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基于行程质量的随机用户平衡分配模型   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
刘海旭  蒲云 《中国公路学报》2004,17(4):93-95,118
提出行程质量的概念以描述出行者在不确定环境下的路径选择准则。将行程质量定义为行程时间和行程时间可靠性的线性加权和,综合了影响路径选择的两个不同的重要因素:行程时间和行程时间可靠性。假定在路段通行能力随机变化的情况下出行者以估计行程质量费用最小作为路径选择的标准,建立了基于行程质量的随机用户平衡分配模型。证明了模型解的等价性和唯一性,给出了求解模型的MSA算法。在一个小型测试网络上的计算结果表明:模型能够反映出行者在随机路网中的路径选择行为。  相似文献   

为了研究由于交通控制设备资源有限,只有部分节点受到控制时交通流在路网上的分配,讨论了交通分配的一般准则和方法,并通过对出行者在控制节点和未控制节点的路径选择行为的假设,建立了混合交通配流模型。模型的最优状态为,出行者在未控制节点处都是选择从该节点到达终点路段综合费用最小的路段,而在控制节点处完全服从控制策略的引导选择路径。研究表明,当所有节点都被控制时,模型等价于SO模型;当所有节点都不受控制时,模型等价于UE模型。用一个简单的路网进行算例分析,说明了模型的可行性和合理性。  相似文献   

The decision making of travelers for route choice and departure time choice depends on the expected travel time and its reliability. A common understanding of reliability is that it is related to several statistical properties of the travel time distribution, especially to the standard deviation of the travel time and also to the skewness. For an important corridor in Changsha (P.R. China) the travel time reliability has been evaluated and a linear model is proposed for the relationship between travel time, standard deviation, skewness, and some other traffic characteristics. Statistical analysis is done for both simulation data from a delay distribution model and for real life data from automated number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras. ANPR data give unbiased travel time data, which is more representative than probe vehicles. The relationship between the mean travel time and its standard deviation is verified with an analytical model for travel time distributions as well as with the ANPR travel times. Average travel time and the standard deviation are linearly correlated for single links as well as corridors. Other influence factors are related to skewness and travel time standard deviations, such as vehicle density and degree of saturation. Skewness appears to be less well to explain from traffic characteristics than the standard deviation is.  相似文献   

基于出行时间预算的多用户交通分配模型及算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过分析在满足一定可靠性要求条件下出行者追求总预期出行时间最小的择路行为,定义交通网络的惯常均衡态。以不同的出行者会增加相异的出行时间预算为假设前提,建立相应的多用户变分不等式交通分配模型。这一模型不仅具有不依赖具体路阻函数形式的一般化建模特征,而且避免了现有文献中必须处理非凸约束集的问题,因此可以对模型的解进行定性分析。针对该模型,提出相应的求解算法。由于求解算法仅需对现有的网络交通分配算法加以局部修改即可实现,因此可被应用于实际规模的网络分析。通过算例结果的比较分析说明新模型及算法不仅有效,而且更符合现实。  相似文献   

考虑环境因素的广义用户平衡和广义系统最优配流模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
首先介绍了城市交通网络分析中公平目标和广义费用函数的概念,建立了考虑环境因素的广义用户平衡和广义系统最优配流模型,并用著名的FRANK-WOLFE算法对所给模型进行了求解。最后给出了一个简单算例,并根据配流结果得出了和实际相符的结论。  相似文献   

可直接计算转向流量的改进型DIAL交通分配算法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为了在交通分配中直接计算转向流量而不是通过事后推算获取,利用转向—路段拓扑关系及其衍生路段上流量守恒的规律,对Logit交通分配中最常用的DIAL算法进行改进。改进后的DIAL算法既继承了原算法的基本结构和全部优点,又可在得到路段流量的同时直接计算转向流量,且能避免传统的FURNESS、FRATOR等事后推算模型在进行路段流量至转向流量迭代推算时的过大计算量及其他缺点。最后通过一个经典算例验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Providing reliable travel time prediction is very much needed for commuters for their upcoming trips to reduce travel time and relieve traffic congestion. This article proposes an integrated model for path and multi-step-ahead travel time prediction on freeways using both historical and real-time heterogeneous traffic and weather data. The model's performance is investigated in a case study under various traffic scenarios. Results indicate that the proposed model provides satisfactory prediction results in various performance tests. For practical purposes, general guidelines for selecting the model's parameter sets as well as the efficient size of historical data are also presented.  相似文献   

