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<正>广西"飞入"高铁时代北京到桂林只需10小时2013年12月28日,由世界最快高速动车组——中国北车CRH380BL型高速动车组担当运营任务的G530次高铁列车自桂林出发驶向北京,广西自此实现与京广大动脉的互联互通,纳入全国高铁网络。至此,北京到桂林的时间由过去的20个小时,缩短到10小时。同日,由中国北车CRH3C型高速动车组担当执行任务的G536、G538次高铁列车从桂林驶向长沙,用时仅需3小时。按照中国铁路总公司调整列车运行图的统一部署,南宁铁路局定  相似文献   

本文介绍上海地铁1号线牵引变电站干式整流变压器的特殊结线和获得12脉波直流的整流器结线以及直流馈线保护,在直流馈线装置中设置有6种保护,其中di/dt及ΔI保护,框架保护等不同于交流变电站中的保护,本文对它们的保护原理作了些介绍,直流馈线装置中的自动重合闸装置也有别于一般自动重合闸装置,它必须经过判别馈线是否无故障,而且不是经1次判别,而是连续判别5次确定馈线无故障后,才使开关重合闸,若馈线上存在永久性故障则封锁合闸,所以本文把自动重合闸也列于馈线保护,对于牵引变电站中的直流馈线保护我们正处于运行经验的积累阶段。  相似文献   

针对全位置自动焊技术在管线中的应用,为解决野外管线施工的流动性、环境恶劣、无电力供应问题,研究一种将行走、发电、焊接、吊装等作业于一身的多功能焊接车。通过选取履带式底盘作为焊接车底盘,从中提取发电机的动力源,经过控制装置将电力提供给焊接、吊装等各用电设备和增设设备安装平台等,将行走系统、发电系统、焊接系统、吊装系统集于一身,实现了焊接车的野外行走,吊装防风棚,为全位置自动焊提供焊接电源等多种功能。  相似文献   

作为5G技术落地的最佳场景,汽车产业正在被5G重新定义.5G可以真正实现车与车、车与人、车与路的信息互通与高效协同,将改变汽车产业的研发、生产、产品、使用等各个环节,推动汽车产业加速转型升级.随着5G汽车时代大幕开启,中国汽车产业正加速奔向"新四化".  相似文献   

正5G时代正在以超预期速度变成现实。爆炸性的移动数据流量增长、海量的设备连接、不断涌现的新模式,被贴上这些标签的5G正在与交通运输行业深度融合。3月27日,"博鳌智能网联汽车及5G应用试点项目"在博鳌亚洲论坛2019年年会上首次亮相,5G、L4级自动驾驶汽车以及不同品牌自动驾驶汽车编队驾驶吸睛无数。4月4日,成都金沙公交枢纽综合体实现5G网络全覆盖,5G+AI管理、高速上网、刷脸乘车……这些高大上的操作在一个公交枢纽站里通通实现。  相似文献   

花园景观水池普遍存在富营养化、水污堆积等水质问题,导致水池生态环境缺乏可持续性,严重影响观赏性。事实上,现有水池清洗装置内部都很容易造成积污且难易清理。为解决这个问题,项目组推出了一种用于花园景观水池自动清洗的智能过滤水循环装置,该装置具备过滤结构、清理结构和堵水结构三重结构,能够解决现有过滤水循环装置缺少内部清理结构和清理不便的问题。  相似文献   

正总部:"我的卡车我来造"陕汽体验行9月11日,陕汽重卡迎来了安徽滁州区域客户的拜访,陕重汽销售公司副总经理刘鑫以及项目组各技术人员与来访客户进行了亲切的交流,随后陪同来访一行参观了陕汽重卡总装流水线;在陕汽重卡销售公司4S店前广场对新M3000及X3000新型环保渣土车作了介绍和绕车讲解,客户与讲解员进行深入的问答和交流,随后进行试乘和反馈;然后项目组对陕汽新型环保渣土车作了介绍,天行健专家从车辆管理系统等方面为切入  相似文献   

为了提高钢轨焊缝打磨的施工效率,针对城市轨道交通钢轨采用人工焊缝打磨效率低、时间长、质量难以保障等这一现状,研发了钢轨焊缝双轨同步全断面打磨检测新技术,实现了打磨车在钢轨上行进,自动化打磨钢轨焊缝,自动装夹、半自动化卸落钢轨,自动收放电缆线,双人手动操作施工,整机机械化状态调整,根据不同的焊缝高度执行不同的打磨方案,最大化节约了钢轨焊缝打磨的机械与人工成本。  相似文献   

, 《运输经理世界》2013,(8):118-118
在节能方面,江淮格尔发高品质LNG牵引车的百公里气耗仅为35公斤,与同类柴油牵引车百公里42升的油耗相比,该车型行驶百公里的燃料成本仅为柴油车型燃料成本的57%7月9日,江淮格尔发在厦门港务海天码头举行了30台LNG牵引车的交车仪式,江淮汽车重卡营销公司总经理夏雷、江淮格尔发重卡营销公司闽赣大区总监左忠及众  相似文献   

