benignpancreatic or biliary tract diseases and with non-.pancreatic… 相似文献
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF PRE- AND POSTOPERATIVE MEASUREMENT OF SERUM CA242 LEVELS IN PANCREATIC CANCER@陈熹@秦兆寅@纪宗正@黎一鸣l Hag1und C, Lindgren J, Roberts P et al. Tis-sue expression of the tumorassociated antigenCA242 in benign and malignant pancreatic le-sions: a comparison with CA5O and CAl9-9.Br J Cancer, l9891 6O(5): 845
2 Kuusela P, Haglund C, Roberts P. Compari-son of a new tumor marker CA242 with CAl9-9, CA5o in degestive trac[ diseases. B… 相似文献
Thecancerofgallbladderisacommonmalignanttumorofthebiliarytract ,whichishardtodiagnoseandhasapoorprognosis .Itisalwaysaccompaniedbycholecystolithiasis .The pathologicalresearchforcholecystolithiasis ,adiseasecommonlyandfrequentlywerefoundinclinics ,showedt… 相似文献
Aseriesofcysteineprotease(caspase)thatplayimportantrolesduringtheprocessofmammaliancellapoptosishavebeencloned .Caspase 3(CPP32 /Ya ma/apopain)hasbeenthoughttobethekeyproteaseamongcaspasefamily .Activecaspase 3canaffecttheothermembersofcaspasesfamily ,moreover… 相似文献
用生化分析的方法对6例手术切除并证实为胰外分泌腺癌及其2例正常组织中糖胺聚糖的含量和组成成份进行对比分析。结果发现:①糖胺聚糖的合量癌组织显著高于正常胰腺组织;②双向电泳分析正常胰腺组织出现三条区带,为硫酸皮肤素、透明质酸和硫酸乙酰肝素,胰腺癌组织出现四条区带,除上述三种区带外还有明显的硫酸软骨素带;③超微结构示胰腺癌组织明显纤维化,肿瘤易玻坏基底膜向问质内浸润。结果提示在胰腺癌发生及发展中癌细胞和间质中糖胺聚糖的代谢和表达发生了显著的变化。 相似文献
Objective To obtain the gene of murine Single chain Fv fragment (ScFv) against haman cervical cancer and to express it in E. coli. Methods The variable region gene fragments of the heavy and light chains, which were amplified respectively using recombinant DNA techniques from CsA125 hybridama cells, were spliced together through a flexible linker to ScFv against human cervical cancer. The ScFv genes were then cloned into expression vector pCANTAB 5E and expressed in E. coli HB2151 and TG1 respectively. The soluble ScFv were characterized by SDSPAGE and Western blot. The antigen-binding activities of the soluble and phage displayed ScFv were assayed by ELISA and cell immunohistochemical analysis. Results The expressed ScFv antibodies were soluble and phage displayed. soluble ScFv secreted and expressed in E. coli HB2151 induced by IPTG were confirmed with SDS-PAGE, Western blot and ELISA. The specific binding capacity of the soluble and phage displayed ScFv to the surface associated antigen of human cervical cancer cell line was further confirmed with immunohistochemical studies. Conclusion The soluble and phage displayed ScFv expressed in E. coll against haman cervical cancer showed high, specific affinity for the cervical cancer cell line surface associated antigen. 相似文献
The tyrosine kinase receptor C-erbB-2 (alsocalled HER-2/neu) is a member of the epidermalgrowth factor receptor (EGFR ) family. Memberproteins of this fami1y are membrane proteins andeach of which contains an intracellular domain, atransmembrane domain and an intracellular regionwith intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. C--erbB-2gene plsay an important role in the development ofcancer. Overexpression of C-erbB-2 can not onlyenhance the ability of the growth and metastaticpotential in cance… 相似文献
