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在传统的港口码头,脱缆钩系统采用三相工频电源驱动三相异步电动机,操作简单,维护方便,但脱缆速度始终保持一致,在轻载状态下速度过慢,影响了工作效率.本文提出利用变频调速技术对原系统进行改造,实现卷缆速度可调,启动后工作时可处于高速状态,而满负荷时则在低速状态,即使得电机工作过程中处于恒功率状态. 相似文献
伴随着我国经济的快速发展,集镇——城市转型日趋明显。本文在前人研究基础上,以广州市新塘镇为例,对快速城市化阶段的小城镇交通问题进行深入探讨,并提出在集镇转型过程中小城镇交通的发展对策,为国内中小城市交通发展提供参考和建议。 相似文献
水土流失问题是工程建设过程中较为常见的问题,如防治不当不仅影响工程项目施工质量与安全,也损害工程项目所在地区生态环境。因此,在工程项目建设过程中应给予水土流失及其相关问题高度重视。现以揭阳港前詹作业区通用码头一期工程为例,从水土流失现状、水土流失危害、水土保持措施及其应用效果等方面就码头工程水土流失问题进行了简要分析,旨在为同类型统称水土流失防治工作组织开展提供理论指导,促进码头工程优化发展。 相似文献
文章就某轮液压绞缆机出现的无法放缆及运转中出现的操纵阀芯敲击声的现象,对平衡阀的结构和工作原理进行分析,并提出了调整方法。 相似文献
本文采用数值计算方法对浅水中海洋平台支持船(OSV)的锚泊定位性能开展研究.首先,基于三维频域势流理论,对一艘OSV不同水深的水动力性能开展分析,计算了水动力系数、运动幅值响应算子、一阶波浪力和二阶波浪力.由于浅水中非线性效应显著,本文采用中场公式计算了该OSV全二阶波浪力传递函数(Full Quadratic Transfer Function,简称全QTF).然后,本文对不同水深下锚泊系统的水平刚度开展了分析,计算了不同水深下锚泊系统的水平刚度,研究了水深对锚泊系统水平刚度的影响.最后,采用准动态方法对不同水深下的OSV和锚泊系统开展时域分析,研究了水深对船体运动性能和锚索张力的影响. 相似文献
基于三维势流理论,利用水动力分析软件AQWA对浅水中浮式栈桥单浮箱系泊系统及运动响应进行研究。对初步设计的多种系泊系统进行优选,并计算浮箱在最优系泊系统下的运动响应幅值算子RAO。结果表明:聚酯缆材料极易疲劳破坏,浅水中交叉型半张紧式锚链系泊表现出良好的系泊性能。浮箱的振幅响应算子RAO与波浪周期变化及波浪作用方向有不可分割的关系,当波浪入射角为120°~150°时,浮箱的纵荡及纵摇RAO较大。为保证较小的垂荡值,浮箱布置可沿入射波方向。为保证较小的首摇角,浮箱布置应避免与来浪呈120°的入射角。 相似文献
文中结合长江干线渡口渡船安全管理的现状,分析渡口渡船目前存在的主要问题及其原因,探讨了渡口渡船安全管理的有效措施和建议。 相似文献
Y.H. Venus Lun Michael BrowneKee-hung Lai Christina W.Y. WongT.C.E. Cheng 《Research in Transportation Economics》2011,32(1):64-70
Container shipping and its related service sectors help accelerate globalization of the world economy. This industry has been experiencing rapid growth, prompting container terminal operators to increase their handling capacity in response. Providing container terminal services requires substantial capital investment in physical assets such as cargo handling facilities and information systems. On the other hand, operating container terminals is a long-term investment that typically spans several business cycles. Hence prudent asset management using appropriate tools is critical for container terminal operators to sustain their businesses. Generally, due to risk-adverseness, investors are unwilling to take more risk in their investment unless they can reap a higher return. Contrary to this argument, this study finds no direct influence of better firm performance as a proxy of higher return on business risk-taking by container terminal operators. Instead, scale of operations is positively associated with business risk-taking, suggesting that container terminal operators with a larger scale of operations are willing to take more business risk. 相似文献
LNG供应链设备设施关键性分析,目前多采用定性分析的方法,通过小组讨论或专家判断,具有结构化流程简单的特点,但筛选出的结果准确性不足,为了从本质上解决定性分析的局限性问题,从而提出了全定量分析方法,是从定量分析的角度对目标流程涵盖的设备设施进行关键性分析,并通过应用项目验证了可行性。 相似文献
Existing policies designed to mitigate the environmental and social impacts of truck queuing at maritime terminals often focus on congestion problems outside of the terminal gate, targeting a reduction in the waiting and turn time of trucks as the measure of success. This paper evaluates the impact that intra-terminal truck and equipment movements have on the terminal’s overall performance and the implications that these movements have on the effectiveness of current mitigation policies. Through a simulation of terminal processes occurring at Southern California ports it is shown that measures driving reductions in truck turn times impose greater operational loads on terminal equipment, essentially transferring savings in truck turn time rather than eliminating it in terms of the overall system. Consequently, the paper finds that total truck and cargo handling equipment movement and operational time constitutes a more accurate measure of the effectiveness of policies seeking to mitigate the impacts of truck operations at marine terminals. 相似文献