7月13日,在福田欧辉客车广东工厂举办87台欧辉客车出口缅甸交车仪式。87台出口缅甸大客车全部为先锋系列BJ6800U6AFB,采用玉柴YC4G180发动机,性能稳定可靠,耐用且油耗低,多片簧悬架,运行平稳舒适,噪音小,车内人性化设计,空间宽敞,操纵方便,  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and results for field tests regarding the environmental benefits in stop-and-go traffic of an algorithmic green driving strategy based on inter-vehicle communication (IVC), which was proposed in Yang and Jin (2014). The green driving strategy dynamically calculates advisory speed limits for vehicles equipped with IVC devices so as to smooth their speed profiles and reduce their emissions and fuel consumption. For the field tests, we develop a smartphone-based IVC system, in which vehicles’ speeds and locations are collected by GPS and accelerometer sensors embedded in smartphones, and communications among vehicles are enabled by specially designed smartphone applications, a central server, and 4G cellular networks. Six field tests are carried out on an uninterrupted ring road under slow or fast stop-and-go traffic conditions. We compare the performances of three alternatives: no green driving, heuristic green driving, and the IVC-based algorithmic green driving. Results show that heuristic green driving has better smoothing and environmental effects than no green driving, but the IVC-based algorithmic green driving outperforms both. In the future, we are interested in field tests under more realistic traffic conditions.  相似文献   

In driving simulation, a scenario includes definitions of the road environment, the traffic situation, simulated vehicles’ interactions with the participant’s vehicle and measurements that need to be collected. The scenarios need to be designed in such a way that the research questions to be studied can be answered, which commonly imply exposing the participant for a couple of predefined specific situations that has to be both realistic and repeatable. This article presents an integrated algorithm based on Dynamic Actor Preparation and Automated Action Planning to control autonomous simulated vehicles in the simulation in order to generate predefined situations. This algorithm is thus able to plan driving actions for autonomous vehicles based on specific tasks with relevant contextual information as well as handling longitudinal transportation of simulated vehicles based on the contextual information in an automated manner. The conducted experiment shows that the algorithm is able to guarantee repeatability under autonomous traffic flow. The presented algorithm can benefit not only the driving simulation community, but also relevant areas, such as autonomous vehicle and in-vehicle device design by providing them with an algorithm for target pursue and driving task accomplishment, which can be used to design a human-vehicle cooperation system in the coming era of autonomous driving.  相似文献   

This paper presents a warning device to prevent the roadway departure of light vehicles while cornering. The proposed risk assessment methodology is based on recent works from the authors (Rey et al., 2011b,a; Rey, 2010). Given the random variability arising from the driver, the vehicle and the infrastructure at the entrance to the curve, a probabilistic strategy is adopted to assess the roadway departure risk. The infrastructure-based methodology enables the real curve characteristics to be considered and an alarm triggering decision to be made. Two safety criteria are tested and the potential safety benefits of the proposed warning device are evaluated. Contrary to existing roadway departure warning systems, the proposed approach does not require extra equipment for vehicles; it only requires that the measuring and warning devices be part of the road infrastructure, which is a great advantage in terms of economic cost.  相似文献   

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) is a technology which can reduce the cost for power distribution network operators by storing electricity in the batteries of electric-drive vehicles and retrieving it when energy demands increase during the course of a day. Participants of V2G are reimbursed for offering their vehicles which can lead to changes in trip schedules when V2G payments are high and travelers are sensitive to the payments. However, prior studies have ignored the effects of V2G on travelers’ schedules. This research gap is addressed with a bi-level V2G market equilibrium model where the lower level model determines the equilibrium activity patterns as a result of upper level pricing and linear approximated AC flow distribution decisions. An algorithm is proposed for the model and illustrated on a simple telecommuting example where travelers can work from home and offer their vehicle charge capacity to the power provider. The model is then applied to the same case study from Lam and Yin (2001) to first replicate the lower level equilibrium problem as a special case when no V2G is present, and then to show the potential effects of the V2G policy to decrease locational marginal prices for a distribution network operator. The proposed algorithm for the V2G policy resulted in a substantial 20% increase in social welfare over the benchmark equilibrium without V2G.  相似文献   

透平发电机组在实际运行过程中,一方面为乙烯装置提供不同压力等级的蒸汽动力,一方面又将热能转化为电能。因此,透平发电机组的自动控制对整个乙烯装置的平衡运行都非常重要。而透平发电机组要完成减温减压和发电两个任务,常规控制仪表是很难实现的,完成这两个任务主要是由DG505E电子自动高速速器来完成的。文中在简单介绍透平发电机组工艺原理基础上,着重讨论了透平发电机的自控制系统、联锁保护系统的设计方案。  相似文献   


