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渤海湾客滚船运输安全现状分析及安全对策 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
一、渤海湾客滚船运输安全现状 1.渤海湾客滚船运输的发展渤海湾客滚船运输兴起于1990年(当时的大连轮船公司购买了第一艘二手客滚船“天鹅”轮),发展于1993 年水上运输市场的全面开放。由于车客滚装运输中蕴藏着可观的经济效益,吸引许多船公司在不具备必要条件时匆忙上马,争相购船,而且购买的船大都是国外淘汰或即将报废的船舶,在短短数年中,许多小航运公司,私营的、合伙的海运公司相继问世,挤入这一高利润市场,造成水运市场的混乱和无序竞争。在交通部《老旧船舶运输管理规定》出台前,在此航线上营运的船舶仅两条是新船,其余全部是进口的老旧二手船舶,达十几艘之多。许 相似文献
渤海湾呈C型海岸构架,烟台市和大连市分别位于其南北两个端点,独特地理位置和以烟台、大连为核心的城市辐射所形成的经济需求,为渤海湾发展客滚运输创造了得天独厚的条件。随着烟台至大连火车轮渡的开通和沈海高速公路的贯通,烟大航线已成为国家南北交通大动脉的重要组成部分,为拉动东北、内蒙、京、津、冀及胶东地区的经济发展起到重要作用,被誉为渤海湾的“黄金水道”。 相似文献
文中分析了渤海湾危险货物滚装运输发展的现状,论述了制约危险货物滚装运输的主要因素,提出了相应的改进建议和加强监督管理的措施 相似文献
一概述 2001年至2004年间,琼州海峡新投入营运9艘新设计建造的客滚船。随着海南省经济的持续发展,以及交通部对客滚船状况要求的不断提高,还将陆续有新的船舶投入营运。在竞争激烈的运输市场,保证安全、降低成本、提高效益是一个永恒的主题,怎样的船型才经济又实用值得我们去探索。综合新投入营运的9艘船舶(共3种船型)的设计特点以及实际使用情况,本人对琼州海峡客滚船的设计特点进行了总结,以供参考。 相似文献
客滚运输发展迅猛并将继续保持良好的态势。近年来,客滚船舶安全工作取得了长足的进步,如何实现客滚运输安全的长期稳定、不断探索客滚船安全管理空间显得更加迫切。本文结合欧盟地区我渤海湾在区关于客滚船安全管理的简要历程,提出了引进智力,开展渤海湾和欧盟地区客滚船安全营运比较研究及客滚船安全评估等建议。 相似文献
针对某客货滚装码头中车辆运输的智能化调度需求,进行车辆位置智能感知的研究,采用物联网感知和计算机视觉技术,得出一种基于视频监控的车辆定位系统方案。该系统能够实时监控码头内进出港车辆,跟踪和记录其路径,支持越界报警,为智能化调度和安全监控提供基础数据。 相似文献
《Maritime Policy and Management》2012,39(8):995-1010
ABSTRACTCombining ro-ro shipping and tractor-and-semitrailer swap transport under land-sea combined transportation can reduce operating costs and improve the safety of maritime transport. In addition, selection of the tractor-and-semitrailer swap mode (i.e., the ship-swap mode and port-swap mode) is a critical factor that affects the efficiency and cost of ro-ro ship loading/unloading. Considering inland pickup/delivery and ship loading/unloading, this paper develops a model that determines the mode of tractor-and-semitrailer swap transport with the objective of minimizing the total cost. This study also considers constraints such as empty semitrailer exchange and multiple time windows associated with customer receiving/delivery locations and the ro-ro ship. A hybrid simulated annealing (SA) is applied to solve the problem. By analysing numerical examples, the results show that the port-swap mode is more suitable than the ship-swap mode when the number of tasks is large because the port-swap mode can perform more tasks with fewer tractors than the ship-swap mode and because the port-swap mode can service receiving/delivery locations and finish ship loading/unloading more punctually than the ship-swap mode. Thus, this research provides a useful reference for road transport carriers and port firms to select the mode of tractor-and-semitrailer swap transport for ro-ro shipping. 相似文献
每当提起渤海湾航运,总会带着一种沉重的思绪;每当提起渤海湾的海况,总会让人心有余悸;而每当提起渤海湾的客滚船,总是让我有千言万语不知从何说起。 还记得第一次去渤海湾采访之前,同事们纷纷叮嘱我“注意安全”。当听说我要亲自搭乘客滚船时,几位曾经采访过的前辈更是千叮咛万嘱咐。据他们讲,这辈子再不想到渤海湾坐客滚船。但是,在心怀忐忑的从烟台安抵大连之后,我却深切体会到了渤海湾安全文化的内涵。然而,安全文化只是其中的一个要素。未雨绸缪与亡羊补牢 翻开渤海湾的海难史,可以惊奇地发现,几乎所有的重大事故都集中在冬季前… 相似文献
The time dependency of the survivability of passenger ships in flooding accidents leading to ship’s loss is shown to be confined within short times after the flooding initiation. RoRo ferry and cruise type ships demonstrate similar behaviour, though vessel types differ with respect to the subdivision and the flooding process. The presented research is based on numerical simulations of the flooding of two sample passenger ships in collision damages and the estimation of the probability to capsize. The systematic fast character of capsize events is shown to be primarily a consequence of the extent of hull breaches. The IMO regulatory concept for orderly abandonment of damaged passenger ships, in addition to the safe return to port regulatory provisions, are discussed in view of the present results. The timely onboard damage identification by ship’s master and the enhancement of the SOLAS survivability requirements for passenger ships appear to be the most effective operational and design measures leading to improved survivability of the ship and to enhanced safety of people onboard. 相似文献