为了定量化测度行程时间可变性右偏且长尾的实证特征,考虑实际观测中可能存在的数据样本量不足和离群值干扰问题,提出基于线性矩的L-偏度和L-峰度用于精确表征行程时间可变性。考虑到线性矩是顺序统计量期望的线性组合,给出了避免遍历所有子样本的线性矩估计方法。根据线性矩概念,探究了L-偏度和L-峰度的数学含义和其表征行程时间可变性的有效性,以及样本L-偏度和L-峰度的计算方法。理论研究发现,在表征范围和样本估计质量方面,相较于传统偏度和峰度,L-偏度和L-峰度对行程时间可变性具有更加优越的表征能力。采用深圳市车牌照识别系统的行程时间数据集进行案例分析,从无偏性、鲁棒性和有效性3个维度证明了L-偏度和L-峰度相较于传统偏度和峰度的优越性。分析结果如下:样本L-偏度和L-峰度在样本量不足时仍然是总体近似的无偏估计,而传统偏度和峰度的系统性误差较大;L-偏度和L-峰度对离群值具有鲁棒性,而传统偏度和峰度对离群值过于敏感;样本L-偏度和L-峰度对总体的估计波动小且精度高,具有良好的估计有效性;L-偏度和L-峰度分别与传统偏度和峰度有较高相关性,但又能够辨识出不同时空下行程时间可变性分布的差异。基于L-偏...  相似文献   

供需不确定条件下的预算-超额用户平衡模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为更加全面、准确反映随机路网中出行者规避风险的择路行为,以预算-超额行程时间作为出行者选择路径的依据,提出了一种供应及需求不确定条件下同时考虑可靠性和不可靠性的交通分配模型——预算-超额用户平衡模型,推导了需求服从Gamma分布、路段通行能力服从均匀分布条件下预算-超额行程时间的解析表达式,并以此为基础建立起用等价变分不等式表示的平衡模型。利用一个小型测试网络比较了用户平衡模型、基于可靠性的用户平衡模型以及预算-超额用户平衡模型的性能。研究结果表明:提出的模型是有效、可行的;其平衡流量模式不同于用户平衡模型和基于可靠性的用户平衡模型;随着需求水平、可靠度以及路段通行能力退化程度的增加,预算-超额行程时间随之增加。  相似文献   

徐猛  史忠科  曲仕茹 《公路交通科技》2006,23(6):108-111,131
已知路段输入流,基于Greenshields提出的速度-密度关系模型以及Jayakrishnan et.al提出的改进的Greenshields 速度-密度关系模型所描述的路段交通流特征,分别给出了关于路段输出流的常微分方程模型.针对无法得到该模型的解析解,利用龙格-库塔-芬尔格算法给出初始条件下的数值解.在已知输出流的条件下,每个时刻的路段交通流的行程时间也相应给出.仿真结果表明,针对两类不同速度-密度关系所建立的输出流模型,所得到每个时刻的输出流基本相似,但路段行程时间存在明显差异.与交通流调查数据比较,基于改进的Greenshields速度-密度关系的输出流模型的行程时间更接近真实情况.  相似文献   

研究和分析了基于行程时间可靠度的交通流量分配对道路网络结构可靠度产生的影响,行程时间采用BPR路阻函数,假定行程时间服从Weibull分布,推导出路段行程时间可靠度同路段饱和度之间的关系式.以路段行程时间可靠度80%,即路段饱和度1.0,为衡量和控制标准,对路段超出控制标准部分的交通流量进行重新分配,利用蒙特卡罗MATLAB计算程序计算出分配前后各路段路面结构可靠度,再利用网络串并联原理分别计算出交通流量分配前和分配后的道路网络结构可靠度.通过实例对比分析交通流量分配前后的道路路段可靠度和路网结构可靠度可知:以行程时间可靠度为分配标准较以畅通可靠度为分配标准更合理;路段拥堵时的交通流量分配虽可以提高相应路段可靠度,但会降低整个路网结构可靠度.  相似文献   

Day-to-day variation in the travel times of congested urban transportation networks is a frustrating phenomenon to the users of these networks. These users look pessimistically at the path travel times, and learn to spend additional time to safeguard against serious penalties that await late arrivals at the destinations. These additional expenses are charges similar to the tolls in system equilibrium flow problem, but may not be collected. With this conjecture, the user equilibrium (UE) formulation of congested network flow problem would lack some necessary factors in addressing appropriate path choices. This study, following a previous work proposing pessimistic UE (PUE) flow, aims to show how to measure this additional travel cost for a link, and investigates how different is PUE from UE, and when such differences are pronounced. Data are collected from the peak-hour travel times for the links of paths in the city of Tehran, to estimate the variance of travel times for typical links. Deterministic functions are obtained by calibrating the standard deviation of the daily variations of link travel times, and probabilistic functions by the technique of copula. UE and PUE traffic assignment models are built and applied to three large cities of Mashhad, Shiraz, and Tehran in Iran. The results show that the estimated flows by PUE model replicate the observed flows in screen lines much better than the UE model, particularly for longer trips. Since PUE is computationally equivalent to UE, this improvement is attained virtually at no cost.  相似文献   

This research applies R-Markov Average Reward Technique based reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm, namely RMART, for vehicular signal control problem leveraging information sharing among signal controllers in connected vehicle environment. We implemented the algorithm in a network of 18 signalized intersections and compare the performance of RMART with fixed, adaptive, and variants of the RL schemes. Results show significant improvement in system performance for RMART algorithm with information sharing over both traditional fixed signal timing plans and real time adaptive control schemes. The comparison with reinforcement learning algorithms including Q learning and SARSA indicate that RMART performs better at higher congestion levels. Further, a multi-reward structure is proposed that dynamically adjusts the reward function with varying congestion states at the intersection. Finally, the results from test networks show significant reduction in emissions (CO, CO2, NOx, VOC, PM10) when RL algorithms are implemented compared to fixed signal timings and adaptive schemes.  相似文献   