在分析评价长江口不同疏浚吹填工艺的特点及适用性的基础上,结合疏浚土资源供需关系和圈围工程现状条件,提出"十三五"期长江口深水航道疏浚土造地利用的初步技术方案。结果表明:1)长江口航道常用的"挖运抛+挖吹"和"挖运吹"工艺仅适用于较短运距的疏浚吹填工程;新研制的"耙吸装驳"工艺能适用于长运距的疏浚吹填工程,"十三五"投入应用后可显著拓展深水航道疏浚土的利用空间。2)"十三五"期间,横沙东滩七、八期圈围工程可利用深水航道北槽段疏浚土,采用"挖运抛+挖吹"和"耙吸装驳"的"挖+运+吹"工艺实施疏浚吹填;南汇东滩圈围工程N1库区可部分使用深水航道疏浚土,采用"耙吸装驳"工艺实施吹填;其他零星建设用地圈围工程可使用深水航道南港圆圆沙段疏浚土,采用"挖运吹"工艺吹泥上滩。 相似文献
Manuel Hidalgo Enric Massutí Joan Moranta Joan Cartes Josep Lloret Pere Oliver Beatriz Morales-Nin 《Journal of Marine Systems》2008,71(3-4):367
This study evaluates the link between the recruitment process of European hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) of the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) and the environmental and physiological conditions. Spatio-temporal variation of abundance and condition of fish were evaluated at two locations each with different oceanographic conditions, one in the north (Sóller, SO) and another in the south (Cabrera, CA) of Mallorca Island. Environmental variables explored were hydrography, sediment characteristics, phytoplankton pigment concentration (ppc) and the trophic resources of hake. Individuals were divided in three life stages: recruits, post-recruits and young adults. Hepatosomatic index (HSI), relative condition index (Kn), gonadosomatic index (GSI) and fullness index (FI) were analysed for the three life stages. Recruitment starts in February with the incorporation of smaller hakes, and it can be followed through spring and early summer with a peak in April. However, some spatial heterogeneity in the recruitment process has been found between north and south of the Island. The main pulse of recruitment occurred at a different time in the two areas. Spatial heterogeneity was also consistent with the condition of hake recruits, with higher values of Kn and HSI at SO than at CA. Maximum values of Kn were found in February at SO and in April at CA, coinciding with the start of the different recruitment pulses to the fishing grounds. Post-recruits and young adults also showed higher condition at SO than at CA. The arrival in spring of the Western Winter Intermediate Waters (WIW) drives the spatial-temporal variation in abundance and condition of hake. Ppc was highly correlated with recruit abundance with a time lag of two months, while for post-recruits the time lag was three months. The observed differences in the condition of hake between areas could be a consequence of the fact that the waters to the north of Mallorca are comparatively more under the seasonal influence of WIW which is formed in more productive areas. Thus, this study characterises the short temporal and spatial variability in the hake recruitment process off the Balearic Islands, both in terms of abundance and fish condition. This pattern is explained on the basis of the mesoscale environmental variability observed between north and south of Mallorca and the ecological adaptive strategy of recruiting in the optimal environmental season. 相似文献