Intra-cerebral hemorrhage is a common clinicaldisease,with a high mortality and morbidity.So itis one of the clinical hot topics.It has been foundinrecent years that there is a close relationship bet weenthe cell apoptosis and the course or prognosis of in-tra-cerebral hemorrhage.Bcl-2,as the apoptosis-adjusted gene,plays ani mportant role in the courseof cell apoptosis,but the mechanis min the cell ap-optosis in intra-cerebral hemorrhage remains un-clear.In this experi ment,with the model bui… 相似文献
应用放免法测定了74例肺癌和76例良性肺病患者血清(S)和支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中癌胚抗原(CEA)及透明质酸(HA),同时测定了58例健康人S-HA。结果显示:肺癌患者S-CEA极显著高于良性肺病患者(P<0.001),肺癌患者S-HA极显著高于健康人和良性肺病患者(P均<0.001)。肺癌患侧BALF-CEA和BALF-HA极显著高于肺癌健侧、良性肺病患侧和健侧(P<0.001或P<0.002)。根据各项指标在肺癌时的阳性率,选用S-CEA、BALF-CEA和BALF-HA作为诊断指标,当3项阳性时对肺癌诊断的敏感性为53%,特异性为97%、阳性预示值为95%,用性预示值为76%,准确性为72%。 相似文献
运用PCR SSOP技术对中国北方汉族人群56 例胃癌患者的血液和其中22 例患者胃癌组织灶的HLA DQB位点进行研究,结果与对照组相比,两组间基因频率无显著差异,但10 种等位基因型的频率显著大于对照组,分别是0306X/0306X,0306X/0304, 0306X/0401, 020/020,0501/06052,0501/0606X,0501/0501,0501/0603,0307/0402,0301/0301( P< 0.025),胃癌患者血液与癌灶组织DQB位点的分型结果完全一致,符合率达100% 。提示:①某些HLA DQB基因型可能在胃癌的发病和病理过程中起一定的作用。②HLA DQB等位基因水平未参与胃癌组织表面HLA DQB抗原表达异常的机制 相似文献
车向明 《西安交通大学学报(英文版)》2001,13(1):59-63
Ki-67 antigen['J, which can be detected usingthe MIBl antibody['J, is a cell proliferation associ-ated nuclear antigen present in all stages of the cellcycle except G,, and thus the proliferation indexdetermined by MIB--1 reflects the cell proliferation.Recently, proliferative activity as evaluated usingthe MIB -l proliferation index (MIB-1 PI) hasbeen shown to be a prognostic factor in several tu-mors[3J. Tumors with low angiogenic activity havea reduced risk of recurrence and metastas… 相似文献
测定了18例前列腺癌和50例前列腺增生症(BPH)患者的血浆前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)和前列腺特异性抗原密度(PSAD),同时随访观察治疗后血浆PSA水平变化。结果表明,在区别前列腺增生症和前列腺癌中,PSAD显著优于PSA,但应用于个体时要综合分析。治疗后进行血浆PSA观察对于早期发现前列腺癌局部复发和转移以及判断治.疗效果有重要价值。 相似文献
测定了18例前列腺癌和50例前列腺增生症(BPH)患者的血浆前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)和前列腺特异性抗原密度(PSAD),同时随访观察治疗后血浆PSA水平变化。结果表明,在区别前列腺增生症和前列腺癌中,PSAD显著优于PSA,但应用于个体时要综合分析。治疗后进行血浆PSA观察对于早期发现前列腺癌局部复发和转移以及判断治.疗效果有重要价值。 相似文献
本文应用小鼠骨髓瘤细胞SP2/0—Ag14与用HSV—2 SaV株病毒免疫的BALB/C小鼠脾细胞融合,建立了一株分泌特异性抗HSV—2病毒的单克隆抗体(McAb)的杂交瘤细胞株。冻存20个月后复苏传代,仍能稳定分泌McAb。经ELISA间接法检测,该细胞培养上清滴度为1∶120,制备腹水的滴度为10~(-7),定名为B_5细胞株。B_5细胞的染色体数目为92~101,B_5McAb经鉴定属于IgG_1亚类,与HSV—2有高效价的结合反应,而与HSV-1、CMV、EHFV、Ad_3、RSV_(1387)等病毒不发生反应。应用微量细胞培养中和试验.鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜中和试验和家兔皮内感染HSV—2病毒保护试验证明,B_5McAb在试管内或机体内(兔)都能中和HSV—2病毒。B_5McAb与临床分离的19株HSV-2病毒中的14株起反应,鉴定符合率为73.6%、与5株HSV—1病毒株都不起反应。 相似文献
It is reported that the 1oss of wtp53 function isbelieved to play an important role in the pathogen-esis of carcinomas of the uterine cervix. It has beenshown that the Ps3 gene product may be inactivatedin three principal ways: Ofollowing somatic pointmutation F @following loss of heterozygosity J and@ following human papillomavirus (HPV) infec-tion,as the viral oncoprotein E6 is known to bind,stabilise and ultimately degrade wild type P,,['J.The bcl--2 proto--onocgene is involved in the t… 相似文献
对74例肺癌和76例良性肺病患者进行了血清及支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和溶菌酶(LZM)的测定,结果表明:①肺癌患者血清及BALF中SOD水平明显降低,以癌患侧BALF中SOD降低最明显,阳性率为71.8%。腺癌较鳞癌及小细胞癌低,周围性肺癌较中央型低,Ⅲ、Ⅳ期较Ⅰ、Ⅱ期低。②肺癌患者血清及BALF中LZM水平降低,阳性率为46.3%和59.7%。小细胞癌降低最明显,晚期肺癌较早期更低。③SOD和LZM联合检测诊断肺癌的价值明显优于单项指标检测,其敏感性、特异性分别高达87.8%和89.5%。提示:通过血清及BALF中SOD和LZM联合检测对肺癌早期诊断、病理分型及预后判断有一定意义。 相似文献