This paper explores the possibility of detecting certain movements of vehicles that might provide useful information for crime investigations. It is known that existing car following models are interested in microscopic interactions between vehicles in randomly formed pairs. The present work, however, introduces the concept of macroscopic analysis of vehicle positions on a network and the idea of seeking if these movements exhibit any meaningful relationships. First of all detection algorithms are produced for two possible types of detection: (a) was a particular vehicle followed by any vehicle? and (b) did a particular vehicle follow any vehicle? These algorithms assume that every link in the network is equipped with some sort of vehicle identification or tracking device and the identities of all vehicles, such as their number plates, are fed into the program. Then a simulation program is developed to implement the first algorithm (Type (a)), as an example, to visualise the concept. Since the present paper is a preliminary and basic approach to the problem, a number of issues and details requiring further research, together with the directions which could be taken, are also identified and discussed.  相似文献   

In this numerical study, the fuel-saving potentials of drag-reducing devices retrofitted on heavy vehicles are analysed. Realistic on-road operations are taken into account by simulating typical driving routes on long-haul and urban distributions; variations in vehicle weight are also considered. Results show that the performance of these aerodynamic devices depend both on their functions and how the vehicles are operated. Vehicles on long-haul routes generally save twice as much fuel as those driven in urban areas. The fuel reductions from using selected devices individually on a large truck range from less than 1% to almost 9% of the fuel cost of a vehicle doing an annual mileage is 80,000 miles.  相似文献   

Urban public transport energy use is determined largely by the weight of the vehicle, and frequency of intermediate stops, imposing repeated acceleration/steady running/braking cycles, in which much of the kinetic energy is dissipated. Energy consumed for the same capacity and vehicle performance may be reduced by coasting, cutting vehicle weight, and use of regenerative braking, on electrically‐powered systems, to convert the otherwise wasted braking energy into useful form. Particular attention is paid to the last‐named, identifying results of past experience and recent simulations. Practical constraints limiting the amount of energy actually recovered are discussed, including proportion of vehicle weight braked electrically, receptivity of the supply system, stop spacing and number of vehicles operated simultaneously. Reference is also made to battery vehicles and flywheel energy storage.

It is suggested that considerable scope exists in urban electric rail operation for reduced energy consumption, as existing fleets are replaced by lighter weight vehicles, fitted for regenerative braking. Further savings may come from use of inverter equipment. Rate of fleet renewal may be an important factor. Buses are already much more energy efficient, and dramatic gains are unlikely. However, there is some scope for use of flywheel energy storage, and regenerative braking on trolleybuses.  相似文献   

A small electrically powered city car has been developed for self-drive hire in the centre of Amsterdam; 35 of these cars are now available to hire from 5 stations in the city centre. The. system has been designed for fully automatic control, including direct debit of hirers' accounts at the Amsterdam Savings Bank. The system, which was conceived in 1969 by an industrial designer and former city councillor to reduce traffic in central Amsterdam, failed to win the support of the City Council and has since been developed by a specially formed co-operative society. The co-operative managed to raise loans of US$ 250,000 for the first phase which has now been completed. This included the design and construction of the vehicles, the purchase of a mini-computer for the central control system, development of the control software and construction of the first five stations. A further 10 stations are scheduled for operation by the end of 1976, by which time the fleet should be extended to 100 vehicles. The ultimate target is 150 stations and 1000 vehicles.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the lane-changing trajectory planning (LTP) process in the automatic driving technologies. Existing studies on the LTP algorithms are primarily the static planning method in which the states of the surrounding vehicles of a lane-changing vehicle are assumed to keep unchanged in the whole lane-changing process. However, in real-world traffic, the velocities of the surrounding vehicles change dynamically, and the lane-changing vehicle needs to adjust its velocity and positions correspondingly in real-time to maintain safety. To address such limitations, the dynamic lane-changing trajectory planning (DLTP) model is proposed in the limited literature. This paper proposes a novel DLTP model consisting of the lane-changing starting-point determination module, trajectory decision module and trajectory generation module. The model adopts a time-independent polynomial trajectory curve to avoid the unrealistic assumptions on lane-changing velocities and accelerations in the existing DLTP model. Moreover, a rollover-avoidance algorithm and a collision-avoidance algorithm containing a reaction time are presented to guarantee the lane-changing safety of automated vehicles, even in an emergent braking situation. The field lane-changing data from NGSIM data are used to construct a real traffic environment for lane-changing vehicles and verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, and CarSim is applied to investigate the traceability of the planned lane-changing trajectories using the proposed model. The results indicate that an automated vehicle can complete the lane-changing process smoothly, efficiently and safely following the trajectory planned by the proposed model, and the planned velocity and trajectory can be well-tracked by automated vehicles.  相似文献   

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