Path travel time estimation for buses is critical to public transit operation and passenger information system. State-of-the-art methods for estimating path travel time are usually focused on single vehicle with a limited number of road segments, thereby neglecting the interaction among multiple buses, boarding behavior, and traffic flow. This study models path travel time for buses considering link travel time and station dwell time. First, we fit link travel time to shifted lognormal distributions as in previous studies. Then, we propose a probabilistic model to capture interactions among buses in the bus bay as a first-in-first-out queue, with every bus sharing the same set of behaviors: queuing to enter the bus bay, loading/unloading passengers, and merging into traffic flow on the main road. Finally, path travel time distribution is estimated by statistically summarizing link travel time distributions and station dwell time distributions. The path travel time of a bus line in Hangzhou is analyzed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed model. Results show that the model-based estimated path travel time distribution resembles the observed distribution well. Based on the calculation of path travel time, link travel time reliability is identified as the main factor affecting path travel time reliability.  相似文献   

Travel time reliability is very critical for emergency vehicle (EV) service and operation. The travel time characteristics of EVs are quite different from those of ordinary vehicles (OVs). Although EVs own highest road privilege, they may still experience unexpected delay that results in massive loss to the society. In this study, we employ the generalized extreme value (GEV) theory to measure extremely prolonged travel time and analyze the potential influential factors. First, among three GEV distributions, Weibull distributions are found to be the best distribution model according to several goodness-of-fit tests; a new reliability index is derived to measure travel time reliability. Numerical examples demonstrate the advantages of GEV-based reliability index over variance and percentile value in the applications of EV. This index will be of great practicability in the EV operation performance and reliable route choices. Second, we further investigate the potentially influential factors of EV travel time reliability. Results show that link length and left-turn traffic volume may have an adverse impact on the link reliability while more left-turn lanes may increase the travel time reliability. The influential factor study will help us understand the causes of the EV travel time delay and the differences of travel time reliability between OVs and EVs.  相似文献   

Urban transportation and traffic face significant challenges as cities continue to grow. Traffic intersections present unique challenges for city planners. Several studies have proposed diverse approaches to managing intersection traffic. However, these typically fail to reduce both energy and trip time for all vehicles involved. This paper proposes the intersection traffic energy management system (ITEMS). By using speed regulation of two vehicles approaching an intersection on crossroads, ITEMS is able to resolve intersection conflicts. This obviates the need for either vehicle to stop. Two-vehicle and four-vehicle scenarios were simulated. It was found that ITEMS reduced the total energy about 22% and the trip time across the intersection by almost 16% for every scenario compared to a traditional fixed-timed traffic light intersection. ITEMS was also found to be superior than always giving a green light to urban transit vehicles. Furthermore, with ITEMS, the energy and trip time of each vehicle in the scenario was reduced when compared to other strategies.  相似文献   


Conventional travel time reliability assessment has evolved from road segments to the route level. However, a connection between origin and destination usually consists of multiple routes, thereby providing the option to choose. Having alternatives can compensate for the deterioration of a single route; therefore, this study assesses the reliability and quality of the aggregate of the route set of an origin-destination (OD) pair. This paper proposes two aggregation methods for analyzing the reliability of travel times on the OD level: 1) an adapted Logsum method and 2) a route choice model. The first method analyzes reliability from a network perspective and the second method is based on the reliability as perceived by a traveler choosing his route from the available alternatives. A case study using detailed data on actual travel times illustrates both methods and shows the impact of having variable departure times and the impact of information strategies on travel time reliability.  相似文献   

Arterial travel time information is crucial to advanced traffic management systems and advanced traveler information systems. An effective way to represent this information is the estimation of travel time distribution. In this paper, we develop a modified Gaussian mixture model in order to estimate link travel time distributions along arterial with signalized intersections. The proposed model is applicable to traffic data from either fixed-location sensors or mobile sensors. The model performance is validated using real-world traffic data (more than 1,400 vehicles) collected by the wireless magnetic sensors and digital image recognition in the field. The proposed model shows high potential (i.e., the correction rate are above 0.9) to satisfactorily estimate travel time statistics and classify vehicle stop versus non-stop movements. In addition, the resultant movement classification application can significantly improve the estimation of traffic-related energy and emissions along arterial.  相似文献   

基于可靠性的奥运会开幕式交通管理与控制措施评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用动态交通仿真软件Integration,对奥运会开幕式时奥运公园周边路网交通运行状况进行了仿真,并设计了行程时间稳定性指数,以评价社会车辆在路网中的可靠性状态,在此基础上,分析了不同交通管理和控制策略对于路网可靠性的影响程度.分析结论显示:奥运会开幕前1 h开始,路网中社会车辆的可靠性持续降低,并持续到开幕式后约0.5 h;控制背景交通需求能够显著提高路网的可靠性;而设置奥运交通专用车道,则会使得社会车辆的可靠性降低.  相似文